-- -- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com). -- -- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D -- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later. -- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details. --- -- Logging facilities. local utils = require('util.utils') local M = {} local logLevel, logVerboseFmt, logStream local LONGEST_LEVEL_NAME = -1 --- Available log levels (starting at 1) -- @table LEVEL M.LEVEL = { 'quiet', -- not used for logging, only for setting levels 'error', -- fatal or non-fatal error condition 'warning', -- possibly troublesome situation 'info', -- information about what the application is doing 'verbose', -- extra trail information on what the application is doing 'bulk' -- debug information (in large amounts) } --[[== module initialization code ==]]-- -- M.LEVEL already has idx=>name entries, now create name=>idx entries so it can be indexed both ways, and init LONGEST_LEVEL_NAME for i,v in ipairs(M.LEVEL) do M.LEVEL[v] = i if v:len() > LONGEST_LEVEL_NAME then LONGEST_LEVEL_NAME = v:len() end end --[[================================]]-- local function log(level, module, msg, verboseFmt) if level <= logLevel then local now = os.date('%m-%d %H:%M:%S') local i = debug.getinfo(3) --the stack frame just above the logger call local v = verboseFmt if v == nil then v = logVerboseFmt end local name = i.name or "(nil)" local vVal = 'nil' local m = (type(msg) == 'string') and msg or utils.dump(msg) if module == nil then module = "LUA " end local levelName = M.LEVEL[level] local padding = string.rep(' ', LONGEST_LEVEL_NAME - levelName:len()) if v then logStream:write(now .. " [" .. module .. "] (" .. levelName .. ")" .. padding .. ": " .. m .. " [" .. name .. "@" .. i.short_src .. ":" .. i.linedefined .. "]\n") else logStream:write(now .. " [" .. module .. "] (" .. levelName .. ")" .. padding .. ": " .. m .. "\n") end logStream:flush() end end --- Initializes the logger. -- @tparam @{util.logger.LEVEL} level Minimum level of messages to log. -- @tparam bool verbose Write verbose log messages (include file/line information). function M:init(level, verboseFmt) logLevel = level or M.LEVEL.warning logVerboseFmt = verboseFmt or false --logStream = stream or io.stdout end function M:setLevel(level, verboseFmt) logLevel = level or M.LEVEL.warning logVerboseFmt = verboseFmt or false end -- pass nil as stream to reset to stdout function M:setStream(stream) logStream = stream or io.stdout end function M:getLevel() return logLevel, logVerboseFmt end function M:getStream() return logStream end function M:error(module, msg, verboseFmt) log(M.LEVEL.error, module, msg, verboseFmt); return false end function M:warning(module, msg, verboseFmt) log(M.LEVEL.warning, module, msg, verboseFmt); return true end function M:info(module, msg, verboseFmt) log(M.LEVEL.info, module, msg, verboseFmt); return true end function M:verbose(module, msg, verboseFmt) log(M.LEVEL.verbose, module, msg, verboseFmt); return true end function M:bulk(module, msg, verboseFmt) log(M.LEVEL.bulk, module, msg, verboseFmt); return true end return M