local log = require('util.logger') local settings = require('util.settings') local utils = require('util.utils') local netconf = require('network.netconfig') local wifi = require('network.wlanconfig') local ResponseClass = require('rest.response') local signin = require('network.signin') local M = { isApi = true } function M._global(request, response) response:setError("not implemented") end --accepts API argument 'nofilter'(bool) to disable filtering of APs and 'self' --accepts with_raw(bool) to include raw table dump function M.scan(request, response) local noFilter = utils.toboolean(request:get("nofilter")) local withRaw = utils.toboolean(request:get("with_raw")) local sr = wifi.getScanInfo() local si, se if sr and #sr > 0 then response:setSuccess("") local netInfoList = {} for _, se in ipairs(sr) do if noFilter or se.mode ~= "ap" and se.ssid ~= wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.ap.ssid')) then local netInfo = {} netInfo["ssid"] = se.ssid netInfo["bssid"] = se.bssid netInfo["channel"] = se.channel netInfo["mode"] = wifi.mapDeviceMode(se.mode) netInfo["encryption"] = wifi.mapEncryptionType(se.encryption) netInfo["signal"] = se.signal netInfo["quality"] = se.quality netInfo["quality_max"] = se.quality_max if withRaw then netInfo["_raw"] = utils.dump(se) end table.insert(netInfoList, netInfo) end end response:addData("count", #netInfoList) response:addData("networks", netInfoList) else response:setFail("No scan results or scanning not possible") end end --accepts API argument 'nofilter'(bool) to disable filtering of APs and 'self' --accepts with_raw(bool) to include raw table dump function M.known(request, response) local noFilter = utils.toboolean(request:get("nofilter")) local withRaw = utils.toboolean(request:get("with_raw")) response:setSuccess() local netInfoList = {} for _, net in ipairs(wifi.getConfigs()) do if noFilter or net.mode == "sta" then local netInfo = {} netInfo["ssid"] = net.ssid netInfo["bssid"] = net.bssid or "" netInfo["channel"] = net.channel or "" netInfo["encryption"] = net.encryption if withRaw then netInfo["_raw"] = utils.dump(net) end table.insert(netInfoList, netInfo) end end response:addData("count", #netInfoList) response:addData("networks", netInfoList) end --accepts with_raw(bool) to include raw table dump function M.status(request, response) local withRaw = utils.toboolean(request:get("with_raw")) local ds = wifi.getDeviceState() if ds.ssid == nil then response:setFail("Not connected") else response:setSuccess() end response:addData("ssid", ds.ssid or "") response:addData("bssid", ds.bssid or "") response:addData("channel", ds.channel or "") response:addData("mode", ds.mode) response:addData("encryption", ds.encryption) response:addData("quality", ds.quality) response:addData("quality_max", ds.quality_max) response:addData("txpower", ds.txpower) response:addData("signal", ds.signal) response:addData("noise", ds.noise) if withRaw then response:addData("_raw", utils.dump(ds)) end local localip = wifi.getLocalIP() response:addData("localip", localip) end --requires ssid(string), accepts phrase(string), recreate(bool) function M.associate_POST(request, response) local utils = require('util.utils') local log = require('util.logger') log:info("API:Network:associate") local argSsid = request:get("ssid") local argPhrase = request:get("phrase") local argRecreate = request:get("recreate") if argSsid == nil or argSsid == "" then response:setError("missing ssid argument") return end local associate = function() local rv,msg = netconf.associateSsid(argSsid, argPhrase, argRecreate) end response:addPostResponseFunction(associate) --[[local helloA = function() local log = require('util.logger') log:info("HELLO A") end response:addPostResponseFunction(helloA) local helloB = function() local log = require('util.logger') log:info("HELLO B") end response:addPostResponseFunction(helloB)]]-- --[[response:addData("ssid", argSsid) if rv then response:setSuccess("wlan associated") else response:setFail(msg) end]]-- response:setSuccess("wlan is trying to associate") end function M.disassociate_POST(request, response) wifi.activateConfig() local rv = wifi.restart() response:setSuccess("all wireless networks deactivated") response:addData("wifi_restart_result", rv) end function M.openap_POST(request, response) local ssid = wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.ap.ssid')) local rv,msg = netconf.setupAccessPoint(ssid) response:addData("ssid", ssid) if rv then response:setSuccess("switched to Access Point mode") else response:setFail("could not switch to Access Point mode") response:addData("msg", msg) end end --requires ssid(string) function M.remove_POST(request, response) local argSsid = request:get("ssid") if argSsid == nil or argSsid == "" then response:setError("missing ssid argument") return end if wifi.removeConfig(argSsid) then response:setSuccess("removed wireless network with requested SSID") response:addData("ssid", argSsid) else response:setFail("no wireless network with requested SSID") --this used to be a warning instead of an error... response:addData("ssid", argSsid) end end function M.signin(request, response) log:info("API:Network:signin") local success, output = signin.signin() if success then log:info("API:Network:signed in") response:setSuccess("API:Network:signed in") response:addData("response", output) else log:info("API:Network:Signing in failed") response:setError("Signing in failed") end end function M.alive(request, response) response:setSuccess("alive") end return M