local JSON = require('util/JSON') local settings = require('util.settings') local defaults = require('conf_defaults') local M = {} M.__index = M local REQUEST_ID_ARGUMENT = 'rq_id' M.httpStatusCode, M.httpStatusText, M.contentType = nil, nil, nil M.binaryData, M.binarySavename = nil, nil local function printHeaderLine(headerType, headerValue) io.write(headerType .. ": " .. headerValue .. "\r\n") end setmetatable(M, { __call = function(cls, ...) return cls.new(...) end }) --requestObject should always be passed (except on init failure, when it is not yet available) function M.new(requestObject) local self = setmetatable({}, M) self.body = { status = nil, data = {} } self:setHttpStatus(200, 'OK') self:setContentType('text/plain;charset=UTF-8') --self:setContentType('application/json;charset=UTF-8') -- a queue for functions to be executed when the response has bin given -- needed for api calls like network/associate, which requires a restart of the webserver self.postResponseQueue = {} if requestObject ~= nil then local rqId = requestObject:get(REQUEST_ID_ARGUMENT) if rqId ~= nil then self.body[REQUEST_ID_ARGUMENT] = rqId end if settings.API_INCLUDE_ENDPOINT_INFO == true then self.body['module'] = requestObject:getRequestedApiModule() self.body['function'] = requestObject:getRealApiFunctionName() or '' end end return self end function M:setHttpStatus(code, text) if code ~= nil then self.httpStatusCode = code end if text ~= nil then self.httpStatusText = text end end function M:setContentType(contentType) if contentType ~= nil then self.contentType = contentType end end function M:setSuccess(msg) self.body.status = 'success' if msg ~= '' then self.body.msg = msg end end function M:setFail(msg) self.body.status = 'fail' if msg ~= '' then self.body.msg = msg end end function M:setError(msg) self.body.status = 'error' if msg ~= '' then self.body.msg = msg end self:addData('more_info', 'http://' .. defaults.API_BASE_URL_PATH .. '/wiki/wiki/communication-api') end --NOTE: with this method, to add nested data, it is necessary to precreate the table and add it with its root key --(e.g.: response:addData('data', {f1=3, f2='x'})) function M:addData(k, v) self.body.data[k] = v self.binaryData = nil end function M:addPostResponseFunction(fn) table.insert(self.postResponseQueue, fn) end function M:executePostResponseQueue() --local utils = require('util.utils') --local log = require('util.logger') --log:info("Response:executePostResponseQueue: " .. utils.dump(self.postResponseQueue)) for i,fn in ipairs(self.postResponseQueue) do fn() end end function M:apiURL(mod, func) if not mod then return nil end if func then func = '/' .. func else func = "" end return 'http://' .. defaults.API_BASE_URL_PATH .. '/cgi-bin/d3dapi/' .. mod .. func end function M:serializeAsJson() return JSON:encode(self.body) end function M:send() printHeaderLine("Status", self.httpStatusCode .. " " .. self.httpStatusText) printHeaderLine("Content-Type", self.contentType) printHeaderLine("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") if self.binaryData == nil then io.write("\r\n") print(self:serializeAsJson()) else printHeaderLine("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" .. self.binarySavename) io.write("\r\n") io.write(self.binaryData) end end function M:setBinaryFileData(rFile, saveName, contentType) if type(rFile) ~= 'string' or rFile:len() == 0 then return false end local f,msg = io.open(rFile, "rb") if not f then return nil,msg end self.binaryData = f:read("*all") f:close() self.binarySavename = saveName self:setContentType(contentType) return true end return M