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#!/usr/bin/env lua
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
--- This script provides an interface to upgrade or downgrade the Doodle3D wifibox.
-- It can both be used as a standalone command-line tool and as a Lua library.
-- TODO/NOTES: (from old script)
-- add to status: validImage: none|<version> (can use checkValidImage for this)
-- any more TODO's across this file?
-- max 1 image tegelijk (moet api doen), en rekening houden met printbuffer (printen blokkeren?)
-- MAYBE/LATER: (from old script)
-- add API calls to retrieve a list of all versions with their info (i.e., the result of getAvailableVersions)
-- wget: add provision (in verbose mode?) to use '-v' instead of '-q' and disable output redirection
-- document index file format (Version first, then in any order: Files: sysup; factory, FileSize: sysup; factory, MD5: sysup; factory, ChangelogStart:, ..., ChangelogEnd:)
-- copy improved fileSize back to utils (add unit tests!)
-- create new utils usable by updater as well as api? (remove dependencies on uci and logger etc)
-- note: take care not to print any text in module functions, as this breaks http responses
-- change representation of sysupgrade/factory info in versionInfo? (and also in image index?) <- create api call to get all info on all versions?
local M = {}
--- Possible states the updater can be in, they are stored in @{STATE_FILE}.
-- @table STATE
NONE = 1, -- @{STATE_FILE} does not exist
DOWNLOADING = 2, -- downloading is started but not finished yet
DOWNLOAD_FAILED = 3, -- download failed (often occurs when the wifibox is not connected to internet)
IMAGE_READY = 4, -- download succeeded and the image is valid
INSTALLING = 5, -- image is being installed (this state will probably never be returned since the box is flashing/rebooting)
INSTALLED = 6, -- image has been installed successfully (this state will never be returned since the box will reboot)
INSTALL_FAILED = 7 -- installation failed
-- Names for the states in @{STATE}, these are returned through the REST API.
[M.STATE.NONE] = 'none', [M.STATE.DOWNLOADING] = 'downloading', [M.STATE.DOWNLOAD_FAILED] = 'download_failed', [M.STATE.IMAGE_READY] = 'image_ready',
[M.STATE.INSTALLING] = 'installing', [M.STATE.INSTALLED] = 'installed', [M.STATE.INSTALL_FAILED] = 'install_failed'
--- The base URL to use for finding update files.
-- This URL will usually contain both an OpenWRT feed directory and an `images` directory.
-- This script uses only the latter, and expects to find the files @{IMAGE_STABLE_INDEX_FILE} and @{IMAGE_BETA_INDEX_FILE} there.
M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL = 'http://doodle3d.com/updates'
--M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost/~USERNAME/wifibox/updates'
--- The index file containing metadata on stable update images.
M.IMAGE_STABLE_INDEX_FILE = 'wifibox-image.index'
--- The index file containing metadata on beta update images.
M.IMAGE_BETA_INDEX_FILE = 'wifibox-image.beta.index'
--- Path to the updater cache.
M.DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH = '/tmp/d3d-updater'
--- Name of the file to store current state in, this file resides in @{cachePath}.
M.STATE_FILE = 'update-state'
M.WGET_OPTIONS = "-q -t 1 -T 30"
--M.WGET_OPTIONS = "-v -t 1 -T 30"
local verbosity = 0 -- set by parseCommandlineArguments() or @{setVerbosity}
local log = nil -- wifibox API can use M.setLogger to enable this module to use its logger
local useCache = true -- default, can be overwritten using @{setUseCache}
local cachePath = M.DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH -- default, can be change using @{setCachePath}
local baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL -- default, can be overwritten by M.setBaseUrl()
--- Log a message with the given level, if logging is enabled for that level.
-- Messages will be written to [stdout](http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/stdout/), or logged using the logger set with @{setLogger}.
-- @number lvl Level to log to, use 1 for important messages, 0 for regular messages and -1 for less important messages.
-- @string msg The message to log.
local function P(lvl, msg)
if log then
if lvl == -1 then log:debug(msg)
elseif lvl == 0 or lvl == 1 then log:info(msg)
if (-lvl <= verbosity) then print(msg) end
--- Log a debug message, this function wraps @{P}.
-- The message will be logged with level -1 and be prefixed with '(DBG)'.
-- @string msg The message to log.
local function D(msg) P(-1, (log and msg or "(DBG) " .. msg)) end
--- Log an error.
-- Messages will be written to [stderr](http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/stderr/), or logged using the logger set with @{setLogger}.
-- @string msg The message to log.
local function E(msg)
if log then log:error(msg)
else io.stderr:write(msg .. '\n')
compatlua51 = _VERSION == 'Lua 5.1'
--- execute a shell command. Taken from penlight library.
-- This is a compatibility function that returns the same for Lua 5.1 and Lua 5.2
-- @param cmd a shell command
-- @return true if successful
-- @return actual return code
function compatexecute (cmd)
local res1,res2,res3 = os.execute(cmd)
if compatlua51 then
local cmd,sys = splitExitStatus(res1)
return (res1 == 0) and true or nil, sys
return res1, res3
--- Splits the return status from `os.execute` (only Lua <= 5.1), which consists of two bytes.
-- `os.execute` internally calls [system](http://linux.die.net/man/3/system),
-- which usually returns the command exit status as high byte (see [WEXITSTATUS](http://linux.die.net/man/2/wait)).
-- Furthermore, see [shifting bits in Lua](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16158436/how-to-shift-and-mask-bits-from-integer-in-lua).
-- @number exitStatus The combined exit status.
-- @treturn number The command exit status.
-- @treturn number The `os.execute`/[system](http://linux.die.net/man/3/system) return status.
local function splitExitStatus(exitStatus)
if exitStatus == -1 then return -1,-1 end
local cmdStatus = math.floor(exitStatus / 256)
local systemStatus = exitStatus - cmdStatus * 256
return cmdStatus, systemStatus
--- Returns a human-readable message for a [wget exit status](http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/wget.html#Exit-Status).
-- @number exitStatus An exit status from wget.
-- @treturn string|number Either the status followed by a description, or a message indicating the call was interrupted, or just the status if it was not recognized.
local function wgetStatusToString(exitStatus)
-- local wgetStatus,systemStatus = splitExitStatus(exitStatus)
local wgetStatus = exitStatus
-- if systemStatus ~= 0 then
-- return "interrupted: " .. systemStatus
-- end
-- adapted from man(1) wget on OSX
local statusTexts = {
['0'] = 'Ok',
['1'] = 'Generic error',
['2'] = 'Parse error', -- for instance, when parsing command-line options, the .wgetrc or .netrc...
['3'] = 'File I/O error',
['4'] = 'Network failure',
['5'] = 'SSL verification failure',
['6'] = 'Username/password authentication failure',
['7'] = 'Protocol error',
['8'] = 'Server issued an error response'
local result = statusTexts[tostring(wgetStatus)]
if result then return exitStatus .. ": " .. result
else return exitStatus
--- Creates the updater cache directory.
-- @return bool|nil True, or nil on error.
-- @return ?string A message in case of error.
local function createCacheDirectory()
local _,rv = compatexecute('mkdir -p ' .. cachePath)
if rv ~= 0 then
return nil,"Error: could not create cache directory '" .. cachePath .. "'"
return true
--- Retrieves the current updater state code and message from @{STATE_FILE}.
-- @treturn STATE The current state code (@{STATE}.NONE if no state has been set).
-- @treturn string The current state message (empty string if no state has been set).
local function getState()
local file,msg = io.open(cachePath .. '/' .. M.STATE_FILE, 'r')
if not file then return M.STATE.NONE,"" end
local state = file:read('*a')
local code,msg = string.match(state, '([^|]+)|+(.*)')
return code,msg
--- Trims whitespace from both ends of a string.
-- See [this Lua snippet](http://snippets.luacode.org/?p=snippets/trim_whitespace_from_string_76).
-- @string s The text to trim.
-- @treturn string s, with whitespace trimmed.
local function trim(s)
if type(s) ~= 'string' then return s end
return (s:find('^%s*$') and '' or s:match('^%s*(.*%S)'))
--- Read the contents of a file.
-- TODO: this file has been copied from @{util.utils}.lua and should be merged back.
-- @string filePath The file to read.
-- @bool trimResult Whether or not to trim the read data.
-- @treturn bool|nil True, or nil on error.
-- @treturn ?string A descriptive message on error.
-- @treturn ?number TODO: find out why this value is returned.
local function readFile(filePath, trimResult)
local f, msg, nr = io.open(filePath, 'r')
if not f then return nil,msg,nr end
local res = f:read('*all')
if trimResult then
res = trim(res)
return res
--- Reports whether or not a file exists.
-- TODO: this file has been copied from @{util.utils}.lua and should be merged back.
-- @string file The file to report about.
-- @treturn bool True if the file exists, false otherwise.
local function exists(file)
if not file or type(file) ~= 'string' or file:len() == 0 then
return nil, "file must be a non-empty string"
local r = io.open(file, 'r') -- ignore returned message
if r then r:close() end
return r ~= nil
--- Reports the size of a file or file handle.
-- TODO: this file has been copied from @{util.utils}.lua and should be merged back.
-- @param file A file path or open file handle.
-- @treturn number Size of the file.
local function fileSize(file)
local size = nil
if type(file) == 'file' then
local current = file:seek()
size = file:seek('end')
file:seek('set', current)
elseif type(file) == 'string' then
local f = io.open(file)
if f then
size = f:seek('end')
return size
--- Runs an arbitrary shell command.
-- @string command The command to run.
-- @bool dryRun Only log a message if true, otherwise run the command and log a message.
-- @treturn number Exit status of of command or -1 if dryRun is true.
local function runCommand(command, dryRun)
--D("about to run: '" .. command .. "'")
if dryRun then return -1 end
return compatexecute(command)
--- Removes a file.
-- @string filePath The file to remove.
local function removeFile(filePath)
return runCommand('rm ' .. filePath)
--- Downloads a file and stores it locally.
-- @string url The full URL to download.
-- @string saveDir The path at which to save the downloaded file.
-- @string[opt] filename File name to save as, note that leaving this out has issues with files not being overwritten but suffixed with '.1', '.2',etc instead.
-- @treturn number|nil Exit status of wget command or nil on error.
-- @treturn ?string Descriptive message if saveDir is nil or empty.
local function downloadFile(url, saveDir, filename)
if not saveDir or saveDir:len() == 0 then return nil, "saveDir must be non-empty" end
local outArg = (filename:len() > 0) and (' -O' .. filename) or ''
D("Downloading file '" .. url .. "'")
if filename:len() > 0 then
return runCommand('wget ' .. M.WGET_OPTIONS .. ' -O ' .. saveDir .. '/' .. filename .. ' ' .. url .. ' 2> /dev/null')
return runCommand('wget ' .. M.WGET_OPTIONS .. ' -P ' .. saveDir .. ' ' .. url .. ' 2> /dev/null')
--- Parses command-line arguments and returns a table containing information distilled from them.
-- @tparam table arglist A table in the same form as the [arg table](http://www.lua.org/pil/1.4.html) created by Lua.
-- @treturn table|nil A table containing information on what to do, or nil if invalid arguments were specified.
-- @treturn ?string Descriptive message on error.
local function parseCommandlineArguments(arglist)
local result = { verbosity = 0, baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL, action = nil }
local nextIsVersion, nextIsUrl = false, false
for index,argument in ipairs(arglist) do
if nextIsVersion then
result.version = argument; nextIsVersion = false
elseif nextIsUrl then
result.baseUrl = argument; nextIsUrl = false
if argument == '-h' then result.action = 'showHelp'
elseif argument == '-q' then result.verbosity = -1
elseif argument == '-V' then result.verbosity = 1
elseif argument == '-c' then result.useCache = true
elseif argument == '-C' then result.useCache = false
elseif argument == '-u' then nextIsUrl = true
elseif argument == '-v' then result.action = 'showCurrentVersion'
elseif argument == '-s' then result.action = 'showStatus'
elseif argument == '-l' then result.action = 'showAvailableVersions'
elseif argument == '-i' then result.action = 'showVersionInfo'; nextIsVersion = true
elseif argument == '-d' then result.action = 'imageDownload'; nextIsVersion = true
elseif argument == '-f' then result.action = 'imageInstall'; nextIsVersion = true
elseif argument == '-r' then result.action = 'clear'
else return nil,"unrecognized argument '" .. argument .. "'"
if result.version then
result.version = M.parseVersion(result.version)
if not result.version then
return nil,"error parsing specified version"
if nextIsVersion then return nil, "missing required version argument" end
if nextIsUrl then return nil, "missing required URL argument" end
return result
--- Returns the [MD5](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5) hash for a given file.
-- NOTE: this function is not implemented, and a better hash function should probably be chosen anyway.
-- @string filepath The path of which to calculate the MD5-sum.
-- @treturn nil
local function md5sum(filepath)
return nil
-- TODO [osx: md5 -q <file>], [linux: ?]
--- Set verbosity (log level) that determines which messages do get logged and which do not.
-- @tparam number level The level to set, between -1 and 1.
function M.setVerbosity(level)
if level and level >= -1 and level <= 1 then
verbosity = level
--- Enables use of the given @{util.logger} object, otherwise `stdout`/`stderr` will be used.
-- @tparam util.logger logger The logger to log future messages to.
function M.setLogger(logger)
log = logger
--- Controls whether or not to use pre-existing files over (re-)downloading them.
-- Note that the mechanism is currently naive, (e.g., there are no mechanisms like maximum cache age).
-- @bool use If true, try not to download anything unless necessary.
function M.setUseCache(use)
useCache = use
--- Sets the base URL to use for finding update images, defaults to @{DEFAULT_BASE_URL}.
-- @string url The new base URL to use.
function M.setBaseUrl(url)
baseUrl = url
--- Sets the filesystem path to use as cache for downloaded index and image files.
-- @string path The path to use, use nil to restore default @{DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH}.
function M.setCachePath(path)
cachePath = path or M.DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH
--- Returns a table with information about current update status of the wifibox.
-- The result table will contain at least the current version, current state code and text.
-- If the box has internet access, it will also include the newest version available.
-- If an image is currently being downloaded, progress information will also be included.
-- @treturn bool True if status has been determined fully, false if not.
-- @treturn table The result table.
-- @treturn ?string Descriptive message in case the result table is not complete.
function M.getStatus()
if not baseUrl then baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL end
local unknownVersion = { major = 0, minor = 0, patch = 0 }
local result = {}
result.currentVersion = M.getCurrentVersion()
result.stateCode, result.stateText = getState()
result.stateCode = tonumber(result.stateCode)
local verTable,msg = M.getAvailableVersions()
if not verTable then
D("could not obtain available versions (" .. msg .. ")")
-- TODO: set an error state in result to signify we probably do not have internet access?
return false, result, msg
local newest = verTable and verTable[#verTable]
result.newestVersion = newest and newest.version or unknownVersion
if result.stateCode == M.STATE.DOWNLOADING then
result.progress = fileSize(cachePath .. '/' .. newest.sysupgradeFilename)
if not result.progress then result.progress = 0 end -- in case the file does not exist yet (which yields nil)
result.imageSize = newest.sysupgradeFileSize
return true, result
--- Turns a plain-text version as returned by @{formatVersion} into a table.
-- @tparam string|table versionText The version string to parse, if it is already a table, it is returned as-is.
-- @treturn table A parsed version or nil on incorrect argument.
function M.parseVersion(versionText)
if not versionText then return nil end
if type(versionText) == 'table' then return versionText end
if not versionText or versionText:len() == 0 then return nil end
local major,minor,patch,suffix = versionText:match("^%s*(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)(-?%w*)%s*$")
if not major or not minor or not patch then return nil end -- suffix not required
if type(suffix) == 'string' and suffix:len() > 0 then
if suffix:sub(1, 1) ~= '-' then return nil end
suffix = suffix:sub(2)
suffix = nil
return { ['major'] = major, ['minor'] = minor, ['patch'] = patch, ['suffix'] = suffix }
--- Formats a version as returned by @{parseVersion}.
-- @tparam table|string version The version to format, if it is already a string, that will be returned unmodified.
-- @treturn string A formatted version or nil on incorrect argument.
function M.formatVersion(version)
if not version then return nil end
if type(version) == 'string' then return version end
local ver = version.major .. "." .. version.minor .. "." .. version.patch
if version.suffix then ver = ver .. '-' .. version.suffix end
return ver
--- Compares two versions. Note that the second return value must be used for equality testing.
-- If given, the timestamps have higher priority than the versions. Suffixes are ignored.
-- @tparam table versionA A version as returned by @{parseVersion}.
-- @tparam table versionB A version as returned by @{parseVersion}.
-- @param timestampA[opt] A timestamp as returned by @{parseDate}.
-- @param timestampB[opt] A timestamp as returned by @{parseDate}.
-- @treturn number -1 if versionA/timestampA is smaller/older than versionB/timestampB, 0 if versions are equal (or undecided) or 1 if A is larger/newer than B.
-- @treturn bool True if versions are really equal (first return value can be 0 if everything but the suffix is equal)
function M.compareVersions(versionA, versionB, timestampA, timestampB)
if type(versionA) ~= 'table' or type(versionB) ~= 'table' then return nil end
local diff = 0
if timestampA and timestampB then diff = timestampA - timestampB end
if diff == 0 then
diff = versionA.major - versionB.major
if diff == 0 then diff = versionA.minor - versionB.minor end
if diff == 0 then diff = versionA.patch - versionB.patch end
local result = diff > 0 and 1 or (diff < 0 and -1 or 0)
local reallyEqual = (diff == 0) and (versionA.suffix == versionB.suffix)
return result, (reallyEqual and true or false)
--- Checks if versions are exactly equal.
-- It returns the second return value of @{compareVersions} and accepts the same arguments.
-- @treturn bool True if versions are equal, false otherwise.
function M.versionsEqual(versionA, versionB, timestampA, timestampB)
return select(2, M.compareVersions(versionA, versionB, timestampA, timestampB))
--- Returns information on a version if it can be found in a collection of versions as returned by @{getAvailableVersions}.
-- @tparam table version The version to look for.
-- @tparam table[opt] verTable A table containing a collection of versions, if not passed in, it will be obtained using @{getAvailableVersions}.
-- @param timestamp[opt] Specific timestamp to look for.
-- @treturn table|nil Version information table found in the collection, or nil on error or if not found.
-- @treturn string Descriptive message in case of error or if the version could not be found.
function M.findVersion(version, verTable, timestamp)
local msg = nil
version = M.parseVersion(version)
if not verTable then verTable,msg = M.getAvailableVersions() end
if not verTable then return nil,msg end
for _,ent in pairs(verTable) do
if M.versionsEqual(ent.version, version, ent.timestamp, timestamp) == true then return ent end
return nil,"no such version"
--- Turns a date of the format 'yyyymmdd' into a timestamp as returned by os.time.
-- @tparam string dateText The date to parse.
-- @return A timestamp or nil if the argument does not have correct format.
function M.parseDate(dateText)
if type(dateText) ~= 'string' or dateText:len() ~= 8 or dateText:find('[^%d]') ~= nil then return nil end
return os.time({ year = dateText:sub(1, 4), month = dateText:sub(5, 6), day = dateText:sub(7,8) })
--- Formats a timestamp as returned by os.time to a date of the form 'yyyymmdd'.
-- @param timestamp The timestamp to format.
-- @return A formatted date or nil if the argument is nil.
function M.formatDate(timestamp)
if not timestamp then return nil end
return os.date('%Y%m%d', timestamp)
--- Creates an image file name based on given properties.
-- The generated name has the following form: `doodle3d-wifibox-<version>-<deviceType>-<'factory'|'sysupgrade'>.bin`.
-- @tparam table|string version The version of the image.
-- @string[opt] devType Openwrt device identifier (defaults to 'tl-mr3020').
-- @bool[opt] isFactory Switches between factory or sysupgrade image name.
-- @treturn string The constructed file name.
function M.constructImageFilename(version, devType, isFactory)
local sf = isFactory and 'factory' or 'sysupgrade'
local v = M.formatVersion(version)
local dt = devType and devType or 'tl-mr3020'
return 'doodle3d-wifibox-' .. M.formatVersion(v) .. '-' .. dt .. '-' .. sf .. '.bin'
--- Checks whether a valid image file is present in @{cachePath} for the given image properties.
-- The versionEntry table will be augmented with an `isValid` key.
-- NOTE: currently, this function only checks the image exists and has the correct size.
-- Sysupgrade will perform integrity checks, so this is not a major issue.
-- @tparam table versionEntry A version information table.
-- @string[opt] devType Image device type, see @{constructImageFilename}.
-- @bool[opt] isFactory Image type, see @{constructImageFilename}.
-- @treturn bool True if a valid image is present, false otherwise.
function M.checkValidImage(versionEntry, devType, isFactory)
local filename = M.constructImageFilename(versionEntry.version, devType, isFactory)
--return versionEntry.md5 == md5sum(cachePath .. '/' .. filename)
local size = fileSize(cachePath .. '/' .. filename)
versionEntry.isValid = versionEntry.sysupgradeFileSize == size
return versionEntry.isValid
--- Returns the current wifibox version text, extracted from `/etc/wifibox-version`.
-- @treturn string Current version as plain-text.
function M.getCurrentVersionText()
local res,msg,nr = readFile('/etc/wifibox-version', true)
if res then return res else return nil,msg,nr end
--- Returns the current wifibox version as a table with major, minor and patch as keys.
-- @treturn table Current version as version table.
function M.getCurrentVersion()
local vt,msg = M.getCurrentVersionText()
return vt and M.parseVersion(vt) or nil,msg
--- Returns an indexed and sorted table containing version information tables.
-- The information is obtained from the either cached or downloaded image index file.
local function fetchIndexTable(indexFile, cachePath)
if not baseUrl then baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL end
local indexFilename = cachePath .. '/' .. indexFile
if not useCache or not exists(indexFilename) then
local rv1,rv2 = downloadFile(baseUrl .. '/images/' .. indexFile, cachePath, indexFile)
if not rv1 then return nil,"could not download image index file (" .. wgetStatusToString(rv2) .. ")" end
local status,idxLines = pcall(io.lines, indexFilename)
if not status then return nil,"could not open image index file '" .. indexFilename .. "'" end --do not include io.lines error message
local result,entry = {}, nil
local lineno,changelogMode = 1, false
for line in idxLines do
local k,v = line:match('^(.-):(.*)$')
k,v = trim(k), trim(v)
--if not log then D("#" .. lineno .. ": considering '" .. line .. "' (" .. (k or '<nil>') .. " / " .. (v or '<nil>') .. ")") end
if not changelogMode and (not k or not v) then return nil,"incorrectly formatted line in index file (line " .. lineno .. ")" end
if k == 'ChangelogEnd' then
changelogMode = false
elseif changelogMode then
entry.changelog = entry.changelog .. line .. '\n'
if k == 'Version' then
if entry ~= nil then table.insert(result, entry) end
local pv = M.parseVersion(v)
if not pv then return nil,"incorrect version text in index file (line " .. lineno .. ")" end
entry = { version = pv }
elseif k == 'ChangelogStart' then
changelogMode = true
entry.changelog = ""
elseif k == 'Files' then
local sName,fName = v:match('^(.-);(.*)$')
sName,fName = trim(sName), trim(fName)
if sName then entry.sysupgradeFilename = sName end
if fName then entry.factoryFilename = fName end
elseif k == 'FileSize' then
local sSize,fSize = v:match('^(.-);(.*)$')
sSize,fSize = trim(sSize), trim(fSize)
if sSize then entry.sysupgradeFileSize = tonumber(sSize) end
if fSize then entry.factoryFileSize = tonumber(fSize) end
elseif k == 'MD5' then
local sSum,fSum = v:match('^(.-);(.*)$')
sSum,fSum = trim(sSum), trim(fSum)
if sSum then entry.sysupgradeMD5 = sSum end
if fSum then entry.factoryMD5 = fSum end
elseif k == 'ReleaseDate' then
local ts = M.parseDate(v)
if not ts then
P(0, "ignoring incorrectly formatted ReleaseDate field (line " .. lineno .. ")")
entry.timestamp = ts
P(-1, "ignoring unrecognized field in index file '" .. k .. "' (line " .. lineno .. ")")
lineno = lineno + 1
if entry ~= nil then table.insert(result, entry) end
table.sort(result, function(a,b)
return M.compareVersions(a.version,b.version) < 0
return result
--- Returns an indexed and sorted table containing version information tables.
-- The information is obtained from the either cached or downloaded image index (@{IMAGE_STABLE_INDEX_FILE}).
-- @tparam which[opt] Which type of versions to fetch, either 'stables' (default), 'betas' or both.
-- @treturn table A table with a collection of version information tables.
function M.getAvailableVersions(which)
local ccRv,ccMsg = createCacheDirectory()
if not ccRv then return nil,ccMsg end
local verTable, msg = {}, nil
if which == 'stables' or which == 'both' then
verTable,msg = fetchIndexTable(M.IMAGE_STABLE_INDEX_FILE, cachePath)
if not verTable then return nil,msg end
if which == 'betas' or which == 'both' then
local betas,msg = fetchIndexTable(M.IMAGE_BETA_INDEX_FILE, cachePath)
if not betas then return nil,msg end
for k,v in pairs(betas) do verTable[k] = v end
return verTable
--- Attempts to download an image file with the requested properties.
-- @tparam table versionEntry A version information table.
-- @string[opt] devType Image device type, see @{constructImageFilename}.
-- @bool[opt] isFactory Image type, see @{constructImageFilename}.
-- @treturn bool|nil True if successful, or nil on error.
-- @treturn ?string|number (optional) Descriptive message on general error, or wget exit status.
function M.downloadImageFile(versionEntry, devType, isFactory)
if not baseUrl then baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL end
local filename = M.constructImageFilename(versionEntry.version, devType, isFactory)
local doDownload = not useCache
local ccRv,ccMsg = createCacheDirectory()
if not ccRv then return nil,ccMsg end
if versionEntry.isValid == false then
doDownload = true
elseif versionEntry.isValid == nil then
M.checkValidImage(versionEntry, devType, isFactory)
if versionEntry.isValid == false then doDownload = true end
local rv = 0
if doDownload then
M.setState(M.STATE.DOWNLOADING, "Downloading image (" .. filename .. ")")
rv = downloadFile(baseUrl .. '/images/' .. filename, cachePath, filename)
if rv == 0 then
if M.checkValidImage(versionEntry, devType, isFactory) then
M.setState(M.STATE.IMAGE_READY, "Image downloaded, ready to install (image name: " .. filename .. ")")
return true
removeFile(cachePath .. '/' .. filename)
local ws = "Image download failed (invalid image)"
return nil,ws
local ws = wgetStatusToString(rv)
removeFile(cachePath .. '/' .. filename)
M.setState(M.STATE.DOWNLOAD_FAILED, "Image download failed (wget error: " .. ws .. ")")
return nil,ws
--- Issues a [sysupgrade](http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/generic.sysupgrade) command with a wifibox image file.
-- This function will not return if it does its job successfully, the device will flash and reboot instead.
-- @tparam table versionEntry A version information table.
-- @bool[opt] noRetain If true, do not keep files in overlay filesystem (i.e., the '-n' switch in sysupgrade).
-- @string[opt] devType Image device type, see @{constructImageFilename}.
-- @bool[opt] isFactory Image type, see @{constructImageFilename}.
-- @treturn bool|nil True on success (with the 'exception' as noted above) or nil on error.
-- @treturn ?string|number (optional) Descriptive message or sysupgrade exit status on error.
function M.flashImageVersion(versionEntry, noRetain, devType, isFactory)
local imgName = M.constructImageFilename(versionEntry.version, devType, isFactory)
local cmd = noRetain and 'sysupgrade -n ' or 'sysupgrade '
cmd = cmd .. cachePath .. '/' .. imgName
local ccRv,ccMsg = createCacheDirectory()
if not ccRv then return nil,ccMsg end
if not M.checkValidImage(versionEntry) then
return nil,"no valid image for requested version present"
M.setState(M.STATE.INSTALLING, "Installing new image (" .. imgName .. ")") -- yes this is rather pointless
local rv = runCommand(cmd) -- if everything goes to plan, this will not return
if rv == 0 then
M.setState(M.STATE.INSTALLED, "Image installed")
-- NOTE: if cmdrv == 127, this means the command was not found
local cmdrv,sysrv = splitExitStatus(rv)
M.setState(M.STATE.INSTALL_FAILED, "Image installation failed (sysupgrade returned " .. cmdrv .. ", execution status: " .. sysrv .. ")")
return (rv == 0) and true or nil,rv
--- Clears '*.bin' in the @{cachePath} directory.
-- @treturn bool|nil True on success, or nil on error.
-- @treturn ?string Descriptive message on error.
function M.clear()
local ccRv,ccMsg = createCacheDirectory()
if not ccRv then return nil,ccMsg end
D("Removing " .. cachePath .. "/doodle3d-wifibox-*.bin")
M.setState(M.STATE.NONE, "")
local rv = compatexecute('rm -f ' .. cachePath .. '/doodle3d-wifibox-*.bin')
return (rv == 0) and true or nil,"could not remove image files"
--- Set updater state.
-- NOTE: make sure the cache directory @{cachePath} exists before calling this function or it will fail.
-- NOTE: this function _can_ fail but this is not expected to happen so the return value is mostly ignored for now.
-- @number code The @{STATE} code to set.
-- @string msg The accompanying state message to set.
-- @treturn bool True on success or false if the state file could not be opened for writing.
function M.setState(code, msg)
local s = code .. '|' .. msg
D("set update state: " .. M.STATE_NAMES[code] .. " ('" .. s .. "')")
local file,msg = io.open(cachePath .. '/' .. M.STATE_FILE, 'w')
if not file then
E("error: could not open state file for writing (" .. msg .. ")")
return false
return true
-- MAIN --
--- The main function which will be called in standalone mode.
-- At the end of the file, this function will be invoked only if `arg` is defined,
-- so this file can also be used as a library.
-- Command-line arguments are expected to be present in the global `arg` variable.
local function main()
local argTable,msg = parseCommandlineArguments(arg)
if not argTable then
E("error interpreting command-line arguments, try '-h' for help (".. msg ..")")
verbosity = argTable.verbosity
if argTable.useCache ~= nil then useCache = argTable.useCache end
P(0, "Doodle3D Wifibox firmware updater")
local cacheCreated,msg = createCacheDirectory()
if not cacheCreated then
if argTable.action == 'showHelp' then
P(1, "\t-h\t\tShow this help message")
P(1, "\t-q\t\tquiet mode")
P(1, "\t-V\t\tverbose mode")
P(1, "\t-c\t\tUse cache as much as possible")
P(1, "\t-C\t\tDo not use the cache")
P(1, "\t-u <base_url>\tUse specified base URL (default: " .. M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL .. ")")
P(1, "\t-v\t\tShow current image version")
P(1, "\t-s\t\tShow current update status")
P(1, "\t-l\t\tShow list of available image versions (and which one has been downloaded, if any)")
P(1, "\t-i <version>\tShow information (changelog) about the requested image version")
P(1, "\t-d <version>\tDownload requested image version")
P(1, "\t-f <version>\tFlash to requested image version (by means of sysupgrade)")
P(1, "\t-r\t\tClear downloaded images and reset state")
elseif argTable.action == 'showCurrentVersion' then
local vText,msg,nr = M.getCurrentVersionText()
if not vText then E("error reading firmware version (" .. nr .. ": " .. msg .. ")"); os.exit(1) end
local v = M.parseVersion(vText)
if not v then E("error parsing version '" .. vText .. "'"); os.exit(2) end
P(1, "version: " .. M.formatVersion(v))
elseif argTable.action == 'showStatus' then
local status = M.getStatus()
P(0, "Current update status:")
P(1, " currentVersion:\t" .. (M.formatVersion(status.currentVersion) or '?'))
P(1, " newestVersion:\t" .. (M.formatVersion(status.newestVersion) or '?'))
if status.stateText and status.stateText:len() > 0 then
P(1, " state:\t\t" .. M.STATE_NAMES[status.stateCode] .. " (" .. status.stateText .. ")")
P(1, " state:\t\t" .. M.STATE_NAMES[status.stateCode])
if status.stateCode == M.STATE.DOWNLOADING then
local percent = (status.imageSize > 0) and (math.ceil(status.progress / status.imageSize * 1000) / 10) or 0
P(1, " download progress:\t" .. status.progress .. "/" .. status.imageSize .. " (" .. percent .. "%)")
elseif argTable.action == 'showAvailableVersions' then
local verTable,msg = M.getAvailableVersions()
if not verTable then
E("error collecting version information (" .. msg .. ")")
P(0, "Available versions:")
for _,ent in ipairs(verTable) do P(1, M.formatVersion(ent.version)) end
elseif argTable.action == 'showVersionInfo' then
local vEnt,msg = M.findVersion(argTable.version)
if vEnt then
P(0, "Information on version:")
P(1, " version:\t\t" .. M.formatVersion(vEnt.version))
P(1, " sysupgradeFilename:\t" .. (vEnt.sysupgradeFilename or '-'))
P(1, " sysupgradeFileSize:\t" .. (vEnt.sysupgradeFileSize or '-'))
P(1, " sysupgradeMD5:\t" .. (vEnt.sysupgradeMD5 or '-'))
P(1, " factoryFilename:\t" .. (vEnt.factoryFilename or '-'))
P(1, " factoryFileSize:\t" .. (vEnt.factoryFileSize or '-'))
P(1, " factoryMD5:\t\t" .. (vEnt.factoryMD5 or '-'))
if vEnt.changelog then
P(1, "\n--- Changelog ---\n" .. vEnt.changelog .. '---')
P(1, " changelog:\t\t-")
elseif vEnt == false then
P(1, "no such version")
elseif vEnt == nil then
E("error searching version index (" .. msg .. ")")
elseif argTable.action == 'imageDownload' then
local vEnt,msg = M.findVersion(argTable.version)
if vEnt == false then
P(1, "no such version")
elseif vEnt == nil then
E("error searching version index (" .. msg .. ")")
local rv,msg = M.downloadImageFile(vEnt)
if not rv then E("could not download file (" .. msg .. ")")
else P(1, "success")
elseif argTable.action == 'clear' then
local rv,msg = M.clear()
if not rv then P(1, "error (" .. msg .. ")")
else P(1, "success")
elseif argTable.action == 'imageInstall' then
local vEnt, msg = nil, nil
vEnt,msg = M.findVersion(argTable.version)
if vEnt == false then
P(1, "no such version")
elseif vEnt == nil then
E("error searching version index (" .. msg .. ")")
local rv
rv,msg = M.flashImageVersion(vEnt)
E("error: failed to flash image to device (" .. msg .. ")")
P(0, "usage: d3d-updater [-hqVcCvslr] [-u base_url] [-i version] [-d version] [-f version]")
--- Only execute the main function if an arg table is present, this enables usage both as module and as standalone script.
if arg ~= nil then main() end
return M