local utils = require('util.utils') local log = require('util.logger') local settings = require('util.settings') local wifi = require('network.wlanconfig') local uci = require('uci').cursor() local M = {} local reconf = {} local wifi local reloadSilent M.WWW_CAPTIVE_PATH = '/usr/share/lua/wifibox/www' M.WWW_CAPTIVE_INDICATOR = '/www/.wifibox-inplace' M.WWW_RENAME_NAME = '/www-regular' local function reloadBit(dlist, itemname) if dlist[itemname] == nil then dlist[itemname] = '' end if dlist[itemname] == '' then dlist[itemname] = 'r' elseif dlist[itemname] == 'c' then dlist[itemname] = 'b' end end local function commitBit(dlist, itemname) if dlist[itemname] == nil then dlist[itemname] = '' end if dlist[itemname] == '' then dlist[itemname] = 'c' elseif dlist[itemname] == 'r' then dlist[itemname] = 'b' end end local function bothBits(dlist, itemname) dlist[itemname] = 'b' end function M.init(wifiInstance, reloadSilent) wifi = wifiInstance silent = reloadSilent or false return true end --- Switch configuration between AP and station modes -- @param components a table with components as keys with operations as values (add or remove) -- Valid components (each with add and rm operation) are: apnet, staticaddr, dhcppool, wwwredir, dnsredir, wwwcaptive, natreflect. -- and additionally: wifiiface/add, network/reload function M.switchConfiguration(components) local dirtyList = {} -- laundry list, add config/script name as key with value c (commit), r (reload) or b (both) for k,v in pairs(components) do local fname = k .. '_' .. v if type(reconf[fname]) == 'function' then log:debug("reconfiguring component '" .. k .. "' (" .. v .. ")") reconf[fname](dirtyList) else log:warn("unknown component or action '" .. fname .. "' skipped") end end -- first run all commits, then perform reloads for k,v in pairs(dirtyList) do if v == 'c' or v == 'b' then M.commitComponent(k) end end for k,v in pairs(dirtyList) do if v == 'r' or v == 'b' then M.reloadComponent(k, silent) end end end function M.commitComponent(c) log:info("committing component '" .. c .. "'") uci:commit(c) end function M.reloadComponent(c, silent) log:info("reloading component '" .. c .. "'") if silent ~= nil and silent then os.execute('/etc/init.d/' .. c .. ' reload &> /dev/null') else os.execute('/etc/init.d/' .. c .. ' reload') end end function M.uciTableSet(config, section, options) for k, v in pairs(options) do uci:set(config, section, k, v) end end --[[ Issue '/etc/init.d/network reload' command ]] function reconf.network_reload(dirtyList) reloadBit(dirtyList, 'network') end --[[ Issue '/etc/init.d/wireless reload' command ]] function reconf.wireless_reload(dirtyList) reloadBit(dirtyList, 'wireless') end --[[ Issue '/etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload' command ]] function reconf.dhcp_reload(dirtyList) reloadBit(dirtyList, 'dnsmasq') end --[[ Add wlan interface declaration to /etc/config/network ]] function reconf.wifiiface_add(dirtyList) uci:set('network', wifi.NET, 'interface') commitBit(dirtyList, 'network') end --[[ Add/remove access point network ]] function reconf.apnet_add_noreload(dirtyList) reconf.apnet_add(dirtyList, true) end function reconf.apnet_add(dirtyList, noReload) local ourSsid = wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.ap.ssid')) local sname = nil uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s) if s.ssid == ourSsid then sname = s['.name']; return false end end) if sname == nil then sname = uci:add('wireless', 'wifi-iface') end M.uciTableSet('wireless', sname, { network = wifi.NET, ssid = ourSsid, encryption = 'none', device = 'radio0', mode = 'ap', }) commitBit(dirtyList, 'wireless') if noReload == nil or noReload == false then reloadBit(dirtyList, 'network') end end function reconf.apnet_rm(dirtyList) local sname = nil uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface', function(s) if s.ssid == wifi.getSubstitutedSsid(settings.get('network.ap.ssid')) then sname = s['.name']; return false end end) if sname == nil then return log:info("AP network configuration does not exist, nothing to remove") end uci:delete('wireless', sname) reloadBit(dirtyList, 'network'); commitBit(dirtyList, 'wireless') end --[[ Switch between wireless static IP and DHCP ]] function reconf.staticaddr_add(dirtyList) uci:set('network', wifi.NET, 'interface') --TODO: remove ifname on wlan interface? --NOTE: 'type = "bridge"' should -not- be added as this prevents defining a separate dhcp pool (http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/recipes/routedap) M.uciTableSet('network', wifi.NET, { proto = 'static', ipaddr = settings.get('network.ap.address'), netmask = settings.get('network.ap.netmask') }) bothBits(dirtyList, 'network') end --TODO: replace repeated deletes by M.uciTableDelete function reconf.staticaddr_rm(dirtyList) uci:set('network', wifi.NET, 'interface') uci:set('network', wifi.NET, 'proto', 'dhcp') uci:delete('network', wifi.NET, 'ipaddr') uci:delete('network', wifi.NET, 'netmask') --uci:delete('network', wifi.NET, 'type') --do not remove since it is not added anymore bothBits(dirtyList, 'network') end --[[ Add/remove DHCP pool for wireless net ]] function reconf.dhcppool_add_noreload(dirtyList) reconf.dhcppool_add(dirtyList, true) end function reconf.dhcppool_add(dirtyList, noReload) uci:set('dhcp', wifi.NET, 'dhcp') --create section M.uciTableSet('dhcp', wifi.NET, { interface = wifi.NET, start = '100', limit = '150', leasetime = '12h', }) commitBit(dirtyList, 'dhcp'); if noReload == nil or noReload == false then reloadBit(dirtyList, 'dnsmasq') end end function reconf.dhcppool_rm(dirtyList) uci:delete('dhcp', wifi.NET) commitBit(dirtyList, 'dhcp'); reloadBit(dirtyList, 'dnsmasq') end --[[ Add/remove webserver 404 redirection and denial of dirlisting ]] function reconf.wwwredir_add(dirtyList) uci:set('uhttpd', 'main', 'error_page', '/www/index.html') uci:set('uhttpd', 'main', 'no_dirlist', '1') bothBits(dirtyList, 'uhttpd') end function reconf.wwwredir_rm(dirtyList) uci:delete('uhttpd', 'main', 'error_page') uci:delete('uhttpd', 'main', 'no_dirlist') bothBits(dirtyList, 'uhttpd') end --[[ Add/remove redirecton of all DNS requests to self ]] function reconf.dnsredir_add(dirtyList) local redirText = '/#/' .. settings.get('network.ap.address') local sname = utils.getUciSectionName('dhcp', 'dnsmasq') if sname == nil then return log:error("dhcp config does not contain a dnsmasq section") end if uci:get('dhcp', sname, 'address') ~= nil then return log:debug("DNS address redirection already in place, not re-adding", false) end uci:set('dhcp', sname, 'address', {redirText}) commitBit(dirtyList, 'dhcp'); reloadBit(dirtyList, 'dnsmasq') end function reconf.dnsredir_rm(dirtyList) local sname = utils.getUciSectionName('dhcp', 'dnsmasq') if sname == nil then return log:error("dhcp config does not contain a dnsmasq section") end uci:delete('dhcp', sname, 'address') commitBit(dirtyList, 'dhcp'); reloadBit(dirtyList, 'dnsmasq') end --TODO: handle os.rename() return values (nil+msg on error) function reconf.wwwcaptive_add(dirtyList) if utils.exists(M.WWW_CAPTIVE_INDICATOR) then return log:debug("WWW captive directory already in place, not redoing", false) end local rv,reason = os.rename('/www', M.WWW_RENAME_NAME) if rv == true then utils.symlink(M.WWW_CAPTIVE_PATH, '/www') return true else return log:error("Could not rename /www to " .. M.WWW_RENAME_NAME .. "(" .. reason .. ")") end end function reconf.wwwcaptive_rm(dirtyList) if not utils.exists(M.WWW_CAPTIVE_INDICATOR) then return log:debug("WWW captive directory not in place, not undoing", false) end os.remove('/www') if os.rename(M.WWW_RENAME_NAME, '/www') ~= true then return log:error("Could not rename " .. M.WWW_RENAME_NAME .. " to /www") end return true end --[[ Setup/remove NAT reflection to redirect all IPs ]] function reconf.natreflect_add(dirtyList) uci:set('firewall', 'portalreflect', 'redirect'); M.uciTableSet('firewall', 'portalreflect', { src = 'lan', proto = 'tcp', src_dport = '80', dest_port = '80', dest_ip = settings.get('network.ap.address'), target = 'DNAT' }) bothBits(dirtyList, 'firewall') end function reconf.natreflect_rm(dirtyList) uci:delete('firewall', 'portalreflect') bothBits(dirtyList, 'firewall') end return M