--[[-- The settings interface reads and writes configuration keys using UCI. All keys have pre-defined defaults in @{conf_defaults} which will be used if no value is stored in the UCI config. The UCI config file is '/etc/config/wifibox'. The default values guarantee there will always be a set of reasonable settings to use and provide a clear overview of all existing configuration keys as well. By the way, returning correct values in get()/fromUciValue() for booleans has been fixed at a relatively convenient time purely thanks to the unit tests... just to indicate how useful they are. :) ]] local uci = require('uci').cursor() local utils = require('util.utils') local baseconfig = require('conf_defaults') local M = {} --- UCI config name (i.e. file under /etc/config) local UCI_CONFIG_NAME = 'wifibox' --- Absolute path to the UCI config file local UCI_CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/config/' .. UCI_CONFIG_NAME --- Section type that will be used in UCI\_CONFIG\_FILE local UCI_CONFIG_TYPE = 'settings' --- Section name that will be used in UCI\_CONFIG\_FILE local UCI_CONFIG_SECTION = 'general' local ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY = "key does not exist" --- Returns a key with all periods ('.') replaced by underscores ('_'). -- @tparam string key The key for which to substitute dots. -- @return The substituted key, or the key parameter itself if it is not of type 'string'. local function replaceDots(key) if type(key) ~= 'string' then return key end local r = key:gsub('%.', '_') return r end --- Returns a key with all underscores ('_') replaced by periods ('.'). -- @tparam string key The key for which to substitute underscores. -- @return The substituted key, or the key parameter itself if it is not of type 'string'. local function replaceUnderscores(key) if type(key) ~= 'string' then return key end local r = key:gsub('_', '%.') return r end --- Converts a lua value to equivalent representation for UCI. -- Boolean values are converted to '1' and '0', everything else is converted to a string. -- -- @param v The value to convert. -- @param vType The type of the given value. -- @return A value usable to write to UCI. local function toUciValue(v, vType) if vType == 'bool' then return v and '1' or '0' end return tostring(v) end --- Converts a value read from UCI to a correctly typed lua value. -- For boolean, '1' is converted to true and everything else to false. Floats -- and ints are converted to numbers and everything else will be returned as is. -- -- @param v The value to convert. -- @param vType The type of the given value. -- @return A lua value typed correctly with regard to the vType parameter. local function fromUciValue(v, vType) if v == nil then return nil end if vType == 'bool' then return (v == '1') and true or false elseif vType == 'float' or vType == 'int' then return tonumber(v) else return v end end --- Reports whether a value is valid given the constraints specified in a base table. -- @param value The value to test. -- @tparam table baseTable The base table to use constraint data from (min,max,regex). -- @treturn bool Returns true if the value is valid, false if it is not. local function isValid(value, baseTable) local varType, min, max, regex = baseTable.type, baseTable.min, baseTable.max, baseTable.regex if varType == 'bool' then return type(value) == 'boolean' or nil,"invalid bool value" elseif varType == 'int' or varType == 'float' then local numValue = tonumber(value) local ok = numValue and true or false ok = ok and (varType == 'float' or math.floor(numValue) == numValue) if min then ok = ok and numValue >= min end if max then ok = ok and numValue <= max end return ok or nil,"invalid int/float value or out of range" elseif varType == 'string' then local ok = true if min then ok = ok and value:len() >= min end if max then ok = ok and value:len() <= max end if regex then ok = ok and value:match(regex) ~= nil end return ok or nil,"invalid string value" end return true end --- Looks up the table in conf_defaults.lua corresponding to a key. -- @tparam string key The key for which to return the base table. -- @treturn table The base table for key, or nil if it does not exist. local function getBaseKeyTable(key) local base = baseconfig[key] return type(base) == 'table' and base.default ~= nil and base or nil end --- Returns the value of the requested key if it exists. -- @param key The key to return the associated value for. -- @return The associated value, beware (!) that this may be boolean false for keys of 'bool' type. function M.get(key) key = replaceDots(key) local base = getBaseKeyTable(key) if not base then return nil,ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY end local v = base.default local uciV = fromUciValue(uci:get(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SECTION, key), base.type) local actualV = v if uciV ~= nil then actualV = uciV end return actualV end --- Returns all configuration keys with their current values. -- @treturn table A table containing a key/value pair for each configuration key. function M.getAll() local result = {} for k,_ in pairs(baseconfig) do if not k:match('^[A-Z_]*$') then --TEMP: skip 'constants', which should be moved anyway local key = replaceUnderscores(k) result[key] = M.get(key) end end return result end --- Reports whether or not a key exists. -- @tparam string key The key to find. -- @treturn bool True if the key exists, false if not. function M.exists(key) key = replaceDots(key) return getBaseKeyTable(key) ~= nil end --- Reports whether or not a key is at its default value. -- 'Default' in this regard means that no UCI value is defined. This means that -- if for instance, the default is 'abc', and UCI contains a configured value of -- 'abc' as well, that key is _not_ a default value. -- -- @tparam string key The key to report about. -- @treturn bool True if the key is currently at its default value, false if not. function M.isDefault(key) key = replaceDots(key) if not M.exists(key) then return nil,ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY end return uci:get(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SECTION, key) == nil end --- Sets a key to a new value or reverts it to the default value. -- @tparam string key The key to set. -- @param value The value or set, or nil to revert key to its default value. -- @treturn bool|nil True if everything went well, nil in case of error. -- @treturn ?string Error message in case first return value is nil (invalid key). function M.set(key, value) key = replaceDots(key) local r = utils.create(UCI_CONFIG_FILE) uci:set(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SECTION, UCI_CONFIG_TYPE) local base = getBaseKeyTable(key) if not base then return nil,ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY end if M.isDefault(key) and value == nil then return true end -- key is default already local current = uci:get(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SECTION, key) -- TODO: test if this fixes setting bools (and does not break settings the other types) -- if base.type == 'bool' then -- value = utils.toboolean(value) -- elseif base.type == 'int' or base.type == 'float' then -- value = tonumber(value) -- end if fromUciValue(current, base.type) == value then return true end if value ~= nil then local valid,m = isValid(value, base) if (valid) then uci:set(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SECTION, key, toUciValue(value, base.type)) else return nil,m end else uci:delete(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SECTION, key) end uci:commit(UCI_CONFIG_NAME) return true end return M