-- -- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com). -- -- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D -- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later. -- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details. local log = require('util.logger') local utils = require('util.utils') local uci = require('uci').cursor() local iwinfo = require('iwinfo') local M = {} -- NOTE: fallback device 'radio0' is required because sometimes the wlan0 device disappears M.DFL_DEVICE = 'wlan0' M.DFL_DEVICE_FALLBACK = 'radio0' M.NET = 'wlan' -- NOTE: deviceApi is returned by iwinfo.type(deviceName) local deviceName, deviceApi -- if a substitution of baseApSsid is requested, cachedApSsid is returned if not nil local cachedApSsid, baseApSsid = nil, nil function M.getSubstitutedSsid(unformattedSsid) log:debug("getSubstitutedSsid unformattedSsid:'" .. (unformattedSsid or "nil") .. "' baseApSsid:'" .. (baseApSsid or "nil") .. "' cachedApSsid:'" .. (cachedApSsid or "nil")) if unformattedSsid == baseApSsid and cachedApSsid ~= nil then return cachedApSsid end if not unformattedSsid or type(unformattedSsid) ~= 'string' then return nil end local macTail = M.getMacAddress():sub(7) log:debug(" macTail:'" .. macTail) baseApSsid = unformattedSsid cachedApSsid = unformattedSsid:gsub('%%%%MAC_ADDR_TAIL%%%%', macTail) return cachedApSsid end --- Map device mode as reported by iwinfo to device mode as required by UCI -- Note that this function is quite naive. -- @param mode mode text as reported by iwinfo -- @param masterIsAp set to true to map 'Master' to 'ap' instead of 'sta' (optional) function M.mapDeviceMode(mode, masterIsAp) local modeMap = { ['Master'] = masterIsAp and 'ap' or 'sta', ['Client'] = 'sta', ['Ad-Hoc'] = 'adhoc' } return modeMap[mode] or mode end --[[ - TODO: several modes need to be tested (wep, psk2, mixed-psk) - See: http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci/wireless#wpa.modes ]] function M.mapEncryptionType(scanEncrTbl) local wpaModeMap = { [1] = 'psk', [2] = 'psk2', [3] = 'mixed-psk' } if scanEncrTbl.enabled == false then return 'none' end if scanEncrTbl.wep == true then return 'wep' end return wpaModeMap[scanEncrTbl.wpa] or scanEncrTbl.description end --- Initialize WiFi helper library -- @param device wireless device to operate on (optional, defaults to DFL_DEVICE) -- @return true on success or false+error on failure function M.init(device) deviceName = device or M.DFL_DEVICE deviceApi = iwinfo.type(deviceName) if not deviceApi then local devInitial = deviceName deviceName = M.DFL_DEVICE_FALLBACK deviceApi = iwinfo.type(deviceName) log:info("wireless device '" .. devInitial .. "' not found, trying fallback '" .. deviceName .. "'") if not deviceApi then return false, "No such wireless device: '" .. devInitial .. "' (and fallback '" .. deviceName .. "' does not exist either)" end end return true end function M.getDeviceState() local iw = iwinfo[deviceApi] local encDescription = type(iw.encryption) == 'function' and iw.encryption(deviceName) or '' local result = { ['ssid'] = iw.ssid(deviceName), ['bssid'] = iw.bssid(deviceName), ['channel'] = iw.channel(deviceName), ['mode'] = M.mapDeviceMode(iw.mode(deviceName), true), ['encryption'] = M.mapEncryptionType(encDescription), ['quality'] = iw.quality(deviceName), ['quality_max'] = iw.quality_max(deviceName), ['txpower'] = iw.txpower(deviceName), ['signal'] = iw.signal(deviceName), ['noise'] = iw.noise(deviceName) } return result end --returns the wireless device's MAC address (as string, without colons) --(lua numbers on openWrt seem to be 32bit so they cannot represent a MAC address as one number) function M.getMacAddress() log:debug("getMacAddress") local macText = utils.readFile('/sys/class/net/' .. deviceName .. '/address') log:debug(" macText: '" .. (macText or "nil") .. "'") local out = '' -- Hack to prevent failure in case the MAC address could not be obtained. if not macText or macText == '' then return "000000000000" end for i = 0, 5 do local bt = string.sub(macText, i*3+1, i*3+2) out = out .. bt end return out:upper() end --returns the wireless local ip address function M.getLocalIP() local ifconfig, rv = utils.captureCommandOutput("ifconfig wlan0"); --log:debug(" ifconfig: \n"..utils.dump(ifconfig)); local localip = ifconfig:match('inet addr:([%d\.]+)') return localip; end function M.getDeviceName() return deviceName end --- Return one or all available wifi networks resulting from an iwinfo scan -- @param ssid return data for given SSID or for all networks if SSID not given -- @return data for all or requested network; false+error on failure or nil when requested network not found function M.getScanInfo(ssid) local iw = iwinfo[deviceApi] log:info("start wifi scan") local sr = iw.scanlist(deviceName) log:info("wifi scan done") local si, se if ssid == nil then return sr else if sr and #sr > 0 then for _, se in ipairs(sr) do if se.ssid == ssid then return se end end else return false, "No scan results or scanning not possible" end end return nil end --- Return all wireless networks configured in UCI function M.getConfigs() local l = {} uci.foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s) table.insert(l, s) end) return l end --- Remove UCI config for network with given SSID -- @return true if successfully removed, false if no such config exists function M.removeConfig(ssid) local rv = false uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s) if s.ssid == ssid then uci:delete('wireless', s['.name']) rv = true end end) uci:commit('wireless') return rv end --- Activate wireless section for given SSID and disable all others -- @param ssid SSID of config to enable, or nil to disable all network configs function M.activateConfig(ssid) --log:info("wlanconfig.activateConfig: "..ssid); -- make sure only one is enabled uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s) local disabled = s.ssid ~= ssid and '1' or '0' --log:info(" "..utils.dump(s.ssid).." disable: "..utils.dump(disabled)) uci:set('wireless', s['.name'], 'disabled', disabled) end) uci:commit('wireless') -- make sure the wifi-device radio0 is on top uci:reorder('wireless', 'radio0', 0) uci:commit('wireless') -- put it on top of the wireless configuration so it's the first option when the devices starts uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s) if s.ssid == ssid then uci:reorder('wireless', s['.name'], 1) return false end end) --[[log:info(" result:"); uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s) local disabled = s.ssid ~= ssid and '1' or '0' log:info(" "..utils.dump(s.ssid).." disable: "..utils.dump(disabled)) end)]]-- uci:commit('wireless') end --- Create a new UCI network from the given iwinfo data -- http://luci.subsignal.org/trac/browser/luci/trunk/libs/iwinfo/src/iwinfo_wext.c?rev=5645 (outdated?) -- TODO: delete previous network if exists (match on MAC-address) -- @param info iwinfo data to create a network from -- @param passphrase passphrase to use (optional) -- @param disabled immediately disable the network (optional) function M.createConfigFromScanInfo(info, passphrase, disabled) local mode = M.mapDeviceMode(info.mode) local apconfig = { network = M.NET, device = 'radio0', ssid = info.ssid, --bssid = info.bssid, encryption = M.mapEncryptionType(info.encryption), mode = mode, } if passphrase ~= nil then apconfig.key = passphrase end apconfig.disabled = disabled ~= nil and disabled and 1 or 0 uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s) --if s.bssid == info.bssid then if s.ssid == info.ssid then log:debug("removing old wireless config for net '" .. s.ssid .. "'") uci:delete('wireless', s['.name']) -- return false --keep looking, just in case multiple entries with this bssid exist end end) local sname = uci:add('wireless', 'wifi-iface'); for k, v in pairs(apconfig) do uci:set('wireless', sname, k, v) end uci:commit('wireless') end --- Reload network config to reflect contents of config -- @see http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/techref/netifd) -- * Network reload only restarts interfaces which need to be restarted so no -- unneccesary interruptions there. -- * ubus does not seem to work -- local c=ubus.connect(); -- c:call('network.interface.wlan', 'down'); c:call('network.interface.wlan', 'up'); c:close() -- @param dhcpToo also reload dnsmasq if true function M.restart(dhcpToo) os.execute('/etc/init.d/network reload') --always seems to return 0 if dhcpToo ~= nil and dhcpToo then os.execute('/etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload') end return 0 end return M