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-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
-- The settings interface reads and writes configuration keys using [UCI](http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci).
-- All keys have pre-defined defaults in @{conf_defaults} which will be used
-- if no value is stored in the UCI config. The UCI config file is `/etc/config/wifibox`.
-- The default values guarantee there will always be a set of reasonable settings
-- to use and provide a clear overview of all existing configuration keys as well.
-- uci api: http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/techref/uci, http://luci.subsignal.org/api/luci/modules/luci.model.uci.html
local uci = require('uci').cursor()
local utils = require('util.utils')
local baseconfig = require('conf_defaults')
local utils = require('util.utils')
local log = require('util.logger')
local M = {}
--- UCI config name (i.e., file under `/etc/config`)
local UCI_CONFIG_NAME = 'wifibox'
--- Absolute path to the UCI config file
local UCI_CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/config/' .. UCI_CONFIG_NAME
--- [Section type](http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/techref/uci#about.uci.structure) that will be used in @{UCI_CONFIG_FILE}
local UCI_CONFIG_TYPE = 'settings'
--- [Section name](http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/techref/uci#about.uci.structure) that will be used for 'public' settings (as predefined in conf_defaults.lua) in @{UCI_CONFIG_FILE}
local UCI_CONFIG_SECTION = 'general'
--- [Section name](http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/techref/uci#about.uci.structure) that will be used for 'firmware-local' settings in @{UCI_CONFIG_FILE}
local ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY = "key does not exist"
--- Returns a key with all periods ('.') replaced by underscores ('_').
-- @string key The key for which to substitute dots.
-- @return The substituted key, or the key parameter itself if it is not of type 'string'.
local function replaceDots(key)
if type(key) ~= 'string' then return key end
local r = key:gsub('%.', '_')
return r
--- Returns a key with all underscores ('_') replaced by periods ('.').
-- @string key The key for which to substitute underscores.
-- @return The substituted key, or the key parameter itself if it is not of type 'string'.
local function replaceUnderscores(key)
if type(key) ~= 'string' then return key end
local r = key:gsub('_', '%.')
return r
--- Converts a lua value to equivalent representation for UCI.
-- Boolean values are converted to '1' and '0', everything else is converted to a string.
-- @p v The value to convert.
-- @p vType The type of the given value.
-- @return A value usable to write to UCI.
local function toUciValue(v, vType)
if vType == 'bool' then return v and '1' or '0' end
if(vType == 'string') then
v = v:gsub('[\n\r]', '\\n')
return tostring(v)
--- Converts a value read from UCI to a correctly typed lua value.
-- For boolean, '1' is converted to true and everything else to false. Floats
-- and ints are converted to numbers and everything else will be returned as is.
-- @p v The value to convert.
-- @p vType The type of the given value.
-- @return A lua value typed correctly with regard to the vType parameter.
local function fromUciValue(v, vType)
if v == nil then return nil end
if vType == 'bool' then
return (v == '1') and true or false
elseif vType == 'float' or vType == 'int' then
return tonumber(v)
elseif vType == 'string' then
v = v:gsub('\\n', '\n')
return v
return v
--- Reports whether a value is valid given the constraints specified in a base table.
-- @p value The value to test.
-- @tab baseTable The base table to use constraint data from (min,max,regex).
-- @treturn bool Returns true if the value is valid, false if it is not.
local function isValid(value, baseTable)
local varType, min, max, regex, isValid = baseTable.type, baseTable.min, baseTable.max, baseTable.regex, baseTable.isValid
if isValid then
local ok,msg = isValid(value)
if msg == nil then msg = "invalid value" end
return ok or nil,msg
if varType == 'bool' then
return type(value) == 'boolean' or nil,"invalid bool value"
elseif varType == 'int' or varType == 'float' then
local numValue = tonumber(value)
if numValue == nil then
return nil, "invalid number"
elseif varType == 'int' and math.floor(numValue) ~= numValue then
return nil, "invalid int"
elseif min and numValue < min then
return nil, "too low"
elseif max and numValue > max then
return nil, "too high"
elseif varType == 'string' then
local ok = true
if min and value:len() < min then
return nil,"too short"
elseif max and value:len() > max then
return nil,"too long"
elseif regex and value:match(regex) == nil then
return nil,"invalid value"
return true
--- Looks up the table in @{conf_defaults}.lua corresponding to a key.
-- @string key The key for which to return the base table.
-- @treturn table The base table for key, or nil if it does not exist.
local function getBaseKeyTable(key)
local base = baseconfig[key]
return type(base) == 'table' and base.default ~= nil and base or nil
--- Looks up the table in @{subconf_defaults}.lua corresponding to a key.
-- @string key The key for which to return the base table.
-- @treturn table The base table for key, or nil if it does not exist.
--[[local function getSubBaseKeyTable(key)
local base = subconfig[key]
return type(base) == 'table' and base.default ~= nil and base or nil
--- Returns the value of the requested key if it exists.
-- @p key The key to return the associated value for.
-- @return The associated value, beware (!) that this may be boolean false for keys of 'bool' type, or nil if the key could not be read because of a UCI error.
-- @treturn string Message in case of error.
function M.get(key)
--log:info("settings:get: "..utils.dump(key))
key = replaceDots(key)
-- retrieve settings's base settings from conf_defaults.lua
local base = getBaseKeyTable(key)
if not base then return nil,ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY end
-- check which uci section to read.
-- By default it will read from the general section, but if a base setting contains a subSection it will check that subSection
local section = UCI_CONFIG_SECTION;
if base.subSection ~= nil then
section = M.get(base.subSection)
-- get setting from uci
local uciV,msg = uci:get(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, section, key)
if not uciV and msg ~= nil then
local errorMSG = "Issue reading setting '"..utils.dump(key).."': "..utils.dump(msg);
return nil, errorMSG;
-- convert uci value into proper lua value
local uciV = fromUciValue(uciV, base.type)
if uciV ~= nil then
-- returning value from uci
return uciV
elseif base.subSection ~= nil then
local subDefault = base["default_"..section]
if subDefault ~= nil then
-- returning subsection default value
return subDefault
-- returning default value
return base.default
--- Returns all configuration keys with their current values.
-- @return A table containing a key/value pair for each configuration key, or nil if a UCI error occured.
-- @return string Message in case of error.
function M.getAll()
local result = {}
for k,_ in pairs(baseconfig) do
if not k:match('^[A-Z_]*$') then --TEMP: skip 'constants', which should be moved anyway
local key = replaceUnderscores(k)
local v, msg = M.get(key)
if not v and msg ~= nil then
return nil, msg
result[key] = v
return result
--- Reports whether or not a key exists.
-- @string key The key to find.
-- @treturn bool True if the key exists, false if not.
function M.exists(key)
key = replaceDots(key)
return getBaseKeyTable(key) ~= nil
--- Reports whether or not a key is at its default value.
-- 'Default' in this regard means that no UCI value is defined. This means that
-- if for instance, the default is 'abc', and UCI contains a configured value of
-- 'abc' as well, that key is _not_ a default value.
-- @string key The key to report about.
-- @treturn bool True if the key is currently at its default value, false if not.
function M.isDefault(key)
key = replaceDots(key)
if not M.exists(key) then return nil,ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY end
return uci:get(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SECTION, key) == nil
--- Sets a key to a new value or reverts it to the default value.
-- @string key The key to set.
-- @p[opt=nil] value The value or set, or nil to revert key to its default value.
-- @p[opt=nil] noCommit If true, do not commit the uci configuration; this is more efficient when setting multiple values
-- @treturn bool|nil True if everything went well, false if validation error, nil in case of error.
-- @treturn ?string Error message in case first return value is nil (invalid key).
function M.set(key, value, noCommit)
log:info("settings:set: "..utils.dump(key).." to: "..utils.dump(value))
key = replaceDots(key)
local r = utils.create(UCI_CONFIG_FILE)
if not rv and msg ~= nil then
local errorMSG = "Issue creating section '"..utils.dump(UCI_CONFIG_SECTION).."': "..utils.dump(msg);
return nil, errorMSG;
local base = getBaseKeyTable(key)
if not base then return false,ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY end
--log:info(" base.type: "..utils.dump(base.type))
if base.type == 'bool' then
if value ~= "" then
value = utils.toboolean(value)
value = nil
elseif base.type == 'int' or base.type == 'float' then
value = tonumber(value)
if(value == nil) then
return false,"Value isn't a valid int or float"
local valid,m = isValid(value, base)
if not valid then
return false,m
local section = UCI_CONFIG_SECTION;
if base.subSection ~= nil then
section = M.get(base.subSection)
local rv, msg = uci:set(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, section, UCI_CONFIG_TYPE)
if not rv and msg ~= nil then
local errorMSG = "Issue getting subsection '"..utils.dump(base.subSection).."': "..utils.dump(msg);
return nil, errorMSG;
if value ~= nil then
local rv, msg = uci:set(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, section, key, toUciValue(value, base.type))
if not rv and msg ~= nil then
local errorMSG = "Issue setting setting '"..utils.dump(key).."' in section '"..utils.dump(section).."': "..utils.dump(msg);
return nil, errorMSG;
local rv, msg = uci:delete(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, section, key)
if not rv and msg ~= nil then
local errorMSG = "Issue deleting setting '"..utils.dump(key).."' in section '"..utils.dump(section).."': "..utils.dump(msg);
return nil, errorMSG;
if noCommit ~= true then uci:commit(UCI_CONFIG_NAME) end
return true
--- Commit the UCI configuration, this can be used after making multiple changes
-- which have not been committed yet.
function M.commit()
--- Reset all settings to their default values
-- @string key The key to set.
-- @treturn bool|nil True if everything went well, nil in case of error.
function M.resetAll()
-- find all sections
local allSections, msg = uci:get_all(UCI_CONFIG_NAME)
if not allSections and msg ~= nil then
local errorMSG = "Issue reading all settings: "..utils.dump(msg);
return nil, errorMSG;
-- delete all uci sections but system
for key,value in pairs(allSections) do
if key ~= "system" and not key:match('^[A-Z_]*$') then --TEMP: skip 'constants', which should be moved anyway
local rv, msg = uci:delete(UCI_CONFIG_NAME,key)
if not rv and msg ~= nil then
local errorMSG = "Issue deleting setting '"..utils.dump(key).."': "..utils.dump(msg);
return nil, errorMSG;
-- reset all to defaults
for k,_ in pairs(baseconfig) do
if not k:match('^[A-Z_]*$') then --TEMP: skip 'constants', which should be moved anyway
return true
--- Reset setting to default value
-- @string key The key to reset.
-- @p[opt=nil] noCommit If true, do not commit the uci configuration; this is more efficient when resetting multiple values
-- @treturn bool|nil True if everything went well, nil in case of error.
function M.reset(key, noCommit)
log:info("settings:reset: "..utils.dump(key))
-- delete
key = replaceDots(key)
local base = getBaseKeyTable(key)
if not base then return nil,ERR_NO_SUCH_KEY end
local section = UCI_CONFIG_SECTION;
if base.subSection ~= nil then
section = M.get(base.subSection)
local rv, msg = uci:delete(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, section, key)
-- we can't respond to errors in general here because when a key isn't found
-- (which always happens when reset is used in resetall) it will also generate a error
--if not rv and msg ~= nil then
-- local errorMSG = "Issue deleting setting '"..utils.dump(key).."' in section '"..section.."': "..utils.dump(msg);
-- log:info(errorMSG)
-- return nil, errorMSG;
-- reuse get logic to retrieve default and set it.
if noCommit ~= true then uci:commit(UCI_CONFIG_NAME) end
return true
--- Returns a UCI configuration key from the system section.
-- @string key The key for which to return the value, must be non-empty.
-- @return Requested value or false if it does not exist or nil on UCI error.
function M.getSystemKey(key)
if type(key) ~= 'string' or key:len() == 0 then return nil end
local v,msg = uci:get(UCI_CONFIG_NAME, UCI_CONFIG_SYSTEM_SECTION, key)
if not v and msg ~= nil then
local errorMSG = "Issue getting system setting '"..utils.dump(key).."' in section '"..UCI_CONFIG_SYSTEM_SECTION.."': "..utils.dump(msg);
return nil, errorMSG;
return v or false
--- Sets the value of a UCI key in the system section.
-- Note that unlike the public settings, system keys are untyped and value must
-- be of type string; UCI generally uses '1' and '0' for boolean values.
-- @string key The key to set, must be non-empty.
-- @string value The value to set key to.
-- @return True on success or nil if key or value arguments are invalid.
function M.setSystemKey(key, value)
if type(key) ~= 'string' or key:len() == 0 then return nil end
if type(value) ~= 'string' then return nil end
local r = utils.create(UCI_CONFIG_FILE) -- make sure the file exists for uci to write to
return true
return M