/* eslint-env node, mocha */ /* global expect */ /* eslint no-console: 0 */ 'use strict' import chai from 'chai' import {markdownDiff, diffToString} from '../src/common/util/dubdiff' let diff = (a, b) => diffToString(markdownDiff(a, b)) const expect = chai.expect // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars describe('dubdiff', () => { beforeEach(() => { }) it('plaintext diffs consecutive words', () => { expect(diff( 'This is a smlb sentnce with no errors.', 'This is a simple sentence with no errors.' )).to.equal('This is a [-smlb sentnce -]{+simple sentence +}with no errors.') }) it('plaintext diffs with word deletion', () => { expect(diff( 'Gonna delete a word.', 'Gonna delete word.' )).to.equal('Gonna delete [-a -]word.') }) it('plaintext diffs with word insertion', () => { expect(diff( 'Gonna delete word.', 'Gonna delete a word.' )).to.equal('Gonna delete {+a +}word.') }) it('reorganizes insertions after multiline deletions', () => { expect(diff( `# Title other`, `# Subtitle` )).to.equal('# [-Title-]{+Subtitle+}\n[-other-]') }) it('pulls prefixes out of ins or del blocks after newline', () => { expect(diff( '# Title\n > hello', '# Title\n - goodbye' )).to.equal('# Title\n > [-hello-]\n - {+goodbye+}') }) it('respects bold and italic boundaries', () => { expect(diff( 'This *word* **isn\'t** changed.', 'This *other one* **is** changed.' )).to.equal('This *[-word-]{+other one+}* **[-isn\'t-]{+is+}** changed.') }) it('respects link boundaries in link text', () => { expect(diff( 'This [link](https://somewhere.com) is the same.', 'This [target](https://somewhere.com) changed.' )).to.equal('This [[-link-]{+target+}](https://somewhere.com) [-is the same-]{+changed+}.') }) it('respects link boundaries in link target', () => { expect(diff( 'This [link](https://somewhere.com) is the same.', 'This [link](https://somewhere.org) changed.' )).to.equal('This [link](https://somewhere.[-com-]{+org+}) [-is the same-]{+changed+}.') }) it('deletes a title', () => { expect(diff( 'Hello\n# Title 1\n# Title 2', 'Hello\n# Title 2' )).to.equal('Hello\n# Title [-1-]\n# [-Title -]2') }) it('deletes a more different title', () => { expect(diff( 'Hello\n# Filbert\n# Title 2', 'Hello\n# Title 2' )).to.equal('Hello\n# [-Filbert-]\n# Title 2') }) })