package.path = package.path .. ';./test/?.lua' local ansicolors = require('test.ansicolors') local testFunctionPrefix = 'test_' local function tableIndexOf(t, val) for k,v in ipairs(t) do if v == val then return k end end return -1 end local function runningOnWifibox() local f,e ='/etc/openwrt_release', 'r') return f ~= nil end local function runTestFile(filename, showStackTraces) local r,tf = pcall(require, filename) local stackTrace, errorMessage local function errorHandler(msg) stackTrace = debug.traceback() errorMessage = msg end if not r then return nil,tf end if not tf._is_test then return nil,"not a test file" end local setupFunc, teardownFunc = tf._setup, tf._teardown print("======= running test file '" .. filename .. "' =======") for k,v in pairs(tf) do --if type(v) == 'function' and k ~= '_setup' and k ~= '_teardown' then if type(v) == 'function' and k:find(testFunctionPrefix) == 1 then local baseName = k:sub(testFunctionPrefix:len() + 1) local skip = (tableIndexOf(tf._skip, baseName) > -1) local wifiboxOnly = (tableIndexOf(tf._wifibox_only, baseName) > -1) if not skip and (not wifiboxOnly or runningOnWifibox()) then pcall(setupFunc) local testResult = xpcall(v, errorHandler) pcall(teardownFunc) if testResult then print( .. "[OK ] " .. ansicolors.reset .. k) else print( .. "[ERR] " .. ansicolors.reset .. k) if errorMessage then print(" " .. errorMessage) end if showStackTraces and stackTrace then print(" " .. stackTrace) end end else if skip then print(ansicolors.bright .. .. "[SKP] " .. ansicolors.reset .. k) else print(ansicolors.yellow .. "[WBO] " .. ansicolors.reset .. k) end end end end print("") return true end local function main() if #arg < 1 then print("Please specify at least one lua test file") os.exit(1) end for i=1,#arg do local modName = 'test_'..arg[i] local r,e = runTestFile(modName, true) if not r then io.stderr:write("test file '" .. modName .. "' could not be loaded or is not a test file ('" .. e .. "')\n") end end os.exit(0) end main(arg)