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This file contains all valid configuration keys, their default values and optional constraints.
The table names are used as configuration key names, where underscores ('_') may be used to denote semi-categories.
The settings interface replaces periods ('.') by underscores so for instance 'network.ap.address' will
be translated to 'network_ap_address'. Multi-word names should be notated as camelCase.
Valid fields for the tables are:
- default: the default value (used when the key is not set in UCI config)
- type: used for basic type checking, one of bool, int, float or string
- description: A descriptive text usable by API clients
- min, max, regex: optional constraints (min and max constrain value for numbers, or length for strings)
NOTE that the all-caps definitions will be changed into configuration keys, or moved to a different location
local M = {}
2013-07-17 17:43:33 +02:00
--NOTE: pcall protects from invocation exceptions, which is what we need except
--during debugging. This flag replaces them with a normal call so we can inspect stack traces.
--This enables debugging of the REST API from the command-line, specify the path and optionally the request method as follows: 'p=/mod/func rq=POST'
M.DEBUG_API = true
--REST responses will contain 'module' and 'function' keys describing what was requested
M.network_ap_ssid = {
2013-07-17 17:43:33 +02:00
default = 'd3d-ap-%%MAC_ADDR_TAIL%%',
type = 'string',
description = 'Access Point mode SSID',
min = 1,
max = 32
M.network_ap_address = {
2013-07-17 17:43:33 +02:00
default = '',
type = 'string',
description = 'Access Point mode IP address',
regex = '%d+\.%d+\.%d+\.%d+'
M.network_ap_netmask = {
2013-07-17 17:43:33 +02:00
default = '',
type = 'string',
description = 'Access Point mode netmask',
regex = '%d+\.%d+\.%d+\.%d+'
M.printer_temperature = {
default = 230,
type = 'int',
2013-07-17 17:43:33 +02:00
description = '3D printer temperature',
min = 0
M.printer_objectHeight = {
default = 20,
type = 'int',
description = 'Maximum height that will be printed',
min = 0
M.printer_layerHeight = {
default = 0.2,
type = 'float',
description = '',
min = 0.0
M.printer_wallThickness = {
default = 0.5,
type = 'float',
description = '',
min = 0.0
M.printer_speed = {
default = 70,
type = 'int',
description = '',
min = 0
M.printer_travelSpeed = {
default = 200,
type = 'int',
description = '',
min = 0
M.printer_filamentThickness = {
default = 2.89,
type = 'float',
description = '',
min = 0.0
M.printer_useSubLayers = {
default = true,
type = 'bool',
description = 'Continuously move platform while printing instead of once per layer'
M.printer_firstLayerSlow = {
default = true,
type = 'float',
description = 'Print the first layer slowly to get a more stable start',
M.printer_autoWarmUp = {
default = true,
type = 'float',
description = '',
M.printer_simplify_iterations = {
default = 10,
type = 'int',
description = '',
min = 0
M.printer_simplify_minNumPoints = {
default = 15,
type = 'int',
description = '',
min = 0
M.printer_simplify_minDistance = {
default = 3,
type = 'int',
description = '',
min = 0
M.printer_retraction_speed = {
default = 50,
type = 'int',
description = '',
min = 0
M.printer_retraction_minDistance = {
default = 5,
type = 'int',
description = '',
min = 0
M.printer_retraction_amount = {
default = 3,
type = 'int',
description = '',
min = 0
M.printer_autoWarmUpCommand = {
default = 'M104 S230',
type = 'string',
description = ''
return M