#!/usr/bin/env lua local function ERR(msg) print(msg) end local ok, lfs = pcall(require, 'lfs') if not ok then ERR('This script requires lfs, the Lua filesystem library') os.exit(1) end local D3D_REPO_FIRMWARE_NAME = 'doodle3d-firmware' local D3D_REPO_CLIENT_NAME = 'doodle3d-client' local D3D_REPO_PRINT3D_NAME = 'print3d' local paths = {} local M = {} local function detectOpenWrtRoot() local f = io.open('Makefile', 'r') local line = f and f:read('*line') local rv = (line and line:find('# Makefile for OpenWrt') == 1) and true or false if f then f:close() end return rv end -- returns uri (file path) of the wifibox feed, nil if not found or nil+msg on error -- recognized feed names are 'wifibox' and 'doodle3d' (case-insensitive) local function getWifiboxFeedRoot(feedsFile) local typ, nam, uri = nil, nil, nil local lineNo = 1 local f = io.open(feedsFile, 'r') if not f then return nil, "could not open '" .. feedsFile .. '"' end for line in f:lines() do typ, nam, uri = line:match('^([^%s]+)%s+([^%s]+)%s+([^%s]+)$') if not (typ and nam and uri) then f:close() return uri or nil, "could not parse line " .. feedsFile .. "#" .. lineNo end local commented = (typ:find('#') == 1) if not commented and (nam:lower() == 'wifibox' or nam:lower() == 'doodle3d') then break else typ, nam, uri = nil, nil, nil end lineNo = lineNo + 1 end if uri and not (typ == 'src-link' or typ == 'src-cpy') then return nil, "d3d feed has wrong type '" .. typ .. "', use 'src-link' or 'src-cpy'" end f:close() return uri end -- TODO: pass table to functions to fill in? if they all return either true or nil+msg, that could be used for display of ok/msg -- returns true on success, false on error, and displays meaningful messages --local function runCheck(msg, processFunc) -- io.stdout:write(msg .. "... ") -- return processFunc(--[[ hmm ]]--) --end local function main() print("Doodle3D release script") -- local opts = parseOptions(arg) -- -- if opts['wrt-root'] then changedir(opts['wrt-root']) end -- if opts['cache-dir'] then paths.cache = opts['cache-dir'] end io.stdout:write("Checking if working directory is the OpenWrt root... ") local isOpenWrtRoot = detectOpenWrtRoot() if isOpenWrtRoot then print("ok") else print("unrecognized directory, try changing directories or using -wrt-root") os.exit(1) end io.stdout:write("Looking for Doodle3D feed path... ") local d3dFeed,msg = getWifiboxFeedRoot('feeds.conf') if d3dFeed then print("found " .. d3dFeed) else if msg then print("not found: " .. msg) else print("not found") end os.exit(1) end paths.firmware = d3dFeed .. '/' .. D3D_REPO_FIRMWARE_NAME paths.client = d3dFeed .. '/' .. D3D_REPO_CLIENT_NAME paths.print3d = d3dFeed .. '/' .. D3D_REPO_PRINT3D_NAME -- if empty, try to set something sensible if not paths.cache or paths.cache == '' then paths.cache = '/tmp/d3d-release-dir' end -- check if paths.cache is writable os.exit(1) end --- Only execute the main function if an arg table is present, this enables usage both as module and as standalone script. if arg ~= nil then main() end return M