#!/opt/kugelstossmeeting-ticketing/venv/bin/python3 ''' TODOS - UI aufhübschen - Suchfunktion einbauen - usbscanner.py journal log automatisch öffnen per Button (soll separate Shell öffnen) ''' import sqlite3 from sqlite3 import Error from contextlib import closing import os import time from datetime import datetime import pytz import tkinter as tk #from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk, messagebox import tkinter.font as font BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) db_file = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "kugelstossmeeting-prod.db") if os.path.isfile(db_file) is False: error = "Error: Datenbankdatei '{}' konnte nicht gefunden werden!".format(db_file) print(error) messagebox.showerror("Error", error) exit(1) if os.path.getsize(db_file) == 0: error = "Error: Datenbankdatei '{}' ist 0 Byte groß!".format(db_file) print(error) messagebox.showerror("Error", error) exit(1) title = "Kugelstoßmeeting Rochlitz" timeoffset = 20 #seconds autoscroll = True lastSelectedTicket = None #das letzte manuell ausgewählte. Müssen wir merken, sonst wird es alle 2 Sekunden deselektiert window = tk.Tk() #window.geometry('800x600+0+0') window.attributes('-zoomed', True) window.title(title) window.iconphoto(False, tk.PhotoImage(file=os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "icon.png"))) currentScan = None def treeview_sort_column(tv, col, reverse): l = [(tv.set(k, col), k) for k in tv.get_children('')] l.sort(key=lambda t: int(t[0]), reverse=reverse) for index, (val, k) in enumerate(l): tv.move(k, '', index) tv.heading(col, command=lambda: treeview_sort_column(tv, col, not reverse)) def insertManualSelectionAsScan(mb): sql = "INSERT INTO scans(unixtimestamp_created,barcode,validated,hint,unixtimestamp_checked,skipped) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)" with closing(sqlite3.connect(db_file)) as conn: with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur: ts = time.time_ns() res = cur.execute(sql,(int(ts),mb,0,"Manuelle Auswahl",None,0)) print(res) conn.commit() def getLastScan(): #sql = "SELECT * FROM scans WHERE skipped = 0 AND validated = 0 ORDER BY unixtimestamp_created DESC LIMIT 1;" sql = "SELECT * FROM scans WHERE (julianday('now') - julianday(CAST(unixtimestamp_created AS float) / 1e9,'unixepoch'))*24*60*60 < ? ORDER BY unixtimestamp_created DESC LIMIT 1;" #sql = "SELECT * FROM scans ORDER BY unixtimestamp_created DESC LIMIT 1;" with closing(sqlite3.connect(db_file)) as conn: with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur: res = cur.execute(sql, (timeoffset, )) #res = cur.execute(sql) rows = res.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0: return rows[-1] else: return [] def getValidatedCount(): sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM scans WHERE validated = 1 and skipped = 0;" with closing(sqlite3.connect(db_file)) as conn: with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur: res = cur.execute(sql) rows = res.fetchall() validated=rows[-1][0] sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tickets;" with closing(sqlite3.connect(db_file)) as conn: with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur: res = cur.execute(sql) rows = res.fetchall() total=rows[-1][0] return "{}/{} eingecheckt".format(validated, total) #Anzahl der Barcodes, die mehr als 1x eingescannt wurden (nur für Statistik) def getScannedDuplicates(): sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) as "ct",* FROM scans GROUP BY barcode) WHERE ct > 1;' with closing(sqlite3.connect(db_file)) as conn: with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur: res = cur.execute(sql) rows = res.fetchall() total=rows[-1][0] return "{} Barcodes mehr als 1x gescannt".format(total) #Prüfen, ob Barcode in der Ticketliste existiert oder nicht def exists(barcode): sql = "SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE BarcodeContent = ? LIMIT 1;" with closing(sqlite3.connect(db_file)) as conn: with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur: res = cur.execute(sql, (barcode, )) rows = res.fetchall() return True if len(rows) > 0 else False def isAlreadyCheckedIn(barcode): sql = "SELECT * FROM scans WHERE validated = 1 AND barcode = ? ORDER BY unixtimestamp_checked LIMIT 1;" with closing(sqlite3.connect(db_file)) as conn: with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur: res = cur.execute(sql, (barcode, )) rows = res.fetchall() return True if len(rows) > 0 else False def getScans(tv): #sql = "SELECT * FROM scans WHERE skipped = 0 AND validated = 0;" # Scans, die nicht übersprungen und noch nicht validiert wurden sql = "SELECT * FROM scans;" # alle Scans with closing(sqlite3.connect(db_file)) as conn: with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur: res = cur.execute(sql) rows = res.fetchall() for i in tv.get_children(): tv.delete(i) k=1 for i in rows: unixtimestamp_created_c = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(str(i[0])[0:10]), pytz.timezone("Europe/Berlin")).strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S') try: unixtimestamp_checked_c = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(str(i[4])[0:10]), pytz.timezone("Europe/Berlin")).strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S') except: unixtimestamp_checked_c = "" barcode = i[1] validated = "Ja" if i[2] == 1 else "Nein" hint = "" if i[3] == None else i[3] #unixtimestamp_skipped = i[4] skipped = "Ja" if i[5] == 1 else "Nein" unixtimestamp_created = i[0] if k % 2 == 0: evenodd = "evenrow" else: evenodd = "oddrow" tv.insert('', 1, text=k, values=(unixtimestamp_created_c, barcode, validated, hint, unixtimestamp_checked_c, skipped, unixtimestamp_created), tags=(evenodd, )) k+=1 treeview_sort_column(tv, 6, False) #wir sortieren nach unixtimestamp_created, weil unixtimestamp_created_c einen Fehler bringt global autoscroll if autoscroll is True: if len(tv.get_children()) > 0: lastItem = tv.get_children()[-1] tv.focus(lastItem) tv.selection_set(lastItem) tv.yview_moveto(1) #Tickets def getTickets(tv): global lastSelectedTicket lastSelectedTicket = tv.index(tv.focus()) #sql = "SELECT * FROM tickets;" sql = "SELECT DISTINCT tickets.*, CASE WHEN RES.validated = 1 THEN 'Ja' ELSE 'Nein' END FROM tickets FULL JOIN (SELECT * FROM scans WHERE validated = 1 and skipped = 0) AS RES ON RES.barcode = tickets.BarcodeContent;" with closing(sqlite3.connect(db_file)) as conn: with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur: res = cur.execute(sql) rows = res.fetchall() for i in tv.get_children(): tv.delete(i) k=1 for i in rows: if k % 2 == 0: evenodd = "evenrow" else: evenodd = "oddrow" tv.insert('', 1, text=k, values=(i), tags=(evenodd, )) k+=1 treeview_sort_column(tv, 1, False) if len(tvScans.get_children()) > 0: global autoscroll if autoscroll is True: Barcode = tvScans.item(tvScans.focus())['values'][1] #get row von Scan, wo Barcode dem Barcode in Ticket entspr col=0 #Barcode-Spalte l = [(tvTickets.set(k, col), k) for k in tvTickets.get_children('')] for index, (val, k) in enumerate(l): if val == Barcode: tv.focus(tv.get_children()[index]) tv.selection_set(tv.get_children()[index]) tv.yview_moveto(0) tv.yview_scroll(index, "units") else: tv.focus(tv.get_children()[lastSelectedTicket]) tv.selection_set(tv.get_children()[lastSelectedTicket]) def validate(): if len(currentScan) > 0: sql = "UPDATE scans set unixtimestamp_checked = ?, hint = ?, validated = 1 WHERE unixtimestamp_created = ? AND barcode = ? AND validated = 0 AND skipped = 0;" with closing(sqlite3.connect(db_file)) as conn: with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur: ts = time.time_ns() res = cur.execute(sql,(int(ts), hintTextInput.get(1.0, "end-1c"), currentScan[0],currentScan[1])) print(res) conn.commit() hintTextInput.delete(1.0,tk.END) #reset hintTextInput def skip(): if len(currentScan) > 0: sql = "UPDATE scans set unixtimestamp_checked = ?, hint = ?, skipped = 1 WHERE unixtimestamp_created = ? AND barcode = ? AND validated = 0;" with closing(sqlite3.connect(db_file)) as conn: with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur: ts = time.time_ns() res = cur.execute(sql,(int(ts), hintTextInput.get(1.0, "end-1c"), currentScan[0],currentScan[1])) print(res) conn.commit() hintTextInput.delete(1.0,tk.END) #reset hintTextInput toggleScrollbarButton_t1 = "Umschalten zu: Ticket manuell auswählen" toggleScrollbarButton_t2 = "Umschalten zu: Ticket automatisch per Scan auswählen (Standard)" def manual(): if toggleScrollbarButton.config('text')[-1] == toggleScrollbarButton_t2: global lastSelectedTicket mBarcode = None if len(tvScans.get_children()) > 0: item = tvTickets.item(tvTickets.focus()) row = 0 for (val, k) in enumerate(item.values()): row += 1 if row == 3: mBarcode = k[0] print(mBarcode) insertManualSelectionAsScan(mBarcode) #insert a new "lastScan" def ScrollToggle(): global autoscroll if toggleScrollbarButton.config('text')[-1] == toggleScrollbarButton_t1: toggleScrollbarButton.config(text=toggleScrollbarButton_t2) autoscroll = False tvTickets['selectmode'] = "browse" else: toggleScrollbarButton.config(text=toggleScrollbarButton_t1) autoscroll = True tvTickets['selectmode'] = "none" toggleScrollbarButton = tk.Button(text=toggleScrollbarButton_t1, width=70, relief="raised", bg='pink', command=ScrollToggle) toggleScrollbarButton.pack(padx=10, pady=5) f1=tk.Frame(window) f1.pack(expand=1) tk.Label(f1, text="Die Anzeige des aktuellen Barcodes setzt sich automatisch nach {} Sekunden zurück".format(timeoffset), padx=10, pady=5).pack() manualButton = tk.Button(f1, text="Manuelle Auswahl", command=manual) manualButton.pack(side=tk.LEFT) manualButton['font']=font.Font(size=35) barcodeLabel = tk.Label(f1, text="<>", bg='#000000', fg='#00ff00', padx=10, pady=5) barcodeLabel.config(font=(None, 35)) barcodeLabel.pack(side=tk.LEFT) checkinButton = tk.Button(f1, text="Einchecken/entwerten", bg='red', fg='white', command=validate) checkinButton.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) checkinButton['font']=font.Font(size=35) skipButton = tk.Button(f1, text="Überspringen", bg='red', fg='white', command=skip) skipButton.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) skipButton['font']=font.Font(size=35) commentLabel = tk.Label(window, text="Kommentar", padx=10, pady=5) commentLabel.config(font=(None, 15)) commentLabel.pack() hintTextInput = tk.Text(window, height = 3, width = 100) hintTextInput.pack() totalValidatedLabel = tk.Label(window, text="/", fg='#008000', padx=10, pady=5, width=100) totalValidatedLabel.config(font=(None, 35)) totalValidatedLabel.pack() tabControl = ttk.Notebook(window) tabScans = ttk.Frame(tabControl) tabTickets = ttk.Frame(tabControl) tabControl.add(tabTickets, text='Alle Tickets') tabControl.add(tabScans, text='Alle Scans') tabControl.pack(fill='both') tk.Label(tabScans, text="Scans").pack() totalDuplicateCodeScansLabel = tk.Label(tabScans, text="/", padx=10, pady=5) totalDuplicateCodeScansLabel.pack() tk.Label(tabTickets, text="Tickets").pack() def updateBarcodeLabel(label, scan): if len(scan) == 0: labeltext="Bitte scannen!" label.config(fg='#0000ff') else: barcode = scan[1] existing = exists(barcode) alreadyCheckedIn = isAlreadyCheckedIn(barcode) if existing is True: if alreadyCheckedIn is False: if toggleScrollbarButton.config('text')[-1] == toggleScrollbarButton_t2: ScrollToggle() #toggle zurück zu Standardmodus, wenn ein normaler Scan gekommen ist labeltext="{0} ready!".format(barcode) label.config(fg='#00ff00') skip = scan[4] if skip is not None: labeltext="{0} übersprungen!".format(barcode) label.config(fg='#ffffff') else: labeltext="{0} entwertet!".format(barcode) label.config(fg='#ff0000') else: labeltext="{0} nicht gefunden!".format(barcode) label.config(fg='#7f00ff') label.config(text=labeltext) tvScans = ttk.Treeview(tabScans, height=50, selectmode="browse") tvScans["columns"] = ("c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "c5", "c6", "c7") #eine Spalte mehr (unixtimestamp_created, welche aber ausgeblendet ist und nur zum Sortieren genutzt wird) tvScans["displaycolumns"]=("c1", "c2", "c3", "c6", "c4", "c5") tvScans.column("c1", width=100) tvScans.column("c2", anchor='center', width=100) tvScans.column("c3", anchor='center', width=100) tvScans.column("c4", anchor='center', width=100) tvScans.column("c5", anchor='center', width=100) tvScans.column("c6", anchor='center', width=100) tvScans.heading("#0", text="Nr.") tvScans.heading("c1", text="TS Gescannt", anchor='w') tvScans.heading("c2", text="Barcode") tvScans.heading("c3", text="Entwertet") tvScans.heading("c4", text="Anmerkung/Hinweise") tvScans.heading("c5", text="TS Bearbeitet") tvScans.heading("c6", text="Übersprungen") tvScans.tag_configure('oddrow', background='white', font=("monospace", 10)) tvScans.tag_configure('evenrow', background='lightblue', font=("monospace", 10)) tvScansBar = ttk.Scrollbar(tabScans, orient="vertical", command=tvScans.yview) tvScansBar.pack(side='right', fill='x') tvScans.configure(yscrollcommand = tvScansBar.set) tvScans.pack(fill='both') tvTickets = ttk.Treeview(tabTickets, height=50, selectmode="none") tvTickets["columns"] = ("c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "c5", "c6", "c7", "c8", "c9", "c10", "c11") tvTickets["displaycolumns"]=("c1", "c3", "c4", "c5", "c6", "c7", "c8", "c9", "c10", "c11") tvTickets.column("c1", width=100) tvTickets.column("c2", anchor='center', width=100) tvTickets.column("c3", anchor='center', width=100) tvTickets.column("c4", anchor='center', width=100) tvTickets.column("c5", anchor='center', width=100) tvTickets.column("c6", anchor='center', width=100) tvTickets.column("c7", anchor='center', width=100) tvTickets.column("c8", anchor='center', width=100) tvTickets.column("c9", anchor='center', width=100) tvTickets.column("c10", anchor='center', width=100) tvTickets.column("c11", anchor='center', width=100) tvTickets.heading("#0", text="Nr.") tvTickets.heading("c1", text="Barcode", anchor='w') tvTickets.heading("c2", text="Nr") tvTickets.heading("c3", text="VIP") tvTickets.heading("c4", text="Medium") tvTickets.heading("c5", text="Aushändigung") tvTickets.heading("c6", text="Bestellnummer/Verwendungszweck") tvTickets.heading("c7", text="Bezahlt am") tvTickets.heading("c8", text="Hinweise") tvTickets.heading("c9", text="Besteller") tvTickets.heading("c10", text="Typ") tvTickets.heading("c11", text="Entwertet") tvTickets.tag_configure('oddrow', background='white', font=("monospace", 10)) tvTickets.tag_configure('evenrow', background='lightblue', font=("monospace", 10)) #tvTicketsBar = ttk.Scrollbar(tvTickets, orient="vertical", command=tvTickets.yview) #tvTicketsBar.pack(side='right', fill='x') #tvTickets.configure(yscrollcommand = tvTicketsBar.set) tvTickets.pack(fill='both') def update(): getScans(tvScans) getTickets(tvTickets) global currentScan currentScan=getLastScan() #bekomme den letzten, unbearbeiteten Scan updateBarcodeLabel(barcodeLabel, currentScan) totalValidatedLabel.config(text=getValidatedCount()) totalDuplicateCodeScansLabel.config(text=getScannedDuplicates()) window.after(2000, update) update() # run first time window.mainloop()