mirror of https://github.com/Doodle3D/doodle3d-firmware.git synced 2024-06-26 11:31:23 +02:00
Wouter R 759c0a3007 Install loglite filter to wifibox.
Small fixes to loglite filter.
Set dummy host/port/agent info on command-line API call.
Remove non-functional version info from shell banner.
New todo item in release script.

2016-01-08 20:41:40 +01:00

310 lines
12 KiB

-- This file is part of the Doodle3D project (http://doodle3d.com).
-- @copyright 2013, Doodle3D
-- @license This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 or later.
-- See file LICENSE.txt or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for full license details.
-- This object represents an HTTP request object, part of the REST API.
local util = require('util.utils') -- required for string:split()
local urlcode = require('util.urlcode')
local confDefaults = require('conf_defaults')
local s = require('util.settings')
local ResponseClass = require('rest.response')
local log = require('util.logger')
local M = {}
M.__index = M
local GLOBAL_API_FUNCTION_NAME = '_global'
--NOTE: requestedApi* contain what was extracted from the request data
-- regarding the other variables: either both resolvedApiFunction and realApiFunctionName
-- are nil and resolutionError is not, or exactly the other way around
M.requestedApiModule = nil
M.requestedApiFunction = nil
M.resolvedApiFunction = nil --will contain function address, or nil
M.realApiFunctionName = nil --will contain requested name, or global name, or nil
M.resolutionError = nil --non-nil means function could not be resolved
local function kvTableFromUrlEncodedString(encodedText)
local args = {}
if (encodedText ~= nil) then
urlcode.parsequeryNoRegex(encodedText, args)
return args
local function kvTableFromArray(argArray)
local args = {}
if not argArray then return args end
for _, v in ipairs(argArray) do
local split = v:find("=")
if split ~= nil then
args[v:sub(1, split - 1)] = urlcode.unescape(v:sub(split + 1))
args[v] = true
return args
--- Create an array from the given '/'-separated path.
-- Empty path elements are not ignored (e.g. '/a//b' yields { [1] = '', [2] = 'a', [3] = '', [4] = 'b' }).
-- @param pathText The path to split.
-- @return An array with the path elements.
local function arrayFromPath(pathText)
return pathText and pathText:split('/') or {}
--- Resolve the given module name.
-- Modules are searched for in the 'rest.api' path, with their name prefixed by 'api_'.
-- e.g. if modname is 'test', then the generated 'require()' path will be 'rest.api.api_test'.
-- Furthermore, the module must have the table key 'isApi' set to true.
-- @param modname The basename of the module to resolve.
-- @return Either a module object, or nil on error
-- @return An message on error, or nil otherwise
-- @see resolveApiFunction
local function resolveApiModule(modname)
if modname == nil then return nil, "missing module name" end
if string.find(modname, '_') == 1 then return nil, "module names starting with '_' are preserved for internal use" end
local reqModName = 'rest.api.api_' .. modname
local ok, modObj
-- NOTE: with some errors, execution just seems to stop in require() (nothing is logged anymore, not even errors)
if confDefaults.DEBUG_PCALLS then ok, modObj = true, require(reqModName)
else ok, modObj = pcall(require, reqModName)
if ok == false then return nil, "API module does not exist" end
if modObj == nil then return nil, "API module could not be found" end
if modObj.isApi ~= true then return nil, "module is not part of the CGI API" end
return modObj
--- Resolves a module/function name pair with appropiate access for the given request method.
-- First, the function name suffixed with the request method is looked up, if not found the plain
-- function name is looked up.
-- The returned table contains a 'func' key if resolution was successful.
-- A key 'accessType' will also be included indicating valid access methods (GET, POST or ANY), except of course when the function does not exist at all.
-- If present, a key 'blankArg' will also be included.
-- Finally, the key 'notfound' will be set to true if no function (even of invalid access type) could be found.
-- @tparam string modname Basename of the module to resolve funcname in.
-- @tparam string funcname Basename of the function to resolve.
-- @tparam string requestMethod Method by which the request was received.
-- @treturn table A table with resultData.
-- @see resolveApiModule
local function resolveApiFunction(modname, funcname, requestMethod)
local resultData = {}
if funcname and string.find(funcname, "_") == 1 then return nil, "function names starting with '_' are preserved for internal use" end
local mod, msg = resolveApiModule(modname)
if mod == nil then
-- error is indicated by leaving out 'func' key and adding 'notfound'=true
resultData.notfound = true
resultData.msg = msg
return resultData
if (funcname == nil or funcname == '') then funcname = GLOBAL_API_FUNCTION_NAME end --treat empty function name as nil
local rqType = requestMethod == 'POST' and 'POST' or 'GET'
local fGeneric = mod[funcname]
local fWithMethod = mod[funcname .. '_' .. rqType]
local funcNumber = tonumber(funcname)
if (type(fWithMethod) == 'function') then
resultData.func = fWithMethod
resultData.accessType = rqType
elseif (type(fGeneric) == 'function') then
resultData.func = fGeneric
resultData.accessType = 'ANY'
elseif funcNumber ~= nil then
resultData.func = mod[GLOBAL_API_FUNCTION_NAME .. '_' .. rqType]
resultData.accessType = rqType
if not resultData.func then
resultData.func = mod[GLOBAL_API_FUNCTION_NAME]
resultData.accessType = 'ANY'
resultData.blankArg = funcNumber
local otherRqType = rqType == 'POST' and 'GET' or 'POST'
local fWithOtherMethod = mod[funcname .. '_' .. otherRqType]
if (type(fWithOtherMethod) == 'function') then
-- error is indicated by leaving out 'func' key
resultData.accessType = otherRqType
-- error is indicated by leaving out 'func' key and adding 'notfound'=true
resultData.notfound = true
return resultData
setmetatable(M, {
__call = function(cls, ...)
return cls.new(...)
--This function initializes itself using various environment variables, the arg array and the given postData
--NOTE: if debugging is enabled, commandline argument 'p' (path) overrides requested module and function and
-- 'r' (rqType) overrides request method
function M.new(environment, postData, debugEnabled)
local self = setmetatable({}, M)
--NOTE: is it correct to assume that absence of REQUEST_METHOD indicates command line invocation?
self.requestMethod = environment['REQUEST_METHOD']
if type(self.requestMethod) == 'string' and self.requestMethod:len() > 0 then
self.remoteHost = environment['REMOTE_HOST']
self.remotePort = environment['REMOTE_PORT']
self.userAgent = environment['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
self.remoteAddress = environment['REMOTE_ADDR']
self.requestMethod = 'CMDLINE'
self.remoteHost = "cmdline"
self.remotePort = "0"
self.userAgent = "shell"
self.remoteAddress = ""
self.cmdLineArgs = kvTableFromArray(arg)
self.getArgs = kvTableFromUrlEncodedString(environment['QUERY_STRING'])
self.postArgs = kvTableFromUrlEncodedString(postData)
self.pathArgs = arrayFromPath(environment['PATH_INFO'])
-- override path arguments with command line parameter and allow to emulate GET/POST if debugging is enabled *and* if the autowifi special command wasn't mentioned
if debugEnabled and self.requestMethod == 'CMDLINE' and self:get('autowifi') == nil and self:get('signin') == nil then
self.pathArgs = arrayFromPath(self.cmdLineArgs['p'])
if self.cmdLineArgs['r'] == 'GET' or self.cmdLineArgs['r'] == nil then
self.requestMethod = 'GET'
self.getArgs = self.cmdLineArgs
self.getArgs.p, self.getArgs.r = nil, nil
elseif self.cmdLineArgs['r'] == 'POST' then
self.requestMethod = 'POST'
self.postArgs = self.cmdLineArgs
self.postArgs.p, self.postArgs.r = nil, nil
table.remove(self.pathArgs, 1) --drop the first 'empty' field caused by the opening slash of the query string
if #self.pathArgs >= 1 then self.requestedApiModule = self.pathArgs[1] end
if #self.pathArgs >= 2 then self.requestedApiFunction = self.pathArgs[2] end
if self.requestedApiModule == '' then self.requestedApiModule = nil end
if self.requestedApiFunction == '' then self.requestedApiFunction = nil end
-- Perform module/function resolution
local rData = resolveApiFunction(self:getRequestedApiModule(), self:getRequestedApiFunction(), self.requestMethod)
local modFuncInfo = (self:getRequestedApiModule() or "<>") .. "/" .. (self:getRequestedApiFunction() or "<>")
if rData.func ~= nil then --function (possibly the global one) could be resolved
self.resolvedApiFunction = rData.func
if rData.blankArg ~= nil then --apparently it was the global one, and we received a 'blank argument'
self.realApiFunctionName = GLOBAL_API_FUNCTION_NAME
else --resolved without blank argument but still potentially the global function, hence the _or_ construction
if self:getRequestedApiFunction() ~= nil then
self.realApiFunctionName = self:getRequestedApiFunction()
if #self.pathArgs >= 3 then self:setBlankArgument(self.pathArgs[3]) end --aha, we have both a function and a blank argument
self.realApiFunctionName = GLOBAL_API_FUNCTION_NAME
elseif rData.notfound == true then
self.resolutionError = "module/function '" .. modFuncInfo .. "' does not exist"
self.resolutionError = "module/function '" .. modFuncInfo .. "' can only be accessed with the " .. rData.accessType .. " method"
return self
function M:getRequestMethod() return self.requestMethod end --returns either GET or POST or CMDLINE
function M:getRequestedApiModule() return self.requestedApiModule end
function M:getRequestedApiFunction() return self.requestedApiFunction end
function M:getRealApiFunctionName() return self.realApiFunctionName end
function M:getBlankArgument() return self.blankArgument end
function M:setBlankArgument(arg) self.blankArgument = arg end
function M:getRemoteHost() return self.remoteHost or "" end
function M:getRemotePort() return self.remotePort or 0 end
function M:getUserAgent() return self.userAgent or "" end
function M:get(key)
if self.requestMethod == 'GET' then
return self.getArgs[key]
elseif self.requestMethod == 'POST' then
return self.postArgs[key]
elseif self.requestMethod == 'CMDLINE' then
return self.cmdLineArgs[key]
return nil
function M:getAll()
if self.requestMethod == 'GET' then
return self.getArgs
elseif self.requestMethod == 'POST' then
return self.postArgs
elseif self.requestMethod == 'CMDLINE' then
return self.cmdLineArgs
return nil
function M:getPathData()
return self.pathArgs
--returns either a response object+nil, or response object+errmsg
function M:handle()
local modname = self:getRequestedApiModule()
local resp = ResponseClass.new(self)
if (self.resolvedApiFunction ~= nil) then --we found a function (possible the global function)
--invoke the function
local ok, r
if confDefaults.DEBUG_PCALLS then ok, r = true, self.resolvedApiFunction(self, resp)
else ok, r = pcall(self.resolvedApiFunction, self, resp)
--handle the result
if ok == true then
return resp, nil
resp:setError("call to function '" .. modname .. "/" .. self.realApiFunctionName .. "' failed")
return resp, ("calling function '" .. self.realApiFunctionName .. "' in API module '" .. modname .. "' somehow failed ('" .. r .. "')")
resp:setError("cannot call function or module '" .. (modname or "<empty>") .. "/" .. (self:getRequestedApiFunction() or "<empty>") .. "' ('" .. self.resolutionError .. "')")
return resp, ("cannot call requested API function ('" .. self.resolutionError .. "')")
return resp
return M