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61 changed files with 1056 additions and 4423 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<projectDescription> <projectDescription>
<name>doodle3d-firmware</name> <name>d3d-box-wifi</name>
<comment></comment> <comment></comment>
<projects> <projects>
</projects> </projects>

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.

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@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ IncludeWithNewlines = $(subst
# Name and release number of this package # Name and release number of this package
PKG_NAME := wifibox PKG_NAME := wifibox
PKG_VERSION := 0.1.1 PKG_VERSION := 0.1.0
# This specifies the directory where we're going to build the program. # This specifies the directory where we're going to build the program.
# The root build directory, $(BUILD_DIR), is by default the build_mipsel # The root build directory, $(BUILD_DIR), is by default the build_mipsel
@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ endef
define Build/Prepare define Build/Prepare
mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
$(CP) -r ./src/* $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ $(CP) -r ./src/* $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/
$(CP) -r ./ReleaseNotes.md $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/
endef endef
define Build/Configure define Build/Configure
@ -66,13 +65,6 @@ define Build/Compile directives
# no compilation necessary (although possible with luac?) # no compilation necessary (although possible with luac?)
endef endef
# This information is contained within the ipk file and (at least) used by
# sysupgrade to determine which files to keep (see `opkg list-changed-conffiles`).
define Package/wifibox/conffiles
# The $(1) variable represents the root directory on the router running # The $(1) variable represents the root directory on the router running
# OpenWrt. The $(INSTALL_DIR) variable contains a command to prepare the install # OpenWrt. The $(INSTALL_DIR) variable contains a command to prepare the install
# directory if it does not already exist. Likewise $(INSTALL_BIN) contains the # directory if it does not already exist. Likewise $(INSTALL_BIN) contains the
@ -95,16 +87,8 @@ define Package/wifibox/install
#$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc #$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/logrotate.d
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/root/
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/root/sketches
#$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/www
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/www/cgi-bin $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/www/cgi-bin
#copy wps button script to procd folder
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/rc.button/
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/wifi-switch-netconfig.sh $(1)/etc/rc.button/wps
### create all files in /usr/share/lua/autowifi (autowifi) ### create all files in /usr/share/lua/autowifi (autowifi)
$(CP) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/opkg.conf $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/ $(CP) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/opkg.conf $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/
@ -116,27 +100,13 @@ define Package/wifibox/install
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/d3d-updater.lua $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/script $(INSTALL_BIN) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/d3d-updater.lua $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/script
$(LN) -s /$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/script/d3d-updater.lua $(1)/bin/d3d-updater $(LN) -s /$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/script/d3d-updater.lua $(1)/bin/d3d-updater
$(CP) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/loglite-filters.lua $(1)/root/ $(INSTALL_BIN) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/wifibox_init $(1)/etc/init.d/wifibox # copy directly to init dir (required for post-inst enabling)
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/loglite.lua $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/script
$(LN) -s /$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/script/loglite.lua $(1)/bin/loglite
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/wifibox_init $(1)/etc/init.d/wifibox
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/dhcpcheck_init $(1)/etc/init.d/dhcpcheck
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/d3dapi $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/script $(INSTALL_BIN) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/d3dapi $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/script
$(LN) -s /$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/script/d3dapi $(1)/bin/d3dapi
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/signin.sh $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/script $(INSTALL_BIN) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/signin.sh $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/script
$(CP) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/logrotate-wifibox.conf $(1)/etc/logrotate.d/wifibox.conf
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/print-fetch.lua $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/script
$(LN) -s /$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/script/print-fetch.lua $(1)/bin/print-fetch
$(CP) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/wifibox.uci.config $(1)/etc/config/wifibox # copy base configuration to uci config dir $(CP) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/script/wifibox.uci.config $(1)/etc/config/wifibox # copy base configuration to uci config dir
$(CP) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/FIRMWARE-VERSION $(1)/etc/wifibox-version $(CP) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/FIRMWARE-VERSION $(1)/etc/wifibox-version
echo "<html><body><pre><code>" > $(1)/www/ReleaseNotes.html
cat $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/ReleaseNotes.md >> $(1)/www/ReleaseNotes.html
echo "</code></pre></body></html>" >> $(1)/www/ReleaseNotes.html
# $(CP) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/test/* $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/test/ # $(CP) $(WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR)/test/* $(1)/$(TGT_LUA_DIR_SUFFIX)/test/

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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
Doodle3D overrides the 802.11 regulatory domain such that channels 12 and 13 can be used. In most countries this is desired and accepted behaviour, with the notable exception being the USA.
Doodle3D uses the following external projects:
Lua - Copyright (c) 19942013 Lua.org, PUC-Rio. - MIT license
Luafilesystem - Copyright (c) 2003 Kepler Project - MIT license
JSON.lua (http://regex.info/blog/lua/json) - Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Jeffrey Friedl - Creative Commons CC BY 3 license
urlcode.lua, part of CGILua - Copyright (c) 2003 Kepler Project - MIT license

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@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
WiFi box OpenWRT firmware package WiFi box OpenWRT firmware package
================================= =================================
General documentation can be found on the wiki: <http://doodle3d.com/help/wiki>. Source code documentation can be generated, see below. General documentation can be found on the wiki: <http://doodle3d.com/wiki>. Source code documentation can be generated, see below.
Documentation Documentation
------------- -------------
@ -11,29 +10,3 @@ The script 'doxify.sh' generates HTML documentation of the source code in the di
Make sure the 'ldoc' program is installed on your machine and the LDOC variable in the script points there. Make sure the 'ldoc' program is installed on your machine and the LDOC variable in the script points there.
On OSX, this can be accomplished by installing it through luarocks (run `sudo luarocks install ldoc`). Luarocks can be installed using [MacPorts](http://www.macports.org/). After installing that, the command would be `sudo port install luarocks`. On OSX, this can be accomplished by installing it through luarocks (run `sudo luarocks install ldoc`). Luarocks can be installed using [MacPorts](http://www.macports.org/). After installing that, the command would be `sudo port install luarocks`.
Command line interface
The Doodle3D API can be called using a terminal:
```d3dapi p=/network/scan r=GET```
Where the p parameter is the module you want to call and r is the method.
Post request can be send using the same method:
```d3dapi p=/printer/print r=POST```
Parameters: TODO
Debugging Lua
Syntax errors in Lua can lead to tricky issues since they might only surface when the faulty code is actually being run.
One countermeasure for this is to use [pcall](http://www.lua.org/pil/8.4.html) instead of regular calls in many cases. To let the error 'happen' (which in turn gives information in the form of stack traces), tell the code to use regular calls by setting 'M.DEBUG_PCALLS' to 'true' in `conf_defaults.lua`.
Additionally, when the pcall setting is not enough, a second way of debugging is to take uhttpd out of the loop and invoke the Lua code from command-line. To do this, set 'M.DEBUG_API' to 'true' in `conf_defaults.lua`. Then invoke the API using the command `d3dapi p=/mod/func r=POST` where `p=` is followed by the API path and `r=` followed by either 'GET' or 'POST'.
Note that because stack traces are sent to `stderr`, this script redirects output streams to a separate log file: `/tmp/wifibox.stdout.log`; apart from these traces, the file should not contain any data.
Finally, the `CGI` gateway of uhttpd also uses this script, so the API can also be used to obtain stack traces by calling it as `<wifibox-ip>/cgi-bin/d3dapi/<endpoint>` (note the extra `cgi-bin`).

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@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
# 0.11.0 (12 jul 2017)
# 0.11.0-c (10 jul 2017)
- fix: Also closing file descriptor after removing current print file (commit 550e151)
# 0.11.0-b (6 jul 2017)
- show id of current print in d3dapi/info/status when printing in 'fetch' mode.
- code reuse and cleanup for control, kill and status
# 0.11.0-a (23 jun 2017)
- Added 'fetch' functionality to let the WiFi-Box print from a remote server. This enables the WiFi-Box to print large g-code files. (yeah!)
- Added support for the Renkforce RF100 printer.
- Changed 'default startcode' to prevent Ultimaker 2 series to bump into platform [#21](https://github.com/Doodle3D/WiFi-Box/issues/21) when Ultimaker (original) is selected.
- Changed default nozzle temperature from 230 to 210 &deg;C.
- Fixed corrupted endcode for delta printers.
- Changed default endcode to cooldown to 0 after print instead of cooling down to preheat temperature.
# 0.10.12
# 0.10.12-b (12 jan 2017)
- Post install update to config for changes in 0.10.10 (fixes print3d logging)
# 0.10.12-a (26 jul 2016)
- Added Ultimaker Original Plus (Thanks Remco)
- Added extra usb drivers
# 0.10.11
# 0.10.11-a (25 may 2016)
- After pressing the reset button for about 4 seconds the WiFi-Box will go to access point mode. Useful for when you can't reach it.
- Becomes access point when it can't connect to WiFi network.
- Handles more clients by tweaking the uhttpd config.
- Print3D isn't killed when there is no memory available.
- New banner (shown after ssh login)
- Ultimaker 2 type printers show status information on display.
# 0.10.10 (11 may 2016)
- Logging client version info to console.
- Logging less when printing to makerbot/wanhao
- Logging API time info
- Included version number file in logfiles
- Fixed stopping while sending
# 0.10.10-e (21 apr 2016)
- Fixed Makerbot end gcode that prevented prints or stopping prints to finish.
# 0.10.10-d (20 apr 2016)
- Allow print part sequence numbers to be retrieved
- Sequence numbers are send back when sending print parts
- When WiFi-Box responds that print part was already received the client will send the next part.
# 0.10.10-c (1 apr 2016)
- Quicker log rotation
# 0.10.10-b (21 mrt 2016)
- Logrotation (making sure older logs are removed)
- Improved logging.
- Always log initial printer communication
- loglite improvements, added readme
# 0.10.10-a (24 feb 2016)
- Max buffer size check: the WiFi-Box can now indicate through the API that its buffer is full and it won't accept new gcode.
- Buffer information is communicated through the API so all clients can handle this properly. The Doodle3D client will stop sending and waits until it drops below 75%. It will check this every 30 seconds.
- Improved progress indication: when sending a print the total number of lines can be added, causing the total lines reported through the API to be correct, instead of being approximated to be total lines in buffer, which keeps increasing while a print is still being sent.
- When sending print parts, sequence numbers can be added which will be checked for correctness.
- The stop button now stays enabled while still sending a print.
- Made firmware log format consistent with print3d's.
- Fixed local IP parsing pattern in firmware.
- Improved log messages and log messages formatting.
- Added loglite utility which enables filtering and coloring of logs.
- Won't attempt sign-in when in access point mode.
- More consistent error reporting from API.
- API d3dapi/printer/print's 'first' parameter has been deprecated in favor of a more descriptive 'clear' parameter.
- Support for CraftBot PLUS printer.
# 0.10.9 (11 jan 2016)
# 0.10.8 (11 jan 2016)
# 0.10.8-b (7 jan 2016)
Logging less by default, fixing some pretty serious memory issues, which could cause the WiFi-box to 'crash' while printing bigger files.
Log level setting, enabling users to log more if they run into problems.
For better adhesion we extruded even while traveling on the bottom layers, we now made it configurable and turned it off by default.
Fixed month display of releases in settings screen.
# 0.10.8-a (11 nov 2015)
Added ch341 and cp210x usb-serial drivers to diffconfig
# 0.10.7 (21 aug 2015)
Added ColiDo printer profiles
# 0.10.6 (17 jun 2015)
# 0.10.6-rc3 (17 jun 2015)
# 0.10.6-rc2 (16 jun 2015)
# 0.10.6-rc1 (16 jun 2015)
This release sees several connectivity bugs resolved as we continue to look to
create the most stable experience we can offer for Doodle3D users. A new
addition that has been realized in that the filament thickness is now
printer dependent. This is important for printers that use 1,75mm filament.
When changing the printer type it switches automatically. Please contact us for
better filament thickness defaults. For more details please review the notes below:
- Updated OpenWRT (the operating system) to 14.07.
- Fixed several big issues around connecting to printers.
- Big files for Marlin based printers are processed faster.
- Target temperature retrieval is improved.
- Changed the Accesspoint's settings to the default because of startup issues (country: NL to US, channel: 11 to 1).
- Improved 404 page.
- Filament thickness is now printer type dependent and automatically change when selecting a printer. (Please contact us for better filament thickness defaults.)
Support for more 3D printers:
- DoodleDream
- 3Dison
- LulzBot TAZ 4
- Wanhao Duplicator 4
- Ultimaker 2 Go
Improvements for Makerbot based printers (like the Wanhao printer):
- Prevent that the nozzle bumps into the bed when starting a new print.
- Prevent that the nozzle moves though a print after printing.
# 0.10.5-a (2 Feb 2015)
- Removed gray lines where printer needs to 'travel' (move without printing)
- Enabled traveling also for first couple of layers. This prevents straight lines crossing your print
- Added url parameter l=1 which disables parts of the user interface. The 'Print' button 'saves' the sketch instead of sending it to the printer. This is useful for public events where a moderator needs to start prints instead of the user.
- Fixed a small bug where the last sketch was skipped when pressing the previous button for the first time.
- changed WordArt font to a self-made single line handwritting font. This font prints faster and is more playful.
# 0.10.5
- Added the PhotoGuide feature which is kind of a manual Scan & Trace. Use a photo as a background image and create your doodle on top of it.
- Added support for the '3Dison plus' printer.
- Added a File Manager for downloading, uploading and deleting sketches (can be opened via the Settings Panel)
- Improved the way sketches are loaded
- Fixed scrolling issue in Settings Panel
# 0.10.4-photoguide3 (10th oct 2014)
# 0.10.4-photoguide2 (9th oct 2014)
# 0.10.4-photoguide (9th oct 2014)
- Added the PhotoGuide feature which is kind of a manual Scan & Trace. Use a photo as a background image and create your doodle on top of it.
- Added support for the '3Dison plus' printer.
# 0.10.4 (28th may 2014)
- Pulled improvements by Ultimaker.
- Fixed printing isues with gcode containing whitelines.
- Added Builder3D to printer types
- iOS captive portal fix
# 0.10.3 (9th apr 2014)
- Fixed Makerbot issue where printer driver didn't get past connecting state
# 0.10.2-makerbotfix (27th mar 2014)
- Fixed Makerbot issue where printer driver didn't get past connecting state
# 0.10.2 (14th mar 2014)
- Fixed connection issues to networks with multiple routers sharing the same ssid
- Option to update to beta releases (Beta testers are welcome)
- Substituted wifiboxid retrievable through info api
- Added a "connecting" printer state where it found a printer but couldn't communicate yet. (Not yet implemented for Makerbot's)
- When connecting takes to long, we display a warning that the user might have selected the wrong printer type (Not yet implemented for Makerbot's)
- API's printer/state doesn't return an error anymore when a printer is just connected
- Allowing WiFi channels 12 & 13
- Fixed issue that control access wasn't properly reset after print
- Fixed another issue where the box in access point wouldn't give ip addresses
# 0.10.1 (12th feb 2014)
- miniFactory support
- Fixed most Makerbot display issues
- Allowing wifi channels 12 and 13
- Allow floats for retraction amount setting
- Also preheating reconnected printer
- Fixed network interface issues
- added easter-eggs
# 0.10.0 (20th jan 2014)
- WordArt
- Adding basic shapes
- 2D edit functionality: move, scale, rotate
- Vertical shape buttons in foldable menu (creating more vertical space to draw)
- Fixed issues connecting to networks
- Doesn't switch to access point after firmware update anymore
- Speed and flow rate settings for bottom layers
- Improved Makerbot gcode for better adhesion
- Traveling disabled in bottom layers (providing sort of a poor man's raft)
- Feedback on 'restore settings to default'-button
- Reimplemented layout, lots of improvements
- Re-enabled regular browser keyboard shortcuts
- Faster click responses on iOS
- magnifying glass on iOS is now prevented from showing up
# 0.9.13 (23th dec 2013)
- Links to release notes in settings update panel, both for current version and for updateable version.
- On finishing the tour the status message, thermometer and progress indicators are only hidden when appropriate
- Heated bed printer setting
- Gcode {if heatedBed} variable
- Enable / disable tour setting
- Displaying send percentage in status message
- Deltabot (Delta RostockMax, Deltamaker, Kossel) specific start- and endgcode
- Deltabot now have 0 x and y dimentions to center the print
- No more usb hub needed (OpenWRT full speed usb stability patch)
- You can now update without preserving your personal data (sketches / settings)
- Settings can be saved even if there are printer driver issues
- Save and restore settings issues fixed
# 0.9.12 (18th dec 2013):
- Refill wifibox uci settings after reset, preventing printer driver crash (#138)
# 0.9.11 (11th dec 2013):
- keyboard shortcuts have been added
- sketches can now be downloaded both as SVG and as GCODE files
- much more data is included when downloading log files, making it easier to solve problems
- printer profiles have been added, making it possible to differentiate settings per printer
- added Ultimaker 2 and Makerbot Replicator 2x
- specific gcode for ultimaker2 and makerbot have been added
- loading and saving of sketches now works as it should
- in access-point mode, the wifibox now always serves DHCP addresses properly
- more network related logging
- new API endpoint: /printer/listall
- new API endpoint: /config/reset
- traveling is now enabled by default
# 0.9.10 (22th nov 2013):
- fixed a major issue with makerbots preventing to print anything but small prints
- slightly improved usage of makerbot type profiles
- added option to reset settings to defaults (important to use after updating to allow new defaults to be used)
Note: there are known deficiencies in start/end gcode for makerbots
# 0.9.9 (7th nov 2013)
- fixed issue sometimes causing ultimakers to reset continually
# 0.9.8 (30th oct 2013)
- initial release

TODO.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
## te doen voor werkend prototype (beta testers)
- (testen) server logging
- (testen/verder implementeren) stopknop
- volgorde chunks (en vaker voorkomen?): elke chunk naar los bestand en op het laatst samenvoegen
- (client) autopreheat wanneer er een printer aanwezig is
- (fw) temp gcode pad veranderen naar device-specifiek (i.e. /tmp/UltiFi/ttyACM?/combined.gc)
- (fw) bij (her)initialisatie printer altijd alle state weggooien (i.e. /dev/UtliFi/ttyACM?)
- client feedback
* voor ontwikkeling: debugoverlay
* vaker op 'print' drukken moet niet kunnen (knop disablen en op basis van polling (isPrinting?) status up-to-date houden)
-> maar! de firmware moet geen nieuwe printopdrachten accepteren wanneer er al een print bezig is
* temperatuurindicatie (alleen wanneer temperatuuruitlezing via api mogelijk is) -> dus ook indicatie van draaiende printserver
- (misschien?) verticale shape aanpassen
- preheaten voor het starten van een print
* (fw) wachten op targettemperatuur - 20 graden (hoe om te gaan met afkoelen?)
* (client) in config bij temperatuurinstelling: opmerking dat de printer gaat printen vanaf lagere temperatuur (bv. -20)
## te den voor final release
- start/end-codes configureerbaar maken (via los endpoint) (duplicate)
- printerlijst opvragen
* data: per printer: {id, path, type}
- gcode: printer busy rapporteren vanaf moment dat gcode wordt verzameld, niet pas bij begin printen (of gcode verzamelen per remote host?)
- op wiki over openwrt/osx svn checkout veranderen naar git clone
- image met alles erin
* in postinst op kastje: ook wifibox start doen (enable doet dat niet) (ook voor ultifi)
* firewall net wordt nog niet aangemaakt in 'Y'-mode
- nadenken over loggen (procedure voor testers hoe ze problemen kunnen rapporteren zodat wij ze kunnen reproduceren)
* verzamelen+zippen van logread output (of uci system.@system[0].log_file?) + /tmp/wifibox.conf + printserver log
- na /network/disassociate is wifi uitgeschakeld -> kan geen macadres opvragen -> openap bv. 2x nodig om weer goed macadres te vinden
- client: netwerkkeuze toevoegen?
- herstart van uhttpd en reboot uitstellen tot na sturen van response (closure queue in response.lua)
- consistentie REST API
- code documenteren
- codedocs uitwerken naar apidocs
- optie voor loggen toevoegen aan printmanager
- AP en client tegelijk (VAP / multi-ssid?)
* toegang altijd via AP, clientmode alleen voor updaten en internet ook via kastje (dan moet wel de portalmodus uit)
* dns forward: list 'dhcp_option' '6,,' (<http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/dhcp.dnsmasq#configuring.dnsmasq.to.broadcast.external.dns.server.information>)
- auto-update (zowel package als geheel image; <- kijken hoe luci dat doet)
- serieel:
* 115k2? -> Peter zei iets over instabiele connectie op 250k?
* fallback lijkt niet te werken (zelfde probleem als bij poort opnieuw openen?)
* mss helpt arduino reset triggeren om port opnieuw te kunnen openen?
* 3e manier baudrate zetten? <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4968529/how-to-set-baud-rate-to-307200-on-linux>
- initscript testen (lijkt vaker dan eens te worden uitgevoerd)
- printerExists: ook nagaan of basispad ultifi bestaat?
- in AP mode, things like 'somewhere.org/asdsfd' still results in 'Not found'
- behalve /dev/ttyACM* kan het voor FTDI dus ook /dev/ttyUSB* zijn
- config API: anders inrichten (misschien toch 1 key per keer instellen zodat response 'fail' kan zijn?)
- auto-update
- source-url in Makefile aanpassen (type aanpassen naar git en dan direct naar github repo)
- toevoegen aan /etc/opkg.conf via files in image: `src/gz wifibox http://doodle3d.com/static/wifibox-packages`
- of lokaal: `src/gz wifibox file:///tmp/wifibox-packages`
- (info) feed update-script: <wifibox_git_root>/extra/create-packages-dir.sh
uitvoeren vanuit pad waar wifibox_packages terecht moet komen (bv. ~/Sites)
- (info) package-url: <http://doodle3d.com/static/wifibox/packages>
- (info) image-url: <http://doodle3d.com/static/wifibox/images>
- later: printerprofielen
- API:
api/info/latestVersion [beta=true]
* wat als wij een verkeerd package releasen waardoor de API niet meer werkt?
- (ref) <http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/devel/packages/opkg>
- (ref) <http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/techref/opkg>
- (ref) <http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/ar71xx/packages/>
- waar moeten debugvlaggen etc naartoe? (run_flags.lua?)
- in package postinst: hostname van kastje instellen op wifibox (met mac?)
- tijdens openwrt make:
'* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for kmod-ath9k-common:
'* kmod-crypto-hash *
- wiki bijwerken (links, structuur, API)
- ook in wiki, luadoc installeren:
* !! (beter vervangen door?) <http://stevedonovan.github.io/ldoc/topics/doc.md.html>
* ongeveer volgens <http://www.hobsie.com/mark/archives/33>, maar! :
* luasocket apart installeren met `sudo luarocks install https://raw.github.com/diegonehab/luasocket/master/luasocket-scm-0.rockspec`
- Code documenteren <http://keplerproject.github.io/luadoc/>
- Lua programmeerstijl? (enkele quotes gebruiken behalve voor i18n)
- zoals het nu werkt wordt het lastig om een hiërarchische api te ondersteunen zoals dit: <http://www.restapitutorial.com/lessons/restfulresourcenaming.html>
- uhttpd ondersteunt geen PUT en DELETE, wel status codes. Beschrijving CGI-antwoorden: <http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/linux/cgi/ch03_03.htm>
- voor captive portal: cgi 'Location' header voor redirect naar goede url?
- http statuscodes <https://blog.apigee.com/detail/restful_api_design_what_about_errors>; met relevante link in antwoord (meer: <https://blog.apigee.com/taglist/restful>)
- proposed status handling in response.lua:
fucntion setStatus(code, <msg>) -> sets http status+dfl msg and optional errmsg in data
# TODO (new functionality)
- fix init script handling as described here: http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/devel/packages#packaging.a.service
- implement (automated) test code where possible
* in 'test' dir next to 'src', with API tests under 'test/www/'
* www tests check functionality of the test module
* www tests also provide an interface to run arbitrary get/post requests
* test path splitting as well
- document REST API
* fail/error difference: fail is a valid rq aka 'could not comply', while error is invalid rq _or_ system error
* modules/functions prefixed with '_' are for internal use
* rq IDs and endpoint information can be supplied (but it's probably not useful after all)
* list endpoints+args+CRUD type
* success/fail/error statuses are justified by drupal api
* unknown values (e.g. in network info) are either empty or unmentioned fields
- define a list of REST error codes to be more descriptive for clients (e.g. errortype=system/missing-arg/generic)
- steps to take regarding versioning/updating
* versioning scheme
* create feed location (e.g. www.doodle3d.com/firmware/packages) (see here: http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/packages#third.party.packages)
* create opkg (already present in bin/ar71xx/packages as .ipk file)
* create listing info for package list (checksum, size, etc. ...is this inside the .ipk file?)
* find a way to add the feed url to opkg.conf (directly in files during image building?)
* determine how opkg decides what is 'upgradeable'
* at this point manual updating should be possible, now find out how to implement in lua (execve? or write a minimalistic binding to libopkg?)
* expose through info API and/or system API; also provide a way (future) to flash a new image
- generally, for configuration keys, it could be a good idea to use the concept of default values so it's always possible to return to a 'sane default config'
* use a uci wifibox config to store configuration and a uci wifibox-defaults config as fallback-lookup (which contains a complete default configuration)
* specify min/max/type/regex for each config key in separate lua file
* perhaps defaults should be specified together with min/max/type/regex
- dynamic AP name based on partial MAC (present in default config so it can be overridden and reverted again)
- require api functions which change state to be invoked as post request
* can this be modelled like java annotations or c function attributes?
* otherwise maybe pair each function with <func>_attribs = {…}?
- add API functions to test network connectivity in steps (any chance(e.g. ~ap)? ifup? hasip? resolve? ping?) to network or test
- handling requests which need a restart of uhttpd (e.g. network/openap) will probably respond with some kind of 'please check back in a few seconds' response
- add more config options to package, which should act as defaults for a config file on the system; candidates:
# Ideas / issues to work out
- add system api module? for check-updates/do-update/etc
- licensing (also for hardware and firmware) + credits for external code and used ideas (<http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2007/04/pick-a-license-any-license.html>)
- (this is an old todo item from network:available(), might still be relevant at some point)
extend netconf interface to support function arguments (as tables) so wifihelper functionality can be integrated
but how? idea: pass x_args={arg1="a",arg2="2342"} for component 'x'
or: allow alternative for x="y" --> x={action="y", arg1="a", arg2="2342"}
in any case, arguments should be put in a new table to pass to the function (since order is undefined it must be an assoc array)
- perhaps opkg+safeboot could be useful in the update mechanism?
- add config option to compile sources using luac _or_ add an option to minify the lua code
# Bugs
- (captive portal mode) https is not redirected
- (captive portal mode) .local domains are not redirected
- (captive portal mode) any urls with text after the root domain are not redirected
- using iwinfo with interface name 'radio0' yields very little 'info' output while wlan0 works fine.
However, sometimes wlan0 disappears (happened after trying to associate with non-existing network)...why?
- protect dump function against reference loops (see <http://lua-users.org/wiki/TableSerialization>, json also handles this well)
- relocatabilty of package (take root prefix into consideration everywhere)
- disabling all wireless networks breaks the current method of obtaining the mac address, thus openap must be called twice before it is properly set up
# Logos
Check <http://geon.github.io/Programming/2012/04/25/ascii-art-signatures-in-the-wild/> for inspiration.
D o o d l e 3 D
-------- ____ .--- v 1.0.1
| | | | __ | __|.--.| ._| .---..-.-.
| | | ||--|| _| |--|| . || . |\ /
|________||__||__| |__||____||___|/_._\
D o o d l e 3 D
-------- ____ .---- v 1.0.1
| | | |--.| __|-.| ._|---.-.-.
| | | |--|| _|--|| . | . |_ _/
....D o o d l e 3 D
...________ _____ _____ v 1.0.1
../ / / |__ / __/ / - /___ __
./ ' ' /--// _|-// - | . /v /

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
* This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Doodle3D
* This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
* See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013-2014, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
# This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
# Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Doodle3D
# This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
# See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
src-git packages git://git.openwrt.org/packages.git^e5f758e0729d094441aad849bbab4117b816567d
# Edit the path below to point to the directory of the Doodle3D feed.
src-link wifibox /Users/USERNAME/xxxFiles/doodle3d_feed_path

View File

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
# This script generates a file feeds.conf and places it in the OpenWrt buildroot directory.
# It deduces the location of your Doodle3D feed by looking at its own path and,
# on OSX, tries to find the OpenWrt buildroot by looking for something mounted in a
# directory containing the word 'openwrt'; specify the path with -p <path> if that fails.
SYSNAME=`uname -s`
for arg in "$@"; do
if [ $nextIsWrtPath -eq 1 ]; then
case "$arg" in
echo "This script generates an OpenWrt feeds.conf file for building Doodle3D, it works automatically."
echo "If the wrt buildroot path cannot be determined, specify it using '-p <path>'."
echo "If you want the file contents to be shown instead of written out to a file, use '-c'."
exit 0
echo "! Error: unknown argument '$arg' found"
exit 1
if [ $nextIsWrtPath -eq 1 ]; then
echo "! Error: missing argument for -p option"
exit 1
if [ "x$WRT_PATH" = "x" ]; then
if [ "x$SYSNAME" != "xDarwin" ]; then
echo "! Error: it looks like you are not using OSX, please specify the OpenWrt buildroot path with '-p <path>'."
exit 1
elif [ "x$SYSNAME" = "xDarwin" ]; then
mountPath=`mount | sed -n 's|^.* \([^ ]*[Oo][Pp][Ee][Nn][Ww][Rr][Tt][^ ]*\).*$|\1|p'`
if [ -z "$mountPath" ]; then
echo "! Error: could not find openwrt-like path in list of mount points."
echo "! Please mount the image an rerun, or specify the path using '-p <path>'."
exit 2
# Looking for the word 'openwrt' in a README file in a direct subdir...is this a reasonable 'detect' approach?
for i in $(ls -d $mountPath/*/); do
grep -sqi openwrt "$dirname/README"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
if [ -z "$WRT_PATH" ]; then
echo "! Error: could not find buildroot path in what looks like an OpenWrt image ('$mountPath'), please rerun with '-p <path>'."
exit 3
echo "===== Doodle3D OpenWrt feeds.conf generator"
echo "* Using OpenWrt buildroot path: '$WRT_PATH'"
FEED_PATH=`dirname "$FEED_PATH"` # Ok, so after this we've got a non-normalized path to the script dir
FEED_PATH="$FEED_PATH/../../.." # go back to just outside the doodle3d-firmware repo, which should be the feed root
echo "$FEED_PATH" | grep -sq "^\/"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then FEED_PATH="`pwd`/$FEED_PATH"; fi
#NOTE: and normalize the path...this method feels a bit fragile (spurious output, special user env conditions and whatnot)
pushd "$FEED_PATH" > /dev/null 2>&1
popd > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "* Using Doodle3D feed path: '$FEED_PATH'"
echo "$FEED_PATH" | grep -sq ' '
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "! Error: the feed path contains spaces, which OpenWrt cannot handle. Exiting..."
exit 4
src-git packages git://git.openwrt.org/packages.git^$PACKAGES_FEED_SHA5
src-link wifibox $FEED_PATH
echo "* Contents to be written:\n$FILE_CONTENTS\n"
while true; do
read -p "? Proceed to write a new feeds.conf? " yn
case $yn in
[Yy]*) break;;
echo "* Ok, feeds.conf will not be generated. Exiting..."
exit 0;;
*) echo "! Please answer yes or no.";;
if [ -f "$OUT_PATH" ]; then
echo "* Backing up $OUT_PATH to $BKP_PATH"
echo "* Generating $OUT_PATH"
exit 0

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
# CONFIG_IPV6 is not set
# CONFIG_PACKAGE_6relayd is not set
# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ip6tables is not set
# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipv6 is not set
# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ppp is not set
# CONFIG_PACKAGE_libip6tc is not set
# CONFIG_PACKAGE_odhcp6c is not set
# CONFIG_PACKAGE_ppp is not set

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
# CONFIG_IPV6 is not set
# CONFIG_PACKAGE_6relayd is not set
# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ip6tables is not set
# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ipv6 is not set
# CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-ppp is not set
# CONFIG_PACKAGE_libip6tc is not set
# CONFIG_PACKAGE_odhcp6c is not set
# CONFIG_PACKAGE_ppp is not set

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
alias d='ls -la --color=auto'
alias wopkg='/usr/share/lua/wifibox/opkg.conf'

View File

@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env lua
-- TODO:
-- - cstyle comments with lines in them not starting with a '*' are not detected properly
-- - cstyle comments a la '//' are ignored completely
-- - lua block comments are not recognized
-- - in replaceComments(), source files should only be replaced with temp file if it has actually been changed
local lfs = require('lfs')
LICENSE_COMMENT_PREFIX = "This file is part of the Doodle3D project"
local specs = nil
local headers = {}
local function getFileList(path)
local result = {}
if not path or type(path) ~= 'string' then return result end
for file in lfs.dir(path) do
--local fileWithSubPath = subPath and subPath..'/'..file or file
local subPath = path..'/'..file
if lfs.attributes(subPath,'mode') == 'file' then
table.insert(result, subPath)
elseif lfs.attributes(subPath,'mode')== 'directory' and file ~= '.' and file ~= '..' then
local rr = getFileList(subPath)
for _,v in ipairs(rr) do table.insert(result, v) end
return result
-- @returns indexed table with an entry for each line or nil if file could not be read
local function readFileAsLines(file)
local f,err = io.open(file, "r")
if not f then return f,err end
local result = {}
for l in f:lines() do
table.insert(result, l)
return result
local function findItemInList(haystack, needle)
for _,v in pairs(haystack) do
if v == needle then return true end
return false
local function getGitChangedFiles(path)
if not path then path = '' end
os.execute('git update-index -q --refresh')
local f,msg = io.popen('git diff-index --name-only HEAD -- ' .. path, "r")
if not f then return f,msg end
local result = {}
for l in f:lines() do
table.insert(result, l)
return result
local function initHeaders(headersPath)
-- if not firmwareRootPath then firmwareRootPath = '.' end
-- local headersPath = firmwareRootPath .. '/' .. 'extra/license-headers'
print("Reading headers from: " .. headersPath)
headers['lua'] = readFileAsLines(headersPath .. '/header-lua')
headers['sh'] = readFileAsLines(headersPath .. '/header-sh')
headers['cstyle'] = readFileAsLines(headersPath .. '/header-cstyle')
-- writes first through last lines from indexed string array 'lines' to f, with newlines in between
-- if last is nil, everything from first on will be written; if first is nil, it is considered to be line 1
local function emitLines(lines, f, first, last)
if first == nil then first = 1 end
if last == nil then last = #lines end
if last - first < 0 then return end
for i=first, last do f:write(lines[i] .. '\n') end
function string:hashbang() return self:find('^#!') and true or false end
function string:empty() return self:find('^[%s]*$') and true or false end
function string:comment(filetype)
if filetype == 'lua' then return self:find('^%-%-.*') and true or false
elseif filetype == 'sh' then return self:find('^#.*') and true or false
elseif filetype == 'cstyle' then return self:find('^%s?/?%*.*') and true or false
-- @returns false if explicitly excluded, type (as string) if matched or nil otherwise
local function matchFileType(file)
local len = file:len()
for _,pat in ipairs(specs.EXCLUDE_FILES) do
local s,e = file:find(pat)
if s == 1 and e == len then return false end
for pat,type in pairs(specs.PROCESS_FILES) do
local s,e = file:find(pat)
if s == 1 and e == len then return type end
return nil
-- @returns first line nr or false if no comment found
-- @returns last line nr if comment found
local function findComment(lines, filetype)
if not (filetype == 'lua' or filetype == 'sh' or filetype == 'cstyle') then return nil,'unrecognized file type' end
local first, last = false, nil
local justConsumeEmpty = false
for i,l in ipairs(lines) do
if i > 1 and l:hashbang() then
elseif l:hashbang() then
--ignore this to simulate a continue
elseif not l:comment(filetype) then
if first and l:empty() then
justConsumeEmpty = true
elseif first then
last = i - 1
elseif not l:empty() then
if justConsumeEmpty then
last = i - 1
elseif not first then
first = i
return first,last
local function detectLicenseComment(lines, filetype, first, last)
local hasText = function(line, filetype)
if filetype == 'lua' then return line:find('^[%s%-]*$') == nil and true or false
elseif filetype == 'sh' then return line:find('^[%s#]*$') == nil and true or false
elseif filetype == 'cstyle' then return line:find('^[%s%*/]*$') == nil and true or false
else return nil
for i,l in ipairs(lines) do
if i >= first and i <= last and hasText(l, filetype) then
return l:find(LICENSE_COMMENT_PREFIX, 1, true) and true or false
return false
-- replaces line range [first, last] with header for filetype
-- if first and/or last are nil, header is inserted at line 1, or 2 if a hashbang is present
-- returns true on success, nil+msg otherwise
local function replaceComment(filepath, filetype, lines, first, last)
-- local filesEqual = function(file1, file2) return os.execute('cmp -s ' .. file1 .. ' ' .. file2) end--and true or false end
if first == nil or last == nil then first = lines[1]:hashbang() and 2 or 1 end
local tmpFileName = os.tmpname()
f,msg = io.open(tmpFileName, "w+")
if not f then return f, "could not open temporary file '" .. tmpFileName .. "' (" .. msg .. ")" end
emitLines(lines, f, 1, first - 1)
emitLines(headers[filetype], f)
emitLines(lines, f, last and last + 1 or first, nil)
-- if not filesEqual(tmpFileName, filepath) then
-- print("actually replacing '" .. filepath .. "' with '" .. tmpFileName .. "' now...")
local rv,msg = os.rename(tmpFileName, filepath)
os.remove(tmpFileName) -- clean up
if not rv then return rv,"could not replace file with '" .. tmpFileName .. "' (" .. msg .. ")" end
-- else
-- print("files are equal, not touching original")
-- end
return true
local function processFile(filepath, filetype, lines)
local sLine,eLine = findComment(lines, filetype)
if sLine then
if detectLicenseComment(lines, filetype, sLine, eLine) then
print("Replacing comment in file: '" .. filepath .. "' (type: " .. filetype .. ") head comment: " .. sLine .. "-" .. eLine)
replaceComment(filepath, filetype, lines, sLine, eLine)
print("Adding comment to file: '" .. filepath .. "' (type: " .. filetype .. ") unrecognized head comment: " .. sLine .. "-" .. eLine)
replaceComment(filepath, filetype, lines, nil, nil)
elseif sLine == false then
print("Adding comment to file: '" .. filepath .. "' (type: " .. filetype .. ") no comment")
replaceComment(filepath, filetype, lines, nil, nil)
return nil, "invalid type: '" .. filetype .. "'"
return true
local function main()
if #arg ~= 1 then
print("Please supply directory containing 'license-spec.lua' as argument")
local pwd = lfs.currentdir()
local scriptPath = arg[0]:match('^(.*)/')
local headersPath = pwd .. '/' .. scriptPath .. '/../license-headers'
initHeaders(headersPath) -- NOTE: this must be precede the chdir below
print("Working directory: " .. arg[1])
if not lfs.chdir(arg[1]) then
print("error: could not change to directory '" .. arg[1] .. "', exiting")
specs = require('license-spec')
if not specs.BASE_PATH or specs.BASE_PATH:len() == 0 then specs.BASE_PATH = '.' end
local files = getFileList(specs.BASE_PATH)
local changed = getGitChangedFiles(specs.BASE_PATH)
-- for _,l in ipairs(changed) do print("changed: " .. l) end --TEMP
for _,f in ipairs(files) do
local processType = matchFileType(f)
if processType then
if specs.IGNORE_GIT_CHANGED or not findItemInList(changed, f) then
local lines,err = readFileAsLines(f)
if lines then
local rv,msg = processFile(f, processType, lines)
if not rv then print("error: could not process file '" .. f .. "' (" .. msg .. ")") end
print("error: could not open '" .. f .. "' (".. err .. ")")
print("error: file '" .. f .. "' has uncommitted changes in git, refusing to process")
elseif processType == false then
print("Skipping excluded file '" .. f .. "'")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
# NOTE: this script generates an index based on images found in the target directory.
# So make sure it contains all images ever released (unless you want to actually remove them).
# If this is not the case, first create a mirror of doodle3d.com/updates/images.
#prevent being run as root (which is dangerous)
if [ "$(id -u)" == "0" ]; then
echo "Don't run this script as root, it is potentially dangerous." 1>&2
exit 1
# expects path of file to return the size of
fileSize() {
stat -f %z ${1}
# expects arguments: version, devType, sysupgrade|factory
# image name will be: '${IMAGE_BASENAME}-<version>-<devType>-<sysupgrade|factory>.bin'
constructImageName() {
if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then echo "incorrect usage of constructImageName()"; exit 1; fi
echo "${IMAGE_BASENAME}-${1}-${2}-${3}.bin"
# expects arguments: basePath (where the files are), version, devType
generateIndexEntry() {
if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then echo "incorrect usage of generateIndexEntry()"; exit 1; fi
sysupgrade_out_basename=`constructImageName ${2} ${3} sysupgrade`
factory_out_basename=`constructImageName ${2} ${3} factory`
sysupgrade_filesize=`fileSize ${sysupgrade_out_file}`
factory_filesize=`fileSize ${factory_out_file}`
sysupgrade_md5sum=`md5 -q ${sysupgrade_out_file}`
factory_md5sum=`md5 -q ${factory_out_file}`
echo "Version: ${2}" >> $IMG_INDEX_FILE
echo "Files: ${sysupgrade_out_basename}; ${factory_out_basename}" >> $IMG_INDEX_FILE
echo "FileSize: ${sysupgrade_filesize}; ${factory_filesize}" >> $IMG_INDEX_FILE
echo "MD5: ${sysupgrade_md5sum}; ${factory_md5sum}" >> $IMG_INDEX_FILE
DEVICE_TYPES="tl-mr3020 tl-wr703"
for arg in "$@"; do
case $arg in
echo "This script creates a directory with wifibox and ultifi ipk files found in the openWrt build environment."
echo "The feed dir is called $PKG_DEST_DIR and will be created in the current directory. (currently `pwd`)"
echo "If specified, the -z option also compresses the result for easier transfer to a webserver."
echo "Unrecognized option '$arg'"
exit 1
grep "^This is the buildsystem for the OpenWrt Linux distribution\.$" README >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Please run this script from the Openwrt build root (on OSX this is probably an image mounted under /Volumes)."
exit 1
#determine the wifibox root path
my_rel_dir=`dirname $0`
pushd "$my_rel_dir" > /dev/null
popd > /dev/null
echo "Compiling firmware update files for version ${FW_VERSION}"
#setup paths
if [ ! -d $PKG_DEST_DIR ]; then mkdir -p $PKG_DEST_DIR; fi
echo "Using $PKG_DEST_DIR as target directory"
#clear directory and copy package files
if [ ! -d $PKG_FEED_DIR ]; then mkdir $PKG_FEED_DIR; fi
cp $PKG_SRC_DIR/wifibox*.ipk $PKG_FEED_DIR
cp $PKG_SRC_DIR/doodle3d-client*.ipk $PKG_FEED_DIR
cp $PKG_SRC_DIR/print3d*.ipk $PKG_FEED_DIR
cp $PKG_SRC_DIR/ultifi*.ipk $PKG_FEED_DIR
#copy and rename images
if [ ! -d $PKG_IMG_DIR ]; then mkdir $PKG_IMG_DIR; fi
for devtype in $DEVICE_TYPES; do
if [ -f $IMG_SRC_PATH/openwrt-ar71xx-generic-${devtype}-v1-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin ]; then
sysupgrade_size=`fileSize $sysupgrade_name`
factory_size=`fileSize $factory_name`
echo "Copying images for device '${devtype}' (sysupgrade size: ${sysupgrade_size}, factory size: ${factory_size})"
cp $sysupgrade_name $PKG_IMG_DIR/`constructImageName ${FW_VERSION} ${devtype} sysupgrade`
cp $factory_name $PKG_IMG_DIR/`constructImageName ${FW_VERSION} ${devtype} factory`
if [ $sysupgrade_size -gt $MAX_GOOD_IMAGE_SIZE ]; then
echo "WARNING: the sysupgrade image is larger than $MAX_GOOD_IMAGE_SIZE bytes, which probably means it will cause read/write problems when flashed to a device"
# ok this is ugly, but at least it generates a complete index (the loop assumes for each
# sysupgrade image it finds, there is also a factory counterpart)
for file in $PKG_IMG_DIR/${IMAGE_BASENAME}-*-sysupgrade.bin; do
basefile=`basename ${file}`
echo "Considering $basefile (${file})"
# sorry for the shell magic
devtype=${basefile:`expr ${#IMAGE_BASENAME} + 1`}
generateIndexEntry $PKG_IMG_DIR $version $devtype >> $IMG_INDEX_FILE
# NOTE: the aliasing construct in the indexing script does not work (and even then, the md5 command defaults to a different output format), so we hack around it here.
which md5sum >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
cat <<EOF > $TEMPBIN_DIR/md5sum
`type -p md5` -q \$1
chmod +x $TEMPBIN_DIR/md5sum
#this cwd juggling is required to have the package indexer generate correct paths (i.e. no paths) in the Packages file
pushd $PKG_FEED_DIR > /dev/null
popd > /dev/null
if [ $MD5_HACK_ENABLED -eq 1 ]; then
rm $TEMPBIN_DIR/md5sum
if [ $COMPRESS_RESULT -eq 1 ]; then
echo "Compressing generated package directory..."
tar czvf "doodle3d-wifibox-update-dist.tgz" $PKG_DEST_SUBPATH

View File

@ -1,531 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env lua
--#!/usr/bin/env lua -l strict
-- This script creates a new release by copying openwrt image files and release notes to a local
-- directory and updating the relevant index file with a new entry. This directory is
-- then synchronized to the release repository online.
-- The only dependency of this script are the penlight and luafilesystem libraries, which can be installed using
-- LuaRocks (http://luarocks.org/) as follows:
-- $ sudo luarocks install penlight
-- If the penlight libary is not found you might need to add the following to /etc/launchd.conf
-- setenv LUA_CPATH /opt/local/share/luarocks/lib/lua/5.2/?.so
-- setenv LUA_PATH /opt/local/share/luarocks/share/lua/5.2/?.lua
-- Reboot
-- Also see: https://github.com/keplerproject/luarocks/wiki/Using-LuaRocks#rocks-trees-and-the-lua-libraries-path
-- Lua + Luarocks installation on Linux:
-- $ sudo apt-get install lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev
-- # Build Luarocks from source, configured for lua 5.2:
-- $ wget http://luarocks.org/releases/luarocks-2.2.2.tar.gz
-- $ tar zxpf luarocks-2.2.2.tar.gz
-- $ cd luarocks-2.2.2
-- $ ./configure --lua-version=5.2
-- $ sudo make bootstrap
-- This script will automatically locate the Doodle3D repo's.
-- Index files are fetched from the online repository.
-- For synchronizing, rsync must have passwordless SSH access to the server, for a
-- guide, see: http://www.linuxproblem.org/art_9.html.
-- The scrips expects a alias named 'doodle3d.com', you can add this editing the following file:
-- .ssh/config
-- and adding
-- Host doodle3d.com
-- User webmaster@doodle3d.com
-- HostName ftp.greenhost.nl
-- Some basic sanity checks are built in (unique version, updated release notes, 'clean' openwrt config)
-- but lots others are still missing (mainly: clean git repo's, freshly built images).
-- The script must be run from within the openwrt build root. So it's handy to create a symlink
-- to this file. You could to something like from the build root:
-- ln -s ~/wrt-wifibox-feed/doodle3d-firmware/extra/scripts/publish-wifibox-release.lua .
-- Then you can start with:
-- cd trunk ../publish-wifibox-release.lua
-- Before anything is actually uploaded, you will be asked if that's really what you want to do.
-- It might be wise to make a backup on the server before updating it, there's a script
-- to do this on the server: '~/backup-updates-dir.sh'.
-- To play around with or improve on this script, use and modify the variables 'SERVER_HOST'
-- and 'SERVER_PATH' below to point to your machine (assuming you have a webserver running there).
-- Also uncomment and modify UPDATER_BASE_URL. You will have to init the local 'repo' with at
-- least empty index files ('wifibox-image.index' and 'wifibox-image.beta.index'), or you
-- could of course mirror the online repository.
-- TODO (in random order):
-- * (feature) command-line arguments: overrides, verbosity, allow local mirroring, clear local cache dir, etc.
-- * (feature) automatically create a backup of the online repo (there's already a script fir this, as mentioned above)
-- * (feature) check whether git repo's are clean and on correct branch
-- * (feature) allow local mirroring with a reverse rsync command and rebuilding the indexes
-- - update manager 'cache' should then be enabled to prevent fetchIndexTable from downloading files
-- * (feature) automatically (re)build openwrt to ensure it is up to date?
-- * (feature) update package feed (requires a local mirror for the feed indexing script)
-- - in this case sanity checks must also be run on package versions/revisions
-- * (feature) automatically tag (and merge?) git commits?
-- * (feature) execute as dry-run by default so changes can be reviewed?
-- * (refactor) rename awkward vars/funcs regarding entries, versions and caches...
-- * (refactor) replace function arguments 'includeBetas' with a set function like setUseCache to improve readability
-- * (refactor) replace prints with D() function from update manager or other slightly smarter mechanisms?
local function ERR(msg) print(msg) end
local ok, pl = pcall(require, 'pl.import_into')
if not ok then
ERR('This script requires the Penlight library')
pl = pl()
local um --- update manager module, will be loaded later through @{loadUpdateManager}
local ok, lfs = pcall(require, 'lfs')
if not ok then
ERR('This script requires the LuaFileSystem library')
--local SERVER_HOST = 'localhost'
--local SERVER_PATH = '~USERDIR/public_html/wifibox/updates'
--local UPDATER_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost/~USERDIR/wifibox/updates'
local SERVER_HOST = 'doodle3d.com'
local SERVER_PATH = 'doodle3d.com/DEFAULT/updates'
--- SERVER_HOST and SERVER_PATH are used by rsync to merge the local working directory
-- back into the online repository (requires functioning public key SSH access).
-- UPDATER_BASE_URL is used by the d3d-updater script to download the index files
-- (over HTTP), it defaults to the doodle3d.com online repo so it should only be
-- used for development purposes.
local D3D_REPO_FIRMWARE_NAME = 'doodle3d-firmware'
local D3D_REPO_CLIENT_NAME = 'doodle3d-client'
local D3D_REPO_PRINT3D_NAME = 'print3d'
local IMAGE_BASENAME = 'doodle3d-wifibox'
local BACKUP_FILE_SUFFIX = 'bkp'
local RELEASE_NOTES_FILE = "ReleaseNotes.md"
local RSYNC_TIMEOUT = 20
local MAX_VIABLE_IMAGE_SIZE = 3500000
local deviceType = 'tl-mr3020' -- or 'tl-wr703'
local lock = nil
local paths = {}
local function loadUpdateManager()
package.path = package.path .. ';' .. pl.path.join(paths.firmware, 'src') .. '/?.lua'
local argStash = arg
arg = nil
um = require('script.d3d-updater') -- arg must be nil for the update manager to load as module
arg = argStash
local function quit(ev)
if lock then lock:free() end
os.exit(ev or 0)
local function md5sum(file)
-- try OS X specific md5 utility
local rv,_,sum = pl.utils.executeex('md5 -q "' .. file .. '"')
if rv then
return rv and sum:sub(1, -2) or nil
-- try Linux md5sum utility
local rv,_,output = pl.utils.executeex('md5sum "' .. file .. '"')
local md5 = string.match(output, "[^%s]+")
return md5
local function getYesNo(question)
local answer
answer = io.stdin:read('*line'):lower()
until answer == 'yes' or answer == 'y' or answer == 'no' or answer == 'n'
return (answer:sub(1, 1) == 'y') and true or false
local function detectRootPrivileges()
local rv,_,userId = pl.utils.executeex('id -u')
if not rv then return nil end
return tonumber(userId) == 0 and true or false
local function findInFile(needle, file)
local f = io.open(file, 'r')
if not f then return nil,"could not open file" end
local t = f:read('*all')
return not not t:find(needle, 1, true)
local function fileExists(path)
local attr = lfs.attributes (path)
return attr ~= nil
local function detectBuildroot()
if not fileExists("customfeeds") or not fileExists("bin") then
return false
return true
-- returns uri (file path) of the wifibox feed, nil if not found or nil+msg on error
-- recognized feed names are 'wifibox' and 'doodle3d' (case-insensitive)
local function getWifiboxFeedRoot(feedsFile)
local typ, nam, uri = nil, nil, nil
local lineNo = 1
local f = io.open(feedsFile, 'r')
if not f then return nil, "could not open '" .. feedsFile .. '"' end
for line in f:lines() do
typ, nam, uri = line:match('^([^%s]+)%s+([^%s]+)%s+([^%s]+)$')
if not (typ and nam and uri) then
return uri or nil, "could not parse line " .. feedsFile .. "#" .. lineNo
local commented = (typ:find('#') == 1)
if not commented and (nam:lower() == 'wifibox' or nam:lower() == 'doodle3d') then
typ, nam, uri = nil, nil, nil
lineNo = lineNo + 1
if uri and not (typ == 'src-link' or typ == 'src-cpy') then return nil, "d3d feed has wrong type '" .. typ .. "', use 'src-link' or 'src-cpy'" end
return uri
-- TODO: pass table to functions to fill in? if they all return either true or nil+msg, that could be used for display of ok/msg
-- returns true on success, false on error, and displays meaningful messages
--local function runCheck(msg, processFunc)
-- io.write(msg .. "... ")
-- return processFunc(--[[ hmm ]]--)
local function runAction(actMsg, errMsg, ev, func)
io.write("* " .. actMsg .. "...")
local rv,err = func()
if not rv then
if err then print("Error: " .. errMsg .. " (" .. err .. ")")
else print("Error: " .. errMsg)
return true
local function constructImageName(version, devType, sysupOrFactory)
return IMAGE_BASENAME .. '-' .. um.formatVersion(version) .. '-' .. devType .. '-' .. sysupOrFactory .. '.bin'
local function imageCachePath()
return pl.path.join(paths.cache, 'images')
local function ensureFilePresent(src, tgt)
-- print("About to copy '" .. src .. "' => '" .. tgt .. "'")
local srcMd5, tgtMd5 = md5sum(src), md5sum(tgt)
if not srcMd5 then return nil,"source file does not exist" end
if tgtMd5 and srcMd5 ~= tgtMd5 then return nil,"target file already exists but is different from source file" end
if not tgtMd5 then
if not pl.file.copy(src, tgt, false) then return nil,"could not copy file" end
return true
local function prepare()
local msg = nil
io.write("* Looking for Doodle3D feed path... ")
-- local d3dFeed,msg = getWifiboxFeedRoot('feeds.conf')
-- if d3dFeed then
-- print("found " .. d3dFeed)
-- else
-- if msg then print("not found: " .. msg) else print("not found.") end
-- return nil
-- end
local d3dFeed = "customfeeds"
paths.firmware = pl.path.join(d3dFeed, D3D_REPO_FIRMWARE_NAME)
paths.client = pl.path.join(d3dFeed, D3D_REPO_CLIENT_NAME)
paths.print3d = pl.path.join(d3dFeed, D3D_REPO_PRINT3D_NAME)
-- if empty, try to choose something sensible
if not paths.cache or paths.cache == '' then
--paths.cache = pl.app.appfile('')
paths.cache = '/tmp/d3d-release-dir'
io.write("* Attempting to use " .. paths.cache .. " as cache dir... ")
local rv,msg = pl.dir.makepath(paths.cache)
if not rv then
print("could not create path (" .. msg .. ").")
return nil
local rv,msg = pl.dir.makepath(imageCachePath())
if not rv then
print("could not create images dir (" .. msg .. ").")
return nil
lock,msg = lfs.lock_dir(paths.cache)
if not lock then
print("could not obtain directory lock (" .. msg .. ").")
return nil
-- initialize update manager script
if type(UPDATER_BASE_URL) == 'string' and UPDATER_BASE_URL:len() > 0 then
print("* Using updater base URL: '" .. UPDATER_BASE_URL .. "'")
print("* Using updater base URL: d3d-updater default")
print("* Using rsync server remote: '" .. SERVER_HOST .. "/" .. SERVER_PATH .. "'")
return true
local function collectLocalInfo()
local info = {}
-- temporary fields required for copying image files
info.factoryImgPath = pl.path.join(paths.root, 'bin/ar71xx/openwrt-ar71xx-generic-' .. deviceType .. '-v1-squashfs-factory.bin')
info.sysupgradeImgPath = pl.path.join(paths.root, 'bin/ar71xx/openwrt-ar71xx-generic-' .. deviceType .. '-v1-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin')
info.version = um.parseVersion(pl.file.read(pl.path.join(paths.firmware, 'src/FIRMWARE-VERSION')))
if not info.version then return nil,"could not determine current firmware version" end
info.factoryFileSize = pl.path.getsize(info.factoryImgPath)
if not info.factoryFileSize then return nil,"could not determine size for factory image" end
info.sysupgradeFileSize = pl.path.getsize(info.sysupgradeImgPath)
if not info.sysupgradeFileSize then return nil,"could not determine size for sysupgrade image" end
info.factoryMD5 = md5sum(info.factoryImgPath)
info.sysupgradeMD5 = md5sum(info.sysupgradeImgPath)
if not info.factoryMD5 or not info.sysupgradeMD5 then return nil,"could not determine MD5 sum for image(s)" end
info.factoryFilename = constructImageName(info.version, deviceType, 'factory')
info.sysupgradeFilename = constructImageName(info.version, deviceType, 'sysupgrade')
info.timestamp = os.time()
return info
local function fetchVersionInfo()
local msg,stables,betas = nil,nil,nil
stables,msg = um.getAvailableVersions('stables')
if not stables then return nil,msg end
betas,msg = um.getAvailableVersions('betas')
if not betas then return nil,msg end
return stables, betas
local function generateIndex(newVersion, versionTable, isStable)
local indexFilename = isStable and um.IMAGE_STABLE_INDEX_FILE or um.IMAGE_BETA_INDEX_FILE
versionTable[#versionTable+1] = newVersion
local sortedVers = pl.List(versionTable)
sortedVers:sort(function(a, b)
return um.compareVersions(a.version, b.version, a.timestamp, b.timestamp) < 0
local indexPath = pl.path.join(imageCachePath(), indexFilename)
local rv = pl.file.copy(indexPath, pl.path.join(paths.cache, indexFilename..'.'..BACKUP_FILE_SUFFIX))
if not rv then return nil,"could not backup index file" end
local idxFile = io.open(pl.path.join(imageCachePath(), indexFilename), 'w')
if not idxFile then return nil,"could not open index file for writing" end
idxFile:write("Version: " .. um.formatVersion(el.version) .. "\n")
idxFile:write("Files: " .. el.sysupgradeFilename .. "; " .. el.factoryFilename .. "\n")
idxFile:write("FileSize: " .. el.sysupgradeFileSize .. "; " .. el.factoryFileSize .. "\n")
idxFile:write("MD5: " .. el.sysupgradeMD5 .. "; " .. el.factoryMD5 .. "\n")
if el.timestamp then idxFile:write("ReleaseDate: " .. um.formatDate(el.timestamp) .. "\n") end
return 0
local function copyImages(newVersion)
local rv,msg
rv,msg = ensureFilePresent(newVersion.factoryImgPath, pl.path.join(imageCachePath(), newVersion.factoryFilename))
if not rv then return nil,msg end
rv,msg = ensureFilePresent(newVersion.sysupgradeImgPath, pl.path.join(imageCachePath(), newVersion.sysupgradeFilename))
if not rv then return nil,msg end
return true
local function copyReleaseNotes(newVersion)
local srcReleaseNotesPath = pl.path.join(paths.firmware, RELEASE_NOTES_FILE)
local tgtReleaseNotesPath = pl.path.join(imageCachePath(), RELEASE_NOTES_FILE)
if not findInFile(um.formatVersion(newVersion.version), srcReleaseNotesPath) then
return nil,"version not mentioned in release notes file"
if pl.path.isfile(tgtReleaseNotesPath) then
local rv = pl.file.copy(tgtReleaseNotesPath, tgtReleaseNotesPath..'.'..BACKUP_FILE_SUFFIX)
if not rv then return nil,"could not backup file" end
local rv = pl.file.copy(srcReleaseNotesPath, tgtReleaseNotesPath)
if not rv then return nil,"could not copy file" end
return true
-- TODO: the packages are not really used and the openwrt script to generate the
-- package index requires all packages to be present so this has been skipped for now
local function buildFeedDir()
local scriptPath = pl.path.join(paths.root, 'scripts/ipkg-make-index.sh')
return nil
local function uploadFiles()
local serverUrl = SERVER_HOST..':'..SERVER_PATH
-- rsync options are: recursive, preserve perms, symlinks and timestamps, be verbose and use compression
local cmd = "rsync -rpltvz -e ssh --progress --timeout=" .. RSYNC_TIMEOUT .. " --exclude '*.bkp' --exclude 'lockfile.lfs' " .. paths.cache .. "/* " .. serverUrl
print("Running command: '" .. cmd .. "'")
local rv,ev = um.compatexecute(cmd)
return rv and true or nil,("rsync failed, exit status: " .. ev)
local function main()
print("\nDoodle3D release script")
if detectRootPrivileges() then
print("Error: refusing to run script as root.")
-- local opts = parseOptions(arg)
-- if opts['wrt-root'] then changedir(opts['wrt-root']) end
-- if opts['cache-dir'] then paths.cache = opts['cache-dir'] end
-- more options: clear cache, rebuild (download all and generate index from actual files), dry-run, force
io.write("* Checking if working directory is the Buildroot... ")
local isBuildroot = detectBuildroot()
if isBuildroot then
paths.root = pl.path.currentdir()
print("found " .. paths.root)
print("unrecognized directory, try changing directories or using -wrt-root")
return nil
if not prepare() then quit(1) end
local newVersion,msg = collectLocalInfo()
if not newVersion then
print("Error: could not collect local version information (" .. msg .. ")")
local stables,betas = fetchVersionInfo()
if not stables then
print("Error: could not get version information (" .. betas .. ")")
--TODO: if requested, fetch images and packages (i.e., mirror whole directory)
-- pl.pretty.dump(newVersion)
-- print("stables: "); pl.pretty.dump(stables)
-- print("===========================");
-- print("betas: "); pl.pretty.dump(betas)
print("\nRunning sanity checks")
runAction("Checking whether version is unique",
"firmware version " .. um.formatVersion(newVersion.version) .. " already exists", 3, function()
return not (um.findVersion(newVersion.version, nil, stables) or um.findVersion(newVersion.version, nil, betas)) and true or nil
--TODO: check git repos (`git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%ct` gives commit date of last commit (not author date))
local isStable = (newVersion.version.suffix == nil)
print("\nRolling release for firmware version " .. um.formatVersion(newVersion.version) .. " (type: " .. (isStable and "stable" or "beta") .. ").")
if newVersion.sysupgradeFileSize > MAX_VIABLE_IMAGE_SIZE then
print("Error: sysupgrade image file is too large, it will not run well (max. size: " .. MAX_VIABLE_IMAGE_SIZE .. " bytes)")
runAction("Copying release notes", "failed", 5, function()
return copyReleaseNotes(newVersion)
runAction("Generating new index file", "could not generate index", 5, function()
return generateIndex(newVersion, isStable and stables or betas, isStable)
runAction("Copying image files", "could not generate index", 5, function()
return copyImages(newVersion)
io.write("* Building package feed directory...")
print("skipped - not implemented")
-- runAction("Building package feed directory", "failed", 5, buildFeedDir)
local answer = getYesNo("? Are you SURE you want to publish? (y/n) ")
if answer ~= true then
print("Did not get green light, quitting.")
runAction("About to sync files to server", "could not upload files", 6, uploadFiles)
print("Released version " .. um.formatVersion(newVersion.version) .. "!")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# This script copies the packages feed & images directory to ~/Sites (e.g. for use with XAMPP or the like).
# Using the -u option, it can also upload to doodle3d.com/updates (make sure ssh automatically uses the correct username, or change the rsync command below).
# Modify WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR to point to your wifibox directory tree.
for arg in "$@"; do
case $arg in
echo "This script calls 'create-wifibox-updates-dir.sh' to generate feed/image directories in $DEST_DIR"
echo "Use '-z' to also create a compressed file containing the 'updates' directory."
echo "Used '-u' to also upload the directory to doodle3d.com/updates"
echo "Unrecognized option '$arg'"
exit 1
$WIFIBOX_BASE_DIR/extra/scripts/create-wifibox-updates-dir.sh $OPTIONS
if [ $RETURN_VALUE -ne 0 ]; then
echo "create-wifibox-updates-dir.sh returned an error (${RETURN_VALUE}), exiting"
if [ $UPLOAD_FILES -eq 1 ]; then
cat <<-'EOM' > $DEST_DIR/$UPDATES_DIR/.htaccess
Options +Indexes
echo "Uploading files to $UPLOAD_PATH (if you are asked for your password, please add an entry to your ~/.ssh/config and upload your public ssh key)"
#options are: recursive, preserve perms, symlinks and timestamps, be verbose and use compression
rsync -rpltvz -e ssh --progress $DEST_DIR/$UPDATES_DIR/.htaccess $DEST_DIR/$UPDATES_DIR/* $UPLOAD_PATH

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
local M = {
BASE_PATH = 'src',
EXCLUDE_FILES = { 'src/util/JSON.lua', 'src/util/urlcode.lua', 'src/script/loglite%-filters.lua' },
['src/[^/]*%.lua'] = 'lua',
['src/network/[^/]*%.lua'] = 'lua',
['src/rest/[^/]*%.lua'] = 'lua',
['src/rest/api/[^/]*%.lua'] = 'lua',
['src/script/[^/]*%.lua'] = 'lua',
['src/util/[^/]*%.lua'] = 'lua',
['src/script/d3dapi'] = 'sh',
['src/script/dhcpcheck_init'] = 'sh',
['src/script/signin%.sh'] = 'sh',
['src/script/wifibox_init'] = 'sh'
return M

View File

@ -36,18 +36,15 @@ addFirewallNet() {
### Replace the banner with a custom one ### Replace the banner with a custom one
if [ ! -f $IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/banner.default ]; then if [ ! -f $IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/banner.default ]; then
mv $IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/banner $IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/banner.default mv $IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/banner $IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/banner.default
cat <<-\EOM > $IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/banner cat <<-'EOM' > $IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/banner
,------. ,--.,--. ,----. ,------. ........D o o d l e 3 D
| .-. \ ,---. ,---. ,-| || | ,---. '.-. || .-. \ .......________ _____ _____ v \$(PACKAGE_VERSION)
| | \ :| .-. || .-. |' .-. || || .-. : .' < | | \ : ....../ / / |__ / __/ / - /___ __
| '--' /' '-' '' '-' '\ `-' || |\ --./'-' || '--' / ...../ / / /--// _|-// --| . /v /
`-------' `---' `---' `---' `--' `----'`----' `-------' ..../________/__//__/__//____/___/_^_\
__ ___ ______ _ ____ ...
\ \ / (_) ____(_) | _ \ ..A cad in a box.
\ \ /\ / / _| |__ _ ______| |_) | _____ __ .
\ \/ \/ / | | __| | |______| _ < / _ \ \/ /
\ /\ / | | | | | | |_) | (_) > <
\/ \/ |_|_| |_| |____/ \___/_/\_\
fi fi
@ -55,111 +52,55 @@ fi
mkdir -p $IPKG_INSTROOT/root mkdir -p $IPKG_INSTROOT/root
grep '^# DO NOT MODIFY.*wifibox package.$' $IPKG_INSTROOT/root/.profile >/dev/null 2>&1 grep '^# DO NOT MODIFY.*wifibox package.$' $IPKG_INSTROOT/root/.profile >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
cat <<-\EOM >> $IPKG_INSTROOT/root/.profile cat <<-EOM >> $IPKG_INSTROOT/root/.profile
# DO NOT MODIFY - this block of lines has been added by the wifibox package. # DO NOT MODIFY - this block of lines has been added by the wifibox package.
alias d='ls -la' alias d='ls -la'
alias d3dapi='/usr/share/lua/wifibox/script/d3dapi'
alias encore='ulimit -c unlimited' alias encore='ulimit -c unlimited'
alias wopkg='opkg -f /usr/share/lua/wifibox/opkg.conf' alias wopkg='opkg -f /usr/share/lua/wifibox/opkg.conf'
alias tailfw='loglite /tmp/wifibox.log firmware'
tailp3d() {
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then logfile=$1; fi
loglite "$logfile" print3d
loop() { loop() {
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo "Please supply a delay and a command."; return 1; fi if [ \$# -lt 2 ]; then echo "Please supply a delay and a command."; return 1; fi
DELAY=$1; shift; while true; do $@; sleep $DELAY; done DELAY=\$1; shift; while true; do \$@; sleep \$DELAY; done
} }
fi fi
#preserve saved sketches during firmware update #preserve saved sketches during firmware update
echo "/root/sketches" >> $IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/sysupgrade.conf echo "/root/sketches" >> /etc/sysupgrade.conf
### Finally make sure basic configuration is set correctly ### Finally make sure basic configuration is set correctly
LOGROTATE_CRON_LINE="*/2 * * * * /usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf" $IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/init.d/wifibox enable
$IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/init.d/wifibox start
if [ -z "$IPKG_INSTROOT" ]; then if [ -z "$IPKG_INSTROOT" ]; then
# No installation root, we are being installed on a live box so run uci commands directly. echo "Enabling wifi device..."
uci set wireless.@wifi-device[0].disabled=0; uci commit wireless; wifi
echo "Enabling and configuring wifi device..."
uci set wireless.@wifi-device[0].disabled=0
uci delete wireless.radio0.channel
uci commit wireless; wifi
echo "Disabling default route and DNS server for lan network interface..."
uci set dhcp.lan.dhcp_option='3 6'
uci commit dhcp; /etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload
addFirewallNet addFirewallNet
echo "Adding network interface 'wlan'..." echo "Adding network interface 'wlan'..."
uci set network.wlan=interface uci set network.wlan=interface; uci commit network; /etc/init.d/network reload
uci commit network; /etc/init.d/network reload
echo "Setting default wifibox log level..."
uci set wifibox.general.system_log_level='info'
uci -q delete wifibox.system.loglevel # remove key used in older versions (<=0.10.8a) if it exists
uci commit wifibox
crontab -l 2> /dev/null | grep logrotate\.conf > /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
# add line, method from http://askubuntu.com/a/58582
# Note: `crontab -l` will throw an error to stderr because the file does not exist, but that does not matter
(crontab -l 2> /dev/null; echo "$LOGROTATE_CRON_LINE" ) | crontab -
else else
# Create a script to setup the system as wifibox, it will be deleted after it has been run, except if it returns > 0. # Create a script to setup the system as wifibox, it will be deleted after it has been run, except if it returns > 0
cat <<-EOM >> $IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/uci-defaults/setup-wifibox.sh cat <<-EOM >> $IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/uci-defaults/setup-wifibox.sh
uci set system.@system[0].hostname=wifibox uci set system.@system[0].hostname=wifibox
uci set system.@system[0].log_size=64 uci set system.@system[0].log_size=64
uci set network.lan.ipaddr= uci set network.lan.ipaddr=
echo -e "beta\nbeta" | passwd root echo -e "beta\nbeta" | passwd root
# uhttpd config: https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci/uhttpd#server_settings
uci set uhttpd.main.lua_handler='/usr/share/lua/wifibox/main.lua' uci set uhttpd.main.lua_handler='/usr/share/lua/wifibox/main.lua'
uci set uhttpd.main.lua_prefix='/d3dapi' uci set uhttpd.main.lua_prefix='/d3dapi'
uci set uhttpd.main.max_requests='10'
uci set wireless.@wifi-device[0].disabled=0 uci set wireless.@wifi-device[0].disabled=0
uci delete wireless.radio0.channel
# TODO: add firewall net # TODO: add firewall net
uci set network.wlan=interface uci set network.wlan=interface
uci set dhcp.lan.dhcp_option='3 6'
uci set wifibox.general.system_log_level='info'
uci -q delete wifibox.system.loglevel # remove key used in older versions (<=0.10.8a) if it exists
# update wifibox's config for config changes in 0.10.10
uci set wifibox.system.log_path='/tmp'
uci set wifibox.system.api_log_filename='wifibox.log'
uci set wifibox.system.p3d_log_basename='print3d'
crontab -l 2> /dev/null | grep logrotate\.conf > /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
# add line, method from http://askubuntu.com/a/58582
# Note: `crontab -l` will throw an error to stderr because the file does not exist, but that does not matter
(crontab -l 2> /dev/null; echo "$LOGROTATE_CRON_LINE" ) | crontab -
exit 0
echo "WARNING: WiFiBox network configuration can only be fully prepared when installing on real device" echo "WARNING: WiFiBox network configuration can only be fully prepared when installing on real device"
fi fi
$IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/init.d/wifibox enable
$IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/init.d/wifibox start
$IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/init.d/dhcpcheck enable
$IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/init.d/cron enable
$IPKG_INSTROOT/etc/init.d/cron start
exit 0 exit 0

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
0.11.0 0.9.9

View File

@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
--- ---
-- This file wraps @{main.handle_request} in main.lua for command-line or CGI usage. -- This file wraps @{main.handle_request} in main.lua for command-line or CGI usage.
-- It emulates the env table usually constructed by uhttpd-mod-lua. -- It emulates the env table usually constructed by uhttpd-mod-lua.
@ -16,8 +8,6 @@ local main = require('main')
-- The table is created using shell environment variables leaving out only 'DOCUMENT\_ROOT', -- The table is created using shell environment variables leaving out only 'DOCUMENT\_ROOT',
-- 'SCRIPT\_PATH' and the regular shell variables (e.g., IFS, HOME and PS1). -- 'SCRIPT\_PATH' and the regular shell variables (e.g., IFS, HOME and PS1).
-- --
-- See [information on CGI environment variables](http://techpubs.sgi.com/library/dynaweb_docs/0530/SGI_Developer/books/NetscapeSrv_PG/sgi_html/ch01.html).
-- Fields present in the 'real' env table but not in this one are: 'HTTP\_VERSION' -- Fields present in the 'real' env table but not in this one are: 'HTTP\_VERSION'
-- and another table 'headers' which is mostly mirrored by the 'HTTP\_*' fields. -- and another table 'headers' which is mostly mirrored by the 'HTTP\_*' fields.
-- Note that the 'headers' table may contain extra fields (e.g., 'cache-control'). -- Note that the 'headers' table may contain extra fields (e.g., 'cache-control').

View File

@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
--- ---
-- This file contains all valid configuration keys, their default values and optional constraints. -- This file contains all valid configuration keys, their default values and optional constraints.
-- The table names are used as configuration key names, where underscores ('`_`') may be used to denote semi-categories. -- The table names are used as configuration key names, where underscores ('`_`') may be used to denote semi-categories.
@ -19,7 +11,7 @@
-- - _description_: A descriptive text usable by API clients -- - _description_: A descriptive text usable by API clients
-- - _min_, _max_, _regex_: optional constraints (min and max constrain value for numbers, or length for strings) -- - _min_, _max_, _regex_: optional constraints (min and max constrain value for numbers, or length for strings)
-- - _isValid_: an optional function which should return true for valid values and false for invalid ones -- - _isValid_: an optional function which should return true for valid values and false for invalid ones
-- - _subSection: optional: setting name of which current value is used as the uci section where this setting should be loaded from. Otherwise it's retrieved from the generic section. Setting subsection also means it will first try to get a default from subconf_defaults, if that doesn't exsist it will use the regular default --
-- The configuration keys themselves document themselves rather well, hence they are not included in the generated documentation. -- The configuration keys themselves document themselves rather well, hence they are not included in the generated documentation.
-- --
-- NOTE: the all-caps definitions should be changed into configuration keys, or moved to a better location. -- NOTE: the all-caps definitions should be changed into configuration keys, or moved to a better location.
@ -36,8 +28,6 @@ M.DEBUG_PCALLS = false
--- This constant enables debugging of the REST API from the command-line by emulating GET/POST requests. --- This constant enables debugging of the REST API from the command-line by emulating GET/POST requests.
-- Specify the path and optionally the request method as follows: `d3dapi p=/mod/func r=POST`. -- Specify the path and optionally the request method as follows: `d3dapi p=/mod/func r=POST`.
-- Note that the command-line script redirects the output streams to '/tmp/wifibox.stdout.log',
-- meaning that any stack traces can be found there.
M.DEBUG_API = true M.DEBUG_API = true
--- If enabled, REST responses will contain 'module' and 'function' keys describing what was requested. --- If enabled, REST responses will contain 'module' and 'function' keys describing what was requested.
@ -46,22 +36,6 @@ M.API_INCLUDE_ENDPOINT_INFO = false
--- This base path is used in @{rest.response}. It includes any base path if necessary (e.g. 'localhost/~user'). --- This base path is used in @{rest.response}. It includes any base path if necessary (e.g. 'localhost/~user').
M.API_BASE_URL_PATH = 'doodle3d.com' M.API_BASE_URL_PATH = 'doodle3d.com'
M.system_log_level = {
default = 'info',
type = 'string',
description = 'Log level for firmware and print server',
isValid = function(value)
-- Note: level names mimic those in print3d
levelNames = { 'quiet', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'verbose', 'bulk' }
for i,v in ipairs(levelNames) do
if value == v then
return true
return false, 'not one of '..table.concat(levelNames, ',')
M.network_ap_ssid = { M.network_ap_ssid = {
default = 'Doodle3D-%%MAC_ADDR_TAIL%%', default = 'Doodle3D-%%MAC_ADDR_TAIL%%',
type = 'string', type = 'string',
@ -118,138 +92,18 @@ M.printer_type = {
return printers[value] ~= nil return printers[value] ~= nil
end end
} }
M.printer_bed_width = {
M.printer_dimensions_x = { default = 220,
default = 200,
default_delta_rostockmax = 0,
default__3Dison_plus = 227,
default_deltamaker = 0,
default_kossel = 0,
default_minifactory = 150,
default_lulzbot_taz_4 = 298,
default_ultimaker2go = 120,
default_renkforce_rf100 = 100,
default_doodle_dream = 120,
default_wanhao_duplicator4 = 210,
default_colido_2_0_plus = 230,
default_colido_x3045 = 300,
default_colido_compact = 130,
default_craftbot_plus = 250,
subSection = 'printer_type',
type = 'int', type = 'int',
description = '', description = '',
min = 0 min = 0
} }
M.printer_dimensions_y = { M.printer_bed_height = {
default = 200, default = 220,
default_delta_rostockmax = 0,
default__3Dison_plus = 148,
default_deltamaker = 0,
default_kossel = 0,
default_minifactory = 150,
default_lulzbot_taz_4 = 275,
default_ultimaker2go = 120,
default_renkforce_rf100 = 100,
default_doodle_dream = 120,
default_wanhao_duplicator4 = 140,
default_colido_2_0_plus = 150,
default_colido_x3045 = 300,
default_colido_compact = 130,
subSection = 'printer_type',
type = 'int', type = 'int',
description = '', description = '',
min = 0 min = 0
} }
M.printer_dimensions_z = {
default = 200,
default_minifactory = 155,
default__3Dison_plus = 150,
default_lulzbot_taz_4 = 250,
default_ultimaker2go = 112,
default_renkforce_rf100 = 100,
default_doodle_dream = 80,
default_wanhao_duplicator4 = 140,
default_colido_2_0_plus = 140,
default_colido_x3045 = 450,
default_colido_compact = 115,
default_colido_diy = 170,
subSection = 'printer_type',
type = 'int',
description = '',
min = 0
M.printer_heatedbed = {
default = false,
default_ultimaker2 = true,
default_makerbot_replicator2x = true,
default_minifactory = true,
default_lulzbot_taz_4 = true,
default_wanhao_duplicator4 = true,
default_colido_2_0_plus = true,
default_colido_m2020 = true,
default_colido_x3045 = true,
default_craftbot_plus = true,
default_ultimaker_original_plus = true,
subSection = 'printer_type',
type = 'bool',
description = 'Printer has heated bed',
M.printer_filamentThickness = {
default = 2.89,
default_doodle_dream = 1.75,
default_renkforce_rf100 = 1.75,
default_wanhao_duplicator4 = 1.75,
default_craftbot_plus = 1.75,
type = 'float',
description = '',
min = 0.0,
subSection = 'printer_type'
local default_makerbot_startcode = ';@printer {printerType}\nM136 (enable build)\nM73 P0 (Set build percentage to 0)\nG162 X Y F2000 (home XY axes to maximum)\nG161 Z F900 (home Z axis to minimum quick)\nG92 X0 Y0 Z0 A0 B0 (set axis positions to 0)\nG1 Z5.0 F900 (move Z axis down)\nG161 Z F100 (home Z axis to minimum more precise)\nG92 X0 Y0 Z0 A0 B0 (set axis positions to 0)\nG1 Z2.0 F900 (move Z axis to safety height)\nG1 X-264 Y-145 Z0 F3300.0 (move XY to start position)\nG92 X0 Y0 Z0 A0 B0 (set axis position to 0)\nG130 X20 Y20 A20 B20 (Lower stepper Vrefs while heating)\n{if heatedBed}M140 S{printingBedTemp} T0 (Set bed temp)\nM135 T0 (use first extruder)\nM104 S{printingTemp} T0 (set extruder temp)\nM133 T0 (Wait for extruder)\nG130 X127 Y127 A127 B127 (Set Stepper motor Vref to defaults)\nG1 F100 A10 (extrude 10mm)\nG92 A0 (reset extruder)\nG0 Z20 (move up, to lose filament)'
local default_deltabot_startcode = ';Generated with Doodle3D (deltabot)\nM109 S{printingTemp} ;set target temperature\n{if heatedBed}M190 S{printingBedTemp} ;set target bed temperature\nG21 ;metric values\nG91 ;relative positioning\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nG28 ; move to home\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM117 Printing Doodle... ;display message (20 characters to clear whole screen)'
local default_ultimaker2_startcode = ';Generated with Doodle3D (ultimaker2)\nM10000\nM10000\nM10001 X8 Y28 SDoodle3D heat up...\nM109 S{printingTemp} ;set target temperature \n{if heatedBed}M190 S{printingBedTemp} ;set target bed temperature\nG21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nG28 ; home to endstops\nG1 Z15 F9000 ;move the platform down 15mm\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F9000\nM10000\nM10000\nM10001 X8 Y28 SDoodle3D printing...\n'
local default_ultimaker_original_plus_startcode = ';Generated with Doodle3D (Ultimaker Original Plus)\n{if heatedBed}M190 S{printingBedTemp}\nM109 S{printingTemp}\nG21 ;metric values\nG91 ;relative positioning\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops\nG1 Z15 F9000 ;move the platform down 15mm\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F9000\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM117 Printing Doodle... ;display message (20 characters to clear whole screen)'
M.printer_startcode = {
default = ';Generated with Doodle3D (default)\nM109 S{printingTemp} ;set target temperature \n{if heatedBed}M190 S{printingBedTemp} ;set target bed temperature\nG21 ;metric values\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops\nG1 Z15 F9000 ;move the platform down 15mm\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F9000\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM117 Printing Doodle... ;display message (20 characters to clear whole screen)',
default_ultimaker2 = default_ultimaker2_startcode,
default_ultimaker2go = default_ultimaker2_startcode,
default__3Dison_plus = ';@printer {printerType}\nM136 (enable build)\nM73 P0\nG21\nG90\nM103\n;M109 S50 T0\nM140 S50 T0\nM104 S{printingTemp} T0\n;M134 T0\nM135 T0\nM104 S{printingTemp} T0\nG162 X Y F2000(home XY axes maximum)\nG161 Z F900(home Z axis minimum)\nG92 X113.5 Y74 Z-5 A0 B0 (set Z to -5)\nG1 Z0.0 F900(move Z to 0)\nG161 Z F100(home Z axis minimum)\nM132 X Y Z A B (Recall stored home offsets for XYZAB axis)\nG1 Z50 F3300\nG130 X20 Y20 A20 B20 (Lower stepper Vrefs while heating)\nM133 T0\nM6 T0\nG130 X127 Y127 A127 B127 (Set Stepper motor Vref to defaults)\nG0 Z0.2 F3000\nG1 Z0 F100 A10 ;extrude 10mm\nG92 X227 Y148 Z0 A0 ;reset again\nG1 X227 Y148 Z0',
default_makerbot_generic = default_makerbot_startcode,
default_makerbot_replicator2 = default_makerbot_startcode,
default_makerbot_replicator2x = default_makerbot_startcode,
default_makerbot_thingomatic = default_makerbot_startcode,
default_wanhao_duplicator4 = default_makerbot_startcode,
default_delta_rostockmax = default_deltabot_startcode,
default_deltamaker = default_deltabot_startcode,
default_kossel = default_deltabot_startcode,
default_ultimaker_original_plus = default_ultimaker_original_plus_startcode,
type = 'string',
subSection = 'printer_type',
description = ''
local default_makerbot_endcode = 'G92 A0 B0 ;reset extruder position to prevent retraction\nM18 A B(Turn off A and B Steppers)\nG162 Z F900\nG162 X Y F2000\nM18 X Y Z(Turn off steppers after a build)\n{if heatedBed}M140 S0 T0\nM104 S0 T0\nM72 P1 ( Play Ta-Da song )\nM137 (build end notification)'
local default_deltabot_endcode = 'M107 ;fan off\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F9000 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG28 ;move to home\nM84 ;disable axes / steppers\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM109 S0 ; hot end off\n{if heatedBed}M140 S0\nM117 Done ;display message (20 characters to clear whole screen)'
local default_ultimaker2_endcode = 'M10000\nM10000\nM10001 X20 Y28 SDoodle3D done!\nM107 ;fan off\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+5.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F9000 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG28 ;home the printer\nM84 ;disable axes / steppers\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM104 S0\n{if heatedBed}M140 S0\n'
M.printer_endcode = {
default = 'M107 ;fan off\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F9000 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way\nM84 ;disable axes / steppers\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM104 S0\n{if heatedBed}M140 S0\nM117 Done ;display message (20 characters to clear whole screen)',
default_ultimaker2 = default_ultimaker2_endcode,
default_ultimaker2go = default_ultimaker2_endcode,
default__3Dison_plus = 'M73 P100\nG92 A0 B0 ;reset extruder position to prevent retraction\nM18 A B(Turn off A and B Steppers)\nG1 Z155 F900\nG162 X Y F2000\nM18 X Y Z(Turn off steppers after a build)\nM140 S0 T0\nM104 S0 T0\nM73 P100 (end build progress )\nM72 P1 ( Play Ta-Da song )\nM137 (build end notification)\n',
default_makerbot_generic = default_makerbot_endcode,
default_makerbot_replicator2 = default_makerbot_endcode,
default_makerbot_replicator2x = default_makerbot_endcode,
default_makerbot_thingomatic = default_makerbot_endcode,
default_wanhao_duplicator4 = default_makerbot_endcode,
default_delta_rostockmax = default_deltabot_endcode,
default_deltamaker = default_deltabot_endcode,
default_kossel = default_deltabot_endcode,
default_craftbot_plus = 'M107 ;fan off\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F9000 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way\nM84 ;disable axes / steppers\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM109 S0\n{if heatedBed}M140 S0\nM117 Done ;display message (20 characters to clear whole screen)',
type = 'string',
subSection = 'printer_type',
description = ''
M.printer_baudrate = { M.printer_baudrate = {
default = '115200', default = '115200',
@ -262,7 +116,7 @@ M.printer_baudrate = {
} }
M.printer_temperature = { M.printer_temperature = {
default = 210, default = 230,
type = 'int', type = 'int',
description = 'printing temperature', description = 'printing temperature',
min = 0 min = 0
@ -303,6 +157,13 @@ M.printer_travelSpeed = {
min = 0 min = 0
} }
M.printer_filamentThickness = {
default = 2.89,
type = 'float',
description = '',
min = 0.0
M.printer_useSubLayers = { M.printer_useSubLayers = {
default = true, default = true,
type = 'bool', type = 'bool',
@ -315,38 +176,20 @@ M.printer_firstLayerSlow = {
description = 'Print the first layer slowly to get a more stable start' description = 'Print the first layer slowly to get a more stable start'
} }
M.printer_bottomLayerSpeed = {
default = 35,
type = 'int',
description = 'If first layers are to be printed slowly, use this speed'
M.printer_bottomFlowRate = {
default = 2,
type = 'float',
description = 'Multiplication factor for filament flow rate in first few layers'
M.printer_bottomEnableTraveling = {
default = true,
type = 'bool',
description = 'Enable traveling on bottom layers, disabling this might improve adhesion on some printers'
M.printer_heatup_enabled = { M.printer_heatup_enabled = {
default = false, default = true,
type = 'bool', type = 'bool',
description = '' description = ''
} }
M.printer_heatup_temperature = { M.printer_heatup_temperature = {
default = 0, default = 180,
type = 'int', type = 'int',
description = '' description = ''
} }
M.printer_heatup_bed_temperature = { M.printer_heatup_bed_temperature = {
default = 0, default = 70,
type = 'int', type = 'int',
description = '' description = ''
} }
@ -373,23 +216,47 @@ M.printer_retraction_minDistance = {
M.printer_retraction_amount = { M.printer_retraction_amount = {
default = 3, default = 3,
type = 'float', type = 'int',
description = '', description = '',
min = 0 min = 0
} }
M.printer_enableTraveling = { M.printer_enableTraveling = {
default = true, default = false,
type = 'bool', type = 'bool',
description = '' description = ''
} }
-- M.printer_maxObjectHeight = { M.printer_startcode_marlin = {
-- default = 150, default = ';Generated with Doodle3D\nM109 S{printingTemp} ;set target temperature \n;M190 S{printingBedTemp} ;set target bed temperature\nG21 ;metric values\nG91 ;relative positioning\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops\nG1 Z15 F9000 ;move the platform down 15mm\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F9000\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM117 Printing Doodle... ;display message (20 characters to clear whole screen)',
-- type = 'int', type = 'string',
-- description = 'Maximum height that will be printed', description = ''
-- min = 0 }
-- }
M.printer_endcode_marlin = {
default = 'M107 ;fan off\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F9000 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way\nM84 ;disable axes / steppers\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM104 S{preheatTemp}\n;M140 S{preheatBedTemp}\nM117 Done ;display message (20 characters to clear whole screen)',
type = 'string',
description = ''
M.printer_startcode_x3g = {
default = '(**** CONFIGURATION MACROS ****)\n;@printer r2x\n;@enable progress\n(** This GCode was generated by ReplicatorG 0040 **)\n(* using Skeinforge (50) *)\n(* for a Dual headed Replicator 2 *)\n(* on 2013/10/27 15:07:27 (+0100) *)\n(**** start.gcode for Replicator 2X, single head ****)\nM103 (disable RPM)\nM73 P0 (enable build progress)\nG21 (set units to mm)\nG90 (set positioning to absolute)\nM104 S240 T0 (set extruder temperature) (temp updated by printOMatic)\nM140 S110 T0 (set HBP temperature)\n(**** begin homing ****)\nG162 X Y F2500 (home XY axes maximum)\nG161 Z F1100 (home Z axis minimum)\nG92 Z-5 (set Z to -5)\nG1 Z0.0 (move Z to "0")\nG161 Z F100 (home Z axis minimum)\nM132 X Y Z A B (Recall stored home offsets for XYZAB axis)\n(**** end homing ****)\nG1 X-141 Y-74 Z10 F3300.0 (move to waiting position)\nG130 X20 Y20 Z20 A20 B20 (Lower stepper Vrefs while heating)\nM6 T0 (wait for toolhead, and HBP to reach temperature)\nG130 X127 Y127 Z40 A127 B127 (Set Stepper motor Vref to defaults)\nM108 R3.0 T0\nG0 X-141 Y-74 (Position Nozzle)\nG0 Z0.6 (Position Height)\nM108 R5.0 (Set Extruder Speed)\nM101 (Start Extruder)\nG4 P2000 (Create Anchor)\nG92 X0 Y0\nM106\n(**** end of start.gcode ****)',
type = 'string',
description = ''
M.printer_endcode_x3g = {
default = '(******* End.gcode*******)\nM73 P100 ( End build progress )\nG0 Z150 ( Send Z axis to bottom of machine )\nM18 ( Disable steppers )\nM104 S0 T0 ( Cool down the Right Extruder )\nG162 X Y F2500 ( Home XY endstops )\nM18 ( Disable stepper motors )\nM70 P5 ( We <3 Making Things!)\nM72 P1 ( Play Ta-Da song )\n(*********end End.gcode*******)',
type = 'string',
description = ''
M.printer_maxObjectHeight = {
default = 150,
type = 'int',
description = 'Maximum height that will be printed',
min = 0
M.printer_screenToMillimeterScale = { M.printer_screenToMillimeterScale = {
default = 0.3, default = 0.3,
@ -404,28 +271,4 @@ M.doodle3d_simplify_minDistance = {
min = 0 min = 0
} }
M.doodle3d_tour_enabled = {
default = true,
type = 'bool',
description = 'Show tour to new users'
M.doodle3d_update_includeBetas = {
default = false,
type = 'bool',
description = 'Include beta releases when updating'
M.doodle3d_update_baseUrl = {
default = 'http://doodle3d.com/updates',
type = 'string',
description = ''
M.gcode_server = {
default = 'http://gcodeserver.doodle3d.com',
type = 'string',
description =''
return M return M

View File

@ -1,16 +1,5 @@
-- ---
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com). -- Entry code of the REST API. This sets up the environment, processes a REST request and responds appropiately.
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
-- Entry code of the REST API and secondary functionality.
-- Primarily, this sets up the environment, processes a REST request and responds appropiately.
-- Secondary functions are to auto-switch between access point and client (@{setupAutoWifiMode})
-- and to signin to [connect.doodle3d.com](http://connect.doodle3d.com/) (@{network.signin}).
package.path = package.path .. ';/usr/share/lua/wifibox/?.lua' package.path = package.path .. ';/usr/share/lua/wifibox/?.lua'
local confDefaults = require('conf_defaults') local confDefaults = require('conf_defaults')
@ -22,24 +11,10 @@ local netconf = require('network.netconfig')
local RequestClass = require('rest.request') local RequestClass = require('rest.request')
local ResponseClass = require('rest.response') local ResponseClass = require('rest.response')
local Signin = require('network.signin') local Signin = require('network.signin')
local osUtils = require('os_utils')
-- NOTE: the updater module 'detects' command-line invocation by existence of 'arg', so we have to make sure it is not defined.
argStash = arg
arg = nil
local updater = require('script.d3d-updater')
arg = argStash
local postData = nil local postData = nil
local MOD_ABBR = "ENTR"
--- Switches to wifi client mode or to access point mode based on availability of known wifi networks.
-- If the configuration has actively been set to access point mode, that will always be selected.
-- If not, it will be attempted to connect to a known network (in order of recency) and only if
-- that fails, access point mode will be selected as fall-back.
local function setupAutoWifiMode() local function setupAutoWifiMode()
-- expects list with tables containing 'ssid' key as values and returns index key if found or nil if not found -- expects list with tables containing 'ssid' key as values and returns index key if found or nil if not found
local function findSsidInList(list, name) local function findSsidInList(list, name)
@ -51,19 +26,18 @@ local function setupAutoWifiMode()
local wifiState = wifi.getDeviceState() local wifiState = wifi.getDeviceState()
local netName, netMode = wifiState.ssid, wifiState.mode local netName, netMode = wifiState.ssid, wifiState.mode
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "current wifi name: " .. (netName or "<nil>") .. ", mode: " .. netMode)
local apSsid = wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.ap.ssid')) local apSsid = wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.ap.ssid'))
local apMode = (apSsid == netName) and (netMode == 'ap') local apMode = (apSsid == netName) and netMode == 'ap'
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "ssid of self: " .. apSsid)
local scanList,msg = wifi.getScanInfo() local scanList,msg = wifi.getScanInfo()
local knownSsids = wifi.getConfigs()
if not scanList then if not scanList then
return nil, "autowifi: could not scan wifi networks (" .. msg .. ")" return nil, "autowifi: could not scan wifi networks (" .. msg .. ")"
end end
local knownSsids = wifi.getConfigs() log:info("current wifi name/mode: " .. (netName or "<nil>") .. "/" .. netMode .. ", ssid of self: " .. apSsid)
-- log:info(MOD_ABBR, "current wifi name: " .. (netName or "<nil>") .. ", mode: " .. netMode .. ", ssid of self: " .. apSsid)
local visNet, knownNet = {}, {} local visNet, knownNet = {}, {}
for _,sn in ipairs(scanList) do for _,sn in ipairs(scanList) do
table.insert(visNet, sn.ssid) table.insert(visNet, sn.ssid)
@ -71,36 +45,26 @@ local function setupAutoWifiMode()
for _,kn in ipairs(knownSsids) do for _,kn in ipairs(knownSsids) do
table.insert(knownNet, kn.ssid .. "/" .. kn.mode) table.insert(knownNet, kn.ssid .. "/" .. kn.mode)
end end
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "visible networks: " .. table.concat(visNet, ", ")) log:info("visible networks: " .. table.concat(visNet, ", "))
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "known networks: " .. table.concat(knownNet, ", ")) log:info("known networks: " .. table.concat(knownNet, ", "))
-- if the currently active network is client mode and is also visible, do nothing since it will connect automatically further along the boot process -- if the currently active network is client mode and is also visible, do nothing since it will connect automatically further along the boot process
if netMode == 'sta' and netName ~= nil and netName ~= "" and findSsidInList(scanList, netName) then if netMode == 'sta' and netName ~= nil and netName ~= "" and findSsidInList(scanList, netName) then
-- signin to connect.doodle3d.com
local success, output = Signin.signin()
if success then
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "Signed in")
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "Signing in failed")
-- report we are connected after signin attempt
return true, "autowifi: no action - existing configuration found for currently wifi visible network (" .. netName .. ")" return true, "autowifi: no action - existing configuration found for currently wifi visible network (" .. netName .. ")"
end end
-- try to find a known network which is also visible (ordered by known network definitions) -- try to find a known network which is also visible (ordered by known network definitions)
-- when it finds a access point configuration first, it will use that
local connectWith = nil local connectWith = nil
for _,kn in ipairs(knownSsids) do for _,kn in ipairs(knownSsids) do
if kn.mode == 'ap' and kn.ssid == apSsid then break end if kn.mode == 'ap' and kn.ssid == apSsid then break end
if findSsidInList(scanList, kn.ssid) and kn.mode == 'sta' then if findSsidInList(scanList, kn.ssid) then
connectWith = kn.ssid connectWith = kn.ssid
break break
end end
end end
if connectWith then if connectWith then
local rv,msg = netconf.associateSsid(connectWith,nil,nil) local rv,msg = netconf.associateSsid(connectWith)
if rv then if rv then
return true, "autowifi: associated -- client mode with ssid '" .. connectWith .. "'" return true, "autowifi: associated -- client mode with ssid '" .. connectWith .. "'"
else else
@ -114,65 +78,32 @@ local function setupAutoWifiMode()
return nil, "autowifi: failed to configure as access point with ssid '" .. apSsid .. "' (" .. msg .. ")" return nil, "autowifi: failed to configure as access point with ssid '" .. apSsid .. "' (" .. msg .. ")"
end end
else else
netconf.setStatus(netconf.CREATED,"Access point created");
return true, "autowifi: no action - no known networks found, already in access point mode" return true, "autowifi: no action - no known networks found, already in access point mode"
end end
return nil, "autowifi: uh oh - bad situation in autowifi function" return nil, "autowifi: uh oh - bad situation in autowifi function"
end end
--- Initializes the logging system to use the file and level defined in the system settings.
-- The settings used are `log_path`, `api_log_filename` from the system section and
-- `system_log_level` from the general section. The filename may either be a regular filename
-- (with an absolute log_path), or `<stdout>` or `<stderr>`.
-- TODO: also support backticks (see Logger.cpp in print3d)--
-- @see util.settings.getSystemKey
-- @treturn bool True on success, false on error.
local function setupLogger() local function setupLogger()
local logStream = io.stderr -- use stderr as hard-coded default target local logStream = io.stderr -- use stderr as hard-coded default target
local logLevel = log.LEVEL.verbose -- use verbose logging as hard-coded default level local logLevel = log.LEVEL.debug -- use debug logging as hard-coded default level
local logPathSetting = settings.getSystemKey('log_path') local logTargetSetting = settings.getSystemKey('logfile')
local logTargetSetting = settings.getSystemKey('api_log_filename') local logLevelSetting = settings.getSystemKey('loglevel')
local logLevelSetting = settings.get('system_log_level')
local logTargetError, logLevelError = nil, nil local logTargetError, logLevelError = nil, nil
if type(logTargetSetting) == 'string' then if type(logTargetSetting) == 'string' then
local streamTarget = logTargetSetting:match('^<(.*)>$') local specialTarget = logTargetSetting:match('^<(.*)>$')
local popenTarget = logTargetSetting:match('^`(.*)`$') if specialTarget then
if streamTarget then if specialTarget == 'stdout' then logStream = io.stdout
if streamTarget:lower() == 'stdout' then logStream = io.stdout elseif specialTarget == 'stderr' then logStream = io.stderr
elseif streamTarget:lower() == 'stderr' then logStream = io.stderr
end end
elseif popenTarget then elseif logTargetSetting:sub(1, 1) == '/' then
local f,msg = io.popen(popenTarget, 'w') local f,msg = io.open(logTargetSetting, 'a+')
if f then logStream = f if f then logStream = f
else logTargetError = msg else logTargetError = msg
end end
elseif logPathSetting:sub(1, 1) == '/' then
local path = logPathSetting .. '/' .. logTargetSetting
local f,msg = io.open(path, 'a+')
if f then
logStream = f
logTargetError = msg
logTargetError = "log file path is not absolute"
-- if uci config not available, fallback to /tmp/wifibox.log
local path = '/tmp/wifibox.log'
local f,msg = io.open(path, 'a+')
if f then
logStream = f
logTargetError = msg
end end
end end
@ -192,22 +123,30 @@ local function setupLogger()
local rv = true local rv = true
if logTargetError then if logTargetError then
log:error(MOD_ABBR, "could not open logfile '" .. logPathSetting .. '/' .. logTargetSetting .. "', using stderr as fallback (" .. logTargetError .. ")") log:error("could not open logfile '" .. logTargetSetting .. "', using stderr as fallback (" .. logTargetError .. ")")
rv = false rv = false
end end
if logLevelError then if logLevelError then
log:error(MOD_ABBR, "uci config specifies invalid log level '" .. logLevelSetting .. "', using verbose level as fallback") log:error("uci config specifies invalid log level '" .. logLevelSetting .. "', using debug level as fallback")
rv = false rv = false
end end
return rv return rv
end end
--- Initializes the environment.
-- The logger is set up, any POST data is read and several other subsystems are initialized.
-- @tparam table environment The 'shell' environment containing all CGI variables. Note that @{cmdmain} simulates this.
local function init(environment) local function init(environment)
local dbgText = ""
if confDefaults.DEBUG_API and confDefaults.DEBUG_PCALLS then dbgText = "pcall+api"
elseif confDefaults.DEBUG_API then dbgText = "api"
elseif confDefaults.DEBUG_PCALL then dbgText = "pcall"
if dbgText ~= "" then dbgText = " (" .. dbgText .. " debugging)" end
log:info("=======rest api" .. dbgText .. "=======")
if (environment['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') then if (environment['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') then
local n = tonumber(environment['CONTENT_LENGTH']) local n = tonumber(environment['CONTENT_LENGTH'])
postData = io.read(n) postData = io.read(n)
@ -217,88 +156,67 @@ local function init(environment)
s, msg = wifi.init() s, msg = wifi.init()
if not s then return s, msg end if not s then return s, msg end
s, msg = netconf.init(wifi, false) s, msg = netconf.init(wifi, true)
if not s then return s, msg end if not s then return s, msg end
return true return true
end end
--- Decides what action to take based on shell/CGI parameters.
-- Either executes a REST request, or calls @{setupAutoWifiMode} or @{network.signin}.
-- @tparam table environment The CGI environment table.
local function main(environment) local function main(environment)
local rq = RequestClass.new(environment, postData, confDefaults.DEBUG_API) local rq = RequestClass.new(environment, postData, confDefaults.DEBUG_API)
if rq:getRequestMethod() == 'CMDLINE' and rq:get('autowifi') ~= nil then if rq:getRequestMethod() == 'CMDLINE' and rq:get('autowifi') ~= nil then
log:info("running in autowifi mode")
local version = updater.formatVersion(updater.getCurrentVersion());
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "Doodle3D version: "..util.dump(version))
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "Running in autowifi mode")
local rv,msg = setupAutoWifiMode() local rv,msg = setupAutoWifiMode()
if rv then if rv then
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "Autowifi setup done (" .. msg .. ")") log:info("autowifi setup done (" .. msg .. ")")
else else
log:error(MOD_ABBR, "Autowifi setup failed (" .. msg .. ")") log:error("autowifi setup failed (" .. msg .. ")")
end end
elseif rq:getRequestMethod() == 'CMDLINE' and rq:get('signin') ~= nil then elseif rq:getRequestMethod() == 'CMDLINE' and rq:get('signin') ~= nil then
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "Running in signin mode") log:info("running in signin mode")
log:info(MOD_ABBR, " attempting signin") local ds = wifi.getDeviceState()
local success,msg = Signin.signin() log:info(" ds.mode: "..util.dump(ds.mode))
if success then if ds.mode == "sta" then
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "Signin successful") log:info(" attempting signin")
else local success,msg = Signin.signin()
log:warning(MOD_ABBR, "Signin failed: "..util.dump(msg)) if success then
log:info("Signin successful")
log:info("Signin failed: "..util.dump(msg))
end end
elseif rq:getRequestMethod() ~= 'CMDLINE' or confDefaults.DEBUG_API then elseif rq:getRequestMethod() ~= 'CMDLINE' or confDefaults.DEBUG_API then
-- Note: the commented log message will print too many data if it's for instance dumping a gcode add request -- log:info("received request of type " .. rq:getRequestMethod() .. " for " .. (rq:getRequestedApiModule() or "<unknown>")
--logMessage = "received request of type " .. rq:getRequestMethod() .. " for " .. (rq:getRequestedApiModule() or "<unknown>") -- .. "/" .. (rq:getRealApiFunctionName() or "<unknown>") .. " with arguments: " .. util.dump(rq:getAll()))
-- .. "/" .. (rq:getRealApiFunctionName() or "<unknown>") .. " with arguments: " .. util.dump(rq:getAll()) log:info("received request of type " .. rq:getRequestMethod() .. " for " .. (rq:getRequestedApiModule() or "<unknown>")
logMessage = rq:getRequestMethod() .. " request for " .. (rq:getRequestedApiModule() or "<unknown>") .. "/" .. (rq:getRealApiFunctionName() or "<unknown>"))
.. "/" .. (rq:getRealApiFunctionName() or "<unknown>")
if rq:getRequestMethod() ~= 'CMDLINE' then if rq:getRequestMethod() ~= 'CMDLINE' then
logMessage = logMessage .. " (remote IP/port: " .. rq:getRemoteHost() .. "/" .. rq:getRemotePort() .. ")" log:info("remote IP/port: " .. rq:getRemoteHost() .. "/" .. rq:getRemotePort())
--logMessage = logMessage .. " (user agent: " .. rq:getUserAgent() .. ")" --log:debug("user agent: " .. rq:getUserAgent())
end end
log:info(MOD_ABBR, logMessage)
local response, err = rq:handle() local response, err = rq:handle()
if err ~= nil then log:error(MOD_ABBR, err) end if err ~= nil then log:error(err) end
response:send() response:send()
else else
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "Nothing to do...bye.\n") log:info("Nothing to do...bye.\n")
end end
end end
--- Firmware entry point. Runs @{init} and calls @{main}. --- Firmware entry point.
-- This is either used by [uhttp-mod-lua](http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci/uhttpd#embedded.lua) -- This is either used by [uhttp-mod-lua](http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci/uhttpd#embedded.lua)
-- directly, or by the d3dapi cgi-bin wrapper script which builds the env table -- directly, or by the d3dapi cgi-bin wrapper script which builds the env table
-- from the shell environment. The wrapper script also handles command-line invocation. -- from the shell environment. The wrapper script also handles command-line invocation.
-- @tparam table env The CGI environment table. -- @tparam table env The CGI environment table.
-- @treturn number A Z+ return value suitable to return from wrapper script. Note that this value is ignored by uhttpd-mod-lua. -- @treturn number A Z+ return value suitable to return from wrapper script. Note that this value is ignored by uhttpd-mod-lua.
function handle_request(env) function handle_request(env)
local function constructDebugText()
local dbgText = ""
if confDefaults.DEBUG_API and confDefaults.DEBUG_PCALLS then dbgText = "pcall+api"
elseif confDefaults.DEBUG_API then dbgText = "api"
elseif confDefaults.DEBUG_PCALL then dbgText = "pcall"
if dbgText ~= "" then dbgText = " (" .. dbgText .. " debugging)" end
return dbgText
local pid = osUtils.getPID()
local beginSecs, beginUSecs = osUtils.getTime()
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "START-RQ with PID=" .. pid .. constructDebugText())
local s, msg = init(env) local s, msg = init(env)
if s == false then if s == false then
@ -307,13 +225,11 @@ function handle_request(env)
resp:setError("initialization failed" .. errSuffix) resp:setError("initialization failed" .. errSuffix)
resp:send() resp:send()
log:error(MOD_ABBR, "Initialization failed" .. errSuffix) log:error("initialization failed" .. errSuffix) --NOTE: this assumes the logger has been initialized properly, despite init() having failed
return 1 return 1
else else
main(env) main(env)
local elapsed,msg = osUtils.getElapsedTime(beginSecs, beginUSecs)
log:bulk(MOD_ABBR, "END-RQ with PID=" .. pid .. " completed in " .. elapsed .. " msec")
return 0 return 0
end end
end end

View File

@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
local utils = require('util.utils') local utils = require('util.utils')
local log = require('util.logger') local log = require('util.logger')
local settings = require('util.settings') local settings = require('util.settings')
@ -18,8 +10,6 @@ local reconf = {}
local wifi local wifi
local reloadSilent local reloadSilent
local MOD_ABBR = "NTCF"
M.WWW_CAPTIVE_PATH = '/usr/share/lua/wifibox/www' M.WWW_CAPTIVE_PATH = '/usr/share/lua/wifibox/www'
M.WWW_CAPTIVE_INDICATOR = '/www/.wifibox-inplace' M.WWW_CAPTIVE_INDICATOR = '/www/.wifibox-inplace'
M.WWW_RENAME_NAME = '/www-regular' M.WWW_RENAME_NAME = '/www-regular'
@ -55,7 +45,7 @@ function M.init(wifiInstance, reloadSilent)
end end
--- Switch configuration between AP and station modes --- Switch configuration between AP and station modes
-- @param table components a table with components as keys with operations as values (add or remove) -- @param components a table with components as keys with operations as values (add or remove)
-- Valid components (each with add and rm operation) are: apnet, staticaddr, dhcppool, wwwredir, dnsredir, wwwcaptive, natreflect. -- Valid components (each with add and rm operation) are: apnet, staticaddr, dhcppool, wwwredir, dnsredir, wwwcaptive, natreflect.
-- and additionally: wifiiface/add, network/reload -- and additionally: wifiiface/add, network/reload
function M.switchConfiguration(components) function M.switchConfiguration(components)
@ -64,10 +54,10 @@ function M.switchConfiguration(components)
for k,v in pairs(components) do for k,v in pairs(components) do
local fname = k .. '_' .. v local fname = k .. '_' .. v
if type(reconf[fname]) == 'function' then if type(reconf[fname]) == 'function' then
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "reconfiguring component '" .. k .. "' (" .. v .. ")") log:debug("reconfiguring component '" .. k .. "' (" .. v .. ")")
reconf[fname](dirtyList) reconf[fname](dirtyList)
else else
log:warning(MOD_ABBR, "unknown component or action '" .. fname .. "' skipped") log:warn("unknown component or action '" .. fname .. "' skipped")
end end
end end
@ -81,20 +71,19 @@ function M.switchConfiguration(components)
end end
function M.commitComponent(c) function M.commitComponent(c)
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "committing component '" .. c .. "'") log:info("committing component '" .. c .. "'")
uci:commit(c) uci:commit(c)
end end
function M.reloadComponent(c, silent) function M.reloadComponent(c, silent)
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "reloading component '" .. c .. "'") log:info("reloading component '" .. c .. "'")
local command = 'reload' local cmd = '/etc/init.d/' .. c .. ' reload'
local cmd = '/etc/init.d/' .. c .. ' '..command
if silent ~= nil and silent then if silent ~= nil and silent then
cmd = cmd .. ' &> /dev/null' cmd = cmd .. ' &> /dev/null'
os.execute(cmd) os.execute(cmd)
else else
rv = utils.captureCommandOutput(cmd) rv = utils.captureCommandOutput(cmd)
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " result reloading component '" .. c .. "' (cmd: '"..cmd.."'): \n"..utils.dump(rv)) log:info(" result reloading component '" .. c .. "': "..utils.dump(rv))
end end
end end
@ -149,7 +138,7 @@ function reconf.apnet_rm(dirtyList)
uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s) uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s)
if s.ssid == wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.ap.ssid')) then sname = s['.name']; return false end if s.ssid == wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.ap.ssid')) then sname = s['.name']; return false end
end) end)
if sname == nil then return log:info(MOD_ABBR, "AP network configuration does not exist, nothing to remove") end if sname == nil then return log:info("AP network configuration does not exist, nothing to remove") end
uci:delete('wireless', sname) uci:delete('wireless', sname)
reloadBit(dirtyList, 'network'); commitBit(dirtyList, 'wireless') reloadBit(dirtyList, 'network'); commitBit(dirtyList, 'wireless')
end end
@ -214,15 +203,15 @@ end
function reconf.dnsredir_add(dirtyList) function reconf.dnsredir_add(dirtyList)
local redirText = '/#/' .. settings.get('network.ap.address') local redirText = '/#/' .. settings.get('network.ap.address')
local sname = utils.getUciSectionName('dhcp', 'dnsmasq') local sname = utils.getUciSectionName('dhcp', 'dnsmasq')
if sname == nil then return log:error(MOD_ABBR, "dhcp config does not contain a dnsmasq section") end if sname == nil then return log:error("dhcp config does not contain a dnsmasq section") end
if uci:get('dhcp', sname, 'address') ~= nil then return log:info(MOD_ABBR, "DNS address redirection already in place, not re-adding", false) end if uci:get('dhcp', sname, 'address') ~= nil then return log:debug("DNS address redirection already in place, not re-adding", false) end
uci:set('dhcp', sname, 'address', {redirText}) uci:set('dhcp', sname, 'address', {redirText})
commitBit(dirtyList, 'dhcp'); reloadBit(dirtyList, 'dnsmasq') commitBit(dirtyList, 'dhcp'); reloadBit(dirtyList, 'dnsmasq')
end end
function reconf.dnsredir_rm(dirtyList) function reconf.dnsredir_rm(dirtyList)
local sname = utils.getUciSectionName('dhcp', 'dnsmasq') local sname = utils.getUciSectionName('dhcp', 'dnsmasq')
if sname == nil then return log:error(MOD_ABBR, "dhcp config does not contain a dnsmasq section") end if sname == nil then return log:error("dhcp config does not contain a dnsmasq section") end
uci:delete('dhcp', sname, 'address') uci:delete('dhcp', sname, 'address')
commitBit(dirtyList, 'dhcp'); reloadBit(dirtyList, 'dnsmasq') commitBit(dirtyList, 'dhcp'); reloadBit(dirtyList, 'dnsmasq')
@ -232,21 +221,21 @@ end
--TODO: handle os.rename() return values (nil+msg on error) --TODO: handle os.rename() return values (nil+msg on error)
function reconf.wwwcaptive_add(dirtyList) function reconf.wwwcaptive_add(dirtyList)
if utils.exists(M.WWW_CAPTIVE_INDICATOR) then if utils.exists(M.WWW_CAPTIVE_INDICATOR) then
return log:info(MOD_ABBR, "WWW captive directory already in place, not redoing", false) return log:debug("WWW captive directory already in place, not redoing", false)
end end
local rv,reason = os.rename('/www', M.WWW_RENAME_NAME) local rv,reason = os.rename('/www', M.WWW_RENAME_NAME)
if rv == true then if rv == true then
utils.symlink(M.WWW_CAPTIVE_PATH, '/www') utils.symlink(M.WWW_CAPTIVE_PATH, '/www')
return true return true
else else
return log:error(MOD_ABBR, "Could not rename /www to " .. M.WWW_RENAME_NAME .. "(" .. reason .. ")") return log:error("Could not rename /www to " .. M.WWW_RENAME_NAME .. "(" .. reason .. ")")
end end
end end
function reconf.wwwcaptive_rm(dirtyList) function reconf.wwwcaptive_rm(dirtyList)
if not utils.exists(M.WWW_CAPTIVE_INDICATOR) then return log:info(MOD_ABBR, "WWW captive directory not in place, not undoing", false) end if not utils.exists(M.WWW_CAPTIVE_INDICATOR) then return log:debug("WWW captive directory not in place, not undoing", false) end
os.remove('/www') os.remove('/www')
if os.rename(M.WWW_RENAME_NAME, '/www') ~= true then if os.rename(M.WWW_RENAME_NAME, '/www') ~= true then
return log:error(MOD_ABBR, "Could not rename " .. M.WWW_RENAME_NAME .. " to /www") return log:error("Could not rename " .. M.WWW_RENAME_NAME .. " to /www")
end end
return true return true
end end
@ -276,35 +265,33 @@ end
-- @tparam string ssid The SSID to use for the access point. -- @tparam string ssid The SSID to use for the access point.
-- @return True on success or nil+msg on error. -- @return True on success or nil+msg on error.
function M.setupAccessPoint(ssid) function M.setupAccessPoint(ssid)
M.setStatus(M.CREATING,"Creating access point '"..ssid.."'..."); M.setStatus(M.CREATING,"Creating access point '"..ssid.."'...");
-- add access point configuration M.switchConfiguration{apnet="add_noreload"}
wifi.activateConfig(ssid) wifi.activateConfig(ssid)
-- NOTE: dnsmasq must be reloaded after network or it will be unable to serve IP addresses -- NOTE: dnsmasq must be reloaded after network or it will be unable to serve IP addresses
M.switchConfiguration({ wifiiface="add", network="reload", staticaddr="add", dhcppool="add_noreload", wwwredir="add", dnsredir="add" }) M.switchConfiguration{ wifiiface="add", network="reload", staticaddr="add", dhcppool="add_noreload", wwwredir="add", dnsredir="add" }
M.switchConfiguration({dhcp="reload"}) M.switchConfiguration{dhcp="reload"}
M.setStatus(M.CREATED,"Access point created"); M.setStatus(M.CREATED,"Access point created");
local ds = wifi.getDeviceState() local ds = wifi.getDeviceState()
--log:info(MOD_ABBR, " network/status: ") --log:info(" network/status: ")
log:info(MOD_ABBR, " ssid: ".. utils.dump(ds.ssid)) log:info(" ssid: ".. utils.dump(ds.ssid))
--[[ --[[log:info(" bssid: ".. utils.dump(ds.bssid))
log:info(MOD_ABBR, " bssid: ".. utils.dump(ds.bssid)) log:info(" channel: ".. utils.dump(ds.channel))
log:info(MOD_ABBR, " channel: ".. utils.dump(ds.channel)) log:info(" mode: ".. utils.dump(ds.mode))
log:info(MOD_ABBR, " mode: ".. utils.dump(ds.mode)) log:info(" encryption: ".. utils.dump(ds.encryption))
log:info(MOD_ABBR, " encryption: ".. utils.dump(ds.encryption)) log:info(" quality: ".. utils.dump(ds.quality))
log:info(MOD_ABBR, " quality: ".. utils.dump(ds.quality)) log:info(" quality_max: ".. utils.dump(ds.quality_max))
log:info(MOD_ABBR, " quality_max: ".. utils.dump(ds.quality_max)) log:info(" txpower: ".. utils.dump(ds.txpower))
log:info(MOD_ABBR, " txpower: ".. utils.dump(ds.txpower)) log:info(" signal: ".. utils.dump(ds.signal))
log:info(MOD_ABBR, " signal: ".. utils.dump(ds.signal)) log:info(" noise: ".. utils.dump(ds.noise))
log:info(MOD_ABBR, " noise: ".. utils.dump(ds.noise)) log:info(" raw: ".. utils.dump(ds))
log:info(MOD_ABBR, " raw: ".. utils.dump(ds))
local localip = wifi.getLocalIP() local localip = wifi.getLocalIP()
log:info(MOD_ABBR, " localip: "..utils.dump(localip)) log:info(" localip: "..utils.dump(localip))]]--
return true return true
end end
@ -315,13 +302,13 @@ end
-- @tparam string ssid The SSID to use for the access point. -- @tparam string ssid The SSID to use for the access point.
-- @return True on success or nil+msg on error. -- @return True on success or nil+msg on error.
function M.enableAccessPoint(ssid) function M.enableAccessPoint(ssid)
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "enableAccessPoint ssid: ".. utils.dump(ssid)) log:debug("enableAccessPoint ssid: ".. utils.dump(ssid))
M.switchConfiguration{apnet="add_noreload"} M.switchConfiguration{apnet="add_noreload"}
wifi.activateConfig(ssid) wifi.activateConfig(ssid)
local ds = wifi.getDeviceState() local ds = wifi.getDeviceState()
log:info(MOD_ABBR, " deviceState.ssid: ".. utils.dump(ds.ssid)) log:debug(" ssid: ".. utils.dump(ds.ssid))
return true return true
end end
@ -334,7 +321,8 @@ end
-- @tparam boolean recreate If true, a new UCI configuration based on scan data will always be created, otherwise an attempt will be made to use an existing configuration. -- @tparam boolean recreate If true, a new UCI configuration based on scan data will always be created, otherwise an attempt will be made to use an existing configuration.
-- @return True on success or nil+msg on error. -- @return True on success or nil+msg on error.
function M.associateSsid(ssid, passphrase, recreate) function M.associateSsid(ssid, passphrase, recreate)
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "netconfig:associateSsid: "..(ssid or "<nil>")..", "..(recreate or "<nil>")) log:info("netconfig:associateSsid: "..(ssid or "<nil>")..", "..(passphrase or "<nil>")..", "..(recreate or "<nil>"))
M.setStatus(M.CONNECTING,"Connecting..."); M.setStatus(M.CONNECTING,"Connecting...");
-- see if previously configured network for given ssid exists -- see if previously configured network for given ssid exists
@ -348,13 +336,9 @@ function M.associateSsid(ssid, passphrase, recreate)
-- if not, or if newly created configuration is requested, create a new configuration -- if not, or if newly created configuration is requested, create a new configuration
if cfg == nil or recreate ~= nil then if cfg == nil or recreate ~= nil then
local scanResult, msg = wifi.getScanInfo(ssid) local scanResult = wifi.getScanInfo(ssid)
if scanResult ~= nil then if scanResult ~= nil then
wifi.createConfigFromScanInfo(scanResult, passphrase) wifi.createConfigFromScanInfo(scanResult, passphrase)
elseif scanResult == false then
--check for error
return nil,msg
else else
--check for error --check for error
local msg = "Wireless network "..ssid.." is not available" local msg = "Wireless network "..ssid.." is not available"
@ -367,49 +351,28 @@ function M.associateSsid(ssid, passphrase, recreate)
wifi.activateConfig(ssid) wifi.activateConfig(ssid)
--M.switchConfiguration{ wifiiface="add", apnet="rm", staticaddr="rm", dhcppool="rm", wwwredir="rm", dnsredir="rm", wwwcaptive="rm", wireless="reload" } --M.switchConfiguration{ wifiiface="add", apnet="rm", staticaddr="rm", dhcppool="rm", wwwredir="rm", dnsredir="rm", wwwcaptive="rm", wireless="reload" }
--M.switchConfiguration{ wifiiface="add", apnet="rm", staticaddr="rm", dhcppool="rm", wwwredir="rm", dnsredir="rm", wireless="reload" } --M.switchConfiguration{ wifiiface="add", apnet="rm", staticaddr="rm", dhcppool="rm", wwwredir="rm", dnsredir="rm", wireless="reload" }
--M.switchConfiguration{ wifiiface="add", staticaddr="rm", dhcppool="rm", wwwredir="rm", dnsredir="rm", wireless="reload" } M.switchConfiguration{ wifiiface="add", staticaddr="rm", dhcppool="rm", wwwredir="rm", dnsredir="rm", wireless="reload" }
M.switchConfiguration({ wifiiface="add", staticaddr="rm", dhcppool="rm", wwwredir="rm", dnsredir="rm" })
-- we check if we get a ssid and ip in max 5 seconds -- check if we are actually associated
-- if not there is probably a issue local status = wifi.getDeviceState()
local attemptInterval = 1 if not status.ssid or status.ssid ~= ssid then
local maxAttempts = 5 local msg = "Could not associate with network (incorrect password?)"
local attempt = 0 M.setStatus(M.CONNECTING_FAILED,msg);
local nextAttemptTime = os.time() return nil,msg
while true do
if os.time() > nextAttemptTime then
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "associated check "..utils.dump(attempt).."/"..utils.dump(maxAttempts))
if wifi.getLocalIP() ~= nil and wifi.getDeviceState().ssid == ssid then
attempt = attempt+1
if attempt >= maxAttempts then
-- still no correct ssid; fail
local msg = "Could not associate with network (incorrect password?)"
return false, msg
nextAttemptTime = os.time() + attemptInterval
end end
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "Network associated")
-- signin to connect.doodle3d.com -- signin to connect.doodle3d.com
local success, output = signin.signin() local success, output = signin.signin()
if success then if success then
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "Signed in") log:info("Signed in")
else else
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "Signing in failed") log:info("Signing in failed")
end end
-- report we are connected after signin attempt
return true return true
end end
--- Disassociate wlan device as client from all SSID's. --- Disassociate wlan device as client from all SSID's.
-- Note: this function might belong in the wlanconfig module but that would introduce -- Note: this function might belong in the wlanconfig module but that would introduce
-- a circular dependency, easiest solution is to place the function here. -- a circular dependency, easiest solution is to place the function here.
@ -423,22 +386,24 @@ function M.disassociate()
end end
function M.getStatus() function M.getStatus()
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "network:getStatus") log:info("network:getStatus")
local file, error = io.open('/tmp/networkstatus.txt','r') local file, error = io.open('/tmp/networkstatus.txt','r')
if file == nil then if file == nil then
--log:error(MOD_ABBR, "Util:Access:Can't read controller file. Error: "..error) --log:error("Util:Access:Can't read controller file. Error: "..error)
return "","" return "",""
else else
local status = file:read('*a') local status = file:read('*a')
--log:info(" status: "..utils.dump(status))
file:close() file:close()
local code, msg = string.match(status, '([^|]+)|+(.*)') local code, msg = string.match(status, '([^|]+)|+(.*)')
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " raw status: "..utils.dump(status).." (code: "..utils.dump(code)..", msg: "..utils.dump(msg)..")") --log:info(" code: "..utils.dump(code))
--log:info(" msg: "..utils.dump(msg))
return code,msg return code,msg
end end
end end
function M.setStatus(code,msg) function M.setStatus(code,msg)
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "network:setStatus: "..code.." | "..msg) log:info("network:setStatus: "..code.." | "..msg)
local file = io.open('/tmp/networkstatus.txt','w') local file = io.open('/tmp/networkstatus.txt','w')
file:write(code.."|"..msg) file:write(code.."|"..msg)
file:flush() file:flush()

View File

@ -1,13 +1,3 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
-- TODO: document
local log = require('util.logger') local log = require('util.logger')
local utils = require('util.utils') local utils = require('util.utils')
local uci = require('uci').cursor() local uci = require('uci').cursor()
@ -20,7 +10,6 @@ local status = require('util.status')
local M = {} local M = {}
local STATUS_FILE = "signinstatus" local STATUS_FILE = "signinstatus"
local MOD_ABBR = "NTSI"
local IDLE_STATUS = 1 local IDLE_STATUS = 1
@ -28,21 +17,15 @@ local SIGNING_IN_STATUS = 2
--- Signin to connect.doodle3d.com server --- Signin to connect.doodle3d.com server
-- --
function M.signin() function M.signin()
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "signin:signin");
local code, msg = M.getStatus() local code, msg = M.getStatus()
--log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " status: "..utils.dump(code).." "..utils.dump(msg)); --log:debug(" status: "..utils.dump(code).." "..utils.dump(msg));
-- if we are already signin in, skip -- if we are already signin in, skip
if(code == SIGNING_IN_STATUS) then if(code == SIGNING_IN_STATUS) then
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " already signing in, skipping") log:debug(" skipping signin")
local ds = wifi.getDeviceState()
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " wifi deviceState.mode: "..utils.dump(ds.mode))
if ds.mode ~= "sta" then
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " wifi not in station mode, skipping signin")
return return
end end
@ -50,56 +33,23 @@ function M.signin()
local baseurl = "http://connect.doodle3d.com/api/signin.php" local baseurl = "http://connect.doodle3d.com/api/signin.php"
local attemptInterval = 1 local localip = wifi.getLocalIP();
local maxAttempts = 20 if localip == nil then
local attempt = 0 log:error("signin failed no local ip found")
local nextAttemptTime = os.time() return false
local localip = ""
local signinResponse = ""
while true do
if os.time() > nextAttemptTime then
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " signin attempt "..utils.dump(attempt).."/"..utils.dump(maxAttempts))
local signedin = false
local localip = wifi.getLocalIP();
--log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " localip: "..utils.dump(localip))
if localip ~= nil then
local wifiboxid = wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.cl.wifiboxid'))
wifiboxid = urlcode.escape(wifiboxid)
local cmd = "wget -q -T 2 -t 1 -O - "..baseurl.."?wifiboxid="..wifiboxid.."\\&localip="..localip;
signinResponse = utils.captureCommandOutput(cmd);
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " signin response: \n"..utils.dump(signinResponse))
local success = signinResponse:match('"status":"success"')
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " success: "..utils.dump(success))
if success ~= nil then
signedin = true
log:warning(MOD_ABBR, "signin failed, request failed (response: "..utils.dump(signinResponse)..")")
log:warning(MOD_ABBR, "signin failed, no local ip found (attempt: "..utils.dump(attempt).."/"..utils.dump(maxAttempts)..")")
if signedin then
attempt = attempt+1
if attempt >= maxAttempts then
-- still no localIP; fail
return false
nextAttemptTime = os.time() + attemptInterval
end end
local wifiboxid = wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.cl.wifiboxid'))
wifiboxid = urlcode.escape(wifiboxid)
local cmd = "wget -q -T 2 -t 1 -O - "..baseurl.."?wifiboxid="..wifiboxid.."\\&localip="..localip;
local output = utils.captureCommandOutput(cmd);
log:info("signin: "..output)
M.setStatus(IDLE_STATUS,"idle") M.setStatus(IDLE_STATUS,"idle")
return string.len(signinResponse) > 0, signinResponse
return string.len(output) > 0, output
end end
function M.getStatus() function M.getStatus()
@ -107,7 +57,7 @@ function M.getStatus()
end end
function M.setStatus(code,msg) function M.setStatus(code,msg)
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "signin:setStatus: " .. code .. " (" .. msg .. ")") log:info("signin:setStatus: "..code.." | "..msg)
status.set(STATUS_FILE,code,msg); status.set(STATUS_FILE,code,msg);
end end

View File

@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
local log = require('util.logger') local log = require('util.logger')
local utils = require('util.utils') local utils = require('util.utils')
local uci = require('uci').cursor() local uci = require('uci').cursor()
@ -13,8 +5,6 @@ local iwinfo = require('iwinfo')
local M = {} local M = {}
local MOD_ABBR = "NTWL"
-- NOTE: fallback device 'radio0' is required because sometimes the wlan0 device disappears -- NOTE: fallback device 'radio0' is required because sometimes the wlan0 device disappears
M.DFL_DEVICE = 'wlan0' M.DFL_DEVICE = 'wlan0'
@ -27,14 +17,14 @@ local deviceName, deviceApi
local cachedApSsid, baseApSsid = nil, nil local cachedApSsid, baseApSsid = nil, nil
function M.getSubstitutedSsid(unformattedSsid) function M.getSubstitutedSsid(unformattedSsid)
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "getSubstitutedSsid unformattedSsid:'" .. (unformattedSsid or "nil") .. "' baseApSsid:'" .. (baseApSsid or "nil") .. "' cachedApSsid:'" .. (cachedApSsid or "nil"))
if unformattedSsid == baseApSsid and cachedApSsid ~= nil then return cachedApSsid end if unformattedSsid == baseApSsid and cachedApSsid ~= nil then return cachedApSsid end
if not unformattedSsid or type(unformattedSsid) ~= 'string' then return nil end if not unformattedSsid or type(unformattedSsid) ~= 'string' then return nil end
local macTail = M.getMacAddress():sub(7) local macTail = M.getMacAddress():sub(7)
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " macTail:'" .. macTail)
baseApSsid = unformattedSsid baseApSsid = unformattedSsid
cachedApSsid = unformattedSsid:gsub('%%%%MAC_ADDR_TAIL%%%%', macTail) cachedApSsid = unformattedSsid:gsub('%%%%MAC_ADDR_TAIL%%%%', macTail)
return cachedApSsid return cachedApSsid
end end
@ -77,7 +67,7 @@ function M.init(device)
deviceApi = iwinfo.type(deviceName) deviceApi = iwinfo.type(deviceName)
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "wireless device '" .. devInitial .. "' not found, trying fallback '" .. deviceName .. "'") log:info("wireless device '" .. devInitial .. "' not found, trying fallback '" .. deviceName .. "'")
if not deviceApi then if not deviceApi then
return false, "No such wireless device: '" .. devInitial .. "' (and fallback '" .. deviceName .. "' does not exist either)" return false, "No such wireless device: '" .. devInitial .. "' (and fallback '" .. deviceName .. "' does not exist either)"
@ -109,9 +99,7 @@ end
--returns the wireless device's MAC address (as string, without colons) --returns the wireless device's MAC address (as string, without colons)
--(lua numbers on openWrt seem to be 32bit so they cannot represent a MAC address as one number) --(lua numbers on openWrt seem to be 32bit so they cannot represent a MAC address as one number)
function M.getMacAddress() function M.getMacAddress()
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "getMacAddress")
local macText = utils.readFile('/sys/class/net/' .. deviceName .. '/address') local macText = utils.readFile('/sys/class/net/' .. deviceName .. '/address')
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " macText: '" .. (macText or "nil") .. "'")
local out = '' local out = ''
-- Hack to prevent failure in case the MAC address could not be obtained. -- Hack to prevent failure in case the MAC address could not be obtained.
@ -128,10 +116,8 @@ end
--returns the wireless local ip address --returns the wireless local ip address
function M.getLocalIP() function M.getLocalIP()
local ifconfig, rv = utils.captureCommandOutput("ifconfig wlan0"); local ifconfig, rv = utils.captureCommandOutput("ifconfig wlan0");
log:bulk(MOD_ABBR, " ifconfig: \n"..utils.dump(ifconfig)); local localip = ifconfig:match('inet addr:([%d\.]+)')
return localip;
local localip = ifconfig:match('inet addr:([%d%.]+)')
return localip
end end
function M.getDeviceName() function M.getDeviceName()
@ -142,10 +128,9 @@ end
-- @param ssid return data for given SSID or for all networks if SSID not given -- @param ssid return data for given SSID or for all networks if SSID not given
-- @return data for all or requested network; false+error on failure or nil when requested network not found -- @return data for all or requested network; false+error on failure or nil when requested network not found
function M.getScanInfo(ssid) function M.getScanInfo(ssid)
local iw = iwinfo[deviceApi] local iw = iwinfo[deviceApi]
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "start wifi scan")
local sr = iw.scanlist(deviceName) local sr = iw.scanlist(deviceName)
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "wifi scan done")
local si, se local si, se
if ssid == nil then if ssid == nil then
@ -177,13 +162,12 @@ end
function M.removeConfig(ssid) function M.removeConfig(ssid)
local rv = false local rv = false
uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s) uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s)
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, utils.dump(s.ssid).."\n "..utils.dump(s))
if s.ssid == ssid then if s.ssid == ssid then
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "deleting faulty ssid: "..utils.dump(s['.name'])) uci:delete('wireless', s['.name'])
rv = uci:delete('wireless', s['.name']) rv = true
return false
end end
end) end)
uci:commit('wireless') uci:commit('wireless')
return rv return rv
end end
@ -191,12 +175,12 @@ end
--- Activate wireless section for given SSID and disable all others --- Activate wireless section for given SSID and disable all others
-- @param ssid SSID of config to enable, or nil to disable all network configs -- @param ssid SSID of config to enable, or nil to disable all network configs
function M.activateConfig(ssid) function M.activateConfig(ssid)
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "wlanconfig.activateConfig: "..ssid); --log:info("wlanconfig.activateConfig: "..ssid);
-- make sure only one is enabled -- make sure only one is enabled
uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s) uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s)
local disabled = s.ssid ~= ssid and '1' or '0' local disabled = s.ssid ~= ssid and '1' or '0'
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " ssid: "..utils.dump(s.ssid).." disabled: "..utils.dump(disabled)) --log:info(" "..utils.dump(s.ssid).." disable: "..utils.dump(disabled))
uci:set('wireless', s['.name'], 'disabled', disabled) uci:set('wireless', s['.name'], 'disabled', disabled)
end) end)
@ -214,14 +198,11 @@ function M.activateConfig(ssid)
return false return false
end end
end) end)
--[[log:info(" result:");
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " wifi reorder result:");
uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s) uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s)
local disabled = s.ssid ~= ssid and '1' or '0' local disabled = s.ssid ~= ssid and '1' or '0'
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " ssid: "..utils.dump(s.ssid).." disabled: "..utils.dump(disabled)) log:info(" "..utils.dump(s.ssid).." disable: "..utils.dump(disabled))
end) end)]]--
uci:commit('wireless') uci:commit('wireless')
end end
@ -239,7 +220,7 @@ function M.createConfigFromScanInfo(info, passphrase, disabled)
network = M.NET, network = M.NET,
device = 'radio0', device = 'radio0',
ssid = info.ssid, ssid = info.ssid,
--bssid = info.bssid, bssid = info.bssid,
encryption = M.mapEncryptionType(info.encryption), encryption = M.mapEncryptionType(info.encryption),
mode = mode, mode = mode,
} }
@ -247,9 +228,8 @@ function M.createConfigFromScanInfo(info, passphrase, disabled)
apconfig.disabled = disabled ~= nil and disabled and 1 or 0 apconfig.disabled = disabled ~= nil and disabled and 1 or 0
uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s) uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s)
--if s.bssid == info.bssid then if s.bssid == info.bssid then
if s.ssid == info.ssid then log:debug("removing old wireless config for net '" .. s.ssid .. "(bssid: " .. s.bssid .. ")'")
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "removing old wireless config for net '" .. s.ssid .. "'")
uci:delete('wireless', s['.name']) uci:delete('wireless', s['.name'])
-- return false --keep looking, just in case multiple entries with this bssid exist -- return false --keep looking, just in case multiple entries with this bssid exist
end end

View File

@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
local log = require('util.logger') local log = require('util.logger')
local utils = require('util.utils') local utils = require('util.utils')
local settings = require('util.settings') local settings = require('util.settings')
@ -15,12 +7,12 @@ local wifi = require('network.wlanconfig')
local accessManager = require('util.access') local accessManager = require('util.access')
local printerAPI = require('rest.api.api_printer') local printerAPI = require('rest.api.api_printer')
local MOD_ABBR = "ACFG"
local M = { local M = {
isApi = true isApi = true
} }
-- TODO: this function is also defined in 2 other places, combine them (and avoid require loops) -- TODO: this function is also defined in 2 other places, combine them (and avoid require loops)
local function operationsAccessOrFail(request, response) local function operationsAccessOrFail(request, response)
if not accessManager.hasControl(request.remoteAddress) then if not accessManager.hasControl(request.remoteAddress) then
@ -29,8 +21,10 @@ local function operationsAccessOrFail(request, response)
end end
local rv, printerState = printerAPI.state(request, response, true) local rv, printerState = printerAPI.state(request, response, true)
-- NOTE: rv being false means a printer device exists but no server is running for it, so it cannot be 'busy' if(rv == false) then
if rv == false then return true end response:setError("Could not get printer state")
return false
if printerState == 'buffering' or printerState == 'printing' or printerState == 'stopping' then if printerState == 'buffering' or printerState == 'printing' or printerState == 'stopping' then
response:setFail("Printer is busy, please wait") response:setFail("Printer is busy, please wait")
@ -46,20 +40,14 @@ function M._global_GET(request, response)
for k,v in pairs(request:getAll()) do for k,v in pairs(request:getAll()) do
local r,m = settings.get(k) local r,m = settings.get(k)
if r ~= nil then if r ~= nil then response:addData(k, r)
response:addData(k, r) else response:addData(k, "could not read key ('" .. m .. "')")
response:addData(k, "could not read key ('" .. m .. "')")
end end
end end
end end
-- returns substituted_wifiboxid (since version 0.10.2)
-- returns substituted_ssid (since version 0.9.1)
function M._global_POST(request, response) function M._global_POST(request, response)
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "API:config(set)") --log:info("API:config:set")
if not operationsAccessOrFail(request, response) then return end if not operationsAccessOrFail(request, response) then return end
@ -67,81 +55,34 @@ function M._global_POST(request, response)
local validation = {} local validation = {}
for k,v in pairs(request:getAll()) do for k,v in pairs(request:getAll()) do
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " about to set '"..k.."' -> '"..v.."'"); --log:info(" "..k..": "..v);
local r,m = settings.set(k, v, true) local r,m = settings.set(k, v)
if r then if r then
--response:addData(k, "ok")
validation[k] = "ok" validation[k] = "ok"
elseif r == false then else
--response:addData(k, "could not save setting ('" .. m .. "')")
validation[k] = "could not save setting ('" .. m .. "')" validation[k] = "could not save setting ('" .. m .. "')"
log:info(MOD_ABBR, " failed to set '"..k.."' ("..utils.dump(m)..")") log:info(" m: "..utils.dump(m))
elseif r == nil then
end end
end end
response:addData("validation",validation) response:addData("validation",validation)
local substitutedSsid = wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.ap.ssid')) local substitutedSsid = wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.ap.ssid'))
response:addData("substituted_ssid",substitutedSsid) response:addData("substituted_ssid",substitutedSsid)
local substitutedWiFiBoxID = wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.cl.wifiboxid')) -- we now call signin seperatly trough cgi-bin
response:addData("substituted_wifiboxid",substitutedWiFiBoxID) --[[log:info("API:Network:try signing in")
if signin.signin() then
log:info("API:Network:signin successfull")
log:info("API:Network:signin failed")
end end
function M.all_GET(request, response) function M.all_GET(request, response)
local allSettings, msg = settings.getAll();
if allSettings then
for k,v in pairs(settings.getAll()) do
--- Reset specific setting to default value
-- When an setting has a subSection only the setting in it's current subSection is reset.
-- For example you want to reset setting _printer.startcode_
-- and it has it's _subSection_ set to 'printer_type'
-- and printer.type is set to 'ultimaker' then
-- only the printer.startcode under the ultimaker subsection is removed.
function M.reset_POST(request, response)
--log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "API:config/reset")
if not operationsAccessOrFail(request, response) then return end
response:setSuccess() response:setSuccess()
for k,v in pairs(request:getAll()) do
--log:info(MOD_ABBR, " "..k..": "..v);
local r,m = settings.reset(k);
if r ~= nil then
response:addData(k, "ok")
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " reset " .. k)
response:addData(k, "could not reset key ('" .. m .. "')")
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " could not reset key " .. k .. "(" .. m .. ")")
--- Reset all settings to default value
function M.resetall_POST(request, response)
if not operationsAccessOrFail(request, response) then return end
local rv, msg = settings.resetAll()
if(rv == nil) then
for k,v in pairs(settings.getAll()) do for k,v in pairs(settings.getAll()) do
response:addData(k,v) response:addData(k,v)
end end

View File

@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
local lfs = require('lfs') local lfs = require('lfs')
local log = require('util.logger') local log = require('util.logger')
local utils = require('util.utils') local utils = require('util.utils')
@ -14,35 +6,15 @@ local printDriver = require('print3d')
local printerUtils = require('util.printer') local printerUtils = require('util.printer')
local printerAPI = require('rest.api.api_printer') local printerAPI = require('rest.api.api_printer')
local wifi = require('network.wlanconfig') local wifi = require('network.wlanconfig')
local settings = require('util.settings')
local MOD_ABBR = "AINF"
local TMP_DIR = '/tmp' local TMP_DIR = '/tmp'
local LOG_COLLECT_DIRNAME = 'wifibox-logs' local LOG_COLLECT_DIRNAME = 'wifibox-logs'
local DEFAULT_WIFIBOX_LOG_FILENAME = 'wifibox.log' local WIFIBOX_LOG_FILENAME = 'wifibox.log'
local WIFIBOX_STDOUT_LOG_FILENAME = 'wifibox.stdout.log'
local WIFIBOX_VERSION_FILENAME = 'wifibox-version'
local ROTATED_LOGS_DIRNAME = 'wifibox-rotated'
local SYSLOG_FILENAME = 'syslog' local SYSLOG_FILENAME = 'syslog'
local PROCESS_LIST_FILENAME = 'processes'
local MEMINFO_FILENAME = 'meminfo'
local MOUNTS_FILENAME = 'mounts'
local DISKFREE_FILENAME = 'diskfree'
local UCI_CONFIG_FILES_TO_SAVE = { 'dhcp', 'firewall', 'network', 'system', 'wifibox', 'wireless' }
local USB_DIRTREE_COMMAND = "ls -R /sys/devices/platform/ehci-platform/usb1 | grep \":$\" | sed -e 's/:$//' -e 's/[^-][^\\/]*\\//--/g' -e 's/^/ /' -e 's/-/|/'"
local USB_DIRTREE_FILENAME = 'sys_devices_platform_ehci-platform_usb1.tree'
local PRINT3D_BASEPATH = '/tmp' local PRINT3D_BASEPATH = '/tmp'
local PRINT3D_LOG_FILENAME_PREFIX = 'print3d.' local PRINT3D_LOG_FILENAME_PREFIX = 'print3d-'
@ -55,92 +27,36 @@ local M = {
isApi = true isApi = true
} }
-- returns wifiboxid (since version 0.10.2)
function M._global(request, response) function M._global(request, response)
response:setSuccess() response:setSuccess()
local wifiboxid = wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.cl.wifiboxid'))
response:addData('wifiboxid', wifiboxid)
end end
-- TODO: redirect stdout+stderr; handle errors -- TODO: redirect stdout+stderr; handle errors
function M.logfiles(request, response) function M.logfiles(request, response)
local rv,sig,code,msg = nil,nil,nil,nil local rv,msg = lfs.mkdir(LOG_COLLECT_DIR)
local rv,msg = lfs.chdir(TMP_DIR)
rv,msg = lfs.mkdir(LOG_COLLECT_DIR)
rv,msg = lfs.chdir(TMP_DIR)
local wifiboxLogFilePath = log:getLogFilePath()
local wifiboxLogFileName = wifiboxLogFilePath and wifiboxLogFilePath:match('.*/(.*)')
--[[ create temporary files ]]-- --[[ create temporary files ]]--
-- copy wifibox API-script (firmware) log local rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('cp ' .. WIFIBOX_LOG_FILE .. ' ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR)
lfs.link(wifiboxLogFilePath, LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. wifiboxLogFileName)
-- copy d3dapi script stdout/stderr (fallback) log local rv,sig,code = os.execute('logread > ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. SYSLOG_FILENAME)
-- collect and copy print3d server logs
for file in lfs.dir(PRINT3D_BASEPATH) do for file in lfs.dir(PRINT3D_BASEPATH) do
if file:find(PRINT3D_LOG_FILENAME_PREFIX) == 1 and file:find(PRINT3D_LOG_FILENAME_SUFFIX) ~= nil then if file:find(PRINT3D_LOG_FILENAME_PREFIX) == 1 and file:find(PRINT3D_LOG_FILENAME_SUFFIX) ~= nil then
local srcLogFile = PRINT3D_BASEPATH .. '/' .. file local srcLogFile = PRINT3D_BASEPATH .. '/' .. file
local tgtLogFile = LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. file local tgtLogFile = LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. file
lfs.link(srcLogFile, tgtLogFile) local rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('cp ' .. srcLogFile .. ' ' .. tgtLogFile)
end end
-- copy rotated firmware and print3d logs local rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('tar czf ' .. LOG_COLLECT_ARCHIVE_FILE .. ' ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIRNAME) --returns 0 success, 1 error
rv,msg = lfs.mkdir(LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. ROTATED_LOGS_DIRNAME)
for file in lfs.dir(ROTATED_LOGS_DIR) do
local srcLogFile = ROTATED_LOGS_DIR .. '/' .. file
local tgtLogFile = LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. ROTATED_LOGS_DIRNAME .. '/' .. file
lfs.link(srcLogFile, tgtLogFile)
-- capture syslog
rv,sig,code = os.execute('logread > ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. SYSLOG_FILENAME)
-- capture running processes
rv,sig,code = os.execute('ps -w > ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. PROCESS_LIST_FILENAME)
-- capture info on RAM memory
rv,sig,code = os.execute('cat /proc/meminfo > ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. MEMINFO_FILENAME)
-- capture info on mounted file systems
rv,sig,code = os.execute('mount > ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. MOUNTS_FILENAME)
-- capture info on free disk space
rv,sig,code = os.execute('df -h > ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. DISKFREE_FILENAME)
-- list directory structure for primary USB controller
rv,sig,code = os.execute(USB_DIRTREE_COMMAND .. ' > ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. USB_DIRTREE_FILENAME)
rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('cp ' .. WIFIBOX_VERSION_FILE .. ' ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR)
-- copy relevant openwrt configuration files
-- Note: we cannot link them because that would require the link to span over filesystems
rv,msg = lfs.mkdir(LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/config')
for _,v in pairs(UCI_CONFIG_FILES_TO_SAVE) do
local srcFile = '/etc/config/' .. v
local tgtFile = LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/config/' .. v
if v ~= 'wireless' then
rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('cp ' .. srcFile .. ' ' .. tgtFile)
-- replace WiFi passwords with '...'
rv,sig,code = os.execute("sed \"s/option key '.*'/option key '...'/g\" " .. srcFile .. " > " .. tgtFile)
-- create tar.gz archive of the files/data we collected
rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('tar czf ' .. LOG_COLLECT_ARCHIVE_FILE .. ' ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIRNAME) --returns 0 success, 1 error
--[[ add response content ]]-- --[[ add response content ]]--
rv,msg = response:setBinaryFileData(LOG_COLLECT_ARCHIVE_FILE, LOG_COLLECT_ARCHIVE_FILENAME, 'application/x-compressed') local rv,msg = response:setBinaryFileData(LOG_COLLECT_ARCHIVE_FILE, LOG_COLLECT_ARCHIVE_FILENAME, 'application/x-compressed')
if not rv then if not rv then
response:setError("could not set binary data from file '" .. LOG_COLLECT_ARCHIVE_FILE .. "' (" .. msg .. ")") response:setError("could not set binary data from file '" .. LOG_COLLECT_ARCHIVE_FILE .. "' (" .. msg .. ")")
else else
@ -153,51 +69,58 @@ function M.logfiles(request, response)
for file in lfs.dir(LOG_COLLECT_DIR) do for file in lfs.dir(LOG_COLLECT_DIR) do
if file:find(PRINT3D_LOG_FILENAME_PREFIX) == 1 and file:find(PRINT3D_LOG_FILENAME_SUFFIX) ~= nil then if file:find(PRINT3D_LOG_FILENAME_PREFIX) == 1 and file:find(PRINT3D_LOG_FILENAME_SUFFIX) ~= nil then
local tgtLogFile = LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. file local tgtLogFile = LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. file
rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('rm ' .. tgtLogFile) local rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('rm ' .. tgtLogFile)
end end
end end
rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('rm ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/config/*') local rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('rm ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. WIFIBOX_LOG_FILENAME)
rv,msg = lfs.rmdir(LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/config')
-- Note: this assumes the rotated logs directory does not contain subdirectories local rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('rm ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. SYSLOG_FILENAME)
rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('rm ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. ROTATED_LOGS_DIRNAME .. '/*')
rv,msg = lfs.rmdir(LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. ROTATED_LOGS_DIRNAME)
rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('rm ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. WIFIBOX_VERSION_FILENAME) local rv,msg = lfs.rmdir(LOG_COLLECT_DIR)
rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('rm ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. USB_DIRTREE_FILENAME)
rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('rm ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. DISKFREE_FILENAME)
rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('rm ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. MOUNTS_FILENAME)
rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('rm ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. MEMINFO_FILENAME)
rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('rm ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. PROCESS_LIST_FILENAME)
rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('rm ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. SYSLOG_FILENAME)
rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('rm ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. WIFIBOX_STDOUT_LOG_FILENAME)
rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('rm ' .. LOG_COLLECT_DIR .. '/' .. wifiboxLogFileName)
rv,msg = lfs.rmdir(LOG_COLLECT_DIR) local rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('rm ' .. LOG_COLLECT_ARCHIVE_FILE)
rv,sig,code = redirectedExecute('rm ' .. LOG_COLLECT_ARCHIVE_FILE)
end end
function M.access(request, response) function M.access(request, response)
--log:info(MOD_ABBR, " remoteAddress: |"..utils.dump(request.remoteAddress).."|"); --log:info(" remoteAddress: |"..utils.dump(request.remoteAddress).."|");
--log:info(MOD_ABBR, " controller: |"..utils.dump(accessManager.getController()).."|"); --log:info(" controller: |"..utils.dump(accessManager.getController()).."|");
-- when there is a controller we check if the printer is idle,
-- if so, it should be done printing and we can clear the controller
if accessManager.getController() ~= "" then
local argId = request:get("id")
local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response)
local rv,msg = printer:getState()
if rv then
if(state == "idle") then -- TODO: define in constants somewhere
accessManager.setController("") -- clear controller
return false
local hasControl = accessManager.hasControl(request.remoteAddress) local hasControl = accessManager.hasControl(request.remoteAddress)
-- if hasControl then log:info(MOD_ABBR, " hasControl: true")
-- else log:info(MOD_ABBR, " hasControl: false") end
response:setSuccess() response:setSuccess()
response:addData('has_control', hasControl) response:addData('has_control', hasControl)
return return true
end end
function M.status(request, response) function M.status(request, response)
local rv, state = printerAPI.state(request, response) local ds = wifi.getDeviceState()
log:debug(" ssid: "..utils.dump(ds.ssid))
local rv
rv, state = printerAPI.state(request, response)
if(rv == false) then return end if(rv == false) then return end
if state ~= "disconnected" and state ~= "connecting" then if(state ~= "disconnected") then
rv = printerAPI.temperature(request, response) rv = printerAPI.temperature(request, response)
if(rv == false) then return end if(rv == false) then return end
rv = printerAPI.progress(request, response) rv = printerAPI.progress(request, response)
@ -205,6 +128,7 @@ function M.status(request, response)
rv = M.access(request, response) rv = M.access(request, response)
if(rv == false) then return end if(rv == false) then return end
end end
response:addData('v', 10)
end end
return M return M

View File

@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
local log = require('util.logger') local log = require('util.logger')
local settings = require('util.settings') local settings = require('util.settings')
local utils = require('util.utils') local utils = require('util.utils')
@ -16,8 +8,6 @@ local signin = require('network.signin')
local accessManager = require('util.access') local accessManager = require('util.access')
local printerAPI = require('rest.api.api_printer') local printerAPI = require('rest.api.api_printer')
local MOD_ABBR = "ANET"
local M = { local M = {
isApi = true isApi = true
} }
@ -31,8 +21,10 @@ local function operationsAccessOrFail(request, response)
end end
local rv, printerState = printerAPI.state(request, response, true) local rv, printerState = printerAPI.state(request, response, true)
-- NOTE: rv being false means a printer device exists but no server is running for it, so it cannot be 'busy' if(rv == false) then
if rv == false then return true end response:setError("Could not get printer state")
return false
if printerState == 'buffering' or printerState == 'printing' or printerState == 'stopping' then if printerState == 'buffering' or printerState == 'printing' or printerState == 'stopping' then
response:setFail("Printer is busy, please wait") response:setFail("Printer is busy, please wait")
@ -151,14 +143,9 @@ function M.associate_POST(request, response)
local rv,msg = netconf.associateSsid(argSsid, argPhrase, argRecreate) local rv,msg = netconf.associateSsid(argSsid, argPhrase, argRecreate)
if rv then if rv then
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "associated to wifi: "..utils.dump(argSsid)) log:info("associated to wifi: "..utils.dump(argSsid))
else else
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "failed to associate to wifi: "..utils.dump(argSsid).." ("..utils.dump(msg)..")") log:info("failed to associate to wifi: "..utils.dump(argSsid).." ("..utils.dump(msg)..")")
local backupssid = wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.ap.ssid'))
end end
end end
@ -208,32 +195,24 @@ function M.remove_POST(request, response)
end end
function M.signin(request, response) function M.signin(request, response)
local success, output = signin.signin() local success, output = signin.signin()
if success then if success then
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "signed in") log:info("API:Network:signed in")
response:setSuccess("API:Network:signed in") response:setSuccess("API:Network:signed in")
response:addData("response", output) response:addData("response", output)
else else
log:warning(MOD_ABBR, "signing in failed") log:info("API:Network:Signing in failed")
response:setError("Signing in failed") response:setError("Signing in failed")
end end
end end
function M.alive(request, response) function M.alive(request, response)
response:setSuccess("alive") response:setSuccess("alive")
function M.reset_POST(request, response) local ds = wifi.getDeviceState()
response:setSuccess("Resetting networks") log:debug(" ssid: "..utils.dump(ds.ssid))
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "Resetting networks")
for _, net in ipairs(wifi.getConfigs()) do
local ssid = wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.ap.ssid'))
end end
return M return M

View File

@ -1,21 +1,11 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
-- TODO: return errors like in print_POST (error message in a 'msg' key instead of directly in the response) if this does not break API compatibility
local lfs = require('lfs') local lfs = require('lfs')
local log = require('util.logger') local log = require('util.logger')
local utils = require('util.utils') local utils = require('util.utils')
local settings = require('util.settings') local settings = require('util.settings')
local printDriver = require('print3d')
local printerUtils = require('util.printer') local printerUtils = require('util.printer')
local accessManager = require('util.access') local accessManager = require('util.access')
local MOD_ABBR = "APRN"
local M = { local M = {
isApi = true isApi = true
} }
@ -29,7 +19,7 @@ end
function M.temperature(request, response) function M.temperature(request, response)
local argId = request:get("id") local argId = request:get("id")
local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response) local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response)
if not printer or not printer:hasSocket() then return end if not printer then return false end
local temperatures,msg = printer:getTemperatures() local temperatures,msg = printer:getTemperatures()
@ -40,78 +30,37 @@ function M.temperature(request, response)
response:addData('hotend_target', temperatures.hotend_target) response:addData('hotend_target', temperatures.hotend_target)
response:addData('bed', temperatures.bed) response:addData('bed', temperatures.bed)
response:addData('bed_target', temperatures.bed_target) response:addData('bed_target', temperatures.bed_target)
elseif temperatures == false then
response:addData('status', msg)
response:setFail("could not get temperature information (" .. msg .. ")")
else else
response:setError(msg) response:setError(msg)
end return false;
local function setCurrentPrint(id)
local cpfileName = "/tmp/current-print"
if id == nil then
io.popen('rm ' .. cpfileName):close()
return true
end end
local cpfile = io.open(cpfileName, 'w+') return true;
if cpfile == nil then
return false
return true
local function getCurrentPrint()
local idfile = io.open('/tmp/current-print')
if idfile ~= nil then
return idfile:read('*a')
local function stopFetch()
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "stopping print-fetch and removing start/endgcode")
io.popen("killall print-fetch"):close()
io.popen("rm /tmp/startcode /tmp/endcode"):close()
end end
function M.progress(request, response) function M.progress(request, response)
local argId = request:get("id") local argId = request:get("id")
local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response) local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response)
if not printer or not printer:hasSocket() then return end if not printer then return false end
-- NOTE: despite their names, `currentLine` is still the error indicator and `bufferedLines` the message in such case. -- NOTE: despite their names, `currentLine` is still the error indicator and `bufferedLines` the message in such case.
local currentLine,bufferedLines,totalLines,bufferSize,maxBufferSize,seqNumber,seqTotal = printer:getProgress() local currentLine,bufferedLines,totalLines = printer:getProgress()
local printId = getCurrentPrint()
response:addData('id', argId) response:addData('id', argId)
if printId ~= nil then
response:addData('current_print', printId)
if currentLine then if currentLine then
response:setSuccess() response:setSuccess()
response:addData('current_line', currentLine) response:addData('current_line', currentLine)
response:addData('buffered_lines', bufferedLines) response:addData('buffered_lines', bufferedLines)
response:addData('total_lines', totalLines) response:addData('total_lines', totalLines)
response:addData('buffer_size', bufferSize)
response:addData('max_buffer_size', maxBufferSize)
response:addData('seq_number', seqNumber)
response:addData('seq_total', seqTotal)
elseif progress == false then
response:addData('status', bufferedLines)
response:setFail("could not get progress information (" .. bufferedLines .. ")")
else else
response:setError(bufferedLines) response:setError(bufferedLines)
return false
end end
return true;
end end
-- Note: onlyReturnState is optional and prevents response from being modified, used when calling from within other api call -- NOTE: onlyReturnState is optional and prevents response from being modified
-- Note: unlike regular API-functions, this one returns either true+state or false
function M.state(request, response, onlyReturnState) function M.state(request, response, onlyReturnState)
local argId = request:get("id") local argId = request:get("id")
if not onlyReturnState then response:addData('id', argId) end if not onlyReturnState then response:addData('id', argId) end
@ -124,14 +73,6 @@ function M.state(request, response, onlyReturnState)
response:addData('state', printerState) response:addData('state', printerState)
end end
return true, printerState return true, printerState
elseif not printer:hasSocket() then
-- while dev is present but no server is running yet, return 'fake' connecting state
local printerState = "connecting"
if not onlyReturnState then
response:addData('state', printerState)
return true, printerState
else else
local rv,msg = printer:getState() local rv,msg = printer:getState()
if rv then if rv then
@ -140,24 +81,16 @@ function M.state(request, response, onlyReturnState)
response:addData('state', rv) response:addData('state', rv)
end end
return true, rv return true, rv
else -- Note: do not differentiate between false and nil here, false should never be returned else
if not onlyReturnState then response:setError(msg) end if not onlyReturnState then response:setError(msg) end
return false return false
end end
end end
return true
--this point cannot be reached, no return necessary
end end
-- retrieve a list of 3D printers currently supported
function M.listall(request, response)
response:addData('printers', printerUtils.supportedPrinters())
function M.heatup_POST(request, response) function M.heatup_POST(request, response)
if not accessManager.hasControl(request.remoteAddress) then if not accessManager.hasControl(request.remoteAddress) then
response:setFail("No control access") response:setFail("No control access")
return return
@ -165,23 +98,21 @@ function M.heatup_POST(request, response)
local argId = request:get("id") local argId = request:get("id")
local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response) local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response)
if not printer or not printer:hasSocket() then return false end if not printer then return false end
local temperature = settings.get('printer.heatup.temperature') local temperature = settings.get('printer.heatup.temperature')
local rv,msg = printer:heatup(temperature) local rv,msg = printer:heatup(temperature)
response:addData('id', argId) response:addData('id', argId)
if rv then if rv then response:setSuccess()
response:setSuccess() else response:setFail(msg)
elseif rv == false then
response:addData('status', msg)
response:setFail("could not start heatup (" .. msg .. ")")
end end
end end
function M.stop_POST(request, response) function M.stop_POST(request, response)
if not accessManager.hasControl(request.remoteAddress) then if not accessManager.hasControl(request.remoteAddress) then
response:setFail("No control access") response:setFail("No control access")
return return
@ -190,149 +121,45 @@ function M.stop_POST(request, response)
local argId = request:get("id") local argId = request:get("id")
local argGcode = request:get("gcode") local argGcode = request:get("gcode")
local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response) local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response)
if not printer or not printer:hasSocket() then return end if not printer then return end
if(argGcode == nil) then if(argGcode == nil) then
argGcode = "" argGcode = ""
end end
local rv,msg = printer:stopPrint(argGcode) local rv,msg = printer:stopPrint(argGcode)
response:addData('id', argId) response:addData('id', argId)
if rv then if rv then response:setSuccess()
response:setSuccess() else response:setError(msg)
elseif rv == false then
response:addData('status', msg)
response:setFail("could not stop print (" .. msg .. ")")
end end
end end
-- Used only in print_POST(); not nested for performance reasons --accepts: first(bool) (chunks will be concatenated but output file will be cleared first if this argument is true)
local function addSequenceNumbering(printer, response)
-- NOTE: despite their names, `currentLine` is still the error indicator and `bufferedLines` the message in such case.
local currentLine,bufferedLines,totalLines,bufferSize,maxBufferSize,seqNumber,seqTotal = printer:getProgress()
if currentLine then
response:addData('seq_number', seqNumber)
response:addData('seq_total', seqTotal)
--Note: getProgress failure is ignored (unlikely to happen if the other calls work, and also not really fatal here).
-- Alternatively, we could still add the fields with a special value (NaN is not supported by json, so perhaps -2?)
function M.fetch_POST(request, response)
if not accessManager.hasControl(request.remoteAddress) then
response:setFail("No control access")
local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response)
if not printer or not printer:hasSocket() then return end
local state = printer:getState()
if state ~= "idle" then
response:setFail("printer is not idle")
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " clearing all gcode for " .. printer:getId())
local rv,msg = printer:clearGcode()
if rv == false then
response:addData('status', msg)
response:setFail("could not clear gcode (" .. msg .. ")")
elseif rv == nil then
local gcodeFiles = " "
local startCode = request:get("start_code")
if startCode ~= nil then
gcodeFiles = gcodeFiles .. '/tmp/startcode '
local startCodeFile = io.open('/tmp/startcode', 'w+')
if startCodeFile == nil then
response:setError("could not open startCode file for writing")
local endCode = request:get("end_code")
if endCode ~= nil then
gcodeFiles = gcodeFiles .. '/tmp/endcode '
local endCodeFile = io.open('/tmp/endcode', 'w+')
if endCodeFile == nil then
response:setError("could not open endcode file for writing")
local socket = printer:getId()
if socket == nil then
response:setError("no socket found")
local gcodeServer = settings.get('gcode.server')
if gcodeServer == nil then
response:setError("no gcode server configured")
local id = request:get("id")
if id == nil then
response:setError("no id supplied")
log:info(MOD_ABBR, " starting fetch print. id: " .. id .. " server: " .. gcodeServer)
io.popen("print-fetch " .. socket .. " " .. gcodeServer .. " " .. id .. gcodeFiles)
--requires: gcode(string) (the gcode to be appended)
--accepts: id(string) (the printer ID to append to)
--accepts: clear(bool) (chunks will be concatenated but output file will be cleared first if this argument is true)
--accepts: first(deprecated) (an alias for 'clear')
--accepts: start(bool) (only when this argument is true will printing be started) --accepts: start(bool) (only when this argument is true will printing be started)
--accepts: total_lines(int) (the total number of lines that is going to be sent, will be used only for reporting progress)
--accepts: seq_number(int) (sequence number of the chunk, must be given until clear() after given once, and incremented each time)
--accepts: seq_total(int) (total number of gcode chunks to be appended, must be given until clear() after given once, and stay the same)
--returns: when the gcode buffer cannot accept the gcode, or the IPC transaction fails,
-- a fail with a (formal, i.e., parseable) status argument will be returned;
-- additionally, current sequence number and total will be returned (both are -1 if they have not been set)
function M.print_POST(request, response) function M.print_POST(request, response)
if not accessManager.hasControl(request.remoteAddress) then
local controllerIP = accessManager.getController()
local hasControl = false
if controllerIP == "" then
hasControl = true
elseif controllerIP == request.remoteAddress then
hasControl = true
log:info(" hasControl: "..utils.dump(hasControl))
if not hasControl then
response:setFail("No control access") response:setFail("No control access")
return return
end end
local argId = request:get("id") local argId = request:get("id")
local argGcode = request:get("gcode") local argGcode = request:get("gcode")
local argClear = utils.toboolean(request:get("clear")) local argIsFirst = utils.toboolean(request:get("first"))
local argIsFirst = utils.toboolean(request:get("first")) -- deprecated
local argStart = utils.toboolean(request:get("start")) local argStart = utils.toboolean(request:get("start"))
local argTotalLines = request:get("total_lines") or -1
local argSeqNumber = request:get("seq_number") or -1
local argSeqTotal = request:get("seq_total") or -1
local remoteHost = request:getRemoteHost()
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "print chunk metadata: total_lines=" .. argTotalLines .. ", seq_number=" .. argSeqNumber .. ", seq_total=" .. argSeqTotal)
local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response) local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response)
if not printer or not printer:hasSocket() then return end if not printer then return end
response:addData('id', argId) response:addData('id', argId)
@ -341,15 +168,12 @@ function M.print_POST(request, response)
return return
end end
if argClear == true or argIsFirst == true then if argIsFirst == true then
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " clearing all gcode for " .. printer:getId()) log:debug("clearing all gcode for " .. printer:getId())
response:addData('gcode_clear',true) response:addData('gcode_clear',true)
local rv,msg = printer:clearGcode() local rv,msg = printer:clearGcode()
if rv == false then if not rv then
response:addData('status', msg)
response:setFail("could not clear gcode (" .. msg .. ")")
elseif rv == nil then
response:setError(msg) response:setError(msg)
return return
end end
@ -357,20 +181,14 @@ function M.print_POST(request, response)
local rv,msg local rv,msg
rv,msg = printer:appendGcode(argGcode, argTotalLines, { seq_number = argSeqNumber, seq_total = argSeqTotal, source = remoteHost }) -- TODO: return errors with a separate argument like here in the rest of the code (this is how we designed the API right?)
rv,msg = printer:appendGcode(argGcode)
if rv then if rv then
addSequenceNumbering(printer, response)
--NOTE: this does not report the number of lines, but only the block which has just been added --NOTE: this does not report the number of lines, but only the block which has just been added
response:addData('gcode_append',argGcode:len()) response:addData('gcode_append',argGcode:len())
elseif rv == false then
addSequenceNumbering(printer, response)
response:addData('status', msg)
response:setFail("could not add gcode (" .. msg .. ")")
else else
addSequenceNumbering(printer, response) response:setError("could not add gcode")
response:addData('msg', msg) response:addData('msg', msg)
response:setError("could not add gcode (" .. msg .. ")")
return return
end end
@ -380,14 +198,9 @@ function M.print_POST(request, response)
if rv then if rv then
response:setSuccess() response:setSuccess()
response:addData('gcode_print',true) response:addData('gcode_print',true)
elseif rv == false then
response:addData('status', msg)
response:setFail("could not send gcode (" .. msg .. ")")
else else
response:setError("could not send gcode")
response:addData('msg', msg) response:addData('msg', msg)
response:setError("could not send gcode (" .. msg .. ")")
end end
else else
response:setSuccess() response:setSuccess()

View File

@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
--[[ --[[
This module uses the Lua filesystem library to iterate over all sketches. This module uses the Lua filesystem library to iterate over all sketches.
A more flexible approach would be to use an index file (like the update module does). A more flexible approach would be to use an index file (like the update module does).
@ -16,8 +8,6 @@ local lfs = require('lfs')
local log = require('util.logger') local log = require('util.logger')
local utils = require('util.utils') local utils = require('util.utils')
local MOD_ABBR = "ASKE"
local M = { local M = {
isApi = true, isApi = true,
SKETCH_DIR = '/root/sketches', SKETCH_DIR = '/root/sketches',
@ -31,7 +21,7 @@ local SKETCH_FILE_EXTENSION = 'svg'
-- creates sketch directory, and sets response to error state on failure -- creates sketch directory, and sets response to error state on failure
local function createSketchDirectory() local function createSketchDirectory()
if os.execute('mkdir -p ' .. M.SKETCH_DIR) ~= 0 then if os.execute('mkdir -p ' .. M.SKETCH_DIR) ~= 0 then
log:error(MOD_ABBR, "could not create sketch directory '" .. M.SKETCH_DIR .. "'") log:error("Error: could not create sketch directory '" .. M.SKETCH_DIR .. "'")
response:setError("could not create sketch directory") response:setError("could not create sketch directory")
return false return false
end end
@ -53,7 +43,7 @@ local function createSketchList()
for item in lfs.dir(M.SKETCH_DIR) do for item in lfs.dir(M.SKETCH_DIR) do
if item ~= '.' and item ~= '..' then if item ~= '.' and item ~= '..' then
local idx = item:match('^(%d+)\.'..SKETCH_FILE_EXTENSION..'$') local idx = item:match('^(%d+)\.sketch$')
if idx and idx:len() == NUMBER_PAD_WIDTH then if idx and idx:len() == NUMBER_PAD_WIDTH then
table.insert(result, tonumber(idx)) table.insert(result, tonumber(idx))
end end
@ -135,7 +125,7 @@ function M._global_POST(request, response)
local sketchIdx = listSize > 0 and sketches[listSize] + 1 or 1 local sketchIdx = listSize > 0 and sketches[listSize] + 1 or 1
local sketchFile = M.SKETCH_DIR .. '/' .. constructSketchFilename(sketchIdx) local sketchFile = M.SKETCH_DIR .. '/' .. constructSketchFilename(sketchIdx)
log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "saving sketch #" .. sketchIdx .. " (" .. argData:len() .. " bytes)") log:debug("saving sketch #" .. sketchIdx .. " (" .. argData:len() .. " bytes)")
local saveFile,msg = io.open(sketchFile, 'w') local saveFile,msg = io.open(sketchFile, 'w')
if not saveFile then if not saveFile then
@ -171,56 +161,4 @@ function M.clear_POST(request, response)
end end
end end
-- remove single sketch
-- function M.delete_POST(request, response)
-- local argId = tonumber(request:get("id")) --to number will raise exception in case of illegal input
-- local filename = M.SKETCH_DIR .. '/' .. constructSketchFilename(argId)
-- local rv = os.execute("rm -f " .. filename)
-- if rv == 0 then response:setSuccess()
-- else response:setFail("could not remove " .. filename)
-- end
-- end
-- recreate directory sequence by renaming files
function M.index_POST(request, response)
local list = {}
local index = 1
for item in lfs.dir(M.SKETCH_DIR) do
if item ~= '.' and item ~= '..' then
local idx = item:match('^(%d+)\.'..SKETCH_FILE_EXTENSION..'$')
if idx and idx:len() == NUMBER_PAD_WIDTH then
local src = M.SKETCH_DIR .. '/' .. item
local dst = M.SKETCH_DIR .. '/' .. constructSketchFilename(index)
if src ~= dst then
table.insert(list, src .. ' ' .. dst)
local rv = os.execute("mv " .. src .. ' ' .. dst)
index = index + 1
-- list files by fileID (not by index)
function M.list_GET(request, response)
-- remove single sketch by fileID (not by index)
function M.delete_POST(request, response)
local argId = tonumber(request:get("id")) --to number will raise exception in case of illegal input
local filename = M.SKETCH_DIR .. '/' .. constructSketchFilename(argId)
local rv = os.execute("rm -f " .. filename)
if rv == 0 then response:setSuccess()
else response:setFail("could not remove " .. filename)
return M return M

View File

@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
local utils = require('util.utils') local utils = require('util.utils')
local M = { local M = {

View File

@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
local l = require("util.logger") local l = require("util.logger")
local ResponseClass = require("rest.response") local ResponseClass = require("rest.response")

View File

@ -1,18 +1,8 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
local wifi = require('network.wlanconfig') local wifi = require('network.wlanconfig')
local netconf = require('network.netconfig') local netconf = require('network.netconfig')
local settings = require('util.settings') local settings = require('util.settings')
local MOD_ABBR = "AUPD" -- NOTE: the module 'detects' command-line invocation by existence of 'arg', so we have to make sure it is not defined.
-- NOTE: the updater module 'detects' command-line invocation by existence of 'arg', so we have to make sure it is not defined.
argStash = arg argStash = arg
arg = nil arg = nil
local updater = require('script.d3d-updater') local updater = require('script.d3d-updater')
@ -36,8 +26,10 @@ local function operationsAccessOrFail(request, response)
end end
local rv, printerState = printerAPI.state(request, response, true) local rv, printerState = printerAPI.state(request, response, true)
-- NOTE: rv being false means a printer device exists but no server is running for it, so it cannot be 'busy' if(rv == false) then
if rv == false then return true end response:setError("Could not get printer state")
return false
if printerState == 'buffering' or printerState == 'printing' or printerState == 'stopping' then if printerState == 'buffering' or printerState == 'printing' or printerState == 'stopping' then
response:setFail("Printer is busy, please wait") response:setFail("Printer is busy, please wait")
@ -49,13 +41,11 @@ end
function M.status(request, response) function M.status(request, response)
local includeBetas = settings.get('doodle3d.update.includeBetas')
local baseUrl = settings.get('doodle3d.update.baseUrl')
updater.setLogger(log) updater.setLogger(log)
updater.setUseCache(false) updater.setUseCache(false)
local success,status,msg = updater.getStatus(includeBetas) local success,status,msg = updater.getStatus()
--response:addData('current_version', status.currentVersion)
response:addData('current_version', updater.formatVersion(status.currentVersion)) response:addData('current_version', updater.formatVersion(status.currentVersion))
response:addData('state_code', status.stateCode) response:addData('state_code', status.stateCode)
@ -66,12 +56,10 @@ function M.status(request, response)
return return
end end
local canUpdate = updater.compareVersions(status.newestVersion, status.currentVersion, status.newestReleaseTimestamp, status.currentReleaseTimestamp) > 0 local canUpdate = updater.compareVersions(status.newestVersion, status.currentVersion) > 0
if (status.currentVersion.suffix ~= nil) and not includeBetas then canUpdate = true end -- always allow downgrade from beta to stable if !includeBetas
--response:addData('newest_version', status.newestVersion)
response:addData('newest_version', updater.formatVersion(status.newestVersion)) response:addData('newest_version', updater.formatVersion(status.newestVersion))
if status.currentReleaseTimestamp then response:addData('current_release_date', updater.formatDate(status.currentReleaseTimestamp)) end
if status.newestReleaseTimestamp then response:addData('newest_release_date', updater.formatDate(status.newestReleaseTimestamp)) end
response:addData('can_update', canUpdate) response:addData('can_update', canUpdate)
if status.progress then response:addData('progress', status.progress) end if status.progress then response:addData('progress', status.progress) end
@ -93,17 +81,14 @@ function M.download_POST(request, response)
-- block access to prevent potential issues with printing (e.g. out of memory) -- block access to prevent potential issues with printing (e.g. out of memory)
if not operationsAccessOrFail(request, response) then return end if not operationsAccessOrFail(request, response) then return end
local includeBetas = settings.get('doodle3d.update.includeBetas')
local baseUrl = settings.get('doodle3d.update.baseUrl')
updater.setLogger(log) updater.setLogger(log)
updater.setState(updater.STATE.DOWNLOADING,"") updater.setState(updater.STATE.DOWNLOADING,"")
local vEnt, rv, msg local vEnt, rv, msg
if not argVersion then if not argVersion then
local success,status,msg = updater.getStatus(includeBetas) local success,status,msg = updater.getStatus()
if not success then if not success then
updater.setState(updater.STATE.DOWNLOAD_FAILED, msg) updater.setState(updater.STATE.DOWNLOAD_FAILED, msg)
response:setFail(msg) response:setFail(msg)
@ -133,7 +118,7 @@ function M.download_POST(request, response)
end end
end end
vEnt,msg = updater.findVersion(argVersion, includeBetas) vEnt,msg = updater.findVersion(argVersion)
if vEnt == nil then if vEnt == nil then
updater.setState(updater.STATE.DOWNLOAD_FAILED, "error searching version index (" .. msg .. ")") updater.setState(updater.STATE.DOWNLOAD_FAILED, "error searching version index (" .. msg .. ")")
response:setFail("error searching version index (" .. msg .. ")") response:setFail("error searching version index (" .. msg .. ")")
@ -155,27 +140,20 @@ function M.download_POST(request, response)
end end
-- if successful, this call won't return since the device will flash its memory and reboot -- if successful, this call won't return since the device will flash its memory and reboot
-- accepts: version (string, will try to use most recent if not specified)
-- accepts: no_retain (bool, device will be completely cleaned if true (aka '-n' flag to sysupgrade))
function M.install_POST(request, response) function M.install_POST(request, response)
local argVersion = request:get("version") local argVersion = request:get("version")
local argNoRetain = request:get("no_retain") log:info("API:update/install")
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "API:update/install (noRetain: "..utils.dump(argNoRetain)..")")
local noRetain = argNoRetain == 'true'
if not operationsAccessOrFail(request, response) then return end if not operationsAccessOrFail(request, response) then return end
local includeBetas = settings.get('doodle3d.update.includeBetas')
local baseUrl = settings.get('doodle3d.update.baseUrl')
updater.setLogger(log) updater.setLogger(log)
updater.setState(updater.STATE.INSTALLING,"") updater.setState(updater.STATE.INSTALLING,"")
--local ssid = wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.ap.ssid')) local ssid = wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.ap.ssid'))
--local rv,msg = netconf.enableAccessPoint(ssid) local rv,msg = netconf.enableAccessPoint(ssid)
if not argVersion then if not argVersion then
local success,status,msg = updater.getStatus(includeBetas) local success,status,msg = updater.getStatus()
if not success then if not success then
updater.setState(updater.STATE.INSTALL_FAILED, msg) updater.setState(updater.STATE.INSTALL_FAILED, msg)
response:setFail(msg) response:setFail(msg)
@ -185,7 +163,7 @@ function M.install_POST(request, response)
end end
end end
vEnt,msg = updater.findVersion(argVersion, includeBetas) vEnt,msg = updater.findVersion(argVersion)
if vEnt == nil then if vEnt == nil then
updater.setState(updater.STATE.INSTALL_FAILED, "error searching version index (" .. msg .. ")") updater.setState(updater.STATE.INSTALL_FAILED, "error searching version index (" .. msg .. ")")
response:setFail("error searching version index (" .. msg .. ")") response:setFail("error searching version index (" .. msg .. ")")
@ -196,7 +174,7 @@ function M.install_POST(request, response)
return return
end end
local rv,msg = updater.flashImageVersion(vEnt, noRetain) local rv,msg = updater.flashImageVersion(vEnt)
if not rv then if not rv then
updater.setState(updater.STATE.INSTALL_FAILED, "installation failed (" .. msg .. ")") updater.setState(updater.STATE.INSTALL_FAILED, "installation failed (" .. msg .. ")")

View File

@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
--- ---
-- This object represents an HTTP request object, part of the REST API. -- This object represents an HTTP request object, part of the REST API.
local util = require('util.utils') -- required for string:split() local util = require('util.utils') -- required for string:split()
@ -167,8 +159,7 @@ setmetatable(M, {
}) })
--This function initializes itself using various environment variables, the arg array and the given postData --This function initializes itself using various environment variables, the arg array and the given postData
--NOTE: if debugging is enabled, commandline argument 'p' (path) overrides requested module and function and --NOTE: if debugging is enabled, commandline arguments 'm' and 'f' override requested module and function
-- 'r' (rqType) overrides request method
function M.new(environment, postData, debugEnabled) function M.new(environment, postData, debugEnabled)
local self = setmetatable({}, M) local self = setmetatable({}, M)
@ -181,10 +172,6 @@ function M.new(environment, postData, debugEnabled)
self.remoteAddress = environment['REMOTE_ADDR'] self.remoteAddress = environment['REMOTE_ADDR']
else else
self.requestMethod = 'CMDLINE' self.requestMethod = 'CMDLINE'
self.remoteHost = "cmdline"
self.remotePort = "0"
self.userAgent = "shell"
self.remoteAddress = ""
end end
self.cmdLineArgs = kvTableFromArray(arg) self.cmdLineArgs = kvTableFromArray(arg)

View File

@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
--- ---
-- The REST response object handles all operations necessary to generate a HTTP response. -- The REST response object handles all operations necessary to generate a HTTP response.
-- It knows about the request, ensures the correct HTTP headers are present and -- It knows about the request, ensures the correct HTTP headers are present and
@ -13,14 +5,11 @@
local JSON = require('util/JSON') local JSON = require('util/JSON')
local settings = require('util.settings') local settings = require('util.settings')
local defaults = require('conf_defaults') local defaults = require('conf_defaults')
local utils = require('util.utils')
local log = require('util.logger')
local M = {} local M = {}
M.__index = M M.__index = M
local REQUEST_ID_ARGUMENT = 'rq_id' local REQUEST_ID_ARGUMENT = 'rq_id'
local MOD_ABBR = "HRSP"
M.httpStatusCode, M.httpStatusText, M.contentType = nil, nil, nil M.httpStatusCode, M.httpStatusText, M.contentType = nil, nil, nil
M.binaryData, M.binarySavename = nil, nil M.binaryData, M.binarySavename = nil, nil
@ -47,7 +36,7 @@ function M.new(requestObject)
local self = setmetatable({}, M) local self = setmetatable({}, M)
self.body = { status = nil, data = {} } self.body = { status = nil, data = {} }
self:setHttpStatus(200, 'OK') self:setHttpStatus(200, 'OK')
self:setContentType('application/json;charset=UTF-8') self:setContentType('text/plain;charset=UTF-8')
--self:setContentType('application/json;charset=UTF-8') --self:setContentType('application/json;charset=UTF-8')
-- A queue for functions to be executed when the response has been given. -- A queue for functions to be executed when the response has been given.
@ -102,7 +91,7 @@ function M:setError(msg)
self.body.status = 'error' self.body.status = 'error'
if msg ~= '' then self.body.msg = msg end if msg ~= '' then self.body.msg = msg end
self:addData('more_info', 'http://' .. defaults.API_BASE_URL_PATH .. '/api') self:addData('more_info', 'http://' .. defaults.API_BASE_URL_PATH .. '/wiki/wiki/communication-api')
end end
--- Adds a data item to the response, this will be included under the `data` item of the json text. --- Adds a data item to the response, this will be included under the `data` item of the json text.
@ -130,11 +119,13 @@ function M:addPostResponseFunction(fn)
table.insert(self.postResponseQueue, fn) table.insert(self.postResponseQueue, fn)
end end
--- Call all functions on the post-response queue, see @{M:addPostResponseFunction} for details and a side-note. --- Call all function on the post-response queue, see @{M:addPostResponseFunction} for details and a side-note.
function M:executePostResponseQueue() function M:executePostResponseQueue()
if #self.postResponseQueue > 0 then log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, "Response:executePostResponseQueue: " .. utils.dump(self.postResponseQueue)) end --local utils = require('util.utils')
--local log = require('util.logger')
--log:info("Response:executePostResponseQueue: " .. utils.dump(self.postResponseQueue))
for i,fn in ipairs(self.postResponseQueue) do fn() end for i,fn in ipairs(self.postResponseQueue) do fn() end
end end
--- Returns an API url pointing to @{conf_defaults.API_BASE_URL_PATH}, which is quite useless. --- Returns an API url pointing to @{conf_defaults.API_BASE_URL_PATH}, which is quite useless.
@ -153,12 +144,11 @@ function M:serializeAsJson()
return JSON:encode(self.body) return JSON:encode(self.body)
end end
--- Writes HTTP headers to stdout, followed by an HTTP body containing either JSON data or a file attachment. --- Writes HTTP headers, followed by an HTTP body containing JSON data to stdout.
function M:send() function M:send()
printHeaderLine("Status", self.httpStatusCode .. " " .. self.httpStatusText) printHeaderLine("Status", self.httpStatusCode .. " " .. self.httpStatusText)
printHeaderLine("Content-Type", self.contentType) printHeaderLine("Content-Type", self.contentType)
printHeaderLine("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") printHeaderLine("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
printHeaderLine("Expires", "-1")
if self.binaryData == nil then if self.binaryData == nil then
io.write("\r\n") io.write("\r\n")
@ -168,10 +158,6 @@ function M:send()
io.write("\r\n") io.write("\r\n")
io.write(self.binaryData) io.write(self.binaryData)
end end
if self.body.status ~= "success" then
log:warning(MOD_ABBR, "Response status: "..utils.dump(self.body.status).." ("..utils.dump(self.body.msg)..")")
end end
--- Sets the response object to return binary data instead of JSON as its body. --- Sets the response object to return binary data instead of JSON as its body.

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
## Loglite
The loglite script allows coloring and filtering of log files by specifying certain patterns and associating directives to them. These mainly specify colors but additionally, (non-)matched lines can be deleted from output and also all output lines can be numbered.
### Usage
The script can follow an existing log file (comparable to `tail -f`), or it can follow its standard input. A file to follow is always specified as the first argument and a filter set name as the second (use '-' as file name to read from standard input). Details on filter sets can be found below. If no filter set is mentioned on the command-line, the script will attempt to use one named 'default'.
* Example following an existing log file using a filter set named 'example':
`./loglite.lua print3d.log example`.
* Example using standard input, to filter/view a whole log file, with a filter set named 'serial' (note the '-' as file name):
`cat print3d-ttyACM0.log | ./loglite.lua - serial`
* Example using standard input, to capture both output streams from `print3d`, with a filter set named 'example' (note the '-' as file name):
`./print3d -V 2>&1 | ./loglite.lua - example`.
#### On WiFi-Box
Loglite is already installed since version 0.10.10 as `loglite`.
Check `/root/.profile` for handy aliases like `tailfw` and `tailp3d`.
### Filter sets
The script looks for filter sets in the file '$HOME/loglite-filters.lua'. It looks like this:
``` lua
local M = {}
M.default = {
['options'] = { mode = 'keep', count = 'none' },
['patterns'] = {
['%(error%)'] = 'red',
['%(warning%)'] = 'yellow',
['%(bulk%)'] = 'bold,black'
M.specialization = {
['parent'] = 'default',
['options'] = { mode = 'delete' }
['patterns'] = {
['setState%(%)'] = 'bblue,_nodelete'
return M
Here, the declaration and returning of `M` is required for the loglite script to be able to cleanly import the file. In `M.default`, 'default' is the name of a filter set being defined (similar for 'specialization'). Definitions can contain three so-called keys: 'parent' specifies a filter set to inherit from in order to reduce code duplication, 'options' and 'patterns' are described below.
Inheritance can be used to set new keys or to override keys from the parent set. Previously set keys cannot be removed, but they can be set to a non-existing directive (e.g., Lua's 'false' keyword) to achieve the same effect. Note that directives in inheriting sets are currently not combined with previous ones, so for instance overriding `['test'] = 'red, _delete'` with `['test'] = 'blue'` will result in only the directive 'blue' to be applied.
#### Options
Two options are currently available:
* `mode`, which specifies whether to keep log lines (`keep`, the default) or to drop them (`delete`). For specific lines this can then be overridden, see 'Patterns' below.
* `count`, which can be set to `all` to prefix log lines with a counter, or `none` (default) to leave them as is.
#### Patterns
Pattern specifications are patterns as used in Lua: [Lua documentation on patterns](http://www.lua.org/pil/20.2.html).
The following directives can be associated with a pattern:
* A foreground color, one of: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan or white.
* A background color, like foreground colors but prefixed with 'b'.
* `bold`, which usually has the effect of rendering a bright variant of the foreground color (note that `bold,black` renders as dark gray).
* `reverse` will reverse fore- and background colors.
* Also available are `blink` and `underscore` but they do currently not work in all terminal programs or might need to be enabled in the preferences.
* `_delete` or `_nodelete` to override the active mode specified in the 'options' above.
Directives can be combined with ',' (e.g.: `'red,_nodelete'`). Finally, in any filter set, pattern rules are matched from top to bottom, the last one encountered overriding any previous conflicting directive.
### Installation
Note: Loglite is already installed on the WiFi-Box since version 0.10.10.
Install Lua. See:
It's tested in Lua 5.1 and Lua 5.2.
Loglite will check for a `loglite-filters.lua` file in your home directory. It's recommended to create a symbolic link to the latest version.
On OS X / Linux:
ln -s [absolute path to file]/loglite-filters.lua loglite-filters.lua
It's recommended to create a symbolic link in one of your PATH directories (`echo $PATH`) to the loglite.lua file. This allows you to run `loglite` from any directory.
On OS X / Linux:
cd /usr/local/bin
ln -s [absolute path to file]/loglite.lua loglite.lua

src/script/collect-code.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
SRC_PATHS="/etc /root /www/ /usr/share/lua"
if [ -e /www-external ]; then
echo "ERROR: switch back /www-regular to /www before running this script"
exit 1
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo "ERROR: could not cd to temporary directory ($TEMP_DIR)"
exit 2
rm -rf $TGT_DIR
mkdir -p $TGT_DIR
for path in $SRC_PATHS; do
echo "copying $path -> $TGT_DIR..."
cp -a $path $TGT_DIR
echo "compressing $TGT_DIR into $BASE_NAME.tar.gz..."
tar czf $BASE_NAME.tar.gz $BASE_NAME
echo "removing staging dir..."
rm -rf $TGT_DIR
echo "done."

src/script/d3d-updater.lua Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,21 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env lua #!/usr/bin/env lua
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
--- This script provides an interface to upgrade or downgrade the Doodle3D wifibox. --- This script provides an interface to upgrade or downgrade the Doodle3D wifibox.
-- It can both be used as a standalone command-line tool and as a Lua library. -- It can both be used as a standalone command-line tool and as a Lua library.
-- TODO/NOTES: (from old script) -- TODO/NOTES:
-- add to status: validImage: none|<version> (can use checkValidImage for this) -- add to status: validImage: none|<version> (can use checkValidImage for this)
-- any more TODO's across this file? -- any more TODO's across this file?
-- max 1 image tegelijk (moet api doen), en rekening houden met printbuffer (printen blokkeren?) -- max 1 image tegelijk (moet api doen), en rekening houden met printbuffer (printen blokkeren?)
-- MAYBE/LATER: (from old script) -- MAYBE/LATER:
-- add API calls to retrieve a list of all versions with their info (i.e., the result of getAvailableVersions) -- add API calls to retrieve a list of all versions with their info (i.e., the result of getAvailableVersions)
-- wget: add provision (in verbose mode?) to use '-v' instead of '-q' and disable output redirection -- wget: add provision (in verbose mode?) to use '-v' instead of '-q' and disable output redirection
-- document index file format (Version first, then in any order: Files: sysup; factory, FileSize: sysup; factory, MD5: sysup; factory, ChangelogStart:, ..., ChangelogEnd:) -- document index file format (Version first, then in any order: Files: sysup; factory, FileSize: sysup; factory, MD5: sysup; factory, ChangelogStart:, ..., ChangelogEnd:)
@ -24,8 +17,6 @@
-- note: take care not to print any text in module functions, as this breaks http responses -- note: take care not to print any text in module functions, as this breaks http responses
-- change representation of sysupgrade/factory info in versionInfo? (and also in image index?) <- create api call to get all info on all versions? -- change representation of sysupgrade/factory info in versionInfo? (and also in image index?) <- create api call to get all info on all versions?
local MOD_ABBR = "UPDA"
local M = {} local M = {}
--- Possible states the updater can be in, they are stored in @{STATE_FILE}. --- Possible states the updater can be in, they are stored in @{STATE_FILE}.
@ -46,30 +37,27 @@ M.STATE_NAMES = {
[M.STATE.INSTALLING] = 'installing', [M.STATE.INSTALLED] = 'installed', [M.STATE.INSTALL_FAILED] = 'install_failed' [M.STATE.INSTALLING] = 'installing', [M.STATE.INSTALLED] = 'installed', [M.STATE.INSTALL_FAILED] = 'install_failed'
} }
--- The default base URL to use for finding update files. --- The base URL to use for finding update files.
-- This URL will usually contain both an OpenWRT feed directory and an `images` directory. -- This URL will usually contain both an OpenWRT feed directory and an `images`-directory.
-- This script uses only the latter, and expects to find the files @{IMAGE_STABLE_INDEX_FILE} and @{IMAGE_BETA_INDEX_FILE} there. -- This script uses only the latter, and expects to find the file @{IMAGE_INDEX_FILE} there.
M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL = 'http://doodle3d.com/updates' M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL = 'http://doodle3d.com/updates'
--M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost/~USERNAME/wifibox/updates'
--- The index file containing metadata on stable update images. --- The index file containing metadata on update images.
M.IMAGE_STABLE_INDEX_FILE = 'wifibox-image.index' M.IMAGE_INDEX_FILE = 'wifibox-image.index'
--- The index file containing metadata on beta update images.
M.IMAGE_BETA_INDEX_FILE = 'wifibox-image.beta.index'
--- Path to the updater cache. --- Path to the updater cache.
M.DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH = '/tmp/d3d-updater' M.CACHE_PATH = '/tmp/d3d-updater'
--- Name of the file to store current state in, this file resides in @{cachePath}. --- Name of the file to store current state in, this file resides in @{CACHE_PATH}.
M.STATE_FILE = 'update-state' M.STATE_FILE = 'update-state'
M.WGET_OPTIONS = "-q -t 1 -T 30" M.WGET_OPTIONS = "-q -t 1 -T 30"
--M.WGET_OPTIONS = "-v -t 1 -T 30" --M.WGET_OPTIONS = "-v -t 1 -T 30"
local verbosity = 0 -- set by parseCommandlineArguments() or @{setVerbosity} local verbosity = 0 -- set by parseCommandlineArguments()
local log = nil -- wifibox API can use M.setLogger to enable this module to use its logger local log = nil -- wifibox API can use M.setLogger to enable this module to use its logger
local useCache = false -- default, can be overwritten using @{setUseCache} local useCache = true -- default, can be overwritten using M.setUseCache()
local cachePath = M.DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH -- default, can be change using @{setCachePath}
local baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL -- default, can be overwritten by M.setBaseUrl() local baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL -- default, can be overwritten by M.setBaseUrl()
@ -84,15 +72,15 @@ local baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL -- default, can be overwritten by M.setBaseUr
-- @string msg The message to log. -- @string msg The message to log.
local function P(lvl, msg) local function P(lvl, msg)
if log then if log then
if lvl == -1 then log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, msg) if lvl == -1 then log:debug(msg)
elseif lvl == 0 or lvl == 1 then log:info(MOD_ABBR, msg) elseif lvl == 0 or lvl == 1 then log:info(msg)
end end
else else
if (-lvl <= verbosity) then print(msg) end if (-lvl <= verbosity) then print(msg) end
end end
end end
--- Log a debug/verbose message, this function wraps @{P}. --- Log a debug message, this function wraps @{P}.
-- The message will be logged with level -1 and be prefixed with '(DBG)'. -- The message will be logged with level -1 and be prefixed with '(DBG)'.
-- @string msg The message to log. -- @string msg The message to log.
local function D(msg) P(-1, (log and msg or "(DBG) " .. msg)) end local function D(msg) P(-1, (log and msg or "(DBG) " .. msg)) end
@ -101,12 +89,12 @@ local function D(msg) P(-1, (log and msg or "(DBG) " .. msg)) end
-- Messages will be written to [stderr](http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/stderr/), or logged using the logger set with @{setLogger}. -- Messages will be written to [stderr](http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/stderr/), or logged using the logger set with @{setLogger}.
-- @string msg The message to log. -- @string msg The message to log.
local function E(msg) local function E(msg)
if log then log:error(MOD_ABBR, msg) if log then log:error(msg)
else io.stderr:write(msg .. '\n') else io.stderr:write(msg .. '\n')
end end
end end
--- Splits the return status from `os.execute` (only Lua <= 5.1), which consists of two bytes. --- Splits the return status from `os.execute`, which consists of two bytes.
-- --
-- `os.execute` internally calls [system](http://linux.die.net/man/3/system), -- `os.execute` internally calls [system](http://linux.die.net/man/3/system),
-- which usually returns the command exit status as high byte (see [WEXITSTATUS](http://linux.die.net/man/2/wait)). -- which usually returns the command exit status as high byte (see [WEXITSTATUS](http://linux.die.net/man/2/wait)).
@ -125,12 +113,11 @@ end
-- @number exitStatus An exit status from wget. -- @number exitStatus An exit status from wget.
-- @treturn string|number Either the status followed by a description, or a message indicating the call was interrupted, or just the status if it was not recognized. -- @treturn string|number Either the status followed by a description, or a message indicating the call was interrupted, or just the status if it was not recognized.
local function wgetStatusToString(exitStatus) local function wgetStatusToString(exitStatus)
-- local wgetStatus,systemStatus = splitExitStatus(exitStatus) local wgetStatus,systemStatus = splitExitStatus(exitStatus)
local wgetStatus = exitStatus
-- if systemStatus ~= 0 then if systemStatus ~= 0 then
-- return "interrupted: " .. systemStatus return "interrupted:" .. systemStatus
-- end end
-- adapted from man(1) wget on OSX -- adapted from man(1) wget on OSX
local statusTexts = { local statusTexts = {
@ -155,9 +142,8 @@ end
-- @return bool|nil True, or nil on error. -- @return bool|nil True, or nil on error.
-- @return ?string A message in case of error. -- @return ?string A message in case of error.
local function createCacheDirectory() local function createCacheDirectory()
local _,rv = M.compatexecute('mkdir -p ' .. cachePath) if os.execute('mkdir -p ' .. M.CACHE_PATH) ~= 0 then
if rv ~= 0 then return nil,"Error: could not create cache directory '" .. M.CACHE_PATH .. "'"
return nil,"Error: could not create cache directory '" .. cachePath .. "'"
end end
return true return true
end end
@ -166,7 +152,7 @@ end
-- @treturn STATE The current state code (@{STATE}.NONE if no state has been set). -- @treturn STATE The current state code (@{STATE}.NONE if no state has been set).
-- @treturn string The current state message (empty string if no state has been set). -- @treturn string The current state message (empty string if no state has been set).
local function getState() local function getState()
local file,msg = io.open(cachePath .. '/' .. M.STATE_FILE, 'r') local file,msg = io.open(M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. M.STATE_FILE, 'r')
if not file then return M.STATE.NONE,"" end if not file then return M.STATE.NONE,"" end
local state = file:read('*a') local state = file:read('*a')
@ -186,7 +172,7 @@ end
--- Read the contents of a file. --- Read the contents of a file.
-- --
-- TODO: this file has been copied from @{util.utils}.lua and should be merged back. -- TODO: this file has been copied from @{util.utils}.lua and should be merged again.
-- @string filePath The file to read. -- @string filePath The file to read.
-- @bool trimResult Whether or not to trim the read data. -- @bool trimResult Whether or not to trim the read data.
-- @treturn bool|nil True, or nil on error. -- @treturn bool|nil True, or nil on error.
@ -208,7 +194,7 @@ end
--- Reports whether or not a file exists. --- Reports whether or not a file exists.
-- --
-- TODO: this file has been copied from @{util.utils}.lua and should be merged back. -- TODO: this file has been copied from @{util.utils}.lua and should be merged again.
-- @string file The file to report about. -- @string file The file to report about.
-- @treturn bool True if the file exists, false otherwise. -- @treturn bool True if the file exists, false otherwise.
local function exists(file) local function exists(file)
@ -223,7 +209,7 @@ end
--- Reports the size of a file or file handle. --- Reports the size of a file or file handle.
-- --
-- TODO: this file has been copied from @{util.utils}.lua and should be merged back. -- TODO: this file has been copied from @{util.utils}.lua and should be merged again.
-- @param file A file path or open file handle. -- @param file A file path or open file handle.
-- @treturn number Size of the file. -- @treturn number Size of the file.
local function fileSize(file) local function fileSize(file)
@ -248,9 +234,8 @@ end
-- @bool dryRun Only log a message if true, otherwise run the command and log a message. -- @bool dryRun Only log a message if true, otherwise run the command and log a message.
-- @treturn number Exit status of of command or -1 if dryRun is true. -- @treturn number Exit status of of command or -1 if dryRun is true.
local function runCommand(command, dryRun) local function runCommand(command, dryRun)
--D("about to run: '" .. command .. "'") D("about to run: '" .. command .. "'")
if dryRun then return -1 end return (not dryRun) and os.execute(command) or -1
return M.compatexecute(command)
end end
--- Removes a file. --- Removes a file.
@ -268,7 +253,6 @@ end
local function downloadFile(url, saveDir, filename) local function downloadFile(url, saveDir, filename)
if not saveDir or saveDir:len() == 0 then return nil, "saveDir must be non-empty" end if not saveDir or saveDir:len() == 0 then return nil, "saveDir must be non-empty" end
local outArg = (filename:len() > 0) and (' -O' .. filename) or '' local outArg = (filename:len() > 0) and (' -O' .. filename) or ''
D("Downloading file '" .. url .. "'")
if filename:len() > 0 then if filename:len() > 0 then
return runCommand('wget ' .. M.WGET_OPTIONS .. ' -O ' .. saveDir .. '/' .. filename .. ' ' .. url .. ' 2> /dev/null') return runCommand('wget ' .. M.WGET_OPTIONS .. ' -O ' .. saveDir .. '/' .. filename .. ' ' .. url .. ' 2> /dev/null')
else else
@ -278,39 +262,38 @@ end
--- Parses command-line arguments and returns a table containing information distilled from them. --- Parses command-line arguments and returns a table containing information distilled from them.
-- @tparam table arglist A table in the same form as the [arg table](http://www.lua.org/pil/1.4.html) created by Lua. -- @tparam table arglist A table in the same form as the [arg table](http://www.lua.org/pil/1.4.html) created by Lua.
-- @tparam table defaults A table with defaults settings (actually the basis for the returned table)
-- @treturn table|nil A table containing information on what to do, or nil if invalid arguments were specified. -- @treturn table|nil A table containing information on what to do, or nil if invalid arguments were specified.
-- @treturn ?string Descriptive message on error. -- @treturn ?string Descriptive message on error.
local function parseCommandlineArguments(arglist, defaults) local function parseCommandlineArguments(arglist)
local result = { verbosity = 0, baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL, action = nil }
local nextIsVersion, nextIsUrl = false, false local nextIsVersion, nextIsUrl = false, false
for index,argument in ipairs(arglist) do for index,argument in ipairs(arglist) do
if nextIsVersion then if nextIsVersion then
defaults.version = argument; nextIsVersion = false result.version = argument; nextIsVersion = false
elseif nextIsUrl then elseif nextIsUrl then
defaults.baseUrl = argument; nextIsUrl = false result.baseUrl = argument; nextIsUrl = false
else else
if argument == '-h' then defaults.action = 'showHelp' if argument == '-h' then result.action = 'showHelp'
elseif argument == '-q' then defaults.verbosity = -1 elseif argument == '-q' then result.verbosity = -1
elseif argument == '-V' then defaults.verbosity = 1 elseif argument == '-V' then result.verbosity = 1
elseif argument == '-c' then defaults.useCache = true elseif argument == '-c' then result.useCache = true
elseif argument == '-C' then defaults.useCache = false elseif argument == '-C' then result.useCache = false
elseif argument == '-u' then nextIsUrl = true elseif argument == '-u' then nextIsUrl = true
elseif argument == '-b' then defaults.includeBetas = true elseif argument == '-v' then result.action = 'showCurrentVersion'
elseif argument == '-v' then defaults.action = 'showCurrentVersion' elseif argument == '-s' then result.action = 'showStatus'
elseif argument == '-s' then defaults.action = 'showStatus' elseif argument == '-l' then result.action = 'showAvailableVersions'
elseif argument == '-l' then defaults.action = 'showAvailableVersions' elseif argument == '-i' then result.action = 'showVersionInfo'; nextIsVersion = true
elseif argument == '-i' then defaults.action = 'showVersionInfo'; nextIsVersion = true elseif argument == '-d' then result.action = 'imageDownload'; nextIsVersion = true
elseif argument == '-d' then defaults.action = 'imageDownload'; nextIsVersion = true elseif argument == '-f' then result.action = 'imageInstall'; nextIsVersion = true
elseif argument == '-f' then defaults.action = 'imageInstall'; nextIsVersion = true elseif argument == '-r' then result.action = 'clear'
elseif argument == '-r' then defaults.action = 'clear'
else return nil,"unrecognized argument '" .. argument .. "'" else return nil,"unrecognized argument '" .. argument .. "'"
end end
end end
end end
if defaults.version then if result.version then
defaults.version = M.parseVersion(defaults.version) result.version = M.parseVersion(result.version)
if not defaults.version then if not result.version then
return nil,"error parsing specified version" return nil,"error parsing specified version"
end end
end end
@ -318,23 +301,7 @@ local function parseCommandlineArguments(arglist, defaults)
if nextIsVersion then return nil, "missing required version argument" end if nextIsVersion then return nil, "missing required version argument" end
if nextIsUrl then return nil, "missing required URL argument" end if nextIsUrl then return nil, "missing required URL argument" end
return defaults return result
--- Determines if the system is OpenWrt or not by checking if `/etc/openwrt_release` exists.
-- @treturn bool True if the OS is OpenWrt.
local function isOpenWrt()
local flag = nil
return function()
if flag == nil then
local relFile = io.open('/etc/openwrt_release', 'r')
flag = not not relFile
if relFile then relFile:close() end
return flag
return flag
end end
--- Returns the [MD5](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5) hash for a given file. --- Returns the [MD5](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5) hash for a given file.
@ -343,55 +310,17 @@ end
-- @string filepath The path of which to calculate the MD5-sum. -- @string filepath The path of which to calculate the MD5-sum.
-- @treturn nil -- @treturn nil
local function md5sum(filepath) local function md5sum(filepath)
local sfile return nil
-- TODO [osx: md5 -q <file>], [linux: ?]
if not isOpenWrt() then
sfile = io.popen('md5 -q "' .. filepath .. '"')
sfile = io.popen('md5sum "' .. filepath .. '" 2>/dev/null', 'r')
local sum = sfile:read('*all')
if not sum then return nil,"could not obtain MD5 sum" end
sum = sum:match('[%da-fA-F]+')
return sum
end end
---------------------- ----------------------
---------------------- ----------------------
local compatlua51 = _VERSION == 'Lua 5.1'
--- execute a shell command. Taken from penlight library.
-- This is a compatibility function that returns the same for Lua 5.1 and Lua 5.2
-- @param cmd a shell command
-- @return true if successful
-- @return actual return code
function M.compatexecute(cmd)
local res1,res2,res3 = os.execute(cmd)
if compatlua51 then
local cmd, sys = splitExitStatus(res1)
return (res1 == 0) and true,cmd or nil,cmd
return res1, res3
--- Set verbosity (log level) that determines which messages do get logged and which do not.
-- @tparam number level The level to set, between -1 and 1.
function M.setVerbosity(level)
if level and level >= -1 and level <= 1 then
verbosity = level
--- Enables use of the given @{util.logger} object, otherwise `stdout`/`stderr` will be used. --- Enables use of the given @{util.logger} object, otherwise `stdout`/`stderr` will be used.
-- @tparam util.logger logger The logger to log future messages to. -- @tparam util.logger logger The logger to log future messages to.
function M.setLogger(logger) function M.setLogger(logger)
@ -412,23 +341,16 @@ function M.setBaseUrl(url)
baseUrl = url baseUrl = url
end end
--- Sets the filesystem path to use as cache for downloaded index and image files.
-- @string path The path to use, use nil to restore default @{DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH}.
function M.setCachePath(path)
cachePath = path or M.DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH
--- Returns a table with information about current update status of the wifibox. --- Returns a table with information about current update status of the wifibox.
-- --
-- The result table will contain at least the current version, current state code and text. -- The result table will contain at least the current version, current state code and text.
-- If the box has internet access, it will also include the newest version available. -- If the box has internet access, it will also include the newest version available.
-- If an image is currently being downloaded, progress information will also be included. -- If an image is currently being downloaded, progress information will also be included.
-- --
-- @tparam bool[opt] withBetas Consider beta releases when looking for newest version.
-- @treturn bool True if status has been determined fully, false if not. -- @treturn bool True if status has been determined fully, false if not.
-- @treturn table The result table. -- @treturn table The result table.
-- @treturn ?string Descriptive message in case the result table is not complete. -- @treturn ?string Descriptive message in case the result table is not complete.
function M.getStatus(withBetas) function M.getStatus()
if not baseUrl then baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL end if not baseUrl then baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL end
local unknownVersion = { major = 0, minor = 0, patch = 0 } local unknownVersion = { major = 0, minor = 0, patch = 0 }
local result = {} local result = {}
@ -437,39 +359,18 @@ function M.getStatus(withBetas)
result.stateCode, result.stateText = getState() result.stateCode, result.stateText = getState()
result.stateCode = tonumber(result.stateCode) result.stateCode = tonumber(result.stateCode)
local verTable,msg = M.getAvailableVersions(withBetas and 'both' or 'stables') local verTable,msg = M.getAvailableVersions()
if not verTable then if not verTable then
D("error: could not obtain available versions (" .. msg .. ")") D("could not obtain available versions (" .. msg .. ")")
-- TODO: set an error state in result to signify we probably do not have internet access?
return false, result, msg return false, result, msg
end end
-- NOTE: to look up the current version we need a table containing all versions
local allVersionsTable,msg
if not withBetas then
allVersionsTable,msg = M.getAvailableVersions('both')
if not allVersionsTable then
D("error: could not obtain available versions including betas (" .. msg .. ")")
return false, result, msg
allVersionsTable = verTable
local newest = verTable and verTable[#verTable] local newest = verTable and verTable[#verTable]
result.newestVersion = newest and newest.version or unknownVersion result.newestVersion = newest and newest.version or unknownVersion
result.newestReleaseTimestamp = newest and newest.timestamp
-- look up timestamp of current version
local cEnt = M.findVersion(result.currentVersion, nil, allVersionsTable)
if cEnt then
result.currentReleaseTimestamp = cEnt.timestamp
D("warning: could not find current wifibox version in release indexes")
if result.stateCode == M.STATE.DOWNLOADING then if result.stateCode == M.STATE.DOWNLOADING then
result.progress = fileSize(cachePath .. '/' .. newest.sysupgradeFilename) result.progress = fileSize(M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. newest.sysupgradeFilename)
if not result.progress then result.progress = 0 end -- in case the file does not exist yet (which yields nil) if not result.progress then result.progress = 0 end -- in case the file does not exist yet (which yields nil)
result.imageSize = newest.sysupgradeFileSize result.imageSize = newest.sysupgradeFileSize
end end
@ -479,107 +380,55 @@ end
--- Turns a plain-text version as returned by @{formatVersion} into a table. --- Turns a plain-text version as returned by @{formatVersion} into a table.
-- @tparam string|table versionText The version string to parse, if it is already a table, it is returned as-is. -- @tparam string|table versionText The version string to parse, if it is already a table, it is returned as-is.
-- @treturn table A parsed version or nil on incorrect argument. -- @treturn table A parse version.
function M.parseVersion(versionText) function M.parseVersion(versionText)
if not versionText then return nil end
if type(versionText) == 'table' then return versionText end if type(versionText) == 'table' then return versionText end
if not versionText or versionText:len() == 0 then return nil end if not versionText or versionText:len() == 0 then return nil end
local major,minor,patch,suffix = versionText:match("^%s*(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)(-?%w*)%s*$") local major,minor,patch = versionText:match("^%s*(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%s*$")
if not major or not minor or not patch then return nil end -- suffix not required if not major or not minor or not patch then return nil end
if type(suffix) == 'string' and suffix:len() > 0 then return { ['major'] = major, ['minor'] = minor, ['patch'] = patch }
if suffix:sub(1, 1) ~= '-' then return nil end
suffix = suffix:sub(2)
suffix = nil
return { ['major'] = major, ['minor'] = minor, ['patch'] = patch, ['suffix'] = suffix }
end end
--- Formats a version as returned by @{parseVersion}. --- Formats a version as returned by @{parseVersion}.
-- @tparam table|string version The version to format, if it is already a string, that will be returned unmodified. -- @tparam table|string version The version to format, if it is already a string, that will be returned unmodified.
-- @treturn string A formatted version or nil on incorrect argument. -- @treturn string A formatted version.
function M.formatVersion(version) function M.formatVersion(version)
if not version then return nil end
if type(version) == 'string' then return version end if type(version) == 'string' then return version end
return version.major .. "." .. version.minor .. "." .. version.patch
local ver = version.major .. "." .. version.minor .. "." .. version.patch
if version.suffix then ver = ver .. '-' .. version.suffix end
return ver
end end
--- Compares two versions. Note that the second return value must be used for equality testing. --- Compares two versions.
-- If given, the timestamps have higher priority than the versions. Suffixes are ignored.
-- @tparam table versionA A version as returned by @{parseVersion}. -- @tparam table versionA A version as returned by @{parseVersion}.
-- @tparam table versionB A version as returned by @{parseVersion}. -- @tparam table versionB A version as returned by @{parseVersion}.
-- @param timestampA[opt] A timestamp as returned by @{parseDate}. -- @treturn number -1 if versionA is smaller than versionB, 0 if versions are equal or 1 if versionA is larger than versionB.
-- @param timestampB[opt] A timestamp as returned by @{parseDate}. function M.compareVersions(versionA, versionB)
-- @treturn number -1 if versionA/timestampA is smaller/older than versionB/timestampB, 0 if versions are equal (or undecided) or 1 if A is larger/newer than B.
-- @treturn bool True if versions are really equal (first return value can be 0 if everything but the suffix is equal)
function M.compareVersions(versionA, versionB, timestampA, timestampB)
if type(versionA) ~= 'table' or type(versionB) ~= 'table' then return nil end if type(versionA) ~= 'table' or type(versionB) ~= 'table' then return nil end
local diff = versionA.major - versionB.major
local diff = 0 if diff == 0 then diff = versionA.minor - versionB.minor end
if timestampA and timestampB then diff = timestampA - timestampB end if diff == 0 then diff = versionA.patch - versionB.patch end
if diff == 0 then return diff > 0 and 1 or (diff < 0 and -1 or 0)
diff = versionA.major - versionB.major
if diff == 0 then diff = versionA.minor - versionB.minor end
if diff == 0 then diff = versionA.patch - versionB.patch end
local result = diff > 0 and 1 or (diff < 0 and -1 or 0)
local reallyEqual = (diff == 0) and (versionA.suffix == versionB.suffix)
return result, (reallyEqual and true or false)
--- Checks if versions are exactly equal.
-- It returns the second return value of @{compareVersions} and accepts the same arguments.
-- @treturn bool True if versions are equal, false otherwise.
function M.versionsEqual(versionA, versionB, timestampA, timestampB)
return select(2, M.compareVersions(versionA, versionB, timestampA, timestampB))
end end
--- Returns information on a version if it can be found in a collection of versions as returned by @{getAvailableVersions}. --- Returns information on a version if it can be found in a collection of versions as returned by @{getAvailableVersions}.
-- @tparam table version The version to look for. -- @tparam table version The version to look for.
-- @tparam bool[opt] withBetas If verTable is not given, download versions including beta releases
-- @tparam table[opt] verTable A table containing a collection of versions, if not passed in, it will be obtained using @{getAvailableVersions}. -- @tparam table[opt] verTable A table containing a collection of versions, if not passed in, it will be obtained using @{getAvailableVersions}.
-- @param timestamp[opt] Specific timestamp to look for.
-- @treturn table|nil Version information table found in the collection, or nil on error or if not found. -- @treturn table|nil Version information table found in the collection, or nil on error or if not found.
-- @treturn string Descriptive message in case of error or if the version could not be found. -- @treturn string Descriptive message in case of error or if the version could not be found.
function M.findVersion(version, withBetas, verTable, timestamp) function M.findVersion(version, verTable)
local msg = nil local msg = nil
version = M.parseVersion(version) version = M.parseVersion(version)
if not verTable then verTable,msg = M.getAvailableVersions(withBetas and 'both' or 'stables') end if not verTable then verTable,msg = M.getAvailableVersions() end
if not verTable then return nil,msg end if not verTable then return nil,msg end
for _,ent in pairs(verTable) do for _,ent in pairs(verTable) do
if M.versionsEqual(ent.version, version, ent.timestamp, timestamp) == true then return ent end if M.compareVersions(ent.version, version) == 0 then return ent end
end end
return nil,"no such version" return nil,"no such version"
end end
--- Turns a date of the format 'yyyymmdd' into a timestamp as returned by os.time.
-- @tparam string dateText The date to parse.
-- @return A timestamp or nil if the argument does not have correct format.
function M.parseDate(dateText)
if type(dateText) ~= 'string' or dateText:len() ~= 8 or dateText:find('[^%d]') ~= nil then return nil end
return os.time({ year = dateText:sub(1, 4), month = dateText:sub(5, 6), day = dateText:sub(7,8) })
--- Formats a timestamp as returned by os.time to a date of the form 'yyyymmdd'.
-- @param timestamp The timestamp to format.
-- @return A formatted date or nil if the argument is nil.
function M.formatDate(timestamp)
if not timestamp then return nil end
return os.date('%Y%m%d', timestamp)
--- Creates an image file name based on given properties. --- Creates an image file name based on given properties.
-- The generated name has the following form: `doodle3d-wifibox-<version>-<deviceType>-<'factory'|'sysupgrade'>.bin`. -- The generated name has the following form: `doodle3d-wifibox-<version>-<deviceType>-<'factory'|'sysupgrade'>.bin`.
-- @tparam table|string version The version of the image. -- @tparam table|string version The version of the image.
@ -593,7 +442,7 @@ function M.constructImageFilename(version, devType, isFactory)
return 'doodle3d-wifibox-' .. M.formatVersion(v) .. '-' .. dt .. '-' .. sf .. '.bin' return 'doodle3d-wifibox-' .. M.formatVersion(v) .. '-' .. dt .. '-' .. sf .. '.bin'
end end
--- Checks whether a valid image file is present in @{cachePath} for the given image properties. --- Checks whether a valid image file is present in @{CACHE_PATH} for the given image properties.
-- The versionEntry table will be augmented with an `isValid` key. -- The versionEntry table will be augmented with an `isValid` key.
-- --
-- NOTE: currently, this function only checks the image exists and has the correct size. -- NOTE: currently, this function only checks the image exists and has the correct size.
@ -603,20 +452,12 @@ end
-- @string[opt] devType Image device type, see @{constructImageFilename}. -- @string[opt] devType Image device type, see @{constructImageFilename}.
-- @bool[opt] isFactory Image type, see @{constructImageFilename}. -- @bool[opt] isFactory Image type, see @{constructImageFilename}.
-- @treturn bool True if a valid image is present, false otherwise. -- @treturn bool True if a valid image is present, false otherwise.
-- @treturn string|nil Reason for being invalid if first return value is false.
function M.checkValidImage(versionEntry, devType, isFactory) function M.checkValidImage(versionEntry, devType, isFactory)
local filename = M.constructImageFilename(versionEntry.version, devType, isFactory) local filename = M.constructImageFilename(versionEntry.version, devType, isFactory)
--return versionEntry.md5 == md5sum(M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. filename)
local entSize = isFactory and versionEntry.factoryFileSize or versionEntry.sysupgradeFileSize local size = fileSize(M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. filename)
local entMd5 = isFactory and versionEntry.factoryMd5 or versionEntry.sysupgradeMD5 versionEntry.isValid = versionEntry.sysupgradeFileSize == size
return versionEntry.isValid
versionEntry.isValid = entMd5 == md5sum(cachePath .. '/' .. filename)
if not versionEntry.isValid then return false,"incorrect MD5 checksum" end
versionEntry.isValid = entSize == fileSize(cachePath .. '/' .. filename)
if not versionEntry.isValid then return false,"incorrect file size" end
return true
end end
--- Returns the current wifibox version text, extracted from `/etc/wifibox-version`. --- Returns the current wifibox version text, extracted from `/etc/wifibox-version`.
@ -634,14 +475,18 @@ function M.getCurrentVersion()
end end
--- Returns an indexed and sorted table containing version information tables. --- Returns an indexed and sorted table containing version information tables.
-- The information is obtained from the either cached or downloaded image index file. -- The information is obtained from the either cached or downloaded image index (@{IMAGE_INDEX_FILE}).
local function fetchIndexTable(indexFile, cachePath) -- @treturn table A table with a collection of version information tables.
function M.getAvailableVersions()
if not baseUrl then baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL end if not baseUrl then baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL end
local indexFilename = cachePath .. '/' .. indexFile local indexFilename = M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. M.IMAGE_INDEX_FILE
local ccRv,ccMsg = createCacheDirectory()
if not ccRv then return nil,ccMsg end
if not useCache or not exists(indexFilename) then if not useCache or not exists(indexFilename) then
local rv1,rv2 = downloadFile(baseUrl .. '/images/' .. indexFile, cachePath, indexFile) local rv = downloadFile(baseUrl .. '/images/' .. M.IMAGE_INDEX_FILE, M.CACHE_PATH, M.IMAGE_INDEX_FILE)
if not rv1 then return nil,"could not download image index file (" .. wgetStatusToString(rv2) .. ")" end if rv ~= 0 then return nil,"could not download image index file (" .. wgetStatusToString(rv) .. ")" end
end end
local status,idxLines = pcall(io.lines, indexFilename) local status,idxLines = pcall(io.lines, indexFilename)
@ -653,7 +498,7 @@ local function fetchIndexTable(indexFile, cachePath)
for line in idxLines do for line in idxLines do
local k,v = line:match('^(.-):(.*)$') local k,v = line:match('^(.-):(.*)$')
k,v = trim(k), trim(v) k,v = trim(k), trim(v)
--if not log then D("#" .. lineno .. ": considering '" .. line .. "' (" .. (k or '<nil>') .. " / " .. (v or '<nil>') .. ")") end if not log then D("#" .. lineno .. ": considering '" .. line .. "' (" .. (k or '<nil>') .. " / " .. (v or '<nil>') .. ")") end
if not changelogMode and (not k or not v) then return nil,"incorrectly formatted line in index file (line " .. lineno .. ")" end if not changelogMode and (not k or not v) then return nil,"incorrectly formatted line in index file (line " .. lineno .. ")" end
if k == 'ChangelogEnd' then if k == 'ChangelogEnd' then
@ -685,13 +530,6 @@ local function fetchIndexTable(indexFile, cachePath)
sSum,fSum = trim(sSum), trim(fSum) sSum,fSum = trim(sSum), trim(fSum)
if sSum then entry.sysupgradeMD5 = sSum end if sSum then entry.sysupgradeMD5 = sSum end
if fSum then entry.factoryMD5 = fSum end if fSum then entry.factoryMD5 = fSum end
elseif k == 'ReleaseDate' then
local ts = M.parseDate(v)
if not ts then
P(0, "ignoring incorrectly formatted ReleaseDate field (line " .. lineno .. ")")
entry.timestamp = ts
else else
P(-1, "ignoring unrecognized field in index file '" .. k .. "' (line " .. lineno .. ")") P(-1, "ignoring unrecognized field in index file '" .. k .. "' (line " .. lineno .. ")")
end end
@ -708,36 +546,6 @@ local function fetchIndexTable(indexFile, cachePath)
return result return result
end end
--- Returns an indexed and sorted table containing version information tables.
-- The information is obtained from the either cached or downloaded image index (@{IMAGE_STABLE_INDEX_FILE}).
-- @tparam which[opt] Which type of versions to fetch, either 'stables' (default), 'betas' or both.
-- @treturn table A table with a collection of version information tables.
function M.getAvailableVersions(which)
local ccRv,ccMsg = createCacheDirectory()
if not ccRv then return nil,ccMsg end
local verTable, msg = {}, nil
if which == 'stables' or which == 'both' then
verTable,msg = fetchIndexTable(M.IMAGE_STABLE_INDEX_FILE, cachePath)
if not verTable then return nil,msg end
if which == 'betas' or which == 'both' then
local betas,msg = fetchIndexTable(M.IMAGE_BETA_INDEX_FILE, cachePath)
if not betas then return nil,msg end
for k,v in pairs(betas) do verTable[k] = v end
table.sort(verTable, function(a, b)
return M.compareVersions(a.version, b.version, a.timestamp, b.timestamp) < 0
return verTable
--- Attempts to download an image file with the requested properties. --- Attempts to download an image file with the requested properties.
-- @tparam table versionEntry A version information table. -- @tparam table versionEntry A version information table.
-- @string[opt] devType Image device type, see @{constructImageFilename}. -- @string[opt] devType Image device type, see @{constructImageFilename}.
@ -759,26 +567,25 @@ function M.downloadImageFile(versionEntry, devType, isFactory)
if versionEntry.isValid == false then doDownload = true end if versionEntry.isValid == false then doDownload = true end
end end
local rv1,rv2 = 0,0 local rv = 0
if doDownload then if doDownload then
M.setState(M.STATE.DOWNLOADING, "Downloading image (" .. filename .. ")") M.setState(M.STATE.DOWNLOADING, "Downloading image (" .. filename .. ")")
rv1,rv2 = downloadFile(baseUrl .. '/images/' .. filename, cachePath, filename) rv = downloadFile(baseUrl .. '/images/' .. filename, M.CACHE_PATH, filename)
end end
if rv1 then if rv == 0 then
local valid,msg = M.checkValidImage(versionEntry, devType, isFactory) if M.checkValidImage(versionEntry, devType, isFactory) then
if valid then
M.setState(M.STATE.IMAGE_READY, "Image downloaded, ready to install (image name: " .. filename .. ")") M.setState(M.STATE.IMAGE_READY, "Image downloaded, ready to install (image name: " .. filename .. ")")
return true return true
else else
removeFile(cachePath .. '/' .. filename) removeFile(M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. filename)
local ws = "Image download failed (invalid image: " .. msg .. ")" local ws = "Image download failed (invalid image)"
return nil,ws return nil,ws
end end
else else
local ws = wgetStatusToString(rv2) local ws = wgetStatusToString(rv)
removeFile(cachePath .. '/' .. filename) removeFile(M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. filename)
M.setState(M.STATE.DOWNLOAD_FAILED, "Image download failed (wget error: " .. ws .. ")") M.setState(M.STATE.DOWNLOAD_FAILED, "Image download failed (wget error: " .. ws .. ")")
return nil,ws return nil,ws
end end
@ -794,10 +601,10 @@ end
-- @treturn bool|nil True on success (with the 'exception' as noted above) or nil on error. -- @treturn bool|nil True on success (with the 'exception' as noted above) or nil on error.
-- @treturn ?string|number (optional) Descriptive message or sysupgrade exit status on error. -- @treturn ?string|number (optional) Descriptive message or sysupgrade exit status on error.
function M.flashImageVersion(versionEntry, noRetain, devType, isFactory) function M.flashImageVersion(versionEntry, noRetain, devType, isFactory)
if log then log:info(MOD_ABBR, "flashImageVersion") end log:info("flashImageVersion")
local imgName = M.constructImageFilename(versionEntry.version, devType, isFactory) local imgName = M.constructImageFilename(versionEntry.version, devType, isFactory)
local cmd = noRetain and 'sysupgrade -n ' or 'sysupgrade ' local cmd = noRetain and 'sysupgrade -n ' or 'sysupgrade '
cmd = cmd .. cachePath .. '/' .. imgName cmd = cmd .. M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. imgName
local ccRv,ccMsg = createCacheDirectory() local ccRv,ccMsg = createCacheDirectory()
if not ccRv then return nil,ccMsg end if not ccRv then return nil,ccMsg end
@ -820,30 +627,22 @@ function M.flashImageVersion(versionEntry, noRetain, devType, isFactory)
return (rv == 0) and true or nil,rv return (rv == 0) and true or nil,rv
end end
--- Clears '*.bin' and both index files in the @{cachePath} directory. --- Clears '*.bin' in the @{CACHE_PATH} directory.
-- @treturn bool|nil True on success, or nil on error. -- @treturn bool|nil True on success, or nil on error.
-- @treturn ?string Descriptive message on error. -- @treturn ?string Descriptive message on error.
function M.clear() function M.clear()
local ccRv,ccMsg = createCacheDirectory() local ccRv,ccMsg = createCacheDirectory()
if not ccRv then return nil,ccMsg end if not ccRv then return nil,ccMsg end
D("Removing " .. cachePath .. "/doodle3d-wifibox-*.bin") D("Removing " .. M.CACHE_PATH .. "/doodle3d-wifibox-*.bin")
M.setState(M.STATE.NONE, "") M.setState(M.STATE.NONE, "")
local success = true local rv = os.execute('rm -f ' .. M.CACHE_PATH .. '/doodle3d-wifibox-*.bin')
local rv = M.compatexecute('rm -f ' .. cachePath .. '/doodle3d-wifibox-*.bin') return (rv == 0) and true or nil,"could not remove image files"
success = success and (rv == 0)
local rv = M.compatexecute('rm -f ' .. cachePath .. '/' .. M.IMAGE_STABLE_INDEX_FILE)
success = success and (rv == 0)
local rv = M.compatexecute('rm -f ' .. cachePath .. '/' .. M.IMAGE_BETA_INDEX_FILE)
success = success and (rv == 0)
--return success,"could not delete all files"
return true
end end
--- Set updater state. --- Set updater state.
-- --
-- NOTE: make sure the cache directory @{cachePath} exists before calling this function or it will fail. -- NOTE: make sure the cache directory @{CACHE_PATH} exists before calling this function or it will fail.
-- --
-- NOTE: this function _can_ fail but this is not expected to happen so the return value is mostly ignored for now. -- NOTE: this function _can_ fail but this is not expected to happen so the return value is mostly ignored for now.
-- --
@ -853,7 +652,7 @@ end
function M.setState(code, msg) function M.setState(code, msg)
local s = code .. '|' .. msg local s = code .. '|' .. msg
D("set update state: " .. M.STATE_NAMES[code] .. " ('" .. s .. "')") D("set update state: " .. M.STATE_NAMES[code] .. " ('" .. s .. "')")
local file,msg = io.open(cachePath .. '/' .. M.STATE_FILE, 'w') local file,msg = io.open(M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. M.STATE_FILE, 'w')
if not file then if not file then
E("error: could not open state file for writing (" .. msg .. ")") E("error: could not open state file for writing (" .. msg .. ")")
@ -876,15 +675,7 @@ end
-- so this file can also be used as a library. -- so this file can also be used as a library.
-- Command-line arguments are expected to be present in the global `arg` variable. -- Command-line arguments are expected to be present in the global `arg` variable.
local function main() local function main()
-- NOTE: this require must be local to functions which are only executed on the wifibox (i.e., where we have uci) local argTable,msg = parseCommandlineArguments(arg)
package.path = package.path .. ';/usr/share/lua/wifibox/?.lua'
local settings = require('util.settings')
local defaults = { verbosity = 0, baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL, includeBetas = false, action = nil }
local confBaseUrl = settings.get('doodle3d.update.baseUrl')
if confBaseUrl and confBaseUrl:len() > 0 then defaults.baseUrl = confBaseUrl end
local argTable,msg = parseCommandlineArguments(arg, defaults)
if not argTable then if not argTable then
E("error interpreting command-line arguments, try '-h' for help (".. msg ..")") E("error interpreting command-line arguments, try '-h' for help (".. msg ..")")
@ -892,9 +683,7 @@ local function main()
end end
verbosity = argTable.verbosity verbosity = argTable.verbosity
includeBetas = argTable.includeBetas
if argTable.useCache ~= nil then useCache = argTable.useCache end if argTable.useCache ~= nil then useCache = argTable.useCache end
if argTable.baseUrl ~= nil then baseUrl = argTable.baseUrl end
P(0, "Doodle3D Wifibox firmware updater") P(0, "Doodle3D Wifibox firmware updater")
local cacheCreated,msg = createCacheDirectory() local cacheCreated,msg = createCacheDirectory()
@ -903,16 +692,13 @@ local function main()
os.exit(1) os.exit(1)
end end
P(0, (includeBetas and "Considering" or "Not considering") .. " beta releases.")
if argTable.action == 'showHelp' then if argTable.action == 'showHelp' then
P(1, "\t-h\t\tShow this help message") P(1, "\t-h\t\tShow this help message")
P(1, "\t-q\t\tquiet mode") P(1, "\t-q\t\tquiet mode")
P(1, "\t-V\t\tverbose mode") P(1, "\t-V\t\tverbose mode")
P(1, "\t-c\t\tUse cache as much as possible") P(1, "\t-c\t\tUse cache as much as possible")
P(1, "\t-C\t\tDo not use the cache (default)") P(1, "\t-C\t\tDo not use the cache")
P(1, "\t-u <base_url>\tUse specified base URL (default: " .. M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL .. ")") P(1, "\t-u <base_url>\tUse specified base URL (default: " .. M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL .. ")")
P(1, "\t-b\t\tInclude beta releases")
P(1, "\t-v\t\tShow current image version") P(1, "\t-v\t\tShow current image version")
P(1, "\t-s\t\tShow current update status") P(1, "\t-s\t\tShow current update status")
P(1, "\t-l\t\tShow list of available image versions (and which one has been downloaded, if any)") P(1, "\t-l\t\tShow list of available image versions (and which one has been downloaded, if any)")
@ -930,7 +716,7 @@ local function main()
P(1, "version: " .. M.formatVersion(v)) P(1, "version: " .. M.formatVersion(v))
elseif argTable.action == 'showStatus' then elseif argTable.action == 'showStatus' then
local success,status,msg = M.getStatus(includeBetas) local status = M.getStatus()
P(0, "Current update status:") P(0, "Current update status:")
P(1, " currentVersion:\t" .. (M.formatVersion(status.currentVersion) or '?')) P(1, " currentVersion:\t" .. (M.formatVersion(status.currentVersion) or '?'))
P(1, " newestVersion:\t" .. (M.formatVersion(status.newestVersion) or '?')) P(1, " newestVersion:\t" .. (M.formatVersion(status.newestVersion) or '?'))
@ -947,7 +733,7 @@ local function main()
end end
elseif argTable.action == 'showAvailableVersions' then elseif argTable.action == 'showAvailableVersions' then
local verTable,msg = M.getAvailableVersions(includeBetas and 'both' or 'stables') local verTable,msg = M.getAvailableVersions()
if not verTable then if not verTable then
E("error collecting version information (" .. msg .. ")") E("error collecting version information (" .. msg .. ")")
os.exit(2) os.exit(2)
@ -957,7 +743,7 @@ local function main()
for _,ent in ipairs(verTable) do P(1, M.formatVersion(ent.version)) end for _,ent in ipairs(verTable) do P(1, M.formatVersion(ent.version)) end
elseif argTable.action == 'showVersionInfo' then elseif argTable.action == 'showVersionInfo' then
local vEnt,msg = M.findVersion(argTable.version, includeBetas) local vEnt,msg = M.findVersion(argTable.version)
if vEnt then if vEnt then
P(0, "Information on version:") P(0, "Information on version:")
@ -968,7 +754,6 @@ local function main()
P(1, " factoryFilename:\t" .. (vEnt.factoryFilename or '-')) P(1, " factoryFilename:\t" .. (vEnt.factoryFilename or '-'))
P(1, " factoryFileSize:\t" .. (vEnt.factoryFileSize or '-')) P(1, " factoryFileSize:\t" .. (vEnt.factoryFileSize or '-'))
P(1, " factoryMD5:\t\t" .. (vEnt.factoryMD5 or '-')) P(1, " factoryMD5:\t\t" .. (vEnt.factoryMD5 or '-'))
P(1, " releaseDate:\t\t" .. (vEnt.timestamp and M.formatDate(vEnt.timestamp) or '-'))
if vEnt.changelog then if vEnt.changelog then
P(1, "\n--- Changelog ---\n" .. vEnt.changelog .. '---') P(1, "\n--- Changelog ---\n" .. vEnt.changelog .. '---')
else else
@ -983,7 +768,7 @@ local function main()
end end
elseif argTable.action == 'imageDownload' then elseif argTable.action == 'imageDownload' then
local vEnt,msg = M.findVersion(argTable.version, includeBetas) local vEnt,msg = M.findVersion(argTable.version)
if vEnt == false then if vEnt == false then
P(1, "no such version") P(1, "no such version")
os.exit(4) os.exit(4)
@ -1005,7 +790,7 @@ local function main()
elseif argTable.action == 'imageInstall' then elseif argTable.action == 'imageInstall' then
local vEnt, msg = nil, nil local vEnt, msg = nil, nil
vEnt,msg = M.findVersion(argTable.version, includeBetas) vEnt,msg = M.findVersion(argTable.version)
if vEnt == false then if vEnt == false then
P(1, "no such version") P(1, "no such version")
os.exit(4) os.exit(4)

src/script/d3dapi Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,25 +1,19 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
# This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
# Copyright (c) 2013, Doodle3D
# This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
# See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
# NOTE: redirection to $LOG_FILE is not required anymore, it is configurable now. # NOTE: redirection to $LOG_FILE is not required anymore, it is configurable now.
# It is left in just as a precaution for a badly configured firmware invocation. # It is left in just as a precaution for a badly configured firmware invocation.
LUA=lua LUA=lua
SCRIPT_PATH=/usr/share/lua/wifibox SCRIPT_PATH=/usr/share/lua/wifibox
LOG_FILE=/tmp/wifibox.stdout.log LOG_FILE=/tmp/wifibox.log
#echo "CGI invocation" >> $LOG_FILE echo "CGI invocation" >> $LOG_FILE
#strace -o /tmp/trace-$$.log -ff $LUA ./cmdmain.lua $@ 2>> $LOG_FILE #strace -o /tmp/trace-$$.log -ff $LUA ./cmdmain.lua $@ 2>> $LOG_FILE
$LUA ./cmdmain.lua $@ 2>> $LOG_FILE $LUA ./cmdmain.lua $@ 2>> $LOG_FILE
exit $? exit $?
# Code below is for debugging incoming CGI data # Code below is for debugging incoming CGI data
echo -e "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n" echo -e "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
# Copyright (c) 2013, Doodle3D
# This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
# See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
# start after all other scripts
LOGGER="logger -t dhcpcheck -p 6"
boot() {
logread | grep ", lease time 12h"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
$LOGGER "Applying workaround for dhcp/dnsmasq issue. See: https://github.com/Doodle3D/doodle3d-client/issues/66"
/etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload
$LOGGER "DHCP configuration is in order, not doing anything"

View File

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
local M = {}
M.default = {
['options'] = { mode = 'keep', count = 'none' },
['patterns'] = {
['%(error%)'] = 'red',
['%(warning%)'] = 'yellow',
['%(bulk%)'] = 'gray',
['setState%(%)'] = 'bblue'
-- filter rules for firmware log (/tmp/wifibox.log)
M.firmware = {
['parent'] = 'default',
['patterns'] = {
['START%-RQ'] = 'bblue',
['END%-RQ'] = 'blue'
-- filter rules for print3d log (/tmp/print3d-*.log)
M.print3d = {
['parent'] = 'default',
['patterns'] = {
['Print 3D server'] = 'byellow',
['sendCode%(%)'] = 'green',
['readCode%(%)'] = 'blue',
['readResponseCode%(%)'] = 'blue'
-- filter rules for serial communcation of print3d
M.serial = {
['options'] = { mode = 'delete', count = 'none' },
['patterns'] = {
['Print 3D server'] = 'byellow,_nodelete',
['sendCode%(%)'] = 'green,_nodelete',
['readCode%(%)'] = 'blue,_nodelete',
['readResponseCode%(%)'] = 'blue,_nodelete',
['setState%(%)'] = 'bblue,_nodelete',
['%[ABSD%]'] = 'gray,_nodelete', -- 0.10.10
['%[ABD%]'] = 'gray,_nodelete', -- 0.10.9
['%(info%)'] = 'gray,_nodelete' -- 0.10.10
M.test = { -- TEST set
['options'] = { mode = 'keep', count = 'all' },
['patterns'] = {
['%(info%)'] = 'yellow'
M.printstart = {
['options'] = { mode = 'delete' },
['patterns'] = {
['print started'] = '_uppercase,bwhite'
return M

View File

@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env lua
For documentation on this script, see README-loglite.md.
Ideas for improvement:
* add more directives like uppercase, prefix/suffix?
* create separate package for this script: a) since it is useful for any log file, b) this file is getting somewhat long
* for broader terminal support: detect `tput` and use it if available (http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/scripting/terminalcodes)
* pre-split keyword lists for efficiency instead of redoing this at every new line?
* with deleteMode enabled, multiple matches and _nodelete in a later match, previous directives are ignored
--Note: overview of ANSI escape codes: http://ascii-table.com/ansi-escape-sequences.php (support varies per terminal/termtype)
local ANSI_COLORS = {
['bold'] = 1,
['underscore'] = 4,
['blink'] = 5, -- on osx/iterm2, this has to be enabled in preferences
['reverse'] = 7,
['black'] = 30,
['red'] = 31,
['green'] = 32,
['yellow'] = 33,
['blue'] = 34,
['magenta'] = 35,
['cyan'] = 36,
['white'] = 37,
['bblack'] = 40,
['bred'] = 41,
['bgreen'] = 42,
['byellow'] = 43,
['bblue'] = 44,
['bmagenta'] = 45,
['bcyan'] = 46,
['bwhite'] = 47
local ESCAPE_STR = string.char(27) .. "["
local RESET_CODE = ESCAPE_STR .. "m"
local DFL_FILTERSET_FILE = "loglite-filters.lua"
--- Stringifies the given object.
-- From util/utils.lua
-- Note that self-referencing objects will cause an endless loop with the current implementation.
-- @param o The object to convert.
-- @treturn string Stringified version of o.
local function dump(o)
if type(o) == 'table' then
local s = '{ '
for k,v in pairs(o) do
if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end
s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. dump(v) .. ','
return s .. '} '
return tostring(o)
--- Splits a string on a given divider character.
-- From util/utils.lua
-- @string[opt=':'] div The divider character to use.
-- @return An array containing the resultant substrings.
-- @usage local str = "a,b,c"; local parts = str:split(',')
function string:split(div)
local div, pos, arr = div or ':', 0, {}
for st,sp in function() return self:find(div, pos, true) end do
table.insert(arr, self:sub(pos, st - 1))
pos = sp + 1
table.insert(arr, self:sub(pos))
return arr
--- Determines if filename exists and can be opened for reading.
-- From http://stackoverflow.com/a/4991602
-- @string filename The file to test.
-- @return True if the file exists and is readable, false otherwise.
function fileExists(filename)
local f = io.open(filename, "r")
if f ~= nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end
--- Converts keys of a table into a string.
-- Adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/a/12674376.
-- @string tbl A key/value table.
-- @string[opt=','] sep Separator to use between items.
-- @boolean[opt=false] sort Whether or not to sort the resulting list.
-- @return A string with all keys from the given table.
local function keysToString(tbl, sep, sort)
local sep, sort = sep or ',', sort or false
local keyset, n = {}, 0
for k,_ in pairs(tbl) do
n = n + 1
keyset[n] = k
if sort then table.sort(keyset) end
return table.concat(keyset, sep)
--- Merge two tables recursively (i.e., subtables also get merged).
-- from: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1283608
-- @table t1 Table to merge into.
-- @table t2 Table to merge into t1.
-- @return The combined table (actually t1).
function mergeTables(t1, t2)
for k,v in pairs(t2) do
if type(v) == "table" then
if type(t1[k] or false) == "table" then
mergeTables(t1[k] or {}, t2[k] or {})
t1[k] = v
t1[k] = v
return t1
local function hasValue(t, needle)
for k,v in pairs(t) do
if needle == v then return k end
return nil
local function makeAnsiCode(key)
if not ANSI_COLORS[key] then return nil end
return ESCAPE_STR .. ANSI_COLORS[key] .. 'm'
local function tailStream(stream, filterSet)
patterns = filterSet and filterSet.patterns or {}
options = filterSet and filterSet.options or { ['mode'] = 'keep' }
local c = 0
for line in stream:lines() do
--c = c + 1 -- Note: this would also count deleted lines
local embellished = line
local keepLine = (options.mode == 'keep')
local keepLineOverridden = false
-- look for a pattern matching this line
for p,c in pairs(patterns) do
if line:match(p) then
-- print("[DEBUG] +matched rule '" .. p .. "'/'" .. c .. "' against '" .. line .. "'")
local kws = c:split(',')
if hasValue(kws, '_delete') then keepLine = false; keepLineOverridden = true
elseif hasValue(kws, '_nodelete') then keepLine = true; keepLineOverridden = true
if keepLine then
-- first collect formatting sequences
local fmt = ''
for _,kw in ipairs(kws) do
local code = makeAnsiCode(kw)
if code then fmt = fmt .. code end
-- then wrap the line in formatting, if any
if fmt:len() > 0 then embellished = fmt .. embellished .. RESET_CODE end
-- Note: break out of loop and stop processing when line should be deleted _if_ the default has been overridden to do so
if keepLineOverridden then
embellished = nil
--break -- Note: don't break, allow multiple matches per line, e.g. to mix and match fg and bg colors
if embellished and keepLine then
c = c + 1
if options.count == 'all' then print(c, embellished)
else print(embellished) end
-- print("[DEBUG] -skipped '"..line.."'")
--c = line:match 'truncated' and 0 or c -- from tail on stderr apparently
--TODO: could be extended to look for multiple filenames in multiple paths
local function readConfigFile(filename, searchPath)
fullPath = searchPath .. '/' .. filename
if not fileExists(fullPath) then
--print("[DEBUG] config file '" .. fullPath .. "' not found")
return nil
--print("[DEBUG] using config file '" .. fullPath .. "'")
-- require does not accept full paths? also, pcall does not help with dofile
return dofile(fullPath)
--- Load filter set with given name from configSets, with inheritance as specified.
local function readFilterSet(configSets, setName)
local result = {}
for k,_ in pairs(configSets) do
if k == setName then
parent = configSets[setName]['parent']
if parent ~= nil then
--print("[DEBUG] recursing for filter set '" .. parent .. "' from config")
result = mergeTables(result, readFilterSet(configSets, parent))
--print("[DEBUG] using/merging filter set '" .. setName .. "' from config")
result = mergeTables(result, configSets[setName])
return result
--NOTE: if command-line options get any more complex, switch to a lightweight
-- getopt like this one? https://attractivechaos.wordpress.com/2011/04/07/getopt-for-lua/
local function main()
-- handle command-line arguments
local showHelp, followFile, filterSetName = false, nil, 'default'
if #arg > 0 and arg[1] == "-h" or arg[1] == "--help" then
showHelp = true
if #arg > 0 and arg[1] ~= '-' then followFile = arg[1] end
if #arg > 1 then filterSetName = arg[2] end
-- read filter set file if available
local configSets = readConfigFile(DFL_FILTERSET_FILE, os.getenv('HOME')) or {}
local filterSet = readFilterSet(configSets, filterSetName)
-- print("[DEBUG] final filter set for '" .. filterSetName .. "' from config: " .. dump(filterSet))
-- if requested, display help and exit
if showHelp and showHelp == true then
print("Usage: loglite.lua [file-to-tail] [filter-set]")
print(" If no arguments are supplied, or if the first one is `-', stdin is used as input.")
print(" If no filter set is supplied, a set named `default' will be looked for.")
print(" Filter sets can be defined in a file `loglite-filters.lua' in your home directory.")
print(" Available filter sets in " .. os.getenv('HOME') .. "/" .. DFL_FILTERSET_FILE .. ": " .. keysToString(configSets, ', ', true))
--print("[DEBUG] following file: '" .. (followFile and followFile or "<stdin>") .. "', with filter set '" .. filterSetName .. "'.")
--Info on tailing a file: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17363973/how-can-i-tail-f-a-log-filetruncate-aware-in-lua
--local tailin = io.popen('tail -F '..(...)..' 2>&1', 'r')
local tailin = followFile and io.popen('tail -f ' .. followFile, 'r') or io.stdin
pcall(tailStream, tailin, filterSet) -- Note: protected call to suppress interrupt error thrown by lines iterator

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# Doodle3D logrotate configuration
/tmp/wifibox.log /tmp/print3d-*.log {
rotate 2
size 1000k
olddir /tmp/wifibox-rotated
# as alternative to copytruncate (which *might* miss lines) we could implement
# SIGUSR1 in print3d and firmware to reopen their logs
copytruncate # 'create' is ignored with copytruncate, as the file stays in place
#Note: by looking at creation date of the print3d socket and comparing against that
# of print3d-loghead we could detect a server restart (e.g. due to reconnected printer)
echo "$1" | grep -q "print3d-.*\.log"
if [ $? -eq 0 -a ! -f "$ROTATED_FILES_PATH/$PRINT3D_LOGHEAD_FILE" ]; then
echo "$1" | grep -q "wifibox.log"
if [ $? -eq 0 -a ! -f "$ROTATED_FILES_PATH/$WIFIBOX_LOGHEAD_FILE" ]; then

View File

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
local function log(message)
os.execute("logger " .. message)
if (table.getn(arg) == 0) then
print("Usage: ./print-fetch {printerSocket} {gcodeServerURL} {id} [startGcode] [endGCode]")
log("starting gcode fetch program")
package.cpath = package.cpath .. '/usr/lib/lua/?.so'
JSON = (loadfile "/usr/share/lua/wifibox/util/JSON.lua")()
local p3d = require("print3d")
local printer = p3d.getPrinter(arg[1])
if printer == nil then
log("error connecting to printer")
local gcodeServer = arg[2]
local finished = false
local id = arg[3]
log("gcode file id: " .. id)
log("gcode server: " .. gcodeServer)
local info = JSON:decode(io.popen("wget -qO - " .. gcodeServer .. "/info/" .. id):read("*a"))
if info == nil then
log("could not retrieve file info")
local current_line = 0
local total_lines = tonumber(info["lines"])
local started = false
log("total lines: " .. total_lines)
local startCode = nil
local endCode = nil
function countlines(file)
return tonumber(io.popen("wc -l < " .. file):read('*a'))
function readGCodeArg(argi)
local gcodeFile = arg[argi]
return io.open(gcodeFile):read('*a')
if table.getn(arg) >= 5 then
startCode = readGCodeArg(4)
endCode = readGCodeArg(5)
if startCode ~= nil then
log("appending start gcode")
while(not finished)
local f = io.popen("wget -qO - " .. gcodeServer .. "/fetch/" .. id .. "/" .. current_line)
local line = f:read()
while line ~= nil do
printer:appendGcode(line, total_lines, { seq_number = -1, seq_total = -1, source = id })
current_line = current_line + 1
line = f:read()
if not started then
started = true
print("send print start command")
if current_line >= total_lines then
log("finished fetching gcode")
if endCode ~= nil then
log("appending end gcode")
printer:appendGcode(endCode, total_lines, { seq_number = -1, seq_total = -1, source = id })
finished = true
local accepts_new_gcode = false
while (not accepts_new_gcode)
local current,buffer,total,bufferSize,maxBufferSize = printer:getProgress()
local percentageBufferSize = bufferSize / maxBufferSize
if percentageBufferSize < 0.8 then
print("buffer below 80% capacity, sending new gcode")
accepts_new_gcode = true
print("buffer above 80% capacity")
os.execute("sleep 10")

src/script/signin.sh Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,13 +1,8 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
# This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
# Copyright (c) 2013, Doodle3D
# This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
# See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
sleep 15m sleep 5s
while true; do while true; do
/usr/share/lua/wifibox/script/d3dapi signin > /dev/null 2> /dev/null /usr/share/lua/wifibox/script/d3dapi signin > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
sleep 15m sleep 1h
done done

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
[ "${ACTION}" = "released" ] || exit 0
. /lib/functions.sh
logger "$BUTTON pressed for $SEEN seconds"
if [ "$SEEN" -gt 4 ]
logger "Resetting Wireless"
d3dapi p=/network/reset r=POST

View File

@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
config settings 'system' config settings 'system'
#In addition to regular text, api_log_filename and p3d_log_basename may also be option logfile '/tmp/wifibox.log'
#a stream enclose in angle brackets (e.g. '<stderr>') or option loglevel 'debug'
#a command to send output to in back quotes (e.g. '`ssh USER@HOST "cat > /tmp/test.log"`').
#Note that using an SSH tunnel without public key auth will need interaction
option log_path '/tmp'
option api_log_filename 'wifibox.log'
option p3d_log_basename 'print3d'
config settings 'general' config settings 'general'
option printer_type 'ultimaker' option printer_type 'ultimaker'
option gcode_server 'http://gcodeserver.doodle3d.com'

src/script/wifibox_init Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,27 +1,18 @@
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
# Copyright (c) 2013, Doodle3D
# This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
# See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
# start after networking # start after networking
LOGGER="logger -t autowifi -p 6" LOGGER="logger -s -t autowifi -p 6"
boot() { boot() {
sleep 5 sleep 1
$LOGGER "Invoking Doodle3D WiFi box network auto-initialization..." $LOGGER "Invoking Doodle3D WiFi box network auto-initialization..."
/usr/share/lua/wifibox/script/d3dapi autowifi /usr/share/lua/wifibox/script/d3dapi autowifi
$LOGGER "Start signing in..." $LOGGER "Start signing in..."
/usr/share/lua/wifibox/script/signin.sh > /dev/null 2> /dev/null & /usr/share/lua/wifibox/script/signin.sh > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
mkdir -p /var/lib # required by logrotate for logrotate.status
mkdir -p /tmp/wifibox-rotated # this is where rotated wifibox logs are placed
} }
start() { start() {

View File

@ -1,49 +1,17 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
local log = require('util.logger') local log = require('util.logger')
local utils = require('util.utils') local utils = require('util.utils')
local printerUtils = require('util.printer')
local MOD_ABBR = "UACS"
local M = {} local M = {}
function M.hasControl(ip) function M.hasControl(ip)
local controllerIP = M.getController() local controllerIP = M.getController()
return (controllerIP == "" or (controllerIP ~= "" and controllerIP == ip))
-- no controller stored? we have control
if controllerIP == "" then return true end;
-- controller stored is same as our (requesting) ip? we have control
if(controllerIP == ip) then return true end;
-- no printer connected? we have control
local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail()
if not printer or not printer:hasSocket() then
M.setController("") -- clear the controller
return true
-- printer is idle (done printing)? we have control
local state = printer:getState()
if state == "idle" then -- TODO: define in constants somewhere
M.setController("") -- clear controller
return true
return false
end end
function M.getController() function M.getController()
local file, error = io.open('/tmp/controller.txt','r') local file, error = io.open('/tmp/controller.txt','r')
if file == nil then if file == nil then
--log:error(MOD_ABBR, "Util:Access: Can't read controller file. Error: "..error) --log:error("Util:Access:Can't read controller file. Error: "..error)
return "" return ""
else else
controllerIP = file:read('*a') controllerIP = file:read('*a')

View File

@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
--- ---
-- Logging facilities. -- Logging facilities.
@ -13,51 +5,36 @@ local utils = require('util.utils')
local M = {} local M = {}
local logLevel, logVerboseFmt, logStream local logLevel, logVerbose, logStream
local logFilePath = nil -- only used for reference
local LONGEST_LEVEL_NAME = -1 --- Available log levels
--- Available log levels (starting at 1)
-- @table LEVEL -- @table LEVEL
'quiet', -- not used for logging, only for setting levels 'debug', -- for debug messages
'error', -- fatal or non-fatal error condition 'info', -- for informational messages
'warning', -- possibly troublesome situation 'warn', -- for warnings (something is wrong/fishy but not neccesarily problematic)
'info', -- information about what the application is doing 'error', -- for recoverable errors
'verbose', -- extra trail information on what the application is doing 'fatal' -- for unrecoverable errors
'bulk' -- debug information (in large amounts)
} }
-- M.LEVEL already has idx=>name entries, now create name=>idx entries
--[[== module initialization code ==]]--
-- M.LEVEL already has idx=>name entries, now create name=>idx entries so it can be indexed both ways, and init LONGEST_LEVEL_NAME
for i,v in ipairs(M.LEVEL) do for i,v in ipairs(M.LEVEL) do
M.LEVEL[v] = i M.LEVEL[v] = i
if v:len() > LONGEST_LEVEL_NAME then LONGEST_LEVEL_NAME = v:len() end
end end
--[[================================]]-- local function log(level, msg, verbose)
if level >= logLevel then
local now = os.date('%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
local function log(level, module, msg, verboseFmt)
if level <= logLevel then
local now = os.date('%d-%m %H:%M:%S')
local i = debug.getinfo(3) --the stack frame just above the logger call local i = debug.getinfo(3) --the stack frame just above the logger call
local v = verboseFmt local v = verbose
if v == nil then v = logVerboseFmt end if v == nil then v = logVerbose end
local name = i.name or "(nil)" local name = i.name or "(nil)"
local vVal = 'nil' local vVal = 'nil'
local m = (type(msg) == 'string') and msg or utils.dump(msg) local m = (type(msg) == 'string') and msg or utils.dump(msg)
if module == nil then module = "LUA " end
local levelName = M.LEVEL[level] if v then logStream:write(now .. " (" .. M.LEVEL[level] .. ") " .. m .. " [" .. name .. "@" .. i.short_src .. ":" .. i.linedefined .. "]\n")
local padding = string.rep(' ', LONGEST_LEVEL_NAME - levelName:len()) else logStream:write(now .. " (" .. M.LEVEL[level] .. ") " .. m .. "\n") end
if v then logStream:write(now .. " [" .. module .. "] (" .. levelName .. ")" .. padding .. ": " .. m .. " [" .. name .. "@" .. i.short_src .. ":" .. i.linedefined .. "]\n")
else logStream:write(now .. " [" .. module .. "] (" .. levelName .. ")" .. padding .. ": " .. m .. "\n") end
logStream:flush() logStream:flush()
end end
@ -66,16 +43,11 @@ end
--- Initializes the logger. --- Initializes the logger.
-- @tparam @{util.logger.LEVEL} level Minimum level of messages to log. -- @tparam @{util.logger.LEVEL} level Minimum level of messages to log.
-- @tparam bool verbose Write verbose log messages (include file/line information). -- @tparam bool verbose Write verbose log messages (include file/line inforomation).
function M:init(level, verboseFmt) function M:init(level, verbose)
logLevel = level or M.LEVEL.warning logLevel = level or M.LEVEL.warn
logVerboseFmt = verboseFmt or false logVerbose = verbose or false
--logStream = stream or io.stdout logStream = stream or io.stdout
function M:setLevel(level, verboseFmt)
logLevel = level or M.LEVEL.warning
logVerboseFmt = verboseFmt or false
end end
-- pass nil as stream to reset to stdout -- pass nil as stream to reset to stdout
@ -83,21 +55,10 @@ function M:setStream(stream)
logStream = stream or io.stdout logStream = stream or io.stdout
end end
function M:getLevel() function M:debug(msg, verbose) log(M.LEVEL.debug, msg, verbose); return true end
return logLevel, logVerboseFmt function M:info(msg, verbose) log(M.LEVEL.info, msg, verbose); return true end
end function M:warn(msg, verbose) log(M.LEVEL.warn, msg, verbose); return true end
function M:error(msg, verbose) log(M.LEVEL.error, msg, verbose); return false end
function M:getStream() function M:fatal(msg, verbose) log(M.LEVEL.fatal, msg, verbose); return false end
return logStream
function M:setLogFilePath(path) logFilePath = path end
function M:getLogFilePath() return logFilePath end
function M:error(module, msg, verboseFmt) log(M.LEVEL.error, module, msg, verboseFmt); return false end
function M:warning(module, msg, verboseFmt) log(M.LEVEL.warning, module, msg, verboseFmt); return true end
function M:info(module, msg, verboseFmt) log(M.LEVEL.info, module, msg, verboseFmt); return true end
function M:verbose(module, msg, verboseFmt) log(M.LEVEL.verbose, module, msg, verboseFmt); return true end
function M:bulk(module, msg, verboseFmt) log(M.LEVEL.bulk, module, msg, verboseFmt); return true end
return M return M

View File

@ -1,27 +1,12 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
local log = require('util.logger') local log = require('util.logger')
local utils = require('util.utils') local utils = require('util.utils')
local printDriver = require('print3d') local printDriver = require('print3d')
local MOD_ABBR = "UPRN"
rigidbot = "Rigidbot", rigidbot = "Rigidbot",
ultimaker = "Ultimaker", ultimaker = "Ultimaker",
ultimaker2 = "Ultimaker 2",
ultimaker2go = "Ultimaker 2 Go",
ultimaker_original_plus = "Ultimaker Original Plus",
makerbot_replicator2 = "MakerBot Replicator2", makerbot_replicator2 = "MakerBot Replicator2",
makerbot_replicator2x = "MakerBot Replicator2x",
makerbot_thingomatic = "MakerBot Thing-o-matic", makerbot_thingomatic = "MakerBot Thing-o-matic",
wanhao_duplicator4 = "Wanhao Duplicator 4",
printrbot = "Printrbot", printrbot = "Printrbot",
bukobot = "Bukobot", bukobot = "Bukobot",
cartesio = "Cartesio", cartesio = "Cartesio",
@ -34,7 +19,6 @@ local SUPPORTED_PRINTERS = {
kossel = "Kossel", kossel = "Kossel",
leapfrog_creatr = "LeapFrog Creatr", leapfrog_creatr = "LeapFrog Creatr",
lulzbot_aO_101 = "LulzBot AO-101", lulzbot_aO_101 = "LulzBot AO-101",
lulzbot_taz_4 = "LulzBot TAZ 4",
makergear_m2 = "MakerGear M2", makergear_m2 = "MakerGear M2",
makergear_prusa = "MakerGear Prusa", makergear_prusa = "MakerGear Prusa",
makibox = "Makibox", makibox = "Makibox",
@ -50,21 +34,8 @@ local SUPPORTED_PRINTERS = {
shapercube = "ShaperCube", shapercube = "ShaperCube",
tantillus = "Tantillus", tantillus = "Tantillus",
vision_3d_printer = "Vision 3D Printer", vision_3d_printer = "Vision 3D Printer",
minifactory = "miniFactory",
builder3d = "Builder 3D",
bigbuilder3d = "Big Builder 3D",
mamba3d = "Mamba3D",
_3Dison_plus = "3Dison plus",
marlin_generic = "Generic Marlin Printer", marlin_generic = "Generic Marlin Printer",
makerbot_generic = "Generic Makerbot Printer", makerbot_generic = "Generic Makerbot Printer"
doodle_dream = "Doodle Dream",
colido_2_0_plus = "ColiDo 2.0 Plus",
colido_m2020 = "ColiDo M2020",
colido_x3045 = "ColiDo X3045",
colido_compact = "ColiDo Compact",
colido_diy = "ColiDo DIY",
craftbot_plus = "CraftBot PLUS",
renkforce_rf100 = "Renkforce RF100"
} }
["115200"] = "115200 bps", ["115200"] = "115200 bps",
@ -86,8 +57,8 @@ end
--returns a printer instance or nil (and sets error state on response in the latter case) --returns a printer instance or nil (and sets error state on response in the latter case)
function M.createPrinterOrFail(deviceId, response) function M.createPrinterOrFail(deviceId, response)
--log:info(MOD_ABBR, "API:printer:createPrinterOrFail: "..utils.dump(deviceId)) --log:debug("API:printer:createPrinterOrFail: "..utils.dump(deviceId))
local rv,msg,printer = nil, nil, nil local msg,printer = nil, nil
if deviceId == nil or deviceId == "" then if deviceId == nil or deviceId == "" then
printer,msg = printDriver.getPrinter() printer,msg = printDriver.getPrinter()
@ -96,25 +67,11 @@ function M.createPrinterOrFail(deviceId, response)
end end
if not printer then if not printer then
if response ~= nil then response:setError("could not open printer driver (" .. msg .. ")")
response:setError("could not open printer driver (" .. msg .. ")") response:addData('id', deviceId)
response:addData('id', deviceId)
return nil return nil
end end
-- only log these log setup errors, do not let them prevent further request handling
rv,msg = printer:setLocalLogStream(log:getStream())
if not rv then
log:error(MOD_ABBR, "could not set log stream in Lua binding (" .. msg .. ")")
rv,msg = printer:setLocalLogLevel(log:getLevel())
if not rv then
log:error(MOD_ABBR, "could not set log level '" .. log:getLevel() .. "' in Lua binding (" .. msg .. ")")
return printer return printer
end end

View File

@ -1,26 +1,15 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
--- ---
-- The settings interface reads and writes configuration keys using [UCI](http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci). -- The settings interface reads and writes configuration keys using [UCI](http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci).
-- All keys have pre-defined defaults in @{conf_defaults} which will be used -- All keys have pre-defined defaults in @{conf_defaults} which will be used
-- if no value is stored in the UCI config. The UCI config file is `/etc/config/wifibox`. -- if no value is stored in the UCI config. The UCI config file is `/etc/config/wifibox`.
-- The default values guarantee there will always be a set of reasonable settings -- The default values guarantee there will always be a set of reasonable settings
-- to use and provide a clear overview of all existing configuration keys as well. -- to use and provide a clear overview of all existing configuration keys as well.
-- uci api: http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/techref/uci, http://luci.subsignal.org/api/luci/modules/luci.model.uci.html
local uci = require('uci').cursor() local uci = require('uci').cursor()
local utils = require('util.utils') local utils = require('util.utils')
local baseconfig = require('conf_defaults') local baseconfig = require('conf_defaults')
local utils = require('util.utils') local utils = require('util.utils')
local log = require('util.logger') local log = require('util.logger')
local MOD_ABBR = "USET"
local M = {} local M = {}
--- UCI config name (i.e., file under `/etc/config`) --- UCI config name (i.e., file under `/etc/config`)
@ -99,7 +88,7 @@ end
--- Reports whether a value is valid given the constraints specified in a base table. --- Reports whether a value is valid given the constraints specified in a base table.
-- @p value The value to test. -- @p value The value to test.
-- @tab baseTable The base table to use constraint data from (min,max,regex,isValid). -- @tab baseTable The base table to use constraint data from (min,max,regex).
-- @treturn bool Returns true if the value is valid, false if it is not. -- @treturn bool Returns true if the value is valid, false if it is not.
local function isValid(value, baseTable) local function isValid(value, baseTable)
local varType, min, max, regex, isValid = baseTable.type, baseTable.min, baseTable.max, baseTable.regex, baseTable.isValid local varType, min, max, regex, isValid = baseTable.type, baseTable.min, baseTable.max, baseTable.regex, baseTable.isValid
@ -147,72 +136,33 @@ local function getBaseKeyTable(key)
return type(base) == 'table' and base.default ~= nil and base or nil return type(base) == 'table' and base.default ~= nil and base or nil
end end
--- Looks up the table in @{subconf_defaults}.lua corresponding to a key.
-- @string key The key for which to return the base table.
-- @treturn table The base table for key, or nil if it does not exist.
--[[local function getSubBaseKeyTable(key)
local base = subconfig[key]
return type(base) == 'table' and base.default ~= nil and base or nil
--- Returns the value of the requested key if it exists. --- Returns the value of the requested key if it exists.
-- @p key The key to return the associated value for. -- @p key The key to return the associated value for.
-- @return The associated value, beware (!) that this may be boolean false for keys of 'bool' type, or nil if the key could not be read because of a UCI error. -- @return The associated value, beware (!) that this may be boolean false for keys of 'bool' type.
-- @treturn string Message in case of error.
function M.get(key) function M.get(key)
--log:info(MOD_ABBR, "settings:get: "..utils.dump(key))
key = replaceDots(key) key = replaceDots(key)
-- retrieve settings's base settings from conf_defaults.lua
local base = getBaseKeyTable(key) local base = getBaseKeyTable(key)
if not base then return nil,ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY end if not base then return nil,ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY end
-- check which uci section to read. local v = base.default
-- By default it will read from the general section, but if a base setting contains a subSection it will check that subSection local uciV = fromUciValue(uci:get(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SECTION, key), base.type)
local section = UCI_CONFIG_SECTION;
if base.subSection ~= nil then
section = M.get(base.subSection)
-- get setting from uci local actualV = v
local uciV,msg = uci:get(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, section, key) if uciV ~= nil then actualV = uciV end
if not uciV and msg ~= nil then
local errorMSG = "Issue reading setting '"..utils.dump(key).."': "..utils.dump(msg);
log:warning(MOD_ABBR, errorMSG)
return nil, errorMSG;
-- convert uci value into proper lua value return actualV
local uciV = fromUciValue(uciV, base.type)
if uciV ~= nil then
-- returning value from uci
return uciV
elseif base.subSection ~= nil then
local subDefault = base["default_"..section]
if subDefault ~= nil then
-- returning subsection default value
return subDefault
-- returning default value
return base.default
end end
--- Returns all configuration keys with their current values. --- Returns all configuration keys with their current values.
-- @return A table containing a key/value pair for each configuration key, or nil if a UCI error occured. -- @treturn table A table containing a key/value pair for each configuration key.
-- @return string Message in case of error.
function M.getAll() function M.getAll()
local result = {} local result = {}
for k,_ in pairs(baseconfig) do for k,_ in pairs(baseconfig) do
if not k:match('^[A-Z_]*$') then --TEMP: skip 'constants', which should be moved anyway if not k:match('^[A-Z_]*$') then --TEMP: skip 'constants', which should be moved anyway
local key = replaceUnderscores(k) local key = replaceUnderscores(k)
local v, msg = M.get(key) result[key] = M.get(key)
if not v and msg ~= nil then
return nil, msg
result[key] = v
end end
end end
return result return result
@ -242,25 +192,22 @@ end
--- Sets a key to a new value or reverts it to the default value. --- Sets a key to a new value or reverts it to the default value.
-- @string key The key to set. -- @string key The key to set.
-- @p[opt=nil] value The value or set, or nil to revert key to its default value. -- @p[opt=nil] value The value or set, or nil to revert key to its default value.
-- @p[opt=nil] noCommit If true, do not commit the uci configuration; this is more efficient when setting multiple values -- @treturn bool|nil True if everything went well, nil in case of error.
-- @treturn bool|nil True if everything went well, false if validation error, nil in case of error.
-- @treturn ?string Error message in case first return value is nil (invalid key). -- @treturn ?string Error message in case first return value is nil (invalid key).
function M.set(key, value, noCommit) function M.set(key, value)
--log:info(MOD_ABBR, "settings:set: "..utils.dump(key).." to: "..utils.dump(value)) --log:info("settings:set: "..utils.dump(key))
key = replaceDots(key) key = replaceDots(key)
local r = utils.create(UCI_CONFIG_FILE) local r = utils.create(UCI_CONFIG_FILE)
if not rv and msg ~= nil then
local errorMSG = "Issue creating section '"..utils.dump(UCI_CONFIG_SECTION).."': "..utils.dump(msg);
log:warning(MOD_ABBR, errorMSG)
return nil, errorMSG;
local base = getBaseKeyTable(key) local base = getBaseKeyTable(key)
if not base then return false,ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY end if not base then return nil,ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY end
--log:info(MOD_ABBR, " base.type: "..utils.dump(base.type)) if M.isDefault(key) and value == nil then return true end -- key is default already
--log:info(" not default")
local current = uci:get(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SECTION, key)
--log:info(" base.type: "..utils.dump(base.type))
if base.type == 'bool' then if base.type == 'bool' then
if value ~= "" then if value ~= "" then
value = utils.toboolean(value) value = utils.toboolean(value)
@ -270,132 +217,34 @@ function M.set(key, value, noCommit)
elseif base.type == 'int' or base.type == 'float' then elseif base.type == 'int' or base.type == 'float' then
value = tonumber(value) value = tonumber(value)
if(value == nil) then if(value == nil) then
return false,"Value isn't a valid int or float" return nil,"Value isn't a valid int or float"
end end
end end
local valid,m = isValid(value, base) local valid,m = isValid(value, base)
if not valid then if not valid then
return false,m return nil,m
end end
local section = UCI_CONFIG_SECTION; if fromUciValue(current, base.type) == value then return true end
if base.subSection ~= nil then
section = M.get(base.subSection)
local rv, msg = uci:set(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, section, UCI_CONFIG_TYPE)
if not rv and msg ~= nil then
local errorMSG = "Issue getting subsection '"..utils.dump(base.subSection).."': "..utils.dump(msg);
log:warning(MOD_ABBR, errorMSG)
return nil, errorMSG;
if value ~= nil then if value ~= nil then
local rv, msg = uci:set(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, section, key, toUciValue(value, base.type)) uci:set(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SECTION, key, toUciValue(value, base.type))
if not rv and msg ~= nil then
local errorMSG = "Issue setting setting '"..utils.dump(key).."' in section '"..utils.dump(section).."': "..utils.dump(msg);
log:warning(MOD_ABBR, errorMSG)
return nil, errorMSG;
else else
local rv, msg = uci:delete(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, section, key) uci:delete(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SECTION, key)
if not rv and msg ~= nil then
local errorMSG = "Issue deleting setting '"..utils.dump(key).."' in section '"..utils.dump(section).."': "..utils.dump(msg);
log:warning(MOD_ABBR, errorMSG)
return nil, errorMSG;
end end
if noCommit ~= true then uci:commit(UCI_CONFIG_NAME) end
return true
--- Commit the UCI configuration, this can be used after making multiple changes
-- which have not been committed yet.
function M.commit()
uci:commit(UCI_CONFIG_NAME) uci:commit(UCI_CONFIG_NAME)
--- Reset all settings to their default values
-- @string key The key to set.
-- @treturn bool|nil True if everything went well, nil in case of error.
function M.resetAll()
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "settings:resetAll")
-- find all sections
local allSections, msg = uci:get_all(UCI_CONFIG_NAME)
if not allSections and msg ~= nil then
local errorMSG = "Issue reading all settings: "..utils.dump(msg);
log:warning(MOD_ABBR, errorMSG)
return nil, errorMSG;
-- delete all uci sections but system
for key,value in pairs(allSections) do
if key ~= "system" and not key:match('^[A-Z_]*$') then --TEMP: skip 'constants', which should be moved anyway
local rv, msg = uci:delete(UCI_CONFIG_NAME,key)
if not rv and msg ~= nil then
local errorMSG = "Issue deleting setting '"..utils.dump(key).."': "..utils.dump(msg);
log:warning(MOD_ABBR, errorMSG)
return nil, errorMSG;
-- reset all to defaults
for k,_ in pairs(baseconfig) do
if not k:match('^[A-Z_]*$') then --TEMP: skip 'constants', which should be moved anyway
return true return true
end end
--- Reset setting to default value
-- @string key The key to reset.
-- @p[opt=nil] noCommit If true, do not commit the uci configuration; this is more efficient when resetting multiple values
-- @treturn bool|nil True if everything went well, nil in case of error.
function M.reset(key, noCommit)
log:info(MOD_ABBR, "settings:reset: "..utils.dump(key))
-- delete
key = replaceDots(key)
local base = getBaseKeyTable(key)
if not base then return nil,ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY end
local section = UCI_CONFIG_SECTION;
if base.subSection ~= nil then
section = M.get(base.subSection)
local rv, msg = uci:delete(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, section, key)
-- we can't respond to errors in general here because when a key isn't found
-- (which always happens when reset is used in resetall) it will also generate a error
--if not rv and msg ~= nil then
-- local errorMSG = "Issue deleting setting '"..utils.dump(key).."' in section '"..section.."': "..utils.dump(msg);
-- log:warning(MOD_ABBR, errorMSG)
-- return nil, errorMSG;
-- reuse get logic to retrieve default and set it.
if noCommit ~= true then uci:commit(UCI_CONFIG_NAME) end
return true
--- Returns a UCI configuration key from the system section. --- Returns a UCI configuration key from the system section.
-- @string key The key for which to return the value, must be non-empty. -- @string key The key for which to return the value, must be non-empty.
-- @return Requested value or false if it does not exist or nil on UCI error. -- @return Requested value or false if it does not exist or nil on invalid key.
function M.getSystemKey(key) function M.getSystemKey(key)
if type(key) ~= 'string' or key:len() == 0 then return nil end if type(key) ~= 'string' or key:len() == 0 then return nil end
if not v and msg ~= nil then
local errorMSG = "Issue getting system setting '"..utils.dump(key).."' in section '"..UCI_CONFIG_SYSTEM_SECTION.."': "..utils.dump(msg);
return nil, errorMSG;
return v or false return v or false
end end

View File

@ -1,16 +1,6 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
local log = require('util.logger') local log = require('util.logger')
local utils = require('util.utils') local utils = require('util.utils')
local MOD_ABBR = "USTS"
local M = {} local M = {}
local FOLDER = "/tmp/" local FOLDER = "/tmp/"
@ -25,7 +15,7 @@ function M.get(fileName)
local path = getPath(fileName) local path = getPath(fileName)
local file, error = io.open(path,'r') local file, error = io.open(path,'r')
if file == nil then if file == nil then
--log:warning(MOD_ABBR, "Util:Access:Can't read controller file. Error: "..error) --log:error("Util:Access:Can't read controller file. Error: "..error)
return "","" return "",""
else else
local status = file:read('*a') local status = file:read('*a')
@ -37,7 +27,7 @@ function M.get(fileName)
end end
function M.set(fileName,code,msg) function M.set(fileName,code,msg)
--log:info(MOD_ABBR, "setStatus: "..code.." | "..msg) --log:info("setStatus: "..code.." | "..msg)
local path = getPath(fileName) local path = getPath(fileName)
local file = io.open(path,'w') local file = io.open(path,'w')
file:write(code.."|"..msg) file:write(code.."|"..msg)

View File

@ -1,24 +1,10 @@
-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
--- ---
-- The unavoidable collection of utility functions. -- The unavoidable collection of utility functions.
-- -- TODO: use macros/type definitions to document rest modules (to auto-match things like 'M.<func>_NAME%')?
-- Functions in this file are accompanied by unit tests, please study those
-- to see how utility functions are expected to behave.
local M = {} local M = {}
--- Splits a string on a given divider character.
-- @string[opt=':'] div The divider character to use.
-- @return An array containing the resultant substrings.
-- @usage local str = "a,b,c"; local parts = str:split(',')
function string:split(div) function string:split(div)
local div, pos, arr = div or ':', 0, {} local div, pos, arr = div or ':', 0, {}
for st,sp in function() return self:find(div, pos, true) end do for st,sp in function() return self:find(div, pos, true) end do
@ -29,9 +15,6 @@ function string:split(div)
return arr return arr
end end
--- Returns the size of an open file handle.
-- @param file File handle to report about.
-- @treturn number Size of the file, determined by seeking to the end.
function M.fileSize(file) function M.fileSize(file)
local current = file:seek() local current = file:seek()
local size = file:seek('end') local size = file:seek('end')
@ -39,11 +22,6 @@ function M.fileSize(file)
return size return size
end end
--- Convert an object to boolean.
-- String values which will yield true are (case insensitive): '1', 't' and 'true'.
-- Boolean true and numbers other than 0 also yield true, everything else yields false.
-- @param s The object to convert.
-- @treturn bool The converted value.
function M.toboolean(s) function M.toboolean(s)
if not s then return false end if not s then return false end
@ -54,10 +32,6 @@ function M.toboolean(s)
return textTrue or boolTrue or numTrue return textTrue or boolTrue or numTrue
end end
--- Stringifies the given object.
-- Note that self-referencing objects will cause an endless loop with the current implementation.
-- @param o The object to convert.
-- @treturn string Stringified version of o.
function M.dump(o) function M.dump(o)
if type(o) == 'table' then if type(o) == 'table' then
local s = '{ ' local s = '{ '
@ -84,10 +58,6 @@ function M.getUciSectionName(config, type)
return sname return sname
end end
--- Reports whether or not a file exists. This is done by trying to open it.
-- @tparam string file Filename to report about.
-- @treturn bool|nil True if the file exists, false otherwise or nil on invalid argument.
-- @treturn ?string Descriptive message on error.
function M.exists(file) function M.exists(file)
if not file or type(file) ~= 'string' or file:len() == 0 then if not file or type(file) ~= 'string' or file:len() == 0 then
return nil, "file must be a non-empty string" return nil, "file must be a non-empty string"
@ -98,10 +68,7 @@ function M.exists(file)
return r ~= nil return r ~= nil
end end
--- Creates a file if it does not exist yet. --creates and returns true if not exists, returns false it does, nil+msg on error
-- @string file Path and name of the file to create.
-- @treturn bool|nil True if the file has been created, false if it already existed or nil on error
-- @treturn ?string Descriptive message on error
function M.create(file) function M.create(file)
local r,m = M.exists(file) local r,m = M.exists(file)
@ -118,12 +85,7 @@ function M.create(file)
return true return true
end end
--- Create a symlink on the file system. --FIXME: somehow protect this function from running arbitrary commands
-- _Note_ that this function contains a potential security leak as it uses os.execute with given parameters.
-- @string from Source path for the symlink.
-- @string to Target path for the symlink.
-- @return The return value from @{os.execute}, or -1 on invalid parameter(s).
-- @fixme: somehow protect this function from running arbitrary commands
function M.symlink(from, to) function M.symlink(from, to)
if from == nil or from == '' or to == nil or to == '' then return -1 end if from == nil or from == '' or to == nil or to == '' then return -1 end
local x = 'ln -s ' .. from .. ' ' .. to local x = 'ln -s ' .. from .. ' ' .. to
@ -140,15 +102,12 @@ function M.readFile(filePath)
return res return res
end end
--- Runs a command and captures its output using @{io.popen}. -- TODO: this function has been duplicated from rest/api/api_system.lua
-- @string cmd The command to run.
-- @treturn string Output of the command that was run.
-- @todo: this function has been duplicated from rest/api/api_system.lua
function M.captureCommandOutput(cmd) function M.captureCommandOutput(cmd)
local f = assert(io.popen(cmd..' 2>&1', 'r')) local f = assert(io.popen(cmd, 'r'))
local output = assert(f:read('*all')) local output = assert(f:read('*all'))
f:close() f:close()
return output return output;
end end
return M return M

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-- This script contains a number of impromptu tests to check version comparisons, kept around in case real unit tests will be created one day.
argStash = arg
arg = nil
local upd = require('d3d-updater')
arg = argStash
local function dump(o)
if type(o) == 'table' then
local s = '{ '
for k,v in pairs(o) do
if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end
s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. dump(v) .. ','
return s .. '} '
return tostring(o)
local input = '19990213'
local ts = upd.parseDate(input)
print("parse " .. input .. ": " .. ts)
print("format " .. ts .. ": " .. upd.formatDate(ts))
local vertex1 = '0.2.3'
local vertab1 = upd.parseVersion(vertex1)
print("parse " .. vertex1 .. ": " .. dump(vertab1))
print("formatted: " .. upd.formatVersion(vertab1))
local vertex2 = '0.2.3-text'
local vertab2 = upd.parseVersion(vertex2)
print("parse " .. vertex2 .. ": " .. dump(vertab2))
print("formatted: " .. upd.formatVersion(vertab2))
local vA, vB = upd.parseVersion("1.4.5-alpha"), upd.parseVersion("1.4.4-rc1")
local tsA, tsB = 100000, 100005
local cmp1,cmp2 = upd.compareVersions(vA, vB)
print("vA <=> vB: " .. cmp1 .. " / " .. dump(cmp2))
cmp1,cmp2 = upd.compareVersions(vA, vB, tsA, tsB)
print("vA/tsA <=> vB/tsB: " .. cmp1 .. " / " .. dump(cmp2))
cmp1,cmp2 = upd.compareVersions(vB, vA, tsA, tsB)
print("vB/tsA <=> vA/tsB: " .. cmp1 .. " / " .. dump(cmp2))
cmp1,cmp2 = upd.compareVersions(vA, vB, tsB, tsA)
print("vA/tsB <=> vB/tsA: " .. cmp1 .. " / " .. dump(cmp2))
local vWithout,vWith = upd.parseVersion('1.2.3'), upd.parseVersion('1.2.3-sfx')
--print("vWithout: " .. dump(vWithout) .. "; vWith: " .. dump(vWith))
cmp1,cmp2 = upd.compareVersions(vWithout, vWithout)
print("1.2.3 <=> 1.2.3: " .. cmp1 .. " / " .. dump(cmp2))
cmp1,cmp2 = upd.compareVersions(vWithout, vWith)
print("1.2.3 <=> 1.2.3-sfx: " .. cmp1 .. " / " .. dump(cmp2))
cmp1,cmp2 = upd.compareVersions(vWith, vWith)
print("1.2.3-sfx <=> 1.2.3-sfx: " .. cmp1 .. " / " .. dump(cmp2))
print("nn equal? " .. dump(upd.versionsEqual(vWithout, vWithout)))
print("ny equal? " .. dump(upd.versionsEqual(vWithout, vWith)))
print("yy equal? " .. dump(upd.versionsEqual(vWith, vWith)))