/* * This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com). * * Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Doodle3D * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later. * See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details. */ (function (w) { var _serverAPI = new ServerAPI(); var _connectAPI = new ConnectAPI(); var _infoAPI = new InfoAPI(); var _networkAPI = new NetworkAPI(); var _printerAPI = new PrinterAPI(); var _configAPI = new ConfigAPI(); var _updateAPI = new UpdateAPI(); var PAGE_ID = "#print"; var _pageData = {}; var _self = this; var _wifiboxSettings; var _slicerSettings; var timerId; $.mobile.document.on("pagebeforeshow", PAGE_ID, function( event, data ) { _pageData = d3d.util.getPageParams(PAGE_ID); if(_pageData === undefined) { console.log("ERROR",PAGE_ID,"_pageData undefined"); $.mobile.changePage("#boxes"); return; } if (!d3d || !d3d.pageParams || !d3d.pageParams.uuid) { console.log("ERROR",PAGE_ID,"d3d.pageParams no uuid"); $.mobile.changePage("#boxes"); return; } var boxURL = "http://"+_pageData.localip; //disabled by default $("#btnPrint").button().on("click", print); $("#btnPrint").button('disable'); $("#pleaseUpgrade").hide(); loadGCodeInfoFromServer(d3d.pageParams.uuid); _connectAPI.list(function(successData) { console.log("_connectAPI.list success",successData); $("#lstBoxes").empty(); $("#lstBoxes").append($("")); var selectedItem; for (var i in successData) { var box = successData[i]; var selected = (box.localip===_pageData.localip) ? "selected " : ""; if (selected) { selectedItem = _pageData.localip; } $("#lstBoxes").append($("")); } $("#lstBoxes").append($("")); $("#lstBoxes").selectmenu("refresh", true); if (selectedItem) { onSelectWiFiBox(selectedItem); } }, function(failData) { console.log("_connectAPI.list failData",failData); $("#infoWiFiBox").html("failed to retrieve list with local WiFi-Box'es"); }); $("#lstBoxes").on("change", function(data) { var ip = $(this).val(); console.log("lstBoxes change",ip); $("#infoWiFiBox").text("..."); $("#pleaseUpgrade").hide(); onSelectWiFiBox(ip); }); timerId = setInterval(refreshWiFiBoxInfo,5000); }); $.mobile.document.on( "pagebeforehide", PAGE_ID, function( event, data ) { _connectAPI.stop(); clearInterval(timerId); }); function retrieveUpdateStatus() { _updateAPI.status(function(data) { // completed var canUpdate = data.can_update; if (canUpdate) { $("#pleaseUpgrade").show(); $("#newest_version").text(" ("+data.newest_version+")"); console.log("_pageData",_pageData); var updateLink = $("#pleaseUpgrade a").attr("href"); updateLink = d3d.util.replaceURLParameters(updateLink,_pageData); $("#pleaseUpgrade a").attr("href",updateLink); } }); } function onSelectWiFiBox(ip) { refreshWiFiBoxInfo(ip); } function refreshWiFiBoxInfo(ip) { if (!ip) { ip = _pageData.localip; if (!ip) { return; } } $("#infoWiFiBox").show(); if (!ip) { $("#btnPrint").button('disable'); return; } else if (ip==="other") { // redirect $.mobile.changePage("#boxes"); } else { // console.log("IP:",ip); var boxURL = "http://"+ip; _infoAPI.init(boxURL); _networkAPI.init(boxURL); _printerAPI.init(boxURL); _configAPI.init(boxURL); _updateAPI.init(boxURL); retrieveUpdateStatus(); var localip = localStorage.setItem("localip",ip); _networkAPI.status(function(successData) { // console.log("network status",successData); // $("#lstPrint li.boxItem p").text( var netInfo = successData.statusMessage + " (" + successData.ssid + " @ "+successData.localip+")"; _infoAPI.getStatus(function(successData) { // console.log(successData); var state = successData.state; if (state==="idle") { state="ready"; $("#btnPrint").button('enable'); } _pageData.localip = ip; //update pageData to reflect the selected WiFi-Box without reloading the page var url = d3d.util.replaceURLParameters("#control",_pageData); var info = netInfo + " - Printer status: "; info += ""+state+""; $("#infoWiFiBox").html(info); }, function(failData) { console.log("_infoAPI.getStatus failData:",failData); $("#infoWiFiBox").html("failed to retrieve printer status from WiFi-Box"); }); }, function(failData) { console.log("_networkAPI status failed",failData); //this message is shown often which is confusing for the user. // $("#infoWiFiBox").html("failed to retrieve network status from WiFi-Box"); }); } } function checkPrinterTypeMatch(completeHandler, failedHandler) { _configAPI.loadAll(function(successData) { _wifiboxSettings = successData; var data = { slicerPrinterType: _slicerSettings.printer.type, wifiboxPrinterType: _wifiboxSettings["printer.type"] }; if (data.slicerPrinterType === data.wifiboxPrinterType) { if (completeHandler) { completeHandler(data); } } else { if (failedHandler) { failedHandler(data); } } }); } function forcePrinterTypeMatch(completeHandler, failedHandler) { checkPrinterTypeMatch(function(successData) { completeHandler({msg:"slicerPrinterType matches wifiboxPrinterType"}); }, function(failData) { var override = window.confirm("The GCODE file was sliced for '"+failData.slicerPrinterType+"'.\n"+ "Your WiFi-Box is currently configured for '"+failData.wifiboxPrinterType+"'\n\n"+ "Do you want to override the settings on your WiFi-Box with the new settings from the slicer?"); if (override) { _configAPI.savePrinterType(failData.slicerPrinterType, function(successData) { //reload settings from WiFi-Box with new printerType to get the right start & end gcode _configAPI.loadAll(function(successData) { _wifiboxSettings = successData; completeHandler({msg:"printer.type successfully updated and _wifiboxSettings successfully reloaded"}); }, function(failData) { failedHandler({msg:"reload config failed"}); }); }, function(failData) { failedHandler({msg:"saving failed printer.type failed",details:failData}); }); } else { failedHandler({msg:""}); } }); } function print() { console.log("print"); forcePrinterTypeMatch(function(successData) { console.log("successfully made sure printerType and config is up to date",successData); var startcode = _configAPI.subsituteVariables(_wifiboxSettings["printer.startcode"],_wifiboxSettings); var endcode = _configAPI.subsituteVariables(_wifiboxSettings["printer.endcode"],_wifiboxSettings); var data = { "id": d3d.pageParams.uuid, "start_code": startcode, "end_code": endcode }; $("#btnPrint").button('disable'); d3d.util.showLoader(); //console.log("fetchPrint",d3d.pageParams.uuid,data); _printerAPI.fetch(data,function(successData) { console.log("fetchPrint success",successData); setTimeout(function() { var url = d3d.util.replaceURLParameters("#control",_pageData); $.mobile.changePage(url); },3000); },function(failData) { console.log("fetchPrint fail",failData); window.alert("Problem: " + failData.msg); }); },function(failData) { window.alert("Sorry, the print can not be started because the settings don't match between the Slicer and the WiFi-Box.\n\nDetails: " + failData.msg); }); } function clearInfo() { $("#infoFile").text("..."); $("#infoPrinter").text("..."); $("#infoMaterial").html("..."); // $("#iconPrinter").attr('src','img/icons/blank.png'); } function loadGCodeInfoFromServer(uuid) { _serverAPI.init("https://gcodeserver.doodle3d.com"); _serverAPI.getInfo(uuid, function(successData) { console.log("getInfo success",successData); var filesize = d3d.util.formatBytes(successData["bytes"]); _serverAPI.fetchHeader(d3d.pageParams.uuid,function(successData) { console.log("_serverAPI fetchHeader success",successData); var header = successData; _slicerSettings = header; //copy header json data into _slicerSettings var printerId = header.printer.type; var printerTitle = header.printer.title; $("#infoFile").html("Filename: " + header.name + " (" + filesize + ")"); $("#infoPrinter").html("Printer: " + printerTitle + ""); $("#infoMaterial").html("Material: " + header.filamentThickness + "mm @ " + header.temperature + "°C"); // $("#iconPrinter").attr('src','img/icons/printers/'+printerId+'.png'); }, function(failData) { console.log("_serverAPI.fetchHeader fail",failData); clearInfo(); }); },function(failData) { clearInfo(); console.log("_serverAPI.getInfo fail",failData); setTimeout(function() { console.log("_serverAPI.getInfo: now try again",uuid); loadGCodeInfoFromServer(uuid); },3000); }); } })(window);