# TODO - do things right and copy (not link) the init script to init.d (and enable it automatically, which links to it from rc.d with the proper start priority?) as sudo does: '[ -n "$$IPKG_INSTROOT" ] || { /etc/init.d/sudo enable}'; and here: https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?pid=85197#p85197 - add more config options to package; candidates: reconf.WWW_RENAME_NAME, wifihelper.{AP_ADDRESS, AP_NETMASK, (NET)} about bridging this to lua: have some Makefile stage create a ini/lua file with k/v's and have lua read out that file? - write a shellscript to automate tasks like swapping out /www and packaging modified code for git merging - add dependency on either wr703n or mr3020 (and probably comment it out to avoid being to conservative...) - see if updating works when a new version is 'released' (probably needs a real feed) - add aliases to root profile only when debugging was requested in menuconfig - symlinks created in the install section of the Makefile should perhaps be created in the postinstall script, this way the package is truly relocatable - add config option to compile sources using luac? - add/link general OpenWrt build instructions for OSX to installation page on wiki. - remove usr/share/lua/autowifi and subdirectories (if empty) in postrm # TODO for autowifi.js - escape text where necessary (e.g. in getKnown, '' is currently interpreted as html...) - why is $.trim() required in string comparison? do we need to strip newlines in the parse functions? - add hidden field in html to remember encryption (so we know whether or not a passphrase should be entered) - instead of showing alerts on missing ssid/phrase in connect, disable the button until contraints have been satisfied (this is also cleaner in case no networks are present) - use json for communication? # Logos Check http://geon.github.io/Programming/2012/04/25/ascii-art-signatures-in-the-wild/ for inspiration D o o d l e 3 D -------- ____ .--- v 1.0.1 | | | | __ | __|.--.| ._| .---..-.-. | | | ||--|| _| |--|| . || . |\ / |________||__||__| |__||____||___|/_._\ D o o d l e 3 D -------- ____ .---- v 1.0.1 | | | |--.| __|-.| ._|---.-.-. | | | |--|| _|--|| . | . |_ _/ |________|__||__||__||____|___|_._\ ....D o o d l e 3 D ...________ _____ _____ v 1.0.1 ../ / / |__ / __/ / - /___ __ ./ ' ' /--// _|-// --| . /v / /________/__//__/__//____/___/_^_\ # Shelled bugs/annoyances (all except the lua errors have been filed) + scripts are only allowed to be created in src folder? (nothing else shown, root greys out 'Finish') + text inside heredoc is highlighted + only one space allowed at start of line...makes it impossible to draw ascii art plus: I think it breaks my spaces/tabs occasionally but that could have been something else - errors after creating new script file (mentioning lua...maybe a conflict?)