mirror of https://github.com/Doodle3D/doodle3d-firmware.git synced 2025-03-03 19:35:34 +01:00

New wifibox update script (to update firmware image). (WIP)

Release script is now capable of uploading packages & images.
This commit is contained in:
Wouter R 2013-10-17 21:45:23 +02:00
parent cf7237547f
commit 6225cd6062
3 changed files with 409 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ define Package/wifibox/install
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/rest/api
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/bin
#$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/www/cgi-bin
@ -97,12 +99,16 @@ define Package/wifibox/install
$(CP) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/rest/api/*.lua $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/rest/api/
$(CP) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/util/*.lua $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/util/
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/d3d-updater.lua $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/script
$(LN) -s /$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/script/d3d-updater.lua $(1)/bin
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/wifibox_init $(1)/etc/init.d/wifibox # copy directly to init dir (required for post-inst enabling)
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/d3dapi $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/script
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/signin.sh $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/script
$(CP) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/wifibox.uci.config $(1)/etc/config/wifibox # copy base configuration to uci config dir
$(CP) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/FIRMWARE-VERSION $(1)/etc/wifibox-version
# $(CP) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/www/* $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/www/
$(CP) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/www/* $(1)/www/ #copy www files directly to /www

View File

@ -46,10 +46,22 @@ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
exit 1
#determine the wifibox root path
my_rel_dir=`dirname $0`
pushd "$my_rel_dir" > /dev/null
popd > /dev/null
echo "Compiling firmware update files for version ${FW_VERSION}"
#setup paths
if [ ! -d $PKG_DEST_DIR ]; then mkdir -p $PKG_DEST_DIR; fi
echo "Using $PKG_DEST_DIR as target directory"
@ -65,6 +77,7 @@ rm -f $PKG_FEED_DIR/$INDEX_GZ_FILE
#copy and rename images
if [ ! -d $PKG_IMG_DIR ]; then mkdir $PKG_IMG_DIR; fi
for devtype in $DEVICE_TYPES; do
if [ -f $IMG_SRC_PATH/openwrt-ar71xx-generic-${devtype}-v1-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin ]; then
@ -72,15 +85,27 @@ for devtype in $DEVICE_TYPES; do
sysupgrade_size=`stat -f %z $sysupgrade_name`
factory_size=`stat -f %z $factory_name`
echo "Copying images for device '${devtype}' (sysupgrade size: ${sysupgrade_size}, factory size: ${factory_size})"
#TODO: replace 'wc -c' with something more efficient (stat? ls?)
sysupgrade_filesize=`wc -c < ${sysupgrade_name} | tr -d ' '`
factory_filesize=`wc -c < ${factory_name} | tr -d ' '`
sysupgrade_md5sum=`md5 -q ${sysupgrade_name}`
factory_md5sum=`md5 -q ${factory_name}`
echo "Version: ${FW_VERSION}" >> $IMG_INDEX_FILE
echo "Files: ${sysupgrade_out_basename}; ${factory_out_basename}" >> $IMG_INDEX_FILE
echo "FileSize: ${sysupgrade_filesize}; ${factory_filesize}" >> $IMG_INDEX_FILE
echo "MD5: ${sysupgrade_md5sum}; ${factory_md5sum}" >> $IMG_INDEX_FILE
if [ $sysupgrade_size -gt $MAX_GOOD_IMAGE_SIZE ]; then
echo "WARNING: the sysupgrade is larger than $MAX_GOOD_IMAGE_SIZE bytes, which probably means it will cause read/write problems when flashed to a device"
echo "WARNING: the sysupgrade image is larger than $MAX_GOOD_IMAGE_SIZE bytes, which probably means it will cause read/write problems when flashed to a device"
cp $sysupgrade_name $PKG_IMG_DIR/$IMAGE_BASENAME-${devtype}-sysupgrade.bin
cp $factory_name $PKG_IMG_DIR/$IMAGE_BASENAME-${devtype}-factory.bin
cp $sysupgrade_name $PKG_IMG_DIR/$sysupgrade_out_basename
cp $factory_name $PKG_IMG_DIR/$factory_out_basename

src/script/d3d-updater.lua Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
#!/usr/bin/env lua
-- implement image removal
-- make sure downloaded files are overwritten, and never named with '.n' suffix
-- max 1 image tegelijk gedownload (zelfs dat is al link qua geheugengebruik? -> printen blokkeren vanaf download image?)
-- interpret wget return values more intelligently? or add function to run integrity check on index vs actually present files?
-- after downloading anything, check whether it really exists?
-- document index file format (Version first, then in any order: Files: sysup; factory, ChangelogStart:, ..., ChangelogEnd:)
-- can we also get rid of the .lua extension? (looks nicer on command-line)
-- remove /etc/wifibox-version on macbook...
-- perhaps create a function for each action and directly assign them in the arguments parser
local M = {}
M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL = 'http://doodle3d.com/updates'
--M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost/~wouter/wifibox/updates'
M.IMAGE_INDEX_FILE = 'wifibox-image.index'
M.CACHE_PATH = '/tmp/d3d-updater'
M.WGET_OPTIONS = "-q -t 1 -T 30"
--M.WGET_OPTIONS = "-v -t 1 -T 30"
M.verbosity = 0
-- use level==1 for important messages, 0 for regular messages and -1 for less important messages
local function P(lvl, msg) if (-lvl <= M.verbosity) then print(msg) end end
local function E(msg) io.stderr:write(msg .. '\n') end
-- trim whitespace from both ends of string (from http://snippets.luacode.org/?p=snippets/trim_whitespace_from_string_76)
local function trim(s)
if type(s) ~= 'string' then return s end
return (s:find('^%s*$') and '' or s:match('^%s*(.*%S)'))
-- from utils.lua
local function readFile(filePath, trimResult)
local f, msg, nr = io.open(filePath, 'r')
if not f then return nil,msg,nr end
local res = f:read('*all')
if trimResult then
res = trim(res)
return res
-- from utils.lua
local function exists(file)
if not file or type(file) ~= 'string' or file:len() == 0 then
return nil, "file must be a non-empty string"
local r = io.open(file, 'r') -- ignore returned message
if r then r:close() end
return r ~= nil
-- from utils.lua
local function fileSize(file)
local current = file:seek()
local size = file:seek('end')
file:seek('set', current)
return size
-- returns return value of command
local function runCommand(command, dryRun) P(-1, "(DBG) about to run: '" .. command .. "'"); return (not dryRun) and os.execute(command) or 0 end
-- returns return value of wget (or nil if saveDir is nil or empty)
local function downloadFile(url, saveDir, filename)
if not saveDir or saveDir:len() == 0 then return nil, "saveDir must be non-empty" end
local outArg = (filename:len() > 0) and (' -O' .. filename) or ''
if filename:len() > 0 then
--return runCommand('wget ' .. M.WGET_OPTIONS .. ' -O ' .. saveDir .. '/' .. filename .. ' ' .. url .. ' 2> /dev/null')
return runCommand('wget ' .. M.WGET_OPTIONS .. ' -O ' .. saveDir .. '/' .. filename .. ' ' .. url)
return runCommand('wget ' .. M.WGET_OPTIONS .. ' -P ' .. saveDir .. ' ' .. url .. ' 2> /dev/null')
local function parseCommandlineArguments(arglist)
local result = { verbosity = 0, baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL, action = nil }
local nextIsVersion, nextIsUrl = false, false
for index,argument in ipairs(arglist) do
if nextIsVersion then
result.version = argument; nextIsVersion = false
elseif nextIsUrl then
result.baseUrl = argument; nextIsUrl = false
if argument == '-h' then result.action = 'showHelp'
elseif argument == '-q' then result.verbosity = -1
elseif argument == '-V' then result.verbosity = 1
elseif argument == '-c' then result.useCache = true
elseif argument == '-C' then result.useCache = false
elseif argument == '-u' then nextIsUrl = true
elseif argument == '-m' then result.machineOutput = true
elseif argument == '-v' then result.action = 'showCurrentVersion'
elseif argument == '-l' then result.action = 'showAvailableVersions'
elseif argument == '-i' then result.action = 'showVersionInfo'; nextIsVersion = true
elseif argument == '-d' then result.action = 'imageDownload'; nextIsVersion = true
elseif argument == '-r' then result.action = 'imageRemove'
elseif argument == '-f' then result.action = 'imageInstall'; nextIsVersion = true
else return nil,"Unrecognized argument '" .. argument .. "'"
if result.machineOutput then result.verbosity = -1 end
if result.version then
result.version = M.parseVersion(result.version)
if not result.version then
return nil,"error parsing specified version"
if nextIsVersion then return nil, "Missing required version argument" end
if nextIsUrl then return nil, "Missing required URL argument" end
return result
function M.parseVersion(versionText)
if not versionText or versionText:len() == 0 then return nil end
local major,minor,patch = versionText:match("^%s*(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%s*$")
if not major or not minor or not patch then return nil end
return { ['major'] = major, ['minor'] = minor, ['patch'] = patch }
function M.formatVersion(version) return version.major .. "." .. version.minor .. "." .. version.patch end
-- expects two tables as created by M.parseVersion()
function M.compareVersions(versionA, versionB)
if type(versionA) ~= 'table' or type(versionB) ~= 'table' then return nil end
local diff = versionA.major - versionB.major
if diff == 0 then diff = versionA.minor - versionB.minor end
if diff == 0 then diff = versionA.patch - versionB.patch end
return diff > 0 and 1 or (diff < 0 and -1 or 0)
function M.findVersion(verTable, version)
for _,ent in pairs(verTable) do
if M.compareVersions(ent.version, version) == 0 then return ent end
return nil
-- version may be a table or a string, devtype and isFactory are optional
function M.constructImageFilename(ver, devType, isFactory)
local sf = isFactory and 'factory' or 'sysupgrade'
local v = (type(ver) == 'table') and ver or M.formatVersion(ver)
local dt = devType and devType or 'tl-mr3020'
return 'doodle3d-wifibox-' .. M.formatVersion(v) .. '-' .. dt .. '-' .. sf .. '.bin'
-- returns a plain text version
function M.getCurrentVersionText()
local res,msg,nr = readFile('/etc/wifibox-version', true)
if res then return res else return nil,msg,nr end
-- returns a table with major, minor and patch as keys
function M.getCurrentVersion()
local vt,msg = getCurrentVersionText()
return vt and M.parseVersion(vt) or nil,msg
-- requires url of image index file; returns an indexed (and sorted) table containing version tables
function M.getAvailableVersions(baseUrl, useCache)
local indexFilename = M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. M.IMAGE_INDEX_FILE
if not useCache or not exists(indexFilename) then
local rv = downloadFile(baseUrl .. '/images/' .. M.IMAGE_INDEX_FILE, M.CACHE_PATH, M.IMAGE_INDEX_FILE)
if rv ~= 0 then return nil,"could not download image index file" end
local status,idxLines = pcall(io.lines, indexFilename)
if not status then return nil,"could not open image index file '" .. indexFilename .. "'" end --do not include io.lines error message
local result,entry = {}, nil
local lineno,changelogMode = 1, false
for line in idxLines do
local k,v = line:match('^(.-):(.*)$')
k,v = trim(k), trim(v)
--P(1, "#" .. lineno .. ": considering '" .. line .. "' (" .. (k or '<nil>') .. " / " .. (v or '<nil>') .. ")") -- debug
if not changelogMode and (not k or not v) then return nil,"incorrectly formatted line in index file (line " .. lineno .. ")" end
if k == 'ChangelogEnd' then
changelogMode = false
elseif changelogMode then
entry.changelog = entry.changelog .. line .. '\n'
if k == 'Version' then
if entry ~= nil then table.insert(result, entry) end
local pv = M.parseVersion(v)
if not pv then return nil,"incorrect version text in index file (line " .. lineno .. ")" end
entry = { version = pv }
elseif k == 'ChangelogStart' then
changelogMode = true
entry.changelog = ""
elseif k == 'Files' then
local sName,fName = v:match('^(.-);(.*)$')
sName,fName = trim(sName), trim(fName)
if sName then entry.sysupgradeFilename = sName end
if fName then entry.factoryFilename = fName end
elseif k == 'FileSize' then
local sSize,fSize = v:match('^(.-);(.*)$')
sSize,fSize = trim(sSize), trim(fSize)
if sSize then entry.sysupgradeFileSize = sSize end
if fSize then entry.factoryFileSize = fSize end
elseif k == 'MD5' then
local sSum,fSum = v:match('^(.-);(.*)$')
sSum,fSum = trim(sSum), trim(fSum)
if sSum then entry.sysupgradeMD5 = sSum end
if fSum then entry.factoryMD5 = fSum end
P(-1, "ignoring unrecognized field in index file '" .. k .. "' (line " .. lineno .. ")")
lineno = lineno + 1
if entry ~= nil then table.insert(result, entry) end
--sort table
table.sort(result, function(a,b)
return M.compareVersions(a.version,b.version) < 0
return result
-- devtype and isFactory are optional; returns a table with major, minor and patch as keys
function M.downloadImageFile(baseUrl, ver, forceDownload, devType, isFactory)
local filename = M.constructImageFilename(ver, devType, isFactory)
local doDownload = (type(forceDownload) == 'boolean') and forceDownload or (not exists(M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. filename))
--TODO: if file exists but is of different length, set doDownload to true
--TODO: if file exists but does not match md5sum, set doDownload to true
return doDownload and downloadFile(baseUrl .. '/images/' .. filename, M.CACHE_PATH, filename) or 0
-- this function will not return
function M.flashImageVersion(version, noRetain, devType, isFactory)
local imgName = M.constructImageFilename(version, devType, isFactory)
local cmd = noRetain and 'sysupgrade -n ' or 'sysupgrade '
cmd = cmd .. M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. imgName
P(1, "running command: '" .. cmd .. "'")
return runCommand(cmd, true) -- if everything goes to plan, this will not return
-- MAIN --
local function main()
local useCache = true
local argTable,msg = parseCommandlineArguments(arg)
if not argTable then
E("error interpreting command-line arguments, try '-h' for help (".. msg ..")")
M.verbosity = argTable.verbosity
if argTable.useCache ~= nil then useCache = argTable.useCache end
P(0, "Doodle3D Wifibox firmware updater")
if os.execute('mkdir -p ' .. M.CACHE_PATH) ~= 0 then
E("Error: could not create cache directory '" .. M.CACHE_PATH .. "'")
if argTable.action == 'showHelp' then
print("\t-h\t\tShow this help message")
print("\t-q\t\tBe more quiet")
print("\t-c\t\tUse cache as much as possible")
print("\t-C\t\tDo not use the cache")
print("\t-q\t\tBe more quiet")
print("\t-V\t\tBe more verbose")
print("\t-u <base_url>\tUse specified base URL (default: " .. M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL .. ")")
print("\t-m\t\tOnly print machine-readable output (implies -q)")
print("\t-v\t\tShow current image version")
print("\t-l\t\tShow list of available image versions (and which one has been downloaded, if any)")
print("\t-i <version>\tShow information (changelog) about the requested image version")
print("\t-d <version>\tDownload requested image version")
print("\t-r\t\tRemove downloaded image")
print("\t-f <version>\tFlash to requested image version (by means of sysupgrade)")
elseif argTable.action == 'showCurrentVersion' then
local vText,msg,nr = M.getCurrentVersionText()
if not vText then E("error reading firmware version (" .. nr .. ": " .. msg .. ")"); os.exit(1) end
local v = M.parseVersion(vText)
if not v then E("error parsing version '" .. vText .. "'"); os.exit(2) end
P(1, "version: " .. M.formatVersion(v))
elseif argTable.action == 'showAvailableVersions' then
local verTable,msg = M.getAvailableVersions(argTable.baseUrl, useCache)
if not verTable then
E("error collecting version information (" .. msg .. ")")
P(0, "Available versions:")
for _,ent in ipairs(verTable) do P(1, M.formatVersion(ent.version)) end
elseif argTable.action == 'showVersionInfo' then
local verTable,msg = M.getAvailableVersions(argTable.baseUrl, useCache)
if not verTable then
E("error parsing image index file (" .. msg .. ")")
local vEnt,msg = M.findVersion(verTable, argTable.version)
if vEnt then
P(0, "Information on version:")
P(1, "version: " .. M.formatVersion(vEnt.version))
P(1, "sysupgradeFilename: " .. (vEnt.sysupgradeFilename or '<nil>'))
P(1, "factoryFilename: " .. (vEnt.factoryFilename or '<nil>'))
P(1, "sysupgradeFileSize: " .. (vEnt.sysupgradeFileSize or '<nil>'))
P(1, "factoryFileSize: " .. (vEnt.factoryFileSize or '<nil>'))
P(1, "sysupgradeMD5: " .. (vEnt.sysupgradeMD5 or '<nil>'))
P(1, "factoryMD5: " .. (vEnt.factoryMD5 or '<nil>'))
P(1, "changelog: " .. (vEnt.changelog or '<nil>'))
P(1, "not found")
elseif argTable.action == 'imageDownload' then
--TODO: first check if version exists
local rv,msg = M.downloadImageFile(argTable.baseUrl, argTable.version, not useCache) --TEMP
if rv ~= 0 then E("could not download file (" .. rv .. ")")
else P(1, "success")
elseif argTable.action == 'imageRemove' then
P(0, "Removing " .. M.CACHE_PATH .. "/doodle3d-wifibox-*.bin")
--TODO: actually remove
elseif argTable.action == 'imageInstall' then
local rv = M.flashImageVersion(argTable.version)
E("error: flash function returned, the device should have been flashed and rebooted instead")
-- only execute the main function if an arg table is present, this enables usage both as module and as standalone script
if arg ~= nil then main() end
return M