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The Ajax-based navigation used throughout the jQuery Mobile docs may need to be viewed on a web server to work in certain browsers. If you see an error message when you click a link, please try a different browser.
" ); $( document ).on( "pagecreate", function( event ) { $( event.target ).append( message ); }); }); }); } $( document ).on( "pagecreate", ".jqm-demos", function( event ) { var search, page = $( this ), that = this, searchUrl = ( $( this ).hasClass( "jqm-home" ) ) ? "_search/" : "../_search/", searchContents = $( ".jqm-search ul.jqm-list" ).find( "li:not(.ui-collapsible)" ), version = $.mobile.version || "dev", words = version.split( "-" ), ver = words[0], str = words[1] || "", text = ver; // Insert jqm version in header if ( str.indexOf( "rc" ) == -1 ) { str = str.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + str.slice( 1 ); } else { str = str.toUpperCase().replace( ".", "" ); } if ( $.mobile.version && str ) { text += " " + str; } $( ".jqm-version" ).html( text ); // Global navmenu panel $( ".jqm-navmenu-panel ul" ).listview(); $( document ).on( "panelopen", ".jqm-search-panel", function() { $( this ).find( "input" ).focus(); }) $( ".jqm-navmenu-link" ).on( "click", function() { page.find( ".jqm-navmenu-panel:not(.jqm-panel-page-nav)" ).panel( "open" ); }); // Turn off autocomplete / correct for demos search $( this ).find( ".jqm-search input" ).attr( "autocomplete", "off" ).attr( "autocorrect", "off" ); // Global search $( ".jqm-search-link" ).on( "click", function() { page.find( ".jqm-search-panel" ).panel( "open" ); }); // Initalize search panel list and filter also remove collapsibles $( this ).find( ".jqm-search ul.jqm-list" ).html( searchContents ).listview({ inset: false, theme: null, dividerTheme: null, icon: false, autodividers: true, autodividersSelector: function ( li ) { return ""; }, arrowKeyNav: true, enterToNav: true, highlight: true, submitTo: searchUrl }).filterable(); // Initalize search page list and remove collapsibles $( this ).find( ".jqm-search-results-wrap ul.jqm-list" ).html( searchContents ).listview({ inset: true, theme: null, dividerTheme: null, icon: false, arrowKeyNav: true, enterToNav: true, highlight: true }).filterable(); // Fix links on homepage to point to sub directories if ( $( event.target ).hasClass( "jqm-home") ) { $( this ).find( "a" ).each( function() { $( this ).attr( "href", $( this ).attr( "href" ).replace( "../", "" ) ); }); } // Search results page get search query string and enter it into filter then trigger keyup to filter if ( $( event.target ).hasClass( "jqm-demos-search-results") ) { search = $.mobile.path.parseUrl( window.location.href ).search.split( "=" )[ 1 ]; setTimeout(function() { e = $.Event( "keyup" ); e.which = 65; $( that ).find( ".jqm-content .jqm-search-results-wrap input" ).val( search ).trigger(e).trigger( "change" ); }, 0 ); } }); // Append keywords list to each list item $( document ).one( "pagecreate", ".jqm-demos", function( event ) { $( this ).find( ".jqm-search-results-list li, .jqm-search li" ).each(function() { var text = $( this ).attr( "data-filtertext" ); $( this ) .find( "a" ) .append( "" + text + "" ); }); }); // Functions for highlighting text used for keywords highlight in search jQuery.fn.highlight = function( pat ) { function innerHighlight( node, pat ) { var skip = 0; if ( node.nodeType == 3 ) { var pos = node.data.toUpperCase().indexOf( pat ); if ( pos >= 0 ) { var spannode = document.createElement( "span" ); spannode.className = "jqm-search-results-highlight"; var middlebit = node.splitText( pos ); var endbit = middlebit.splitText( pat.length ); var middleclone = middlebit.cloneNode( true ); spannode.appendChild( middleclone ); middlebit.parentNode.replaceChild( spannode, middlebit ); skip = 1; } } else if ( node.nodeType == 1 && node.childNodes && !/(script|style)/i.test( node.tagName ) ) { for ( var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; ++i ) { i += innerHighlight( node.childNodes[i], pat ); } } return skip; } return this.length && pat && pat.length ? this.each(function() { innerHighlight( this, pat.toUpperCase() ); }) : this; }; // Function to remove highlights in text jQuery.fn.removeHighlight = function() { return this.find( "span.jqm-search-results-highlight" ).each(function() { this.parentNode.firstChild.nodeName; with ( this.parentNode ) { replaceChild( this.firstChild, this ); normalize(); } }).end(); }; // Extension to listview to add keyboard navigation $( document ).on( "mobileinit", function() { (function( $, undefined ) { $.widget( "mobile.listview", $.mobile.listview, { options: { arrowKeyNav: false, enterToNav: false, highlight: false, submitTo: false }, _create: function() { this._super(); if ( this.options.arrowKeyNav ) { this._on( document, { "pageshow": "arrowKeyNav" }); } if ( this.options.enterToNav ) { this._on( document, { "pageshow": "enterToNav" }); } }, submitTo: function() { var url, form = this.element.parent().find( "form" ); form.attr( "method", "get" ) .attr( "action", this.options.submitTo ); url = this.options.submitTo + "?search=" + this.element.parent().find( "input" ).val(); window.location = url; }, enterToNav: function() { var form = this.element.parent().find( "form" ); form.append( "" ) .parent() .trigger( "create" ); this.element.parent().find( "form" ).children( ".ui-btn" ).addClass( "ui-hidden-accessible" ); this._on( form, { "submit": "submitHandler" }); }, enhanced: false, arrowKeyNav: function() { var input = this.element.prev("form").find( "input" ); if ( !this.enhanced ) { this._on( input, { "keyup": "handleKeyUp" }); this.enhanced = true; } }, handleKeyUp: function( e ) { var search, input = this.element.prev("form").find( "input" ); if ( e.which === $.ui.keyCode.DOWN ) { if ( this.element.find( "li.ui-btn-active" ).length === 0 ) { this.element.find( "li:first" ).toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ).find("a").toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ); } else { this.element.find( "li.ui-btn-active a" ).toggleClass( "ui-btn-active"); this.element.find( "li.ui-btn-active" ).toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ).next().toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ).find("a").toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ); } this.highlightDown(); } else if ( e.which === $.ui.keyCode.UP ) { if ( this.element.find( "li.ui-btn-active" ).length !== 0 ) { this.element.find( "li.ui-btn-active a" ).toggleClass( "ui-btn-active"); this.element.find( "li.ui-btn-active" ).toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ).prev().toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ).find("a").toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ); } else { this.element.find( "li:last" ).toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ).find("a").toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ); } this.highlightUp(); } else if ( typeof e.which !== "undefined" ) { this.element.find( "li.ui-btn-active" ).removeClass( "ui-btn-active" ); if ( this.options.highlight ) { search = input.val(); this.element.find( "li" ).each(function() { $( this ).removeHighlight(); $( this ).highlight( search ); }); } } }, submitHandler: function() { if ( this.element.find( "li.ui-btn-active" ).length !== 0 ) { var href = this.element.find( "li.ui-btn-active a" ).attr( "href" ); $( ":mobile-pagecontainer" ).pagecontainer( "change", href ); return false; } if ( this.options.submitTo ) { this.submitTo(); } }, highlightDown: function() { if ( this.element.find( "li.ui-btn-active" ).hasClass( "ui-screen-hidden" ) ) { this.element.find( "li.ui-btn-active" ).find("a").toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ); this.element.find( "li.ui-btn-active" ).toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ).next().toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ).find("a").toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ); this.highlightDown(); } return; }, highlightUp: function() { if ( this.element.find( "li.ui-btn-active" ).hasClass( "ui-screen-hidden" ) ) { this.element.find( "li.ui-btn-active" ).find("a").toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ); this.element.find( "li.ui-btn-active" ).toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ).prev().toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ).find("a").toggleClass( "ui-btn-active" ); this.highlightUp(); } return; } }); })( jQuery ); }); // View demo source code function attachPopupHandler( popup, sources ) { popup.one( "popupbeforeposition", function() { var collapsibleSet = popup.find( "[data-role='collapsibleset']" ), collapsible, pre; $.each( sources, function( idx, options ) { collapsible = $( "