---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utility functions for encoding/decoding of URLs. -- -- @release $Id: urlcode.lua,v 1.10 2008/01/21 16:11:32 carregal Exp $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- local ipairs, next, pairs, tonumber, type = ipairs, next, pairs, tonumber, type local string = require"string" local gsub = string.gsub local strbyte, strchar, strformat, strsub = string.byte, string.char, string.format, string.sub local tinsert = require"table".insert --module ("cgilua.urlcode") local _M = {} -- Converts an hexadecimal code in the form %XX to a character local function hexcode2char (h) return strchar(tonumber(h,16)) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Decode an URL-encoded string (see RFC 2396) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function _M.unescape (str) str = gsub (str, "+", " ") str = gsub (str, "%%(%x%x)", hexcode2char) str = gsub (str, "\r\n", "\n") return str end -- Converts a character to an hexadecimal code in the form %XX local function char2hexcode (c) return strformat ("%%%02X", strbyte(c)) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- URL-encode a string (see RFC 2396) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function _M.escape (str) str = gsub (str, "\n", "\r\n") str = gsub (str, "([^0-9a-zA-Z ])", char2hexcode) -- locale independent str = gsub (str, " ", "+") return str end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Insert a (name=value) pair into table [[args]] -- @param args Table to receive the result. -- @param name Key for the table. -- @param value Value for the key. -- Multi-valued names will be represented as tables with numerical indexes -- (in the order they came). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function _M.insertfield (args, name, value) if not args[name] then args[name] = value else local t = type (args[name]) if t == "string" then args[name] = { args[name], value, } elseif t == "table" then tinsert (args[name], value) else error ("CGILua fatal error (invalid args table)!") end end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parse url-encoded request data -- (the query part of the script URL or url-encoded post data) -- -- Each decoded (name=value) pair is inserted into table [[args]] -- @param query String to be parsed. -- @param args Table where to store the pairs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function _M.parsequery (query, args) if type(query) == "string" then local insertfield, unescape = _M.insertfield, _M.unescape gsub (query, "([^&=]+)=([^&=]*)&?", function (key, val) _M.insertfield (args, unescape(key), unescape(val)) end) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- URL-encode the elements of a table creating a string to be used in a -- URL for passing data/parameters to another script -- @param args Table where to extract the pairs (name=value). -- @return String with the resulting encoding. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function _M.encodetable (args) if args == nil or next(args) == nil then -- no args or empty args? return "" end local escape = _M.escape local strp = "" for key, vals in pairs(args) do if type(vals) ~= "table" then vals = {vals} end for i,val in ipairs(vals) do strp = strp.."&"..escape(key).."="..escape(val) end end -- remove first & return strsub(strp,2) end return _M