local M = {} --NOTE: proposed notation for baseline configuration (containing defaults as well as type and constraint information) --the table name is the configuration key; min, max and regex are all optional; type is one of: {bool, int, float, string} --NOTE: pcall protects from invocation exceptions, which is what we need except --during debugging. This flag replaces them with a normal call so we can inspect stack traces. M.DEBUG_PCALLS = true --This enables debugging of the REST API from the command-line, specify the path and optionally the request method as follows: 'p=/mod/func rq=POST' M.DEBUG_API = true --REST responses will contain 'module' and 'function' keys describing what was requested M.API_INCLUDE_ENDPOINT_INFO = false M.apSsid = { default = 'd3d-ap-%%MAC_ADDR_TAIL%%', type = 'string', description = 'Access Point mode SSID', min = 1, max = 32 } M.apAddress = { default = '', type = 'string', description = 'Access Point mode IP address', regex = '%d+\.%d+\.%d+\.%d+' } M.apNetmask = { default = '', type = 'string', description = 'Access Point mode netmask', regex = '%d+\.%d+\.%d+\.%d+' } M.temperature = { default = 230, type = 'int', description = '3D printer temperature', min = 0, max = 350 } return M