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* Populate DB with sample data on server start
* to disable, edit config/environment/index.js, and set `seedDB: false`
'use strict';
var Thing = require('../api/thing/thing.model');
var User = require('../api/user/user.model');
Thing.find({}).remove(function() {
name : 'Development Tools',
info : 'Integration with popular tools such as Bower, Grunt, Karma, Mocha, JSHint, Node Inspector, Livereload, Protractor, Jade, Stylus, Sass, CoffeeScript, and Less.'
}, {
name : 'Server and Client integration',
info : 'Built with a powerful and fun stack: MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.'
}, {
name : 'Smart Build System',
info : 'Build system ignores `spec` files, allowing you to keep tests alongside code. Automatic injection of scripts and styles into your index.html'
}, {
name : 'Modular Structure',
info : 'Best practice client and server structures allow for more code reusability and maximum scalability'
}, {
name : 'Optimized Build',
info : 'Build process packs up your templates as a single JavaScript payload, minifies your scripts/css/images, and rewrites asset names for caching.'
name : 'Deployment Ready',
info : 'Easily deploy your app to Heroku or Openshift with the heroku and openshift subgenerators'
User.find({}).remove(function() {
provider: 'local',
name: 'Test User',
email: 'test@test.com',
password: 'test'
}, {
provider: 'local',
role: 'admin',
name: 'Admin',
email: 'admin@admin.com',
password: 'admin'
}, function() {
console.log('finished populating users');