#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import os.path from icalendar import Calendar import csv filename = sys.argv[1] # TODO: use regex to get file extension (chars after last period), in case it's not exactly 3 chars. file_extension = str(sys.argv[1])[-3:] headers = ('Summary', 'UID', 'Description', 'Location', 'Start Time', 'End Time', 'URL') class CalendarEvent: """Calendar event class""" summary = '' uid = '' description = '' location = '' start = '' end = '' url = '' def __init__(self, name): self.name = name events = [] def open_cal(): if os.path.isfile(filename): if file_extension == 'ics': print("Extracting events from file:", filename, "\n") f = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') gcal = Calendar.from_ical(f.read()) for component in gcal.walk(): event = CalendarEvent("event") if component.get('TRANSP') == 'TRANSPARENT': continue #skip event that have not been accepted if component.get('SUMMARY') == None: continue #skip blank items event.summary = component.get('SUMMARY') event.uid = component.get('UID') if component.get('DESCRIPTION') == None: continue #skip blank items event.description = component.get('DESCRIPTION') event.location = component.get('LOCATION') if hasattr(component.get('dtstart'), 'dt'): event.start = component.get('dtstart').dt if hasattr(component.get('dtend'), 'dt'): event.end = component.get('dtend').dt event.url = component.get('URL') events.append(event) f.close() else: print("You entered ", filename, ". ") print(file_extension.upper(), " is not a valid file format. Looking for an ICS file.") exit(0) else: print("I can't find the file ", filename, ".") print("Please enter an ics file located in the same folder as this script.") exit(0) def csv_write(icsfile): csvfile = icsfile[:-3] + "csv" try: with open(csvfile, 'w') as myfile: wr = csv.writer(myfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL) wr.writerow(headers) for event in sortedevents: values = (event.summary.encode('utf8').decode(), event.uid, event.description.encode('utf8').decode(), event.location, event.start, event.end, event.url) wr.writerow(values) print("Wrote to ", csvfile, "\n") except IOError: print("Could not open file! Please close Excel!") exit(0) def debug_event(class_name): print("Contents of ", class_name.name, ":") print(class_name.summary) print(class_name.uid) print(class_name.description) print(class_name.location) print(class_name.start) print(class_name.end) print(class_name.url, "\n") open_cal() sortedevents=sorted(events, key=lambda obj: obj.start) # Needed to sort events. They are not fully chronological in a Google Calendard export ... csv_write(filename) #debug_event(event)