{- Main configuration file for bffh - ================================ - - In this configuration file you configure almost all parts of how bffh operates, but most importantly: - * Machines - * Initiators and Actors - * Which Initiators and Actors relate to which machine(s) - * Roles and the permissions granted by them -} -- The config is in the configuration format/language dhall. You can find more information about dhall over at -- https://dhall-lang.org -- (Our) Dhall is somewhat similar to JSON and YAML in that it expects a top-level object containing the -- configuration values { -- Configure the addresses and ports bffh listens on listens = [ -- BFFH binds a port for every listen object in this array. -- Each listen object is of the format { address = , port = } -- If you don't specify a port bffh will use the default of `59661` -- 'address' can be a IP address or a hostname -- If bffh can not bind a port for the specified combination if will log an error but *continue with the remaining ports* { address = "", port = 59661 }, { address = "::1", port = 59661 }, { address = "steak.fritz.box", port = 59661 } ], -- Configure TLS. BFFH requires a PEM-encoded certificate and the associated key as two separate files certfile = "examples/self-signed-cert.pem", keyfile = "examples/self-signed-key.pem", -- BFFH right now requires a running MQTT broker. mqtt_url = "tcp://localhost:1883", -- Path to the database file for bffh. bffh will in fact create two files; ${db_path} and ${db_path}.lock. -- BFFH will *not* create any directories so ensure that the directory exists and the user running bffh has write -- access into them. db_path = "/tmp/bffh", -- Audit log path. Bffh will log state changes into this file, one per line. -- Audit log entries are for now JSON: -- {"timestamp":1641497361,"machine":"Testmachine","state":{"state":{"InUse":{"uid":"Testuser","subuid":null,"realm":null}}}} auditlog_path = "/tmp/bffh.audit", -- In dhall you can also easily import definitions from other files, e.g. you could write -- roles = ./roles.dhall roles = { -- Role definitions -- A role definition is of the form -- rolename = { -- parents = [], -- permissions = [], -- } -- -- Role names are case sensitive, so RoleName != rolename. -- -- If you want either parents or permissions to be empty its best to completely skip it: testrole = { permissions = [ "lab.some.admin" ] }, somerole = { parents = ["testparent"], -- "Permissions" are formatted as Perm Rules, so you can use the wildcards '*' and '+' permissions = [ "lab.test.*" ] }, -- Roles can inherit from each other. In that case a member of e.g. 'somerole' that inherits from -- 'testparent' will have all the permissions of 'somerole' AND 'testparent' assigned to them. -- Right now permissions are stricly additive so you can't take a permission away in a child role that a parent -- role grants. testparent = { permissions = [ "lab.some.write", "lab.some.read", "lab.some.disclose" ] } }, -- Configure machines -- "Machines" (which in future will be more appropiately named "resources") are the main thing bffh is concerned -- with. -- You can define an almost limitless amount of machines (well 2^64 - 1, so 18_446_744_073_709_551_615 to be precise) -- Each of these machines can then have several "actors" and "initiators" assigned machines = { Testmachine = { -- A machine comes with two "names". The id above ("Testmachine") and the "name" ("MachineA"). -- The id is what you'll use in the config format and is strictly limited to alphanumeric characters and '_' -- and must begin with a letter. Most importantly you CAN NOT use '-' or spaces in an identifier -- (dhall makes this technically possible but you can break things in subtle ways) -- REQUIRED. The "name" of a machine is what will be presented to humans. It can contain all unicode -- including spaces and nonprintable characters. -- A name SHOULD be short but unique. name = "MachineA", -- OPTIONAL. A description can be assigned to machines. It will also only be shown to humans. Thus it is -- once again limited only to unicode. If you want to provide your users with important additional -- information other than the name this is the place to do it. description = "A test machine", -- OPTIONAL. If you have a wiki going into more detail how to use a certain machine or what to keep in -- mind when using it you can provide a URL here that will be presented to users. wiki = "https://wiki.example.org/machineA", -- OPTIONAL. You can assign categories to machines to allow clients to group/filter machines by them. category = "Testcategory", -- REQUIRED. -- Each machine MUST have *all* Permission levels assigned to it. -- Permissions aren't PermRules as used in the 'roles' definitions but must be precise without wildcards. -- Permission levels aren't additive, so a user having 'manage' permission does not automatically get -- 'read' or 'write' permission. -- (Note, disclose is not fully implemented at the moment) -- Users lacking 'disclose' will not be informed about this machine in any way and it will be hidden from -- them in the client. Usually the best idea is to assign 'read' and 'disclose' to the same permission. disclose = "lab.test.read", -- Users lacking 'read' will be shown a machine including name, description, category and wiki but not -- it's current state. The current user is not disclosed. read = "lab.test.read", -- The 'write' permission allows to 'use' the machine. write = "lab.test.write", -- Manage represents the 'superuser' permission. Users with this permission can force set any state and -- read out the current user manage = "lab.test.admin" }, Another = { wiki = "test_another", category = "test", disclose = "lab.test.read", manage = "lab.test.admin", name = "Another", read = "lab.test.read", write = "lab.test.write" }, Yetmore = { description = "Yet more test machines", disclose = "lab.test.read", manage = "lab.test.admin", name = "Yetmore", read = "lab.test.read", write = "lab.test.write" } }, -- Actor configuration. Actors are how bffh affects change in the real world by e.g. switching a power socket -- using a shelly actors = { -- Actors similarly to machines have an 'id'. This id (here "Shelly1234") is limited to Alphanumeric ASCII -- and must begin with a letter. Shelly1234 = { -- Actors are modular pieces of code that are loaded as required. The "Shelly" module will send -- activation signals to a shelly switched power socket over MQTT module = "Shelly", -- Actors can have arbitrary parameters passed to them, varying by actor module. params = { -- For Shelly you can configure the MQTT topic segment it uses. Shellies listen to a specific topic -- containing their name (which is usually of the form "shelly_" but can be changed). -- If you do not configure a topic here the actor will use it's 'id' (in this case "Shelly1234"). topic = "Topic1234" } }, Bash = { -- The "Process" module runs a given script or command on state change. -- bffh invoces the given cmd as `$ ${cmd} ${args} ${id} ${state}` so e.g. as -- `$ ./examples/actor.sh your ad could be here Bash inuse` module = "Process", params = { -- which is configured by the (required) 'cmd' parameter. Paths are relative to PWD of bffh. Systemd -- and similar process managers may change this PWD so it's usually the most future-proof to use -- absolute paths. cmd = "./examples/actor.sh", -- You can pass static args in here, these will be passed to every invocation of the command by this actor. -- args passed here are split by whitespace, so these here will be passed as 5 separate arguments args = "your ad could be here" } }, DoorControl1 = { -- This actor calls the actor.py script in examples/ -- It gets passed it's own name, so you can have several actors -- from the same script. -- If you need to pass more arguments to the command you can use the `args` key in -- `params` as is done with the actor `Bash` module = "Process", -- the `args` are passed in front of all other parameters so they are best suited to -- optional parameters like e.g. the verboseness params = { cmd = "./examples/actor.py", args = "-vvv" } }, DoorControl2 = { module = "Process", params = { cmd = "./examples/actor.py" } }, DoorControl3 = { -- This is an example for how it looks like if an actor is misconfigured. -- the actor.py doesn't know anything about DoorControl3 and, if this actor is enabled, -- will return with an error showing up in the server logs. module = "Process", params = { cmd = "./examples/actor.py" } }, Bash2 = { module = "Process", params = { cmd = "./examples/actor.sh" , args = "this is a different one" }}, FailBash = { module = "Process", params = { cmd = "./examples/fail-actor.sh" }} }, -- Linkng up machines to actors -- Actors need to be connected to machines to be useful. A machine can be connected to multiple actors, but one -- actor can only be connected to one machine. actor_connections = [ { machine = "Testmachine", actor = "Shelly1234" }, { machine = "Another", actor = "Bash" }, { machine = "Yetmore", actor = "Bash2" }, { machine = "Yetmore", actor = "FailBash"} ], -- Initiators are configured almost the same way as Actors, refer to actor documentation for more details -- The below '{=}' is what you need if you want to define *no* initiators at all and only use the API with apps -- to let people use machines. initiators = {=}, -- The "Dummy" initiator will try to use and return a machine as the given user every few seconds. It's good to -- test your system but will spam your log so is disabled by default. --initiators = { Initiator = { module = "Dummy", params = { uid = "Testuser" } } }, -- Linking up machines to initiators. Similar to actors a machine can have several initiators assigned but an -- initiator can only be assigned to one machine. -- The below is once again how you have to define *no* initiators. init_connections = [] : List { machine : Text, initiator : Text }, --init_connections = [{ machine = "Testmachine", initiator = "Initiator" }] instanceurl = "https://example.com", spacename = "examplespace" }