package.path = package.path .. ';/usr/share/lua/wifibox/?.lua' local confDefaults = require('conf_defaults') local u = require('util.utils') local l = require('util.logger') local wifi = require('network.wlanconfig') local netconf = require('network.netconfig') local RequestClass = require('rest.request') local ResponseClass = require('rest.response') local postData = nil local function setupAutoWifiMode() io.write("--TODO: join known network if present, fall back to access point otherwise\n") end local function init() l:init(l.LEVEL.debug) l:setStream(io.stderr) if confDefaults.DEBUG_PCALLS then l:info("Wifibox CGI handler started (pcall debugging enabled)") else l:info("Wifibox CGI handler started") end if (os.getenv('REQUEST_METHOD') == 'POST') then local n = tonumber(os.getenv('CONTENT_LENGTH')) postData = end local s, msg s, msg = wifi.init() if not s then return s, msg end s, msg = netconf.init(wifi, true) if not s then return s, msg end return true end local function main() local rq =, confDefaults.DEBUG_PCALLS) l:info("received request of type " .. rq:getRequestMethod() .. " for " .. (rq:getRequestedApiModule() or "") .. "/" .. (rq:getRealApiFunctionName() or "") .. " with arguments: " .. u.dump(rq:getAll())) if rq:getRequestMethod() ~= 'CMDLINE' then l:info("remote IP/port: " .. rq:getRemoteHost() .. "/" .. rq:getRemotePort()) l:debug("user agent: " .. rq:getUserAgent()) end if (not confDefaults.DEBUG_PCALLS and rq:getRequestMethod() == 'CMDLINE') then if rq:get('autowifi') ~= nil then setupAutoWifiMode() else l:info("Nothing to do...bye.\n") end else local response, err = rq:handle() if err ~= nil then l:error(err) end response:send() end end ---'entry point'--- local s, msg = init() if s == false then local resp = local errSuffix = msg and " (" .. msg .. ")" or "" resp:setError("initialization failed" .. errSuffix) io.write ("Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n") resp:send() l:error("initialization failed" .. errSuffix) --NOTE: this assumes the logger has been inited properly, despite init() having failed os.exit(1) else main() os.exit(0) end