local lfs = require('lfs') local log = require('util.logger') local utils = require('util.utils') local settings = require('util.settings') local M = { isApi = true } local ULTIFI_BASE_PATH = '/tmp/UltiFi' local TEMPERATURE_FILE = 'temp.out' local COMMAND_FILE = 'command.in' local GCODE_TMP_FILE = '/tmp/UltiFi/combined.gc' -- returns full path + ultifi path or nil local function printerExists(id) if id == nil then return nil end local path = '/dev/ttyACM' .. id local upath = ULTIFI_BASE_PATH .. '/ttyACM' .. id if utils.exists(path) then return path,upath end path = '/dev/ttyUSB' .. id upath = ULTIFI_BASE_PATH .. '/ttyUSB' .. id if utils.exists(path) then return path,upath end return nil end -- returns printerId,devicePath,ultifiPath or nil if printer does not exist -- when nil is returned, response has already been set as an error local function getPrinterDataOrFail(request, response) local id = tonumber(request:get("id")) if id == nil then response:setError("missing id argument") return nil end local devpath,ultipath = printerExists(id) if not devpath then response:setError("printer does not exist") response:addData('id', id) return nil end return id,devpath,ultipath end -- assumes printerPath exists, returns true if successful, false if command file already exists and is non-empty (i.e. printer busy), -- nil+err if file could not be opened local function sendGcode(printerPath, gcode) local cmdPath = printerPath .. '/' .. COMMAND_FILE local f,msg = io.open(cmdPath, 'a+') -- 'a+' is important, do not overwrite current contents in any case if not f then return nil,msg end if utils.fileSize(f) > 0 then return false end log:debug("sending " .. gcode:len() .. " bytes of gcode") f:write(gcode) f:close() return true end local function addToGcodeFile(gcode) if not gcode or type(gcode) ~= 'string' then return nil,"missing gcode data" end local gcf,msg = io.open(GCODE_TMP_FILE, 'a+') if not gcf then return nil,msg end log:debug("appending " .. gcode:len() .. " bytes of gcode to " .. GCODE_TMP_FILE) gcf:write(gcode) gcf:write("\n") gcf:close() return true end -- assumes printerPath exists, returns true if successful, false if command file already exists and is non-empty (i.e. printer busy), -- nil+err if file could not be opened local function printGcodeFile(printerPath) local cmdPath = printerPath .. '/' .. COMMAND_FILE local cmdf,msg = io.open(cmdPath, 'a+') -- 'a+' is important, do not overwrite current contents in any case if not cmdf then return nil,msg end if utils.fileSize(cmdf) > 0 then return false end log:debug("starting print of gcode in " .. GCODE_TMP_FILE) cmdf:write('(SENDFILE=' .. GCODE_TMP_FILE) cmdf:close() return true end --UNTESTED -- assumes printerPath exists, returns true if successful, false if command file already exists and is non-empty (i.e. printer busy), -- nil+err if file could not be opened local function stopGcodeFile(printerPath) local cmdPath = printerPath .. '/' .. COMMAND_FILE local cmdf,msg = io.open(cmdPath, 'a+') -- 'a+' is important, do not overwrite current contents in any case if not cmdf then return nil,msg end if utils.fileSize(cmdf) > 0 then return false end log:debug("stopping print of gcode") cmdf:write('(CANCELFILE') cmdf:close() return true end local function isBusy(printerPath) local cmdPath = printerPath .. '/' .. COMMAND_FILE if not utils.exists(cmdPath) then return false end local f,msg = io.open(cmdPath, 'r') if not f then return nil,msg end local size = utils.fileSize(f) f:close() return f > 0 end function M._global(request, response) -- TODO: list all printers (based on /dev/ttyACM* and /dev/ttyUSB*) response:setSuccess() end --requires id(int) --accepts with_raw(bool) to include raw printer response function M.temperature(request, response) local withRaw = utils.toboolean(request:get("with_raw")) local argId,devpath,ultipath = getPrinterDataOrFail(request, response) if argId == nil then return end local f = io.open(ultipath .. '/' .. TEMPERATURE_FILE) if not f then response:setError("could not open temperature file") response:addData('id', argId) return end local tempText = f:read('*all') f:close() local hotend, hotendTarget, bed, bedTarget = tempText:match('T:(.*)%s+/(.*)%s+B:(.*)%s/(.*)%s+@.*') response:setSuccess() if withRaw then response:addData('raw', tempText) end -- After pressing print it waits until it's at the right temperature. -- it then stores temperature in the following format -- T:204.5 E:0 W:? if(hotend == nil) then local hotend = tempText:match('T:([%d%.]*).*') response:addData('hotend', hotend) else response:addData('hotend', hotend) response:addData('bed', bed) response:addData('hotend_target', hotendTarget) response:addData('bed_target', bedTarget) end -- get last modified time local file_attr = lfs.attributes(ultipath .. '/' .. TEMPERATURE_FILE) local last_mod = file_attr.modification local last_mod = os.difftime (os.time(),last_mod) response:addData('last_mod', last_mod) end --requires id(int) function M.busy(request, response) local argId,devpath,ultipath = getPrinterDataOrFail(request, response) if argId == nil then return end local b,msg = isBusy(ultipath) if b == nil then response:setError("could not determine printer state") response:addData('msg', msg) else response:setSuccess() response:addData('busy', b) end end function M.printing(request, response) response:setError("not implemented") response:addData('api_refer', response:apiURL('printer', 'busy')) end --requires id(int) function M.heatup_POST(request, response) local argId,devpath,ultipath = getPrinterDataOrFail(request, response) if argId == nil then return end local gcode = settings.get('printer.autoWarmUpCommand') local rv,msg = sendGcode(ultipath, gcode) if rv then response:setSuccess() elseif rv == false then response:setFail("printer is busy") else response:setError("could not send gcode") response:addData('msg', msg) end end --UNTESTED --requires id(int) function M.stop_POST(request, response) local argId,devpath,ultipath = getPrinterDataOrFail(request, response) if argId == nil then return end rv,msg = stopGcodeFile(ultipath) if rv then response:setSuccess() elseif rv == false then response:setFail("printer is busy") else response:setError("could not send gcode") response:addData('msg', msg) end end --requires id(int), gcode(string) --accepts: first(bool) (chunks will be concatenated but output file will be cleared first if this argument is true) --accepts: last(bool) (chunks will be concatenated and only when this argument is true will printing be started) function M.print_POST(request, response) local argId,devpath,ultipath = getPrinterDataOrFail(request, response) if argId == nil then return end local argGcode = request:get("gcode") local argIsFirst = utils.toboolean(request:get("first")) local argIsLast = utils.toboolean(request:get("last")) if argGcode == nil or argGcode == '' then response:setError("missing gcode argument") return end if argIsFirst == true then log:debug("clearing all gcode in " .. GCODE_TMP_FILE) response:addData('gcode_clear',true) os.remove(GCODE_TMP_FILE) end local rv,msg rv,msg = addToGcodeFile(argGcode) if rv == nil then response:setError("could not add gcode") response:addData('msg', msg) return else --NOTE: this does not report the number of lines, but only the block which has just been added response:addData('gcode_append',argGcode:len()) end if argIsLast == true then rv,msg = printGcodeFile(ultipath) if rv then response:setSuccess() response:addData('gcode_print',true) elseif rv == false then response:setFail("printer is busy") else response:setError("could not send gcode") response:addData('msg', msg) end else response:setSuccess() end end return M