#!/usr/bin/env lua --#!/usr/bin/env lua -l strict --TODO: replace prints with D() function from update manager and other slightly smarter mechanisms? local function ERR(msg) print(msg) end local ok, pl = pcall(require, 'pl.import_into') if not ok then ERR('This script requires the Penlight library') os.exit(2) end pl = pl() local um --- update manager module, will be loaded later through @{loadUpdateManager} local lfs = require('lfs') -- assume this exists since it's required by penlight as well ----------------------------- -- CONSTANTS AND VARIABLES -- ----------------------------- local SERVER_HOST = 'localhost' local SERVER_PATH = '~USERDIR/public_html/wifibox/updates' --local SERVER_HOST = 'doodle3d.com' --local SERVER_PATH = 'doodle3d.com/DEFAULT/updates' local D3D_REPO_FIRMWARE_NAME = 'doodle3d-firmware' local D3D_REPO_CLIENT_NAME = 'doodle3d-client' local D3D_REPO_PRINT3D_NAME = 'print3d' local IMAGE_BASENAME = 'doodle3d-wifibox' local BACKUP_FILE_SUFFIX = 'bkp' local RELEASE_NOTES_FILE = "ReleaseNotes.md" local RSYNC_TIMEOUT = 2 local deviceType = 'tl-mr3020' -- or 'tl-wr703' local lock = nil local paths = {} ----------------------- -- UTILITY FUNCTIONS -- ----------------------- local function loadUpdateManager() package.path = package.path .. ';' .. pl.path.join(paths.firmware, 'src') .. '/?.lua' local argStash = arg arg = nil um = require('script.d3d-updater') -- arg must be nil for the update manager to load as module arg = argStash end local function quit(ev) if lock then lock:free() end os.exit(ev or 0) end local function md5sum(file) local rv,_,sum = pl.utils.executeex('md5 -q "' .. file .. '"') return rv and sum:sub(1, -2) or nil end local function getYesNo(question) local answer repeat io.write(question) io.flush() answer = io.stdin:read('*line'):lower() until answer == 'yes' or answer == 'y' or answer == 'no' or answer == 'n' return (answer:sub(1, 1) == 'y') and true or false end local function detectRootPrivileges() local rv,_,userId = pl.utils.executeex('id -u') if not rv then return nil end return tonumber(userId) == 0 and true or false end local function detectOpenWrtRoot() local f = io.open('Makefile', 'r') local line = f and f:read('*line') local rv = (line and line:find('# Makefile for OpenWrt') == 1) and true or false if f then f:close() end return rv end -- returns uri (file path) of the wifibox feed, nil if not found or nil+msg on error -- recognized feed names are 'wifibox' and 'doodle3d' (case-insensitive) local function getWifiboxFeedRoot(feedsFile) local typ, nam, uri = nil, nil, nil local lineNo = 1 local f = io.open(feedsFile, 'r') if not f then return nil, "could not open '" .. feedsFile .. '"' end for line in f:lines() do typ, nam, uri = line:match('^([^%s]+)%s+([^%s]+)%s+([^%s]+)$') if not (typ and nam and uri) then f:close() return uri or nil, "could not parse line " .. feedsFile .. "#" .. lineNo end local commented = (typ:find('#') == 1) if not commented and (nam:lower() == 'wifibox' or nam:lower() == 'doodle3d') then break else typ, nam, uri = nil, nil, nil end lineNo = lineNo + 1 end if uri and not (typ == 'src-link' or typ == 'src-cpy') then return nil, "d3d feed has wrong type '" .. typ .. "', use 'src-link' or 'src-cpy'" end f:close() return uri end -- TODO: pass table to functions to fill in? if they all return either true or nil+msg, that could be used for display of ok/msg -- returns true on success, false on error, and displays meaningful messages --local function runCheck(msg, processFunc) -- io.stdout:write(msg .. "... ") -- return processFunc(--[[ hmm ]]--) --end local function runAction(actMsg, errMsg, ev, func) io.stdout:write("* " .. actMsg .. "...") local rv,err = func() if not rv then print("Error: " .. errMsg .. " (" .. err .. ")") quit(ev) else print("ok") end return true end local function constructImageName(version, devType, sysupOrFactory) return IMAGE_BASENAME .. '-' .. um.formatVersion(version) .. '-' .. devType .. '-' .. sysupOrFactory .. '.bin' end local function imageCachePath() return pl.path.join(paths.cache, 'images') end local function ensureFilePresent(src, tgt) -- print("About to copy '" .. src .. "' => '" .. tgt .. "'") local srcMd5, tgtMd5 = md5sum(src), md5sum(tgt) if not srcMd5 then return nil,"source file does not exist" end if tgtMd5 and srcMd5 ~= tgtMd5 then return nil,"target file already exists but is different from source file" end if not tgtMd5 then if not pl.file.copy(src, tgt, false) then return nil,"could not copy file" end end return true end -------------------- -- MAIN FUNCTIONS -- -------------------- local function prepare() local msg = nil io.stdout:write("* Checking if working directory is the OpenWrt root... ") local isOpenWrtRoot = detectOpenWrtRoot() if isOpenWrtRoot then paths.wrt = pl.path.currentdir() print("found (" .. paths.wrt .. ")") else print("unrecognized directory, try changing directories or using -wrt-root") return nil end io.stdout:write("* Looking for Doodle3D feed path... ") local d3dFeed,msg = getWifiboxFeedRoot('feeds.conf') if d3dFeed then print("found " .. d3dFeed) else if msg then print("not found: " .. msg) else print("not found.") end return nil end paths.firmware = pl.path.join(d3dFeed, D3D_REPO_FIRMWARE_NAME) paths.client = pl.path.join(d3dFeed, D3D_REPO_CLIENT_NAME) paths.print3d = pl.path.join(d3dFeed, D3D_REPO_PRINT3D_NAME) -- if empty, try to choose something sensible if not paths.cache or paths.cache == '' then paths.cache = '/tmp/d3d-release-dir' end io.stdout:write("* Attempting to use " .. paths.cache .. " as cache dir... ") local rv,msg = pl.dir.makepath(paths.cache) if not rv then print("could not create path (" .. msg .. ").") return nil end loadUpdateManager() local rv,msg = pl.dir.makepath(imageCachePath()) if not rv then print("could not create images dir (" .. msg .. ").") return nil end lock,msg = lfs.lock_dir(paths.cache) if not lock then print("could not obtain directory lock (" .. msg .. ").") return nil else print("ok") end return true end local function collectLocalInfo() local info = {} -- temporary fields required for copying image files info.factoryImgPath = pl.path.join(paths.wrt, 'bin/ar71xx/openwrt-ar71xx-generic-' .. deviceType .. '-v1-squashfs-factory.bin') info.sysupgradeImgPath = pl.path.join(paths.wrt, 'bin/ar71xx/openwrt-ar71xx-generic-' .. deviceType .. '-v1-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin') info.version = um.parseVersion(pl.file.read(pl.path.join(paths.firmware, 'src/FIRMWARE-VERSION'))) if not info.version then return nil,"could not determine current firmware version" end info.factoryFileSize = pl.path.getsize(info.factoryImgPath) if not info.factoryFileSize then return nil,"could not determine size for factory image" end info.sysupgradeFileSize = pl.path.getsize(info.sysupgradeImgPath) if not info.sysupgradeFileSize then return nil,"could not determine size for sysupgrade image" end info.factoryMD5 = md5sum(info.factoryImgPath) info.sysupgradeMD5 = md5sum(info.sysupgradeImgPath) if not info.factoryMD5 or not info.sysupgradeMD5 then return nil,"could not determine MD5 sum for image(s)" end info.factoryFilename = constructImageName(info.version, deviceType, 'factory') info.sysupgradeFilename = constructImageName(info.version, deviceType, 'sysupgrade') info.timestamp = os.time() return info end local function fetchVersionInfo() local msg,stables,betas = nil,nil,nil stables,msg = um.getAvailableVersions('stables') if not stables then return nil,msg end betas,msg = um.getAvailableVersions('betas') if not betas then return nil,msg end return stables, betas end local function generateIndex(newVersion, versionTable, isStable) local indexFilename = isStable and um.IMAGE_STABLE_INDEX_FILE or um.IMAGE_BETA_INDEX_FILE local sortedVers = pl.List(versionTable) sortedVers:sort(function(a, b) return um.compareVersions(a.version, b.version, a.timestamp, b.timestamp) < 0 end) local indexPath = pl.path.join(imageCachePath(), indexFilename) local rv = pl.file.copy(indexPath, pl.path.join(paths.cache, indexFilename..'.'..BACKUP_FILE_SUFFIX)) if not rv then return nil,"could not backup index file" end local idxFile = io.open(pl.path.join(imageCachePath(), indexFilename), 'w') if not idxFile then return nil,"could not open index file for writing" end sortedVers:foreach(function(el) idxFile:write("Version: " .. um.formatVersion(el.version) .. "\n") idxFile:write("Files: " .. el.sysupgradeFilename .. "; " .. el.factoryFilename .. "\n") idxFile:write("FileSize: " .. el.sysupgradeFileSize .. "; " .. el.factoryFileSize .. "\n") idxFile:write("MD5: " .. el.sysupgradeMD5 .. "; " .. el.factoryMD5 .. "\n") idxFile:write("ReleaseDate: " .. um.formatDate(el.timestamp) .. "\n") end) idxFile:close() return 0 end local function copyImages(newVersion) local rv,msg rv,msg = ensureFilePresent(newVersion.factoryImgPath, pl.path.join(imageCachePath(), newVersion.factoryFilename)) if not rv then return nil,msg end rv,msg = ensureFilePresent(newVersion.sysupgradeImgPath, pl.path.join(imageCachePath(), newVersion.sysupgradeFilename)) if not rv then return nil,msg end return true end local function copyReleaseNotes() local releaseNotesPath = pl.path.join(imageCachePath(), RELEASE_NOTES_FILE) if pl.path.isfile(releaseNotesPath) then local rv = pl.file.copy(releaseNotesPath, pl.path.join(paths.cache, RELEASE_NOTES_FILE..'.'..BACKUP_FILE_SUFFIX)) if not rv then return nil,"could not backup file" end end local rv = pl.file.copy(pl.path.join(paths.firmware, RELEASE_NOTES_FILE), releaseNotesPath) if not rv then return nil,"could not copy file" end return true end -- TODO: the packages are not really used and the openwrt script to generate the -- package index requires all packages to be present so this has been skipped for now local function buildFeedDir() local scriptPath = pl.path.join(paths.wrt, 'scripts/ipkg-make-index.sh') return nil end local function uploadFiles() local serverUrl = SERVER_HOST..':'..SERVER_PATH -- rsync options are: recursive, preserve perms, symlinks and timestamps, be verbose and use compression local cmd = "rsync -rpltvz -e ssh --progress --timeout=" .. RSYNC_TIMEOUT .. " --exclude '*.bkp' --exclude 'lockfile.lfs' " .. paths.cache .. "/* " .. serverUrl print("Running command: '" .. cmd .. "'") local rv,ev = um.compatexecute(cmd) return rv and true or nil,("rsync failed, exit status: " .. ev) end local function main() print("\nDoodle3D release script") if detectRootPrivileges() then print("Error: refusing to run script as root.") quit(99) end -- local opts = parseOptions(arg) -- -- if opts['wrt-root'] then changedir(opts['wrt-root']) end -- if opts['cache-dir'] then paths.cache = opts['cache-dir'] end -- more options: clear cache, rebuild (download all and generate index from actual files), dry-run, force if not prepare() then quit(1) end -- initialize update manager script um.setUseCache(false) um.setVerbosity(1) um.setCachePath(imageCachePath()) local newVersion,msg = collectLocalInfo() if not newVersion then print("Error: could not collect local version information (" .. msg .. ")") quit(3) end local isStable = (newVersion.version.suffix == nil) print("\nRolling release for firmware version " .. um.formatVersion(newVersion.version) .. " (type: " .. (isStable and "stable" or "beta") .. ").") local stables,betas = fetchVersionInfo() if not stables then print("Error: could not get version information (" .. betas .. ")") quit(1) end if um.findVersion(newVersion.version, stables) or um.findVersion(newVersion.version, betas) then print("Error: firmware version " .. um.formatVersion(newVersion.version) .. " already exists") quit(3) end -- pl.pretty.dump(newVersion) -- print("stables: "); pl.pretty.dump(stables) -- print("==========================="); -- print("betas: "); pl.pretty.dump(betas) --TODO: if requested, fetch images and packages (i.e., mirror whole directory) --TODO: run sanity checks runAction("Generating new index file", "could not generate index", 4, function() return generateIndex(newVersion, isStable and stables or betas, isStable) end) runAction("Copying image files", "could not generate index", 4, function() return copyImages(newVersion) end) runAction("Copying release notes", "failed", 4, copyReleaseNotes) io.stdout:write("* Building package feed directory...") print("skipped - not implemented") -- runAction("Building package feed directory", "failed", 4, buildFeedDir) local answer = getYesNo("? Local updates directory will be synced to remote server, proceed? (y/n) ") if answer ~= true then print("Did not get green light, quitting.") quit(5) end runAction("About to sync files to server", "could not upload files", 5, uploadFiles) print("Done.") quit() end main()