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2013-12-20 16:29:46 +01:00
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
-- The unavoidable collection of utility functions.
2013-11-08 18:54:57 +01:00
-- Functions in this file are accompanied by unit tests, please study those
-- to see how utility functions are expected to behave.
local M = {}
2013-11-08 18:54:57 +01:00
--- Splits a string on a given divider character.
-- @string[opt=':'] div The divider character to use.
-- @return An array containing the resultant substrings.
-- @usage local str = "a,b,c"; local parts = str:split(',')
function string:split(div)
local div, pos, arr = div or ':', 0, {}
for st,sp in function() return self:find(div, pos, true) end do
table.insert(arr, self:sub(pos, st - 1))
pos = sp + 1
table.insert(arr, self:sub(pos))
return arr
2013-11-08 18:54:57 +01:00
--- Returns the size of an open file handle.
-- @param file File handle to report about.
-- @treturn number Size of the file, determined by seeking to the end.
function M.fileSize(file)
local current = file:seek()
local size = file:seek('end')
file:seek('set', current)
return size
2013-11-08 18:54:57 +01:00
--- Convert an object to boolean.
-- String values which will yield true are (case insensitive): '1', 't' and 'true'.
-- Boolean true and numbers other than 0 also yield true, everything else yields false.
-- @param s The object to convert.
-- @treturn bool The converted value.
function M.toboolean(s)
if not s then return false end
local b = type(s) == 'string' and s:lower() or s
local textTrue = (b == '1' or b == 't' or b == 'true')
local boolTrue = (type(b) == 'boolean' and b == true)
local numTrue = (type(b) == 'number' and b > 0)
return textTrue or boolTrue or numTrue
2013-11-08 18:54:57 +01:00
--- Stringifies the given object.
-- Note that self-referencing objects will cause an endless loop with the current implementation.
-- @param o The object to convert.
-- @treturn string Stringified version of o.
function M.dump(o)
if type(o) == 'table' then
local s = '{ '
for k,v in pairs(o) do
if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end
s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. M.dump(v) .. ','
return s .. '} '
return tostring(o)
--- Returns the name of a section in a UCI config.
-- This name is necessary to be able to refer to the corresponding section and
-- the UCI library does not provide a way to look it up.
-- @tparam string config Name of the UCI config to search through.
-- @tparam string type UCI type of the section to find.
-- @treturn string Name of the section matching the parameters, or nil if it could not be found.
function M.getUciSectionName(config, type)
local uci = require('uci').cursor()
local sname = nil
uci:foreach(config, type, function(s) sname = s['.name'] end)
return sname
2013-11-08 18:54:57 +01:00
--- Reports whether or not a file exists. This is done by trying to open it.
-- @tparam string file Filename to report about.
-- @treturn bool|nil True if the file exists, false otherwise or nil on invalid argument.
-- @treturn ?string Descriptive message on error.
function M.exists(file)
if not file or type(file) ~= 'string' or file:len() == 0 then
return nil, "file must be a non-empty string"
local r = io.open(file, 'r') -- ignore returned message
if r then r:close() end
return r ~= nil
2013-11-08 18:54:57 +01:00
--- Creates a file if it does not exist yet.
-- @string file Path and name of the file to create.
-- @treturn bool|nil True if the file has been created, false if it already existed or nil on error
-- @treturn ?string Descriptive message on error
function M.create(file)
local r,m = M.exists(file)
if r == nil then
return r,m
elseif r == true then
return true
r,m = io.open(file, 'a') -- append mode is probably safer in case the file does exist after all
if not r then return r,m end
return true
2013-11-08 18:54:57 +01:00
--- Create a symlink on the file system.
-- _Note_ that this function contains a potential security leak as it uses os.execute with given parameters.
-- @string from Source path for the symlink.
-- @string to Target path for the symlink.
-- @return The return value from @{os.execute}, or -1 on invalid parameter(s).
-- @fixme: somehow protect this function from running arbitrary commands
function M.symlink(from, to)
if from == nil or from == '' or to == nil or to == '' then return -1 end
local x = 'ln -s ' .. from .. ' ' .. to
return os.execute(x)
function M.readFile(filePath)
local f, msg, nr = io.open(filePath, 'r')
if not f then return nil,msg,nr end
local res = f:read('*all')
return res
2013-11-08 18:54:57 +01:00
--- Runs a command and captures its output using @{io.popen}.
-- @string cmd The command to run.
-- @treturn string Output of the command that was run.
-- @todo: this function has been duplicated from rest/api/api_system.lua
function M.captureCommandOutput(cmd)
local f = assert(io.popen(cmd..' 2>&1', 'r'))
local output = assert(f:read('*all'))
2013-11-08 18:54:57 +01:00
return output
return M