/** \file * Render a hidden wireframe version of an STL file. * */ // ./hiddenwire --no-hidden --prune 1 -v < nyc-50000.stl --camera 400,60,-600 --lookat 450,0,-800 --up 0,1,0 --fov 20 > test3.svg static int debug = 0; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "v3.h" #include "tri.h" #include "camera.h" #include "svg.h" static const char usage[] = "Usage: hiddenwire [options] file.stl > file.svg\n" "\n" "Options:\n" " -h | -? | --help Help\n" " -v | --verbose Enable debugging output\n" " -c | --camera x,y,z Camera position\n" " -l | --lookat x,y,z Target\n" " -u | --up x,y,z Up vector\n" " -F | --fov deg Field-of-view angle\n" " -s | --scale s Scale factor\n" " -p | --prune s Prune lines shorter than s\n" " --no-backface Disable backface culling\n" " --no-coplanar Disable coplanar merging\n" " --no-hiddenwire Disable hidden wire frame removal\n" "\n"; static const struct option long_options[] = { { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' }, { "verbose", 0, NULL, 'v' }, { "no-backface", 0, NULL, 'B' }, { "no-coplanar", 0, NULL, 'C' }, { "no-hiddenwire", 0, NULL, 'H' }, { "camera", 1, NULL, 'c' }, { "lookat", 1, NULL, 'l' }, { "up", 1, NULL, 'u' }, { "scale", 1, NULL, 's' }, { "prune", 1, NULL, 'p' }, { "fov", 1, NULL, 'F' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }, }; #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384 #endif typedef struct { char header[80]; uint32_t num_triangles; } __attribute__((__packed__)) stl_header_t; typedef struct { v3_t normal; v3_t p[3]; uint16_t attr; } __attribute__((__packed__)) stl_face_t; static inline int v2_eq( const float p0[], const float p1[], const float eps ) { const float dx = p0[0] - p1[0]; const float dy = p0[1] - p1[1]; // are the points within epsilon of each other? if (-eps < dx && dx < eps && -eps < dy && dy < eps) return 1; // nope, not equal return 0; } /* * Determine if a segment is part of a triangle edge */ int parallel( const v3_t * const p00, const v3_t * const p01, const v3_t * const p10, const v3_t * const p11 ) { //v3_t v = v3_sub(*p11, *p10); v3_t v0 = v3_sub(*p01, *p00); v3_t v1 = v3_sub(*p11, *p10); v3_t vx = v3_cross(v0, v1); float angle = v3_mag2(vx); // if the angle is far from zero, definitely not parallel if (angle < -EPS || EPS < angle) return 0; // they might be parallel, figure out if they are the same return 1; } int v3_parse(v3_t * out, const char * str) { int rc = sscanf(str, "%f,%f,%f", &out->p[0], &out->p[1], &out->p[2] ); if (rc != 3) return -1; return 0; } int onscreen( const v3_t * const p, const float width, const float height ) { if (p->p[0] < -width/2 || width/2 < p->p[0]) return 0; /* if (p->p[1] < -height/2 || height/2 < p->p[1]) return 0; */ return 1; } int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { if (argc <= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", usage); return EXIT_FAILURE; } int opt; int do_backface = 1; int do_coplanar = 1; int do_hidden = 1; v3_t eye = { { 100, 0, 0 } }; v3_t lookat = { { 0, 0, 0 } }; v3_t up = { { 0, 0, 1 } }; float scale = 1; float fov = 45; float prune = 0.1; float width = 4096; float height = 2048; while((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv ,"h?vBCHc:l:s:u:p:F:", long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch(opt) { case 'h' : case '?': printf("%s", usage); return EXIT_SUCCESS; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s", usage); return EXIT_FAILURE; case 'v': debug++; break; case 'B': do_backface = 0; break; case 'C': do_coplanar = 0; break; case 'H': do_hidden = 0; break; case 'p': prune = atof(optarg); break; case 's': scale = atof(optarg); break; case 'F': fov = atof(optarg); break; case 'c': if (v3_parse(&eye, optarg) < 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; break; case 'l': if (v3_parse(&lookat, optarg) < 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; break; case 'u': if (v3_parse(&up, optarg) < 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; break; } } // todo: sanity check fov, scale, etc const size_t max_len = 32 << 20; uint8_t * const buf = calloc(max_len, 1); size_t offset = 0; while(1) { ssize_t rc = read(0, buf+offset, max_len - offset); if (rc == -1) return EXIT_FAILURE; if (rc == 0) break; offset += rc; } const stl_header_t * const hdr = (const void*) buf; const stl_face_t * const stl_faces = (const void*)(hdr+1); const int num_triangles = hdr->num_triangles; float coplanar_eps = 0.001; if(debug) { fprintf(stderr, "header: '%s'\n", hdr->header); fprintf(stderr, "num: %d\n", num_triangles); } (void) scale; const camera_t * const cam = camera_new(eye, lookat, up, fov); printf("\n", width, height, width, height); float off_x = width/2; float off_y = height/2; printf("\n", off_x, off_y); int rejected = 0; tri_t * zlist = NULL; seg_t * slist = NULL; seg_t * slist_visible = NULL; int retained = 0; int backface = 0; int small_area = 0; int behind = 0; int offscreen = 0; // transform the stl by the camera projection and generate // a z-sorted list of triangles for (int i = 0 ; i < num_triangles ; i++) { const stl_face_t * const stl = &stl_faces[i]; v3_t s[3]; for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++) { // if any points are behind us, reject // this one if (!camera_project(cam, &stl->p[j], &s[j])) { behind++; goto reject_early; } } if(debug >= 2) for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++) { fprintf(stderr, "%+8.1f %+8.1f %+8.1f -> %+8.1f %+8.1f %+8.1f\n", stl->p[j].p[0], stl->p[j].p[1], stl->p[j].p[2], s[j].p[0], s[j].p[1], s[j].p[2] ); } tri_t * const tri = tri_new(s, stl->p); // reject this face if any of the vertices are behind us if (tri->min.p[2] < 0) { behind++; goto reject; } // do a back-face cull to determine if this triangle // is not facing us. we have to determine the orientation // from the winding of the new projection if (do_backface && tri->normal.p[2] <= 0) { backface++; goto reject; } // if it has any off-screen coords, reject it if (!onscreen(&tri->p[0], width, height) || !onscreen(&tri->p[1], width, height) || !onscreen(&tri->p[2], width, height)) { offscreen++; goto reject; } // prune the small triangles in the screen space if (tri_area_2d(tri) < prune) { small_area++; goto reject; } const float a = v3_dist_2d(&tri->p[0], &tri->p[1]); const float b = v3_dist_2d(&tri->p[1], &tri->p[2]); const float c = v3_dist_2d(&tri->p[2], &tri->p[0]); if( a < prune || b < prune || c < prune) { small_area++; goto reject; } // it passes the first tests, so insert the triangle // into the list and the three line segments tri_insert(&zlist, tri); retained++; continue; reject: tri_delete(tri); reject_early: continue; } if (debug > 3) for(tri_t * t = zlist ; t ; t = t->next) tri_print(t); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "Retained %d triangles, rejected %d behind, %d offscreen, %d backface, %d small\n", retained, behind, offscreen, backface, small_area); // drop any triangles that are totally occluded by another // triangle. this reduces the amount of work for later rejected = 0; for(tri_t * t = zlist ; t ; t = t->next) { tri_t * t2_next; for(tri_t * t2 = zlist ; t2 ; t2 = t2_next) { t2_next = t2->next; if (t == t2) continue; if (!tri_behind(t, t2)) continue; // t2 is occluded by t, remove it from the list rejected++; tri_delete(t2); } } if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "Rejected %d fully occluded triangles\n", rejected); // generate a list of segments, dropping any coplanar ones rejected = 0; for(tri_t * t = zlist ; t ; t = t->next) { unsigned matches = 0; if(do_coplanar) for(tri_t * t2 = zlist ; t2 ; t2 = t2->next) { if (t == t2) continue; const int edge = tri_coplanar(t, t2, coplanar_eps); if (edge < 0) continue; matches |= 1 << edge; } for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++) { // drop any that are coplanar if (matches & (1 << j)) { rejected++; continue; } seg_t * s = seg_new(t->p[j], t->p[(j+1) % 3]); s->next = slist; slist = s; } } if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "Rejected %d coplanar segments\n", rejected); // we now have a z-sorted list of triangles rejected = 0; // compute how many we actuall have remaining int remaining = 0; if (debug) { for(seg_t * s = slist ; s ; s = s->next) remaining++; fprintf(stderr, "%d segments remain to process\n", remaining); } if(do_hidden) { // work on each segment, intersecting it with all of the triangles int processed = 0; while(slist) { if (debug && ++processed % 1000 == 0) fprintf(stderr, "Hidden %d\n", processed); seg_t * s = slist; slist = s->next; tri_seg_hidden(zlist, s, &slist_visible); } } else { // don't do any intersection tests slist_visible = slist; slist = NULL; } // display all of the visible segments for(seg_t * s = slist_visible ; s ; s = s->next) { svg_line("#FF0000", s->p[0].p, s->p[1].p, 1); } printf("\n"); printf("\n"); return 0; }