use crossbeam_channel::{Sender, TrySendError}; use std::borrow::Borrow; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::net::IpAddr; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use thread_local::ThreadLocal; use tracing::span; use tracing_core::span::Attributes; use tracing_core::{Interest, Metadata, Subscriber}; use tracing_subscriber::layer::{Context, Filter}; use tracing_subscriber::registry::{LookupSpan, SpanRef}; use tracing_subscriber::Layer; mod aggregate; mod attribute; mod callsites; mod event; mod id_map; mod server; mod stack; mod stats; mod visitors; use crate::aggregate::Aggregator; use crate::callsites::Callsites; use crate::visitors::{ AsyncOpVisitor, PollOpVisitor, ResourceVisitor, ResourceVisitorResult, StateUpdateVisitor, TaskVisitor, WakerVisitor, }; use event::Event; pub use server::Server; use stack::SpanStack; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ConsoleLayer { current_spans: ThreadLocal>, tx: Sender, shared: Arc, spawn_callsites: Callsites<8>, waker_callsites: Callsites<8>, resource_callsites: Callsites<8>, /// Set of callsites for spans representing async operations on resources /// /// TODO: Take some time to determine more reasonable numbers async_op_callsites: Callsites<32>, /// Set of callsites for spans representing async op poll operations /// /// TODO: Take some time to determine more reasonable numbers async_op_poll_callsites: Callsites<32>, /// Set of callsites for events representing poll operation invocations on resources /// /// TODO: Take some time to determine more reasonable numbers poll_op_callsites: Callsites<32>, /// Set of callsites for events representing state attribute state updates on resources /// /// TODO: Take some time to determine more reasonable numbers resource_state_update_callsites: Callsites<32>, /// Set of callsites for events representing state attribute state updates on async resource ops /// /// TODO: Take some time to determine more reasonable numbers async_op_state_update_callsites: Callsites<32>, max_poll_duration_nanos: u64, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Builder { /// Network Address the console server will listen on server_addr: IpAddr, /// Network Port the console server will listen on server_port: u16, /// Number of events that can be buffered before events are dropped. /// /// A smaller number will reduce the memory footprint but may lead to more events being dropped /// during activity bursts. event_buffer_capacity: usize, client_buffer_capacity: usize, poll_duration_max: Duration, } impl Builder { pub fn build(self) -> (ConsoleLayer, Server) { ConsoleLayer::build(self) } } impl Default for Builder { fn default() -> Self { Self { // Listen on `::1` (aka localhost) by default server_addr: Server::DEFAULT_ADDR, server_port: Server::DEFAULT_PORT, event_buffer_capacity: ConsoleLayer::DEFAULT_EVENT_BUFFER_CAPACITY, client_buffer_capacity: 1024, poll_duration_max: ConsoleLayer::DEFAULT_POLL_DURATION_MAX, } } } #[derive(Debug, Default)] struct Shared { dropped_tasks: AtomicUsize, dropped_resources: AtomicUsize, dropped_async_ops: AtomicUsize, } impl ConsoleLayer { pub fn new() -> (Self, Server) { Self::builder().build() } pub fn builder() -> Builder { Builder::default() } fn build(config: Builder) -> (Self, Server) { tracing::debug!( ?config.server_addr, config.event_buffer_capacity, "configured console subscriber" ); let (tx, events) = crossbeam_channel::bounded(config.event_buffer_capacity); let shared = Arc::new(Shared::default()); let (subscribe, rpcs) = async_channel::bounded(config.client_buffer_capacity); let aggregator = Aggregator::new(shared.clone(), events, rpcs); let server = Server::new(aggregator, config.client_buffer_capacity, subscribe); let layer = Self { current_spans: ThreadLocal::new(), tx, shared, spawn_callsites: Callsites::default(), waker_callsites: Callsites::default(), resource_callsites: Callsites::default(), async_op_callsites: Callsites::default(), async_op_poll_callsites: Callsites::default(), poll_op_callsites: Callsites::default(), resource_state_update_callsites: Callsites::default(), async_op_state_update_callsites: Callsites::default(), max_poll_duration_nanos: config.poll_duration_max.as_nanos() as u64, }; (layer, server) } } impl ConsoleLayer { const DEFAULT_EVENT_BUFFER_CAPACITY: usize = 1024; const DEFAULT_CLIENT_BUFFER_CAPACITY: usize = 1024; /// The default maximum value for task poll duration histograms. /// /// Any poll duration exceeding this will be clamped to this value. By /// default, the maximum poll duration is one second. /// /// See also [`Builder::poll_duration_histogram_max`]. pub const DEFAULT_POLL_DURATION_MAX: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1); fn is_spawn(&self, metadata: &Metadata<'static>) -> bool { self.spawn_callsites.contains(metadata) } fn is_waker(&self, metadata: &Metadata<'static>) -> bool { self.waker_callsites.contains(metadata) } fn is_resource(&self, meta: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> bool { self.resource_callsites.contains(meta) } fn is_async_op(&self, meta: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> bool { self.async_op_callsites.contains(meta) } fn is_id_spawned(&self, id: &span::Id, cx: &Context<'_, S>) -> bool where S: Subscriber + for<'a> LookupSpan<'a>, { cx.span(id) .map(|span| self.is_spawn(span.metadata())) .unwrap_or(false) } fn is_id_resource(&self, id: &span::Id, cx: &Context<'_, S>) -> bool where S: Subscriber + for<'a> LookupSpan<'a>, { cx.span(id) .map(|span| self.is_resource(span.metadata())) .unwrap_or(false) } fn is_id_async_op(&self, id: &span::Id, cx: &Context<'_, S>) -> bool where S: Subscriber + for<'a> LookupSpan<'a>, { cx.span(id) .map(|span| self.is_async_op(span.metadata())) .unwrap_or(false) } fn first_entered

(&self, stack: &SpanStack, p: P) -> Option where P: Fn(&span::Id) -> bool, { stack .stack() .iter() .rev() .find(|id| p( .map(|id| .cloned() } fn send_stats( &self, dropped: &AtomicUsize, mkEvent: impl FnOnce() -> (Event, S), ) -> Option { if self.tx.is_full() { dropped.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Release); return None; } let (event, stats) = mkEvent(); match self.tx.try_send(event) { Ok(()) => Some(stats), Err(TrySendError::Full(_)) => { dropped.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Release); None } Err(TrySendError::Disconnected(_)) => None, } } fn send_metadata(&self, dropped: &AtomicUsize, event: Event) -> bool { self.send_stats(dropped, || (event, ())).is_some() } } impl Layer for ConsoleLayer where S: Subscriber + for<'a> LookupSpan<'a>, { fn register_callsite(&self, metadata: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> Interest { let dropped = match (, { (_, "executor::task") | ("runtime.spawn", _) => { self.spawn_callsites.insert(metadata); &self.shared.dropped_tasks } (_, "executor::waker") => { self.waker_callsites.insert(metadata); &self.shared.dropped_tasks } (ResourceVisitor::RES_SPAN_NAME, _) => { self.resource_callsites.insert(metadata); &self.shared.dropped_resources } (AsyncOpVisitor::ASYNC_OP_SPAN_NAME, _) => { self.async_op_callsites.insert(metadata); &self.shared.dropped_async_ops } ("runtime.resource.async_op.poll", _) => { self.async_op_poll_callsites.insert(metadata); &self.shared.dropped_async_ops } (_, PollOpVisitor::POLL_OP_EVENT_TARGET) => { self.poll_op_callsites.insert(metadata); &self.shared.dropped_async_ops } (_, StateUpdateVisitor::RE_STATE_UPDATE_EVENT_TARGET) => { self.resource_state_update_callsites.insert(metadata); &self.shared.dropped_resources } (_, StateUpdateVisitor::AO_STATE_UPDATE_EVENT_TARGET) => { self.async_op_state_update_callsites.insert(metadata); &self.shared.dropped_async_ops } (_, _) => &self.shared.dropped_tasks, }; self.send_metadata(dropped, Event::Metadata(metadata)); Interest::always() } fn on_new_span(&self, attrs: &Attributes<'_>, id: &span::Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) { let metadata = attrs.metadata(); if self.is_spawn(metadata) { let at = Instant::now(); let mut task_visitor = TaskVisitor::new(metadata.into()); attrs.record(&mut task_visitor); let (fields, location) = task_visitor.result(); if let Some(stats) = self.send_stats(&self.shared.dropped_tasks, move || { let stats = Arc::new(stats::TaskStats::new(self.max_poll_duration_nanos, at)); let event = Event::Spawn { id: id.clone(), stats: stats.clone(), metadata, fields, location, }; (event, stats) }) { ctx.span(id) .expect("`on_new_span` called with nonexistent span. This is a tracing bug."); } } else if self.is_resource(metadata) { let at = Instant::now(); let mut resource_visitor = ResourceVisitor::default(); attrs.record(&mut resource_visitor); if let Some(result) = resource_visitor.result() { let ResourceVisitorResult { concrete_type, kind, location, is_internal, inherit_child_attrs, } = result; let parent_id = self.current_spans.get().and_then(|stack| { self.first_entered(&stack.borrow(), |id| self.is_id_resource(id, &ctx)) }); if let Some(stats) = self.send_stats(&self.shared.dropped_resources, move || { let stats = Arc::new(stats::ResourceStats::new( at, inherit_child_attrs, parent_id.clone(), )); let event = Event::Resource { id: id.clone(), parent_id, metadata, concrete_type, kind, location, is_internal, stats: stats.clone(), }; (event, stats) }) { ctx.span(id).expect("if `on_new_span` was called, the span must exist; this is a `tracing` bug!").extensions_mut().insert(stats); } } } else if self.is_async_op(metadata) { let at = Instant::now(); let mut async_op_visitor = AsyncOpVisitor::default(); attrs.record(&mut async_op_visitor); if let Some((source, inherit_child_attrs)) = async_op_visitor.result() { let resource_id = self.current_spans.get().and_then(|stack| { self.first_entered(&stack.borrow(), |id| self.is_id_resource(id, &ctx)) }); let parent_id = self.current_spans.get().and_then(|stack| { self.first_entered(&stack.borrow(), |id| self.is_id_async_op(id, &ctx)) }); if let Some(resource_id) = resource_id { if let Some(stats) = self.send_stats(&self.shared.dropped_async_ops, move || { let stats = Arc::new(stats::AsyncOpStats::new( at, inherit_child_attrs, parent_id.clone(), )); let event = Event::AsyncResourceOp { id: id.clone(), parent_id, resource_id, metadata, source, stats: stats.clone(), }; (event, stats) }) { ctx.span(id).expect("if `on_new_span` was called, the span must exist; this is a `tracing` bug!").extensions_mut().insert(stats); } } } } } fn on_event(&self, event: &tracing::Event<'_>, ctx: Context<'_, S>) { let metadata = event.metadata(); if self.waker_callsites.contains(metadata) { let at = Instant::now(); let mut visitor = WakerVisitor::default(); event.record(&mut visitor); if let Some((id, mut op)) = visitor.result() { if let Some(span) = ctx.span(&id) { let exts = span.extensions(); if let Some(stats) = exts.get::>() { if op.is_wake() { let self_wake = self .current_spans .get() .map(|spans| spans.borrow().iter().any(|span| span == &id)) .unwrap_or(false); op = op.self_wake(self_wake); } stats.record_wake_op(op, at); } } } } } fn on_enter(&self, id: &span::Id, cx: Context<'_, S>) { fn update LookupSpan<'a>>( span: &SpanRef, at: Option, ) -> Option { let exts = span.extensions(); // if the span we are entering is a task or async op, record the // poll stats. if let Some(stats) = exts.get::>() { let at = at.unwrap_or_else(Instant::now); stats.start_poll(at); Some(at) } else if let Some(stats) = exts.get::>() { let at = at.unwrap_or_else(Instant::now); stats.start_poll(at); Some(at) // otherwise, is the span a resource? in that case, we also want // to enter it, although we don't care about recording poll // stats. } else if exts.get::>().is_some() { Some(at.unwrap_or_else(Instant::now)) } else { None } } if let Some(span) = cx.span(id) { if let Some(now) = update(&span, None) { if let Some(parent) = span.parent() { update(&parent, Some(now)); } self.current_spans .get_or_default() .borrow_mut() .push(id.clone()); } } } fn on_exit(&self, id: &span::Id, cx: Context<'_, S>) { fn update LookupSpan<'a>>( span: &SpanRef, at: Option, ) -> Option { let exts = span.extensions(); // if the span we are entering is a task or async op, record the // poll stats. if let Some(stats) = exts.get::>() { let at = at.unwrap_or_else(Instant::now); stats.end_poll(at); Some(at) } else if let Some(stats) = exts.get::>() { let at = at.unwrap_or_else(Instant::now); stats.end_poll(at); Some(at) // otherwise, is the span a resource? in that case, we also want // to enter it, although we don't care about recording poll // stats. } else if exts.get::>().is_some() { Some(at.unwrap_or_else(Instant::now)) } else { None } } if let Some(span) = cx.span(id) { if let Some(now) = update(&span, None) { if let Some(parent) = span.parent() { update(&parent, Some(now)); } self.current_spans.get_or_default().borrow_mut().pop(id); } } } fn on_close(&self, id: span::Id, cx: Context<'_, S>) { if let Some(span) = cx.span(&id) { let now = Instant::now(); let exts = span.extensions(); if let Some(stats) = exts.get::>() { stats.drop_task(now); } else if let Some(stats) = exts.get::>() { stats.drop_async_op(now); } else if let Some(stats) = exts.get::>() { stats.drop_resource(now); } } } }