var retrieveListInterval = 3000; var retrieveListDelay; // retry setTimout instance var boxTimeoutTime = 500; var numBoxesChecking = 0; // count how many boxes we are checking var numBoxesFound = 0; // count how many boxes responded var connectedBox = {localip:"",wifiboxid:"Wired WiFi-Box"}; var apBox = {localip:"",wifiboxid:"WiFi-Box"}; var connectAPI = "" var boxAPI = ""; var $list; var $intro; var $hint; var $preloader; var spinner; $(function() { // console.log("ready"); $intro = $("#intro"); $list = $("#list"); $hint = $("#hint"); $preloader = $("#preloader"); var spinnerSettings = { lines: 7, // The number of lines to draw length: 0, // The length of each line width: 14, // The line thickness radius: 15, // The radius of the inner circle corners: 1, // Corner roundness (0..1) rotate: 0, // The rotation offset direction: 1, // 1: clockwise, -1: counterclockwise color: '#57BF42', // #rgb or #rrggbb or array of colors speed: 1.2, // Rounds per second trail: 69, // Afterglow percentage shadow: false, // Whether to render a shadow hwaccel: false, // Whether to use hardware acceleration className: 'spinner', // The CSS class to assign to the spinner zIndex: 2e9, // The z-index (defaults to 2000000000) top: 'auto', // Top position relative to parent in px left: 'auto' // Left position relative to parent in px }; spinner = new Spinner(spinnerSettings); spinner.spin($preloader[0]); retrieveList(); // DEBUG // numBoxesFound = 4; // updateIntro(); }); function retrieveList() { $; //spinner.spin($preloader[0]); $.ajax({ timeout: 2000, url: connectAPI+"/list.php", dataType: 'json', success: function(response){ //console.log("retrieveList response: ",response); if(response.status == "success") { var foundBoxes =; foundBoxes.push(connectedBox); updateList(foundBoxes); } clearTimeout(retrieveListDelay); retrieveListDelay = setTimeout(retrieveList, retrieveListInterval); } }).fail(function() { console.log("retrieveList: failed"); // if web is not accessible try to find the box as an accesspoint // if not found, we look for a wired box checkBox(apBox, function(alive) { if(alive) updateList([apBox]); else updateList([connectedBox]); }); clearTimeout(retrieveListDelay); retrieveListDelay = setTimeout(retrieveList, retrieveListInterval); // retry after delay }); } function updateList(boxes) { numBoxesChecking = 0; numBoxesFound = 0; if (boxes===undefined) boxes = []; // remove displayed, but unlisted boxes $list.find("a").each(function(index, element) { var localip = $(element).attr("id"); var wifiboxid = $(element).text(); var found = false; jQuery.each(boxes, function (index,box) { if(box.localip == localip && box.wifiboxid == wifiboxid) found = true; }); if(!found) $(element).parent().remove(); }) jQuery.each(boxes, function (index,box) { checkBox(box); }); //checkBox(connectedBox); updateIntro(); } function checkBox(box,checked) { numBoxesChecking++; $.ajax({ url: "http://"+box.localip+"/d3dapi/network/alive", dataType: "json", timeout: boxTimeoutTime, success: function(response){ var alive = (response.status == "success"); if(alive) { numBoxesFound++; addBox(box); } else { removeBox(box); } numBoxesChecking--; updateIntro(); if(checked) checked(alive); } }).fail(function() { //console.log("box not alive: "+box.wifiboxid); numBoxesChecking--; removeBox(box); updateIntro(); if(checked) checked(false); }); } function addBox(box) { if(boxExists(box.localip)) return; var url = "http://"+box.localip; var element = "
  • "+box.wifiboxid+"
  • "; $(element).hide().appendTo($list).fadeIn(500); } function boxExists(localip){ return $list.find("a[id|='"+localip+"']").length > 0; } function removeBox(box) { var $element = $list.find("a[id|='"+box.localip+"']"); $element.remove(); } function updateIntro() { $intro.fadeIn(); if(numBoxesChecking <= 0) { if(numBoxesFound > 0) { $intro.html("Found the following boxes near you:"); $hint.fadeOut(); } else { $intro.html("No boxes found near you."); $hint.fadeIn(); } $preloader.fadeOut(1000); } }