Let's connect to your Doodle3D WiFi-Box

This webpage helps you to find your Doodle3D WiFi-Box on your local network.

1) If your WiFi-Box is already connected to your home network it should be listed below.

2) If not it might be running its own WiFi network (for example Doodle3D-123456). You can connect to it by changing your WiFi-settings.




Find WiFi-Box

Connect to your WiFi-Box for the first time...

This video shows you how to connect to your Doodle3D WiFi-Box step by step.

How does it work?

The WiFi-Box can run in two different modes:

  1. It can connect to an existing WiFi network, that's called Client mode.
  2. It can also create it's own network which is called AccessPoint mode.
A new WiFi-Box always starts in AccessPoint mode because it doesn't know your network yet, right?
Also when the WiFi-Box can't find or can't connect to your home network it should fall back to AccessPoint mode.
If the WiFi-Box is in AccessPoint mode you should be able to see it's WiFi network in your computer/tablet's WiFi-settings.

How to let the WiFi-Box join your local network?

Once you are connected to the WiFi-Box in AccessPoint mode you can help your WiFi-Box join your local network as a 'Client'. This has two advantages:
  1. The WiFi-Box can download updates and security updates from doodle3d.com
  2. You don't have to switch between your home network and the AccessPoint all the time.

This movie shows how to have the WiFi-Box join your home network and download an update.

What's the network cable for?

If you really can't or don't want to connect to the WiFi-Box using WiFi you can use the network cable. Connect the WiFi-Box directly to your computer (not to your router) and go back to the connect.doodle3d.com page.

Need more help?

Please read our FAQ for more frequently asked questions.
If you're really stuck feel free to contact us at help@doodle3d.com.
You can also live chat with us during European office hours.

Go back to connect.doodle3d.com



If you're using the WiFi-Box for the first time it creates its own WiFi network. This means its in Access point mode, this is usefull to use the WiFi-Box standalone where internet isn't available.
To access it you need to connect to its WiFi network. By default its name is "Doodle3D-" followed by the last 6 characters of the MAC code that is printed on the side of the WiFi-Box. How you can switch to this network depends on the device you are using.

Smartphone / tablet

Smartphones or tablets usually have a settings section. There you should be able to find WiFi settings where you can switch between different WiFi networks. There should be a WiFi-spot called "Doodle3D-" followed by the last 6 characters of the MAC code that is printed on the side of the WiFi-Box. Connect to this WiFi-spot and return to the boxes page.

Windows computer

Windows computers usually have a small icon in the right lower corner of the screen which displays if you are currently connected to the internet (and if your connection is wireless or not). If you click on this icon a list will display with the network you are currently using and the networks that your computer is able to connect to. There should be a WiFi-spot called "Doodle3D-" followed by the last 6 characters of the MAC code that is printed on the side of the WiFi-Box. Connect to this WiFi-spot and return to the boxes page.

OS X computer

For most MAC computers there is a small WiFi icon in the upper right corner of their screen. If WiFi is turned on, you can click on the icon and a list with possible networks would appear. There should be a WiFi network called "Doodle3D-" followed by the last 6 characters of the MAC code that is printed on the side of the WiFi-Box. Connect to this WiFi-spot and return to the boxes page.


Cable connect

If your computer has an Ethernet port you are able to connect to the WiFi-Box through a Ethernet cable. Plug one end of the cable in the WiFi-Box and the other in your computer, then return to the boxes page.


Join network



Join a secured network



Join a hidden network









Your app here?

Did you create a (Web) App that uses the Doodle3D API? Let us know and we'll add it to the box page.



Let's 3D-print your model by sending it to your printer over WiFi. Please check the settings below and press Print.




Send custom GCODE...



Use this page to select which 3D-printer is connected to your Doodle3D WiFi-Box. You can change settings per printer. Your settings are saved automatically.

Printer settings

GCODE settings


The following texts are replaced:
Printing temperature
Printing bed temperature
Preheat temperature
Preheat bed temperature
Printer type
{if heatedBed}
Enable line if printer has heated bed

Material settings