package.path = package.path .. ';/usr/share/lua/wifibox/?.lua' local confDefaults = require('conf_defaults') local log = require('util.logger') local settings = require('util.settings') local util = require('util.utils') local wifi = require('network.wlanconfig') local netconf = require('network.netconfig') local RequestClass = require('rest.request') local ResponseClass = require('rest.response') local postData = nil -- expects list with tables containing 'ssid' key as values and returns index key if found or nil if not found local function findSsidInList(list, name) for k,v in ipairs(list) do if v.ssid == name then return k end end return nil end local function setupAutoWifiMode() local wifiState = wifi.getDeviceState() local netName, netMode = wifiState.ssid, wifiState.mode local apSsid = wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.ap.ssid')) local apMode = (apSsid == netName) and netMode == 'ap' local scanList,msg = wifi.getScanInfo() local knownSsids = wifi.getConfigs() if not scanList then return nil, "autowifi: could not scan wifi networks (" .. msg .. ")" end -- START TEMP -- mode should be ap or sta print("wifi name: " .. netName .. ", wifi mode: " .. netMode .. ", expected AP ssid: " .. apSsid .. ", apmode: " .. (apMode and "yes" or "no")) for _,sn in ipairs(scanList) do print("avl net: " .. sn.ssid) end for _,kn in ipairs(knownSsids) do print("known net: " .. kn.ssid .. " (mode: " .. kn.mode .. ")") end -- END TEMP -- if the currently active network is client mode and is also visible, do nothing since it will connect automatically further along the boot process if netMode == 'sta' and findSsidInList(scanList, netName) then return true, "autowifi: no action - existing configuration found for currently wifi visible network (" .. netName .. ")" end -- try to find a known network which is also visible (ordered by known network definitions) local connectWith = nil for _,kn in ipairs(knownSsids) do if findSsidInList(scanList, kn.ssid) then connectWith = kn.ssid break end end if connectWith then print("connectWith: " .. connectWith) --TEMP -- TODO: refactor connect stuff into network:connect() function and adapt api_network_associate as well (and others?) -- TODO: connect with network -- return true, "autowifi: associated -- client mode with ssid '" .. connectWith .. "'" elseif netMode ~= 'ap' then print("shouldBeAp") --TEMP -- TODO: setup AP (refactor into network like with client connect) -- return true, "autowifi: configured as access point with ssid '" .. apSsid .. "'" else return true, "autowifi: no action - no known networks found, already in access point mode" end return nil, "autowifi: uh oh - bad situation in autowifi function" end local function init(environment) log:init(log.LEVEL.debug) log:setStream(io.stderr) local dbgText = "" if confDefaults.DEBUG_API and confDefaults.DEBUG_PCALLS then dbgText = "pcall and api" elseif confDefaults.DEBUG_API then dbgText = "api" elseif confDefaults.DEBUG_PCALL then dbgText = "pcall" end if dbgText ~= "" then dbgText = " (" .. dbgText .. " debugging enabled)" end log:info("Wifibox CGI handler started" .. dbgText) if (environment['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') then local n = tonumber(environment['CONTENT_LENGTH']) postData = end local s, msg s, msg = wifi.init() if not s then return s, msg end s, msg = netconf.init(wifi, true) if not s then return s, msg end return true end local function main(environment) local rq =, postData, confDefaults.DEBUG_API) -- log:info("received request of type " .. rq:getRequestMethod() .. " for " .. (rq:getRequestedApiModule() or "") -- .. "/" .. (rq:getRealApiFunctionName() or "") .. " with arguments: " .. util.dump(rq:getAll())) log:info("received request of type " .. rq:getRequestMethod() .. " for " .. (rq:getRequestedApiModule() or "") .. "/" .. (rq:getRealApiFunctionName() or "")) if rq:getRequestMethod() ~= 'CMDLINE' then log:info("remote IP/port: " .. rq:getRemoteHost() .. "/" .. rq:getRemotePort()) log:debug("user agent: " .. rq:getUserAgent()) end if rq:getRequestMethod() == 'CMDLINE' and rq:get('autowifi') ~= nil then log:info("running in autowifi mode") local rv,msg = setupAutoWifiMode() if rv then log:info("autowifi setup done (" .. msg .. ")") else log:error("autowifi setup failed (" .. msg .. ")") end elseif rq:getRequestMethod() ~= 'CMDLINE' or confDefaults.DEBUG_API then local response, err = rq:handle() if err ~= nil then log:error(err) end response:send() else log:info("Nothing to do...bye.\n") end end --- Main firmware entry point. -- This is either used by uhttp-mod-lua directly, or by the d3dapi cgi-bin wrapper -- script which builds the env table from the shell environment. The wrapper script -- also handles command-line invocation. -- @tparam table The CGI environment table. -- @treturn number A Z+ return value suitable to return from wrapper script. Note that this value is ignored by uhttpd-mod-lua. function handle_request(env) local s, msg = init(env) if s == false then local resp = local errSuffix = msg and " (" .. msg .. ")" or "" resp:setError("initialization failed" .. errSuffix) resp:send() log:error("initialization failed" .. errSuffix) --NOTE: this assumes the logger has been initialized properly, despite init() having failed return 1 else main(env) return 0 end end