#!/usr/bin/env lua -- TODO/NOTES: -- M.checkValidImage(verEnt) -> doet exists+fileSize/MD5 check -- after download: (can use checkValidImage for this) -- - remove file on fail -- - check size or md5 and remove file on mismatch [osx: md5 -q ] -- add to status: validImage: none| (can use checkValidImage for this) -- any more TODO's across this file? -- max 1 image tegelijk (moet api doen), en rekening houden met printbuffer (printen blokkeren?) -- MAYBE/LATER: -- add API calls to retrieve a list of all versions with their info (i.e., the result of getAvailableVersions) -- wget: add provision (in verbose mode?) to use -v instead of -q and disable output redirection -- wget: configurable timeout? -- max cache lifetime for index file? -- document index file format (Version first, then in any order: Files: sysup; factory, FileSize: sysup; factory, MD5: sysup; factory, ChangelogStart:, ..., ChangelogEnd:) -- remove /etc/wifibox-version on macbook... -- copy improved fileSize back to utils (add unit tests!) -- create new utils usable by updater as well as api? (remove dependencies on uci and logger etc) -- note: take care not to print any text in module functions, as this breaks http responses -- change representation of sysupgrade/factory info in versionInfo? (and also in image index?) <- create api call to get all info on all versions? local M = {} -- NOTE: 'INSTALLED' will never be returned (and probably neither will 'INSTALLING') since in that case the device is flashing or rebooting M.STATE = { NONE = 1, DOWNLOADING = 2, DOWNLOAD_FAILED = 3, IMAGE_READY = 4, INSTALLING = 5, INSTALLED = 6, INSTALL_FAILED = 7 } M.STATE_NAMES = { [M.STATE.NONE] = 'none', [M.STATE.DOWNLOADING] = 'downloading', [M.STATE.DOWNLOAD_FAILED] = 'download_failed', [M.STATE.IMAGE_READY] = 'image_ready', [M.STATE.INSTALLING] = 'installing', [M.STATE.INSTALLED] = 'installed', [M.STATE.INSTALL_FAILED] = 'install_failed' } M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL = 'http://doodle3d.com/updates' --M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost/~USERNAME/wifibox/updates' M.IMAGE_INDEX_FILE = 'wifibox-image.index' M.CACHE_PATH = '/tmp/d3d-updater' M.STATE_FILE = 'update-state' M.WGET_OPTIONS = "-q -t 1 -T 30" --M.WGET_OPTIONS = "-v -t 1 -T 30" local verbosity = 0 local log = nil -- wifibox API can use M.setLogger to enable this module to use its logger --------------------- -- LOCAL FUNCTIONS -- --------------------- -- use level==1 for important messages, 0 for regular messages and -1 for less important messages local function P(lvl, msg) if log then if lvl == -1 then log:debug(msg) elseif lvl == 0 or lvl == 1 then log:info(msg) end else if (-lvl <= verbosity) then print(msg) end end end local function D(msg) P(-1, (log and msg or "(DBG) " .. msg)) end local function E(msg) if log then log:error(msg) else io.stderr:write(msg .. '\n') end end -- dontShift is optional -- Note: os.execute() return value is shifted one byte to the left, this function -- takes that fact into account, unless dontShift is true. local function wgetStatusToString(exitStatus, dontShift) if not dontShift then exitStatus = exitStatus / 256 end -- adapted from man(1) wget on OSX local statusTexts = { ['0'] = 'Ok', ['1'] = 'Generic error', ['2'] = 'Parse error', -- for instance, when parsing command-line options, the .wgetrc or .netrc... ['3'] = 'File I/O error', ['4'] = 'Network failure', ['5'] = 'SSL verification failure', ['6'] = 'Username/password authentication failure', ['7'] = 'Protocol error', ['8'] = 'Server issued an error response' } local result = statusTexts[tostring(exitStatus)] if result then return exitStatus .. ": " .. result else return exitStatus end end local function createCacheDirectory() if os.execute('mkdir -p ' .. M.CACHE_PATH) ~= 0 then return nil,"Error: could not create cache directory '" .. M.CACHE_PATH .. "'" end return true end local function getState() local file,msg = io.open(M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. M.STATE_FILE, 'r') if not file then return M.STATE.NONE,"" end local state = file:read('*a') file:close() local code,msg = string.match(state, '([^|]+)|+(.*)') return code,msg end -- NOTE: make sure the cache directory exists before calling this function or it will fail. -- NOTE: this function _can_ fail but we don't expect this to happen so the return value is ignored for now local function setState(code, msg) local s = code .. '|' .. msg D("set update state: " .. M.STATE_NAMES[code] .. " ('" .. s .. "')") local file,msg = io.open(M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. M.STATE_FILE, 'w') if not file then E("error: could not open state file for writing (" .. msg .. ")") return false end file:write(s) file:close() return true end -- trim whitespace from both ends of string (from http://snippets.luacode.org/?p=snippets/trim_whitespace_from_string_76) local function trim(s) if type(s) ~= 'string' then return s end return (s:find('^%s*$') and '' or s:match('^%s*(.*%S)')) end -- from utils.lua local function readFile(filePath, trimResult) local f, msg, nr = io.open(filePath, 'r') if not f then return nil,msg,nr end local res = f:read('*all') f:close() if trimResult then res = trim(res) end return res end -- from utils.lua local function exists(file) if not file or type(file) ~= 'string' or file:len() == 0 then return nil, "file must be a non-empty string" end local r = io.open(file, 'r') -- ignore returned message if r then r:close() end return r ~= nil end -- from utils.lua --argument: either an open file or a filename local function fileSize(file) local size = nil if type(file) == 'file' then local current = file:seek() size = file:seek('end') file:seek('set', current) elseif type(file) == 'string' then local f = io.open(file) if f then size = f:seek('end') f:close() end end return size end -- returns return value of command local function runCommand(command, dryRun) D("about to run: '" .. command .. "'"); return (not dryRun) and os.execute(command) or 0 end -- returns return value of wget (or nil if saveDir is nil or empty), filename is optional -- NOTE: leaving out filename will cause issues with files not being overwritten but suffixed with '.1', '.2',etc instead local function downloadFile(url, saveDir, filename) if not saveDir or saveDir:len() == 0 then return nil, "saveDir must be non-empty" end local outArg = (filename:len() > 0) and (' -O' .. filename) or '' if filename:len() > 0 then return runCommand('wget ' .. M.WGET_OPTIONS .. ' -O ' .. saveDir .. '/' .. filename .. ' ' .. url .. ' 2> /dev/null') else return runCommand('wget ' .. M.WGET_OPTIONS .. ' -P ' .. saveDir .. ' ' .. url .. ' 2> /dev/null') end end local function parseCommandlineArguments(arglist) local result = { verbosity = 0, baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL, action = nil } local nextIsVersion, nextIsUrl = false, false for index,argument in ipairs(arglist) do if nextIsVersion then result.version = argument; nextIsVersion = false elseif nextIsUrl then result.baseUrl = argument; nextIsUrl = false else if argument == '-h' then result.action = 'showHelp' elseif argument == '-q' then result.verbosity = -1 elseif argument == '-V' then result.verbosity = 1 elseif argument == '-c' then result.useCache = true elseif argument == '-C' then result.useCache = false elseif argument == '-u' then nextIsUrl = true elseif argument == '-v' then result.action = 'showCurrentVersion' elseif argument == '-s' then result.action = 'showStatus' elseif argument == '-l' then result.action = 'showAvailableVersions' elseif argument == '-i' then result.action = 'showVersionInfo'; nextIsVersion = true elseif argument == '-d' then result.action = 'imageDownload'; nextIsVersion = true elseif argument == '-f' then result.action = 'imageInstall'; nextIsVersion = true elseif argument == '-r' then result.action = 'clear' else return nil,"unrecognized argument '" .. argument .. "'" end end end if result.version then result.version = M.parseVersion(result.version) if not result.version then return nil,"error parsing specified version" end end if nextIsVersion then return nil, "missing required version argument" end if nextIsUrl then return nil, "missing required URL argument" end return result end ---------------------- -- MODULE FUNCTIONS -- ---------------------- function M.setLogger(logger) log = logger end -- baseUrl and useCache are optional function M.getStatus(baseUrl, useCache) if not baseUrl then baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL end local result = {} local verTable,msg = M.getAvailableVersions(baseUrl, useCache) if not verTable then return nil,msg end local newest = verTable[#verTable] result.currentVersion = M.getCurrentVersion() result.newestVersion = newest.version result.stateCode, result.stateText = getState() result.stateCode = tonumber(result.stateCode) if result.stateCode == M.STATE.DOWNLOADING then result.progress = fileSize(M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. newest.sysupgradeFilename) if not result.progress then result.progress = 0 end -- in case the file does not exist yet (which yields nil) result.imageSize = newest.sysupgradeFileSize end return result end -- Turns a plain-text version into a table. -- tables as argument are ignored so you can safely pass in an already parsed -- version and expect it back unmodified. function M.parseVersion(versionText) if type(versionText) == 'table' then return versionText end if not versionText or versionText:len() == 0 then return nil end local major,minor,patch = versionText:match("^%s*(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%s*$") if not major or not minor or not patch then return nil end return { ['major'] = major, ['minor'] = minor, ['patch'] = patch } end -- Formats a version as returned by parseVersion(). -- Strings are returned unmodified, so an 'already formatted' version can be -- passed in safely and expected back unmodified. function M.formatVersion(version) if type(version) == 'string' then return version end return version.major .. "." .. version.minor .. "." .. version.patch end -- expects two tables as created by M.parseVersion() function M.compareVersions(versionA, versionB) if type(versionA) ~= 'table' or type(versionB) ~= 'table' then return nil end local diff = versionA.major - versionB.major if diff == 0 then diff = versionA.minor - versionB.minor end if diff == 0 then diff = versionA.patch - versionB.patch end return diff > 0 and 1 or (diff < 0 and -1 or 0) end function M.findVersion(verTable, version) for _,ent in pairs(verTable) do if M.compareVersions(ent.version, version) == 0 then return ent end end return nil end -- version may be a table or a string, devtype and isFactory are optional function M.constructImageFilename(version, devType, isFactory) local sf = isFactory and 'factory' or 'sysupgrade' local v = M.formatVersion(version) local dt = devType and devType or 'tl-mr3020' return 'doodle3d-wifibox-' .. M.formatVersion(v) .. '-' .. dt .. '-' .. sf .. '.bin' end -- returns a plain text version function M.getCurrentVersionText() local res,msg,nr = readFile('/etc/wifibox-version', true) if res then return res else return nil,msg,nr end end -- returns a table with major, minor and patch as keys function M.getCurrentVersion() local vt,msg = M.getCurrentVersionText() return vt and M.parseVersion(vt) or nil,msg end -- requires url of image index file; returns an indexed (and sorted) table containing version tables -- baseUrl and useCache are optional function M.getAvailableVersions(baseUrl, useCache) if not baseUrl then baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL end local indexFilename = M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. M.IMAGE_INDEX_FILE local ccRv,ccMsg = createCacheDirectory() if not ccRv then return nil,ccMsg end if not useCache or not exists(indexFilename) then local rv = downloadFile(baseUrl .. '/images/' .. M.IMAGE_INDEX_FILE, M.CACHE_PATH, M.IMAGE_INDEX_FILE) if rv ~= 0 then return nil,"could not download image index file (" .. wgetStatusToString(rv) .. ")" end end local status,idxLines = pcall(io.lines, indexFilename) if not status then return nil,"could not open image index file '" .. indexFilename .. "'" end --do not include io.lines error message local result,entry = {}, nil local lineno,changelogMode = 1, false for line in idxLines do local k,v = line:match('^(.-):(.*)$') k,v = trim(k), trim(v) if not log then D("#" .. lineno .. ": considering '" .. line .. "' (" .. (k or '') .. " / " .. (v or '') .. ")") end if not changelogMode and (not k or not v) then return nil,"incorrectly formatted line in index file (line " .. lineno .. ")" end if k == 'ChangelogEnd' then changelogMode = false elseif changelogMode then entry.changelog = entry.changelog .. line .. '\n' else if k == 'Version' then if entry ~= nil then table.insert(result, entry) end local pv = M.parseVersion(v) if not pv then return nil,"incorrect version text in index file (line " .. lineno .. ")" end entry = { version = pv } elseif k == 'ChangelogStart' then changelogMode = true entry.changelog = "" elseif k == 'Files' then local sName,fName = v:match('^(.-);(.*)$') sName,fName = trim(sName), trim(fName) if sName then entry.sysupgradeFilename = sName end if fName then entry.factoryFilename = fName end elseif k == 'FileSize' then local sSize,fSize = v:match('^(.-);(.*)$') sSize,fSize = trim(sSize), trim(fSize) if sSize then entry.sysupgradeFileSize = tonumber(sSize) end if fSize then entry.factoryFileSize = tonumber(fSize) end elseif k == 'MD5' then local sSum,fSum = v:match('^(.-);(.*)$') sSum,fSum = trim(sSum), trim(fSum) if sSum then entry.sysupgradeMD5 = sSum end if fSum then entry.factoryMD5 = fSum end else P(-1, "ignoring unrecognized field in index file '" .. k .. "' (line " .. lineno .. ")") end end lineno = lineno + 1 end if entry ~= nil then table.insert(result, entry) end table.sort(result, function(a,b) return M.compareVersions(a.version,b.version) < 0 end) return result end -- forceDownload, devtype and isFactory are optional -- returns true or nil+msg or nil + return value from wget function M.downloadImageFile(baseUrl, version, forceDownload, devType, isFactory) if not baseUrl then baseUrl = M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL end local filename = M.constructImageFilename(version, devType, isFactory) local doDownload = (type(forceDownload) == 'boolean') and forceDownload or (not exists(M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. filename)) local ccRv,ccMsg = createCacheDirectory() if not ccRv then return nil,ccMsg end --TODO: call M.checkValidImage, set doDownload to true if not valid local rv = 0 if doDownload then setState(M.STATE.DOWNLOADING, "Downloading image (" .. filename .. ")") rv = downloadFile(baseUrl .. '/images/' .. filename, M.CACHE_PATH, filename) end if rv == 0 then --TODO: check if the downloaded file is complete and matches checksum setState(M.STATE.IMAGE_READY, "Image downloaded, ready to install (image name: " .. filename .. ")") return true else local ws = wgetStatusToString(rv) setState(M.STATE.DOWNLOAD_FAILED, "Image download failed (" .. ws .. ")") return nil,ws end end -- this function will not return -- noRetain, devType and isFactory are optional -- returns true or nil + wget return value function M.flashImageVersion(version, noRetain, devType, isFactory) local imgName = M.constructImageFilename(version, devType, isFactory) local cmd = noRetain and 'sysupgrade -n ' or 'sysupgrade ' cmd = cmd .. M.CACHE_PATH .. '/' .. imgName local ccRv,ccMsg = createCacheDirectory() if not ccRv then return nil,ccMsg end setState(M.STATE, "Installing new image (" .. imgName .. ")") -- yes this is rather pointless local rv = runCommand(cmd, true) -- if everything goes to plan, this will not return if rv == 0 then setState(M.STATE.INSTALLED, "Image installed") else setState(M.STATE.INSTALL_FAILED, "Image installation failed (sysupgrade returned " .. rv .. ")") end return (rv == 0) and true or nil,rv end --returns true on success, or nil+msg otherwise function M.clear() local ccRv,ccMsg = createCacheDirectory() if not ccRv then return nil,ccMsg end D("Removing " .. M.CACHE_PATH .. "/doodle3d-wifibox-*.bin") setState(M.STATE.NONE, "") local rv = os.execute('rm -f ' .. M.CACHE_PATH .. '/doodle3d-wifibox-*.bin') return (rv == 0) and true or nil,"could not remove image files" end ---------- -- MAIN -- ---------- local function main() local useCache = true local argTable,msg = parseCommandlineArguments(arg) if not argTable then E("error interpreting command-line arguments, try '-h' for help (".. msg ..")") os.exit(1) end verbosity = argTable.verbosity if argTable.useCache ~= nil then useCache = argTable.useCache end P(0, "Doodle3D Wifibox firmware updater") local cacheCreated,msg = createCacheDirectory() if not cacheCreated then E(msg) os.exit(1) end if argTable.action == 'showHelp' then P(1, "\t-h\t\tShow this help message") P(1, "\t-q\t\tquiet mode") P(1, "\t-V\t\tverbose mode") P(1, "\t-c\t\tUse cache as much as possible") P(1, "\t-C\t\tDo not use the cache") P(1, "\t-u \tUse specified base URL (default: " .. M.DEFAULT_BASE_URL .. ")") P(1, "\t-v\t\tShow current image version") P(1, "\t-s\t\tShow current update status") P(1, "\t-l\t\tShow list of available image versions (and which one has been downloaded, if any)") P(1, "\t-i \tShow information (changelog) about the requested image version") P(1, "\t-d \tDownload requested image version") P(1, "\t-f \tFlash to requested image version (by means of sysupgrade)") P(1, "\t-r\t\tClear downloaded images and reset state") os.exit(10) elseif argTable.action == 'showCurrentVersion' then local vText,msg,nr = M.getCurrentVersionText() if not vText then E("error reading firmware version (" .. nr .. ": " .. msg .. ")"); os.exit(1) end local v = M.parseVersion(vText) if not v then E("error parsing version '" .. vText .. "'"); os.exit(2) end P(1, "version: " .. M.formatVersion(v)) elseif argTable.action == 'showStatus' then local status = M.getStatus(argTable.baseUrl, useCache) P(0, "Current update status:") P(1, " currentVersion:\t" .. (M.formatVersion(status.currentVersion) or '?')) P(1, " newestVersion:\t" .. (M.formatVersion(status.newestVersion) or '?')) if status.stateText and status.stateText:len() > 0 then P(1, " state:\t\t" .. M.STATE_NAMES[status.stateCode] .. " (" .. status.stateText .. ")") else P(1, " state:\t\t" .. M.STATE_NAMES[status.stateCode]) end if status.stateCode == M.STATE.DOWNLOADING then local percent = (status.imageSize > 0) and (math.ceil(status.progress / status.imageSize * 1000) / 10) or 0 P(1, " download progress:\t" .. status.progress .. "/" .. status.imageSize .. " (" .. percent .. "%)") end elseif argTable.action == 'showAvailableVersions' then local verTable,msg = M.getAvailableVersions(argTable.baseUrl, useCache) if not verTable then E("error collecting version information (" .. msg .. ")") os.exit(2) end P(0, "Available versions:") for _,ent in ipairs(verTable) do P(1, M.formatVersion(ent.version)) end elseif argTable.action == 'showVersionInfo' then local verTable,msg = M.getAvailableVersions(argTable.baseUrl, useCache) if not verTable then E("error parsing image index file (" .. msg .. ")") os.exit(2) end local vEnt,msg = M.findVersion(verTable, argTable.version) if vEnt then P(0, "Information on version:") P(1, " version:\t\t" .. M.formatVersion(vEnt.version)) P(1, " sysupgradeFilename:\t" .. (vEnt.sysupgradeFilename or '-')) P(1, " sysupgradeFileSize:\t" .. (vEnt.sysupgradeFileSize or '-')) P(1, " sysupgradeMD5:\t" .. (vEnt.sysupgradeMD5 or '-')) P(1, " factoryFilename:\t" .. (vEnt.factoryFilename or '-')) P(1, " factoryFileSize:\t" .. (vEnt.factoryFileSize or '-')) P(1, " factoryMD5:\t\t" .. (vEnt.factoryMD5 or '-')) if vEnt.changelog then P(1, "\n--- Changelog ---\n" .. vEnt.changelog .. '---') else P(1, " changelog:\t\t-") end else P(1, "not found") end elseif argTable.action == 'imageDownload' then --TODO: first check if version exists local rv,msg = M.downloadImageFile(argTable.baseUrl, argTable.version, not useCache) --TEMP if not rv then E("could not download file (" .. msg .. ")") else P(1, "success") end elseif argTable.action == 'clear' then local rv,msg = M.clear() if not rv then P(1, "error (" .. msg .. ")") else P(1, "success") end elseif argTable.action == 'imageInstall' then local rv = M.flashImageVersion(argTable.version) E("error: flash function returned, the device should have been flashed and rebooted instead") os.exit(3) else P(0, "usage: d3d-updater [-hqVcCvslr] [-u base_url] [-i version] [-d version] [-f version]") end os.exit(0) end -- only execute the main function if an arg table is present, this enables usage both as module and as standalone script if arg ~= nil then main() end return M