-- -- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com). -- -- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D -- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later. -- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details. -- TODO: return errors like in print_POST (error message in a 'msg' key instead of directly in the response) if this does not break API compatibility local lfs = require('lfs') local log = require('util.logger') local utils = require('util.utils') local settings = require('util.settings') local printerUtils = require('util.printer') local accessManager = require('util.access') local MOD_ABBR = "APRN" local M = { isApi = true } function M._global(request, response) -- TODO: list all printers (based on /dev/ttyACM* and /dev/ttyUSB*) response:setSuccess() end function M.temperature(request, response) local argId = request:get("id") local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response) if not printer or not printer:hasSocket() then return end local temperatures,msg = printer:getTemperatures() response:addData('id', argId) if temperatures then response:setSuccess() response:addData('hotend', temperatures.hotend) response:addData('hotend_target', temperatures.hotend_target) response:addData('bed', temperatures.bed) response:addData('bed_target', temperatures.bed_target) elseif temperatures == false then response:addData('status', msg) response:setFail() else response:setError(msg) end end function M.progress(request, response) local argId = request:get("id") local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response) if not printer or not printer:hasSocket() then return end -- NOTE: despite their names, `currentLine` is still the error indicator and `bufferedLines` the message in such case. local currentLine,bufferedLines,totalLines,bufferSize,maxBufferSize = printer:getProgress() response:addData('id', argId) if currentLine then response:setSuccess() response:addData('current_line', currentLine) response:addData('buffered_lines', bufferedLines) response:addData('total_lines', totalLines) response:addData('buffer_size', bufferSize) response:addData('max_buffer_size', maxBufferSize) elseif progress == false then response:addData('status', bufferedLines) response:setFail() else response:setError(bufferedLines) end end -- Note: onlyReturnState is optional and prevents response from being modified, used when calling from within other api call -- Note: unlike regular API-functions, this one returns either true+state or false function M.state(request, response, onlyReturnState) local argId = request:get("id") if not onlyReturnState then response:addData('id', argId) end local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response) if not printer then local printerState = "disconnected" if not onlyReturnState then response:setSuccess() response:addData('state', printerState) end return true, printerState elseif not printer:hasSocket() then -- while dev is present but no server is running yet, return 'fake' connecting state local printerState = "connecting" if not onlyReturnState then response:setSuccess() response:addData('state', printerState) end return true, printerState else local rv,msg = printer:getState() if rv then if not onlyReturnState then response:setSuccess() response:addData('state', rv) end return true, rv else -- Note: do not differentiate between false and nil here, false should never be returned if not onlyReturnState then response:setError(msg) end return false end end --this point cannot be reached, no return necessary end -- retrieve a list of 3D printers currently supported function M.listall(request, response) response:setSuccess() response:addData('printers', printerUtils.supportedPrinters()) end function M.heatup_POST(request, response) if not accessManager.hasControl(request.remoteAddress) then response:setFail("No control access") return end local argId = request:get("id") local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response) if not printer or not printer:hasSocket() then return false end local temperature = settings.get('printer.heatup.temperature') local rv,msg = printer:heatup(temperature) response:addData('id', argId) if rv then response:setSuccess() elseif rv == false then response:addData('status', msg) response:setFail() else response:setError(msg) end end function M.stop_POST(request, response) log:info(MOD_ABBR, "API:printer/stop") if not accessManager.hasControl(request.remoteAddress) then response:setFail("No control access") return end local argId = request:get("id") local argGcode = request:get("gcode") local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response) if not printer or not printer:hasSocket() then return end if(argGcode == nil) then argGcode = "" end local rv,msg = printer:stopPrint(argGcode) response:addData('id', argId) if rv then response:setSuccess() elseif rv == false then response:addData('status', msg) response:setFail() else response:setError(msg) end end --requires: gcode(string) (the gcode to be appended) --accepts: id(string) (the printer ID to append to) --accepts: clear(bool) (chunks will be concatenated but output file will be cleared first if this argument is true) --accepts: first(deprecated) (an alias for 'clear') --accepts: start(bool) (only when this argument is true will printing be started) --accepts: total_lines(int) (the total number of lines that is going to be sent, will be used only for reporting progress) --accepts: seq_number(int) (sequence number of the chunk, must be given until clear() after given once, and incremented each time) --accepts: seq_total(int) (total number of gcode chunks to be appended, must be given until clear() after given once, and stay the same) --returns: when the gcode buffer cannot accept the gcode, or the IPC transaction fails, a fail with a (formal, i.e., parseable) status argument will be returned function M.print_POST(request, response) log:info(MOD_ABBR, "API:printer/print") local controllerIP = accessManager.getController() local hasControl = false if controllerIP == "" then accessManager.setController(request.remoteAddress) hasControl = true elseif controllerIP == request.remoteAddress then hasControl = true end log:info(MOD_ABBR, " hasControl: "..utils.dump(hasControl)) if not hasControl then response:setFail("No control access") return end local argId = request:get("id") local argGcode = request:get("gcode") local argClear = utils.toboolean(request:get("clear")) local argIsFirst = utils.toboolean(request:get("first")) -- deprecated local argStart = utils.toboolean(request:get("start")) local argTotalLines = request:get("total_lines") or -1 local argSeqNumber = request:get("seq_number") or -1 local argSeqTotal = request:get("seq_total") or -1 local remoteHost = request:getRemoteHost() local printer,msg = printerUtils.createPrinterOrFail(argId, response) if not printer or not printer:hasSocket() then return end response:addData('id', argId) if argGcode == nil or argGcode == '' then response:setError("missing gcode argument") return end if argClear == true or argIsFirst == true then log:verbose(MOD_ABBR, " clearing all gcode for " .. printer:getId()) response:addData('gcode_clear',true) local rv,msg = printer:clearGcode() if rv == false then response:addData('status', msg) response:setFail("could not clear gcode") elseif rv == nil then response:setError(msg) return end end local rv,msg rv,msg = printer:appendGcode(argGcode, argTotalLines, { seq_number = argSeqNumber, seq_total = argSeqTotal, source = remoteHost }) if rv then --NOTE: this does not report the number of lines, but only the block which has just been added response:addData('gcode_append',argGcode:len()) elseif rv == false then response:addData('status', msg) response:setFail("could not add gcode") return else response:addData('msg', msg) response:setError("could not add gcode") return end if argStart == true then rv,msg = printer:startPrint() if rv then response:setSuccess() response:addData('gcode_print',true) elseif rv == false then response:addData('status', msg) response:setFail("could not send gcode") return else response:addData('msg', msg) response:setError("could not send gcode") return end else response:setSuccess() end end return M