--[[ TODO: - network/state returns awfully little information (only station mode) - document REST API (mention rq IDs and endpoint information, list endpoints+args+CRUD type, unknown values are empty fields) - use a slightly more descriptive success/error definition (e.g. errortype=system/missing-arg/generic) - how to handle requests which need a restart of uhttpd? (e.g. network/openap) - a plain GET request (no ajax/script) runs the risk of timing out on lengthy operations: implement polling in API to get progress updates? (this would require those operations to run in a separate daemon process which can be monitored by the CGI handler) - protect dump function against reference loops (see: http://lua-users.org/wiki/TableSerialization, json also handles this well) - (this is an old todo item from network:available(), might still be relevant at some point) extend reconf interface to support function arguments (as tables) so wifihelper functionality can be integrated but how? idea: pass x_args={arg1="a",arg2="2342"} for component 'x' or: allow alternative for x="y" --> x={action="y", arg1="a", arg2="2342"} in any case, arguments should be put in a new table to pass to the function (since order is undefined it must be an assoc array) NOTES: - The endpoint function info in response objects is incorrect when the global function is called with a blank argument, to cleanly solve this, module/function resolution should be moved from main() to the request object ]]-- local l = require("logger") local RequestClass = require("rest.request") local ResponseClass = require("rest.response") local wifi = require("network.wlanconfig") local reconf = require("network.netconfig") --NOTE: pcall protects from invocation exceptions, which is what we need except --during debugging. This flag replaces them with a normal call so we can inspect stack traces. local DEBUG_PCALLS = true local postData = nil local function setupAutoWifiMode() io.write("--TODO: join known network if present, fall back to access point otherwise\n") end local function init() l:init(l.LEVEL.debug) l:setStream(io.stderr) if DEBUG_PCALLS then l:info("Wifibox CGI handler started (pcall debugging enabled)") else l:info("Wifibox CGI handler started") end if (os.getenv("REQUEST_METHOD") == "POST") then local n = tonumber(os.getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH")) postData = io.read(n) end return wifi.init() and reconf.init(wifi, true) end --usually returns function+nil, function+number in case of number in place of function name; or --nil+string if given arguments could not be resolved local function resolveApiFunction(mod, func) if mod == nil then return nil, ("missing module name in CGI call") end local ok, mObj local reqModPath = "rest.api.api_" .. mod if DEBUG_PCALLS then ok, mObj = true, require(reqModPath) else ok, mObj = pcall(require, reqModPath) end if ok == false then return nil, ("API module '" .. mod .. "' does not exist") end if mObj == nil then return nil, ("API module '" .. mod .. "' could not be found") end if mObj.isApi ~= true then return nil, ("module '" .. mod .. "' is not part of the CGI API") end if (func == nil or func == '') then func = "_global" end --treat empty function name as nil local f = mObj[func] if (type(f) ~= "function") then if tonumber(func) ~= nil then return mObj["_global"], tonumber(func) else return nil, ("function '" .. func .. "' does not exist in API module '" .. mod .. "'") end end return f end local function main() local rq = RequestClass.new(postData, DEBUG_PCALLS) -- initializes itself using various environment variables and the arg array l:info("received request of type " .. rq:getRequestMethod() .. " with arguments: " .. l:dump(rq:getAll())) if rq:getRequestMethod() ~= "CMDLINE" then l:info("remote IP/port: " .. rq:getRemoteHost() .. "/" .. rq:getRemotePort()) l:debug("user agent: " .. rq:getUserAgent()) end if (not DEBUG_PCALLS and rq:getRequestMethod() == "CMDLINE") then if rq:get("autowifi") ~= nil then setupAutoWifiMode() else l:info("Nothing to do...bye.\n") end else io.write ("Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n") local mod = rq:getApiModule() local func = rq:getApiFunction() local sf,sr = resolveApiFunction(mod, func) if (sf ~= nil) then if (sr ~= nil) then rq:setBlankArgument(sr) end local ok, r if DEBUG_PCALLS then ok, r = true, sf(rq) else ok, r = pcall(sf, rq) end if ok == true then print(r:serializeAsJson()) else local resp = ResponseClass.new(rq) resp:setError("call to function '" .. mod .. "/" .. sr .. "' failed") print(resp:serializeAsJson()) l:error("calling function '" .. func .. "' in API module '" .. mod .. "' somehow failed ('" .. r .. "')") end else local resp = ResponseClass.new(rq) resp:setError("function unknown '" .. (mod or "") .. "/" .. (func or "") .. "'") print(resp:serializeAsJson()) l:error("could not resolve requested API function ('" .. sr .. "')") end end end if init() == false then local resp = ResponseClass.new() resp:setError("initialization failed") print(resp:serializeAsJson()) --FIXME: this message does not seem to be sent l:error("initialization failed") --NOTE: this assumes the logger has been inited properly, despite init() having failed os.exit(1) else main() os.exit(0) end