While we try to not have any bugs or exploits or documentation bugs we're not perfect either. Thanks for helping us out!
We have labels that help us sort issues better, so if you know what would be the correct ones, please tag your issue with one or multiple keywords. See [Labels](https://gitlab.com/fabinfra/fabaccess/bffh/-/labels) to get an overview of all keywords and their use case.
Especially for **bugs** and **exploits**, please mark your issue as "confidential" if you think it impacts the `stable` branch. If you're not sure, mark it as confidential anyway. It's easier to publish information than it is to un-publish information. You may also contact as by [mail](https://fab-access.org/impressum).
1. Is it a feature that needs to be implemented in more than just the backend server? For example, is it something also having a GUI-component or something that you want to be able to do via the API? If so it's better suited over at the
[Lastenheft](https://gitlab.com/fabinfra/fabaccess_lastenheft) because that's where the required coordination for that will end up happening
2. Who else needs that feature? Is this something super specific to your environment/application or something that others will want too? If it's something that's relevant for more people please also tell us that in the feature request.
3. Can you already get partway or all the way there using what's there already? If so please also tell us what you're currently doing and what doesn't work or why you dislike your current solution.
To help develop Difluoroborane you will need a Rust toolchain. We heavily recommend installing [rustup](https://rustup.rs) even if your distribution provides a recent enough rustc, simply because it allows to easily switch compilers between several versions of both stable and nightly. It also allows you to download the respective stdlib crate, giving you the option of an offline reference.
We use a stable release branch / moving development workflow. This means that all *new* development should happen on the `development` branch which is regularly merged into `stable` as releases. The exception of course are bug- and hotfixes that can target whichever branch.
Using a feature branch keeps your local `development` branch clean, making it easier to later rebase your feature branch onto it before you open a pull/merge request.