mirror of https://github.com/Doodle3D/doodle3d-firmware.git synced 2025-03-11 23:21:41 +01:00

7.9 KiB

te doen voor werkend prototype

  • auto-update (zowel package als geheel image; <- kijken hoe luci dat doet)
  • tekenen op redelijke subset van apparaten (wat hebben beta-testers?)
  • printen (printserver; via dirpad gcode/commando's sturen en uitlezen via voortgangsbestand; zoals UltiFi; REST reageert op rq met poll-url in data waar voortgang te volgen is…eindigt met 'done')


lokale notities

  • in menuconfig: enabled uhttpd-mod-lua, disabled uhttpd-mod-ubus

  • menuconfig: disable Network->6relayd and Network->odhcp6c then disable Kernel modules->Network support->kmod ipv6

  • menuconfig: disable Network->ppp, then disable Kernel modules->Network support->kmod-{ppp,pppoe,pppox}

  • menuconfig: enabled Kernel Modules -> USB Support -> usb-kmod-serial -> …ftdi

  • enabled luafilesystem, luasocket (luaposix results in a build error)

  • http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11732934/serial-connection-with-arduino-php-openwrt-bug

  • versies toevoegen als eerste padelement?

TODO (new functionality)

  • fix init script handling as described here: http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/devel/packages#packaging.a.service
  • implement (automated) test code where possible
    • in 'test' dir next to 'src', with API tests under 'test/www/'
    • www tests check functionality of the test module
    • www tests also provide an interface to run arbitrary get/post requests
    • test path splitting as well
  • document REST API
    • fail/error difference: fail is a valid rq aka 'could not comply', while error is invalid rq or system error
    • modules/functions prefixed with '_' are for internal use
    • rq IDs and endpoint information can be supplied (but it's probably not useful after all)
    • list endpoints+args+CRUD type
    • success/fail/error statuses are justified by drupal api
    • unknown values (e.g. in network info) are either empty or unmentioned fields
  • define a list of REST error codes to be more descriptive for clients (e.g. errortype=system/missing-arg/generic)
  • steps to take regarding versioning/updating
    • versioning scheme
    • create feed location (e.g. www.doodle3d.com/firmware/packages) (see here: http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/packages#third.party.packages)
    • create opkg (already present in bin/ar71xx/packages as .ipk file)
    • create listing info for package list (checksum, size, etc. ...is this inside the .ipk file?)
    • find a way to add the feed url to opkg.conf (directly in files during image building?)
    • determine how opkg decides what is 'upgradeable'
    • at this point manual updating should be possible, now find out how to implement in lua (execve? or write a minimalistic binding to libopkg?)
    • expose through info API and/or system API; also provide a way (future) to flash a new image
  • generally, for configuration keys, it could be a good idea to use the concept of default values so it's always possible to return to a 'sane default config'
    • use a uci wifibox config to store configuration and a uci wifibox-defaults config as fallback-lookup (which contains a complete default configuration)
    • specify min/max/type/regex for each config key in separate lua file
    • perhaps defaults should be specified together with min/max/type/regex
  • dynamic AP name based on partial MAC (present in default config so it can be overridden and reverted again)
  • require api functions which change state to be invoked as post request
  • can this be modelled like java annotations or c function attributes?
  • otherwise maybe pair each function with _attribs = {…}?
  • add API functions to test network connectivity in steps (any chance(e.g. ~ap)? ifup? hasip? resolve? ping?) to network or test
  • handling requests which need a restart of uhttpd (e.g. network/openap) will probably respond with some kind of 'please check back in a few seconds' response
  • add more config options to package, which should act as defaults for a config file on the system; candidates:
    reconf.WWW_RENAME_NAME, wifihelper.{AP_ADDRESS, AP_NETMASK, (NET)}

Ideas / issues to work out

  • add system api module? for check-updates/do-update/etc
  • licensing (also for hardware and firmware) + credits for external code and used ideas (http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2007/04/pick-a-license-any-license.html)
  • (this is an old todo item from network:available(), might still be relevant at some point) extend netconf interface to support function arguments (as tables) so wifihelper functionality can be integrated but how? idea: pass x_args={arg1="a",arg2="2342"} for component 'x' or: allow alternative for x="y" --> x={action="y", arg1="a", arg2="2342"} in any case, arguments should be put in a new table to pass to the function (since order is undefined it must be an assoc array)
  • perhaps opkg+safeboot could be useful in the update mechanism?
  • add config option to compile sources using luac or add an option to minify the lua code


  • in captive portal mode, https is not redirected
  • using iwinfo with interface name 'radio0' yields very little 'info' output while wlan0 works fine. However, sometimes wlan0 disappears (happened after trying to associate with non-existing network)...why?
  • protect dump function against reference loops (see http://lua-users.org/wiki/TableSerialization, json also handles this well)
  • relocatabilty of package (take root prefix into consideration everywhere)


Check http://geon.github.io/Programming/2012/04/25/ascii-art-signatures-in-the-wild/ for inspiration.

  D o o d l e 3 D
 --------      ____     .---  v 1.0.1
|  |  |  | __ |  __|.--.| ._| .---..-.-.
|  |  |  ||--||  _| |--||  . || . |\   /
|________||__||__|  |__||____||___|/_._\

  D o o d l e 3 D
 --------     ____   .----  v 1.0.1
|  |  |  |--.|  __|-.|  ._|---.-.-.
|  |  |  |--||  _|--||  . | . |_ _/

....D o o d l e 3 D
...________     _____  _____  v 1.0.1 
../  /  /  |__ /  __/ /  - /___ __
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