--[[ This settings interface reads and writes its configuration using UCI. The corresponding config file is /etc/config/wifibox. To have an initial set of reasonable settings (and allow users to easily return to them), any key not found in the UCI configuration is looked up in the (immutable) 'base configuration' (base_config.lua). This file also contains constraints to check if newly set values are valid. ]]-- local u = require('util.utils') local baseconfig = require('conf_defaults') local uci = require('uci').cursor() local M = {} local UCI_CONFIG_NAME = 'wifibox' -- the file under /etc/config local UCI_CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/config/' .. UCI_CONFIG_NAME local UCI_CONFIG_TYPE = 'settings' -- the section type that will be used in UCI_CONFIG_FILE local UCI_CONFIG_SECTION = 'general' -- the section name that will be used in UCI_CONFIG_FILE local ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY = "key does not exist" local function toUciValue(v, type) if type == 'bool' then return v and '1' or '0' end return tostring(v) end local function fromUciValue(v, type) if type == 'bool' then return (v == '1') and true or false elseif type == 'float' or type == 'int' then return tonumber(v) else return v end end local function isValid(value, baseTable) local type, min, max, regex = baseTable.type, baseTable.min, baseTable.max, baseTable.regex if type == 'bool' then return isboolean(value) or nil,"invalid bool value" elseif type == 'int' or type == 'float' then local numValue = tonumber(value) local ok = numValue and true or false ok = ok and (type == 'float' or math.floor(numValue) == numValue) if min then ok = ok and numValue >= min end if max then ok = ok and numValue <= max end return ok or nil,"invalid int/float value or out of range" elseif type == 'string' then local ok = true if min then ok = ok and value:len() >= min end if max then ok = ok and value:len() <= max end if regex then ok = ok and value:match(regex) ~= nil end return ok or nil,"invalid string value" end return true end local function getBaseKeyTable(key) local base = baseconfig[key] return type(base) == 'table' and base.default ~= nil and base or nil end function M.get(key) local base = getBaseKeyTable(key) if not base then return nil,ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY end local v = base.default local uciV = fromUciValue(uci:get(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SECTION, key), base.type) return uciV or v end function M.exists(key) return getBaseKeyTable(key) ~= nil end function M.isDefault(key) if not M.exists(key) then return nil,ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY end return uci:get(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SECTION, key) == nil end -- pass nil as value to restore default function M.set(key, value) local r = u.create(UCI_CONFIG_FILE) uci:set(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SECTION, UCI_CONFIG_TYPE) local base = getBaseKeyTable(key) if not base then return nil,ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY end if M.isDefault(key) and value == nil then return true end -- key is default already local current = uci:get(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SECTION, key) if fromUciValue(current, base.type) == value then return true end if value ~= nil then local valid,m = isValid(value, base) if (valid) then uci:set(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SECTION, key, toUciValue(value, base.type)) else return nil,m end else uci:delete(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SECTION, key) end uci:commit(UCI_CONFIG_NAME) return true end return M