#!/usr/bin/env lua --[[ For documentation on this script, see README-loglite.md. Ideas for improvement: * add more directives like uppercase, prefix/suffix? * create separate package for this script: a) since it is useful for any log file, b) this file is getting somewhat long * for broader terminal support: detect `tput` and use it if available (http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/scripting/terminalcodes) * pre-split keyword lists for efficiency instead of redoing this at every new line? FIXME: * with deleteMode enabled, multiple matches and _nodelete in a later match, previous directives are ignored ]]-- --[[========================================================================]]-- --Note: overview of ANSI escape codes: http://ascii-table.com/ansi-escape-sequences.php (support varies per terminal/termtype) local ANSI_COLORS = { ['bold'] = 1, ['underscore'] = 4, ['blink'] = 5, -- on osx/iterm2, this has to be enabled in preferences ['reverse'] = 7, ['black'] = 30, ['red'] = 31, ['green'] = 32, ['yellow'] = 33, ['blue'] = 34, ['magenta'] = 35, ['cyan'] = 36, ['white'] = 37, ['bblack'] = 40, ['bred'] = 41, ['bgreen'] = 42, ['byellow'] = 43, ['bblue'] = 44, ['bmagenta'] = 45, ['bcyan'] = 46, ['bwhite'] = 47 } local ESCAPE_STR = string.char(27) .. "[" local RESET_CODE = ESCAPE_STR .. "m" local DFL_FILTERSET_FILE = "loglite-filters.lua" --[[========================================================================]]-- --- Stringifies the given object. -- From util/utils.lua -- Note that self-referencing objects will cause an endless loop with the current implementation. -- @param o The object to convert. -- @treturn string Stringified version of o. local function dump(o) if type(o) == 'table' then local s = '{ ' for k,v in pairs(o) do if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. dump(v) .. ',' end return s .. '} ' else return tostring(o) end end --- Splits a string on a given divider character. -- From util/utils.lua -- @string[opt=':'] div The divider character to use. -- @return An array containing the resultant substrings. -- @usage local str = "a,b,c"; local parts = str:split(',') function string:split(div) local div, pos, arr = div or ':', 0, {} for st,sp in function() return self:find(div, pos, true) end do table.insert(arr, self:sub(pos, st - 1)) pos = sp + 1 end table.insert(arr, self:sub(pos)) return arr end --- Determines if filename exists and can be opened for reading. -- From http://stackoverflow.com/a/4991602 -- @string filename The file to test. -- @return True if the file exists and is readable, false otherwise. function fileExists(filename) local f = io.open(filename, "r") if f ~= nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end --- Converts keys of a table into a string. -- Adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/a/12674376. -- @string tbl A key/value table. -- @string[opt=','] sep Separator to use between items. -- @boolean[opt=false] sort Whether or not to sort the resulting list. -- @return A string with all keys from the given table. local function keysToString(tbl, sep, sort) local sep, sort = sep or ',', sort or false local keyset, n = {}, 0 for k,_ in pairs(tbl) do n = n + 1 keyset[n] = k end if sort then table.sort(keyset) end return table.concat(keyset, sep) end --- Merge two tables recursively (i.e., subtables also get merged). -- from: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1283608 -- @table t1 Table to merge into. -- @table t2 Table to merge into t1. -- @return The combined table (actually t1). function mergeTables(t1, t2) for k,v in pairs(t2) do if type(v) == "table" then if type(t1[k] or false) == "table" then mergeTables(t1[k] or {}, t2[k] or {}) else t1[k] = v end else t1[k] = v end end return t1 end local function hasValue(t, needle) for k,v in pairs(t) do if needle == v then return k end end return nil end local function makeAnsiCode(key) if not ANSI_COLORS[key] then return nil end return ESCAPE_STR .. ANSI_COLORS[key] .. 'm' end --[[========================================================================]]-- local function tailStream(stream, filterSet) patterns = filterSet and filterSet.patterns or {} options = filterSet and filterSet.options or { ['mode'] = 'keep' } local c = 0 for line in stream:lines() do --c = c + 1 -- Note: this would also count deleted lines local embellished = line local keepLine = (options.mode == 'keep') local keepLineOverridden = false -- look for a pattern matching this line for p,c in pairs(patterns) do if line:match(p) then --print("[DEBUG] +matched rule '" .. p .. "'/'" .. c .. "' against '" .. line .. "'") local kws = c:split(',') if hasValue(kws, '_delete') then keepLine = false; keepLineOverridden = true elseif hasValue(kws, '_nodelete') then keepLine = true; keepLineOverridden = true end if keepLine then -- first collect formatting sequences local fmt = '' for _,kw in ipairs(kws) do local code = makeAnsiCode(kw) if code then fmt = fmt .. code end end -- then wrap the line in formatting, if any if fmt:len() > 0 then embellished = fmt .. embellished .. RESET_CODE end else -- Note: break out of loop and stop processing when line should be deleted _if_ the default has been overridden to do so if keepLineOverridden then embellished = nil break end end --break -- Note: don't break, allow multiple matches per line, e.g. to mix and match fg and bg colors end end if embellished and keepLine then c = c + 1 if options.count == 'all' then print(c, embellished) else print(embellished) end else --print("[DEBUG] -skipped '"..line.."'") end --c = line:match 'truncated' and 0 or c -- from tail on stderr apparently end end --TODO: could be extended to look for multiple filenames in multiple paths local function readConfigFile(filename, searchPath) fullPath = searchPath .. '/' .. filename if not fileExists(fullPath) then --print("[DEBUG] config file '" .. fullPath .. "' not found") return nil end --print("[DEBUG] using config file '" .. fullPath .. "'") -- require does not accept full paths? also, pcall does not help with dofile return dofile(fullPath) end --- Load filter set with given name from configSets, with inheritance as specified. local function readFilterSet(configSets, setName) local result = {} for k,_ in pairs(configSets) do if k == setName then parent = configSets[setName]['parent'] if parent ~= nil then --print("[DEBUG] recursing for filter set '" .. parent .. "' from config") result = mergeTables(result, readFilterSet(configSets, parent)) end --print("[DEBUG] using/merging filter set '" .. setName .. "' from config") result = mergeTables(result, configSets[setName]) break end end return result end --NOTE: if command-line options get any more complex, switch to a lightweight -- getopt like this one? https://attractivechaos.wordpress.com/2011/04/07/getopt-for-lua/ local function main() -- handle command-line arguments local showHelp, followFile, filterSetName = false, nil, 'default' if #arg > 0 and arg[1] == "-h" or arg[1] == "--help" then showHelp = true else if #arg > 0 and arg[1] ~= '-' then followFile = arg[1] end if #arg > 1 then filterSetName = arg[2] end end -- read filter set file if available local configSets = readConfigFile(DFL_FILTERSET_FILE, os.getenv('HOME')) or {} local filterSet = readFilterSet(configSets, filterSetName) --print("[DEBUG] final filter set for '" .. filterSetName .. "' from config: " .. dump(filterSet)) -- if requested, display help and exit if showHelp and showHelp == true then print("Usage: loglite.lua [file-to-tail] [filter-set]") print(" If no arguments are supplied, or if the first one is `-', stdin is used as input.") print(" If no filter set is supplied, a set named `default' will be looked for.") print(" Filter sets can be defined in a file `loglite-filters.lua' in your home directory.") print() print(" Available filter sets in " .. os.getenv('HOME') .. "/" .. DFL_FILTERSET_FILE .. ": " .. keysToString(configSets, ', ', true)) os.exit(0) end ------------------------- --print("[DEBUG] following file: '" .. (followFile and followFile or "") .. "', with filter set '" .. filterSetName .. "'.") --Info on tailing a file: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17363973/how-can-i-tail-f-a-log-filetruncate-aware-in-lua --local tailin = io.popen('tail -F '..(...)..' 2>&1', 'r') local tailin = followFile and io.popen('tail -f ' .. followFile, 'r') or io.stdin pcall(tailStream, tailin, filterSet) -- Note: protected call to suppress interrupt error thrown by lines iterator end main() os.exit(0)