SWEET. Added centre-first path sorting. This shows the first paths to be drawn as darker on the capture preview. For speed it does not show it like that on the live preview.

This commit is contained in:
Sandy Noble 2013-04-04 00:30:34 +01:00
parent b1a4daf69f
commit 2b3bfd9c5c
4 changed files with 258 additions and 155 deletions

View File

@ -403,19 +403,16 @@ class DisplayMachine extends Machine
if (captureShape != null)
//displayWebcamShapeAtFullSize(webcamShape, false, color(150,150,150));
displayWebcamShapeAtFullSize(captureShape, true, color(0,0,0));
displayWebcamShapeAtFullSize(webcamShape, false, color(255,255,255));
public void displayWebcamShapeAtFullSize(RShape vec)
public void displayWebcamShapeAtFullSize(RShape vec, boolean illustrateSequence, Integer colour)
// work out scaling to make it full size on the screen
@ -423,28 +420,31 @@ class DisplayMachine extends Machine
float h = height - getPanel(PANEL_NAME_GENERAL).getOutline().getTop() -10;
float w = h * aspectRatio;
float scaler = h / vec.getHeight();
PVector position = new PVector(getPanel(PANEL_NAME_WEBCAM).getOutline().getRight()+7, height -10);
// int noOfChildren = vec.countChildren();
// List<RShape> children = new ArrayList<RShape>(noOfChildren);
// for (int i=0; i < noOfChildren; i++)
// {
// if (vec.children[i].getArea() > pathLengthHighPassCutoff)
// children.add(vec.children[i]);
// }
// RShape[] newArray = children.toArray(new RShape[children.size()]);
// vec.children = newArray;
PVector position = new PVector(getPanel(PANEL_NAME_WEBCAM).getOutline().getRight()+7, getPanel(PANEL_NAME_GENERAL).getOutline().getTop() -10);
RPoint[][] pointPaths = vec.getPointsInPaths();
if (illustrateSequence)
pointPaths = sortPathsCentreFirst(vec, pathLengthHighPassCutoff);
if (pointPaths != null)
float incPerPath = 0.0;
if (illustrateSequence)
incPerPath = 255.0 / (float) pointPaths.length;
for(int i = 0; i<pointPaths.length; i++)
if (pointPaths[i].length >= pathLengthHighPassCutoff)
float col = (float)i * incPerPath;
// if (pointPaths[i].length >= pathLengthHighPassCutoff)
// {
if (pointPaths[i] != null)
if (illustrateSequence)
stroke((int)col, (int)col, (int)col, 128);
for (int j = 0; j<pointPaths[i].length; j++)
@ -454,10 +454,11 @@ class DisplayMachine extends Machine
vertex(p.x, p.y);
// }
public void displayVectorImage()

View File

@ -145,7 +145,8 @@ void button_mode_liveConfirmDraw()
// work out scaling and position
float scaling = getDisplayMachine().inMM(getDisplayMachine().getPictureFrame().getWidth()) / captureShape.getWidth();
PVector position = new PVector(getDisplayMachine().inMM(getDisplayMachine().getPictureFrame().getPosition().x), getDisplayMachine().inMM(getDisplayMachine().getPictureFrame().getPosition().y) + (captureShape.getHeight() * scaling));
PVector position = new PVector(getDisplayMachine().inMM(getDisplayMachine().getPictureFrame().getPosition().x),
sendVectorShapes(captureShape, scaling, position);

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
static final String CMD_CHANGELENGTH = "C01,";
static final String CMD_CHANGEPENWIDTH = "C02,";
static final String CMD_CHANGEMOTORSPEED = "C03,";
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ static final String CMD_DRAW_NORWEGIAN = "C43,";
static final String CMD_DRAW_NORWEGIAN_OUTLINE = "C44,";
static final String CMD_SETPENLIFTRANGE = "C45,";
private PVector mouseVector = new PVector(0,0);
private PVector mouseVector = new PVector(0, 0);
Comparator xAscending = new Comparator()
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ public PVector getMouseVector()
if (mouseVector == null)
mouseVector = new PVector(0,0);
mouseVector = new PVector(0, 0);
mouseVector.x = mouseX;
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ int scaleDensity(int inDens, int inMax, int outMax)
float reducedDens = (float(inDens) / float(inMax)) * float(outMax);
reducedDens = outMax-reducedDens;
// println("inDens:"+inDens+", inMax:"+inMax+", outMax:"+outMax+", reduced:"+reducedDens);
// println("inDens:"+inDens+", inMax:"+inMax+", outMax:"+outMax+", reduced:"+reducedDens);
// round up if bigger than .5
int result = int(reducedDens);
@ -283,26 +283,26 @@ PVector sortPixelsInRowsAlternating(SortedMap<Float, List<PVector>> inRows, int
// reverse it (descending)
Collections.sort(row, comp);
// if (startPoint == null)
// {
// if (rowIsAlongXAxis)
// startPoint = new PVector(row.get(0).x+(maxPixelSize/2.0), row.get(0).y);
// else
// startPoint = new PVector(row.get(0).x, row.get(0).y-(maxPixelSize/2.0));
// }
// if (startPoint == null)
// {
// if (rowIsAlongXAxis)
// startPoint = new PVector(row.get(0).x+(maxPixelSize/2.0), row.get(0).y);
// else
// startPoint = new PVector(row.get(0).x, row.get(0).y-(maxPixelSize/2.0));
// }
reverse = false;
// sort row ascending
Collections.sort(row, comp);
// if (startPoint == null)
// {
// if (rowIsAlongXAxis)
// startPoint = new PVector(row.get(0).x-(maxPixelSize/2.0), row.get(0).y);
// else
// startPoint = new PVector(row.get(0).x, row.get(0).y+(maxPixelSize/2.0));
// }
// if (startPoint == null)
// {
// if (rowIsAlongXAxis)
// startPoint = new PVector(row.get(0).x-(maxPixelSize/2.0), row.get(0).y);
// else
// startPoint = new PVector(row.get(0).x, row.get(0).y+(maxPixelSize/2.0));
// }
reverse = true;
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ void sendPixels(Set<PVector> pixels, String pixelCommand, int initialDirection,
// put the pen down if lifting over masked pixels is on
if (liftPenOnMaskedPixels && penLifted)
// println("Pen down.");
// println("Pen down.");
String lowerPen = CMD_PENDOWN + "END";
penLifted = false;
@ -635,7 +635,6 @@ void sendOutlineOfBox()
command = CMD_CHANGELENGTHDIRECT+(int)tl.x+","+(int)tl.y+","+getMaxSegmentLength()+",END";
void sendVectorShapes()
@ -649,7 +648,9 @@ void sendVectorShapes(RShape vec, float scaling, PVector position)
RPoint[][] pointPaths = vec.getPointsInPaths();
// sort the paths to optimise the draw sequence
pointPaths = sortPathLongestFirst(pointPaths, pathLengthHighPassCutoff);
// pointPaths = sortPathsLongestFirst(pointPaths, pathLengthHighPassCutoff);
// pointPaths = sortPathsGreatestAreaFirst(vec, pathLengthHighPassCutoff);
pointPaths = sortPathsCentreFirst(vec, pathLengthHighPassCutoff);
String command = "";
PVector lastPoint = new PVector();
@ -665,7 +666,6 @@ void sendVectorShapes(RShape vec, float scaling, PVector position)
if (pointPaths[i].length > pathLengthHighPassCutoff)
List<PVector> filteredPoints = filterPoints(pointPaths[i], VECTOR_FILTER_LOW_PASS, minimumVectorLineLength, scaling, position);
if (!filteredPoints.isEmpty())
// draw the first one with a pen up and down to get to it
@ -693,8 +693,7 @@ void sendVectorShapes(RShape vec, float scaling, PVector position)
command = CMD_CHANGELENGTHDIRECT+(int)p.x+","+(int)p.y+","+getMaxSegmentLength()+",END";
lastPoint = new PVector(p.x,p.y);
lastPoint = new PVector(p.x, p.y);
@ -719,13 +718,16 @@ public RPoint[][] sortPathLongestFirst(RPoint[][] pointPaths, int highPassCutoff
public int compare(RPoint[] o1, RPoint[] o2) {
if (o1.length > o2.length) {
return -1;
} else if (o1.length < o2.length) {
else if (o1.length < o2.length) {
return 1;
} else {
else {
return 0;
// filter out some short paths
pathsList = removeShortPaths(pathsList, highPassCutoff);
@ -739,13 +741,110 @@ public RPoint[][] sortPathLongestFirst(RPoint[][] pointPaths, int highPassCutoff
return pointPaths;
public RPoint[][] sortPathsGreatestAreaFirst(RShape vec, int highPassCutoff)
// put the paths into a list
SortedMap<Float, RPoint[]> pathsList = new TreeMap<Float, RPoint[]>();
int noOfChildren = vec.countChildren();
for (int i=0; i < noOfChildren; i++)
float area = vec.children[i].getArea();
RPoint[] path = vec.children[i].getPointsInPaths()[0];
pathsList.put(area, path);
RPoint[][] pointPaths = vec.getPointsInPaths();
List<RPoint[]> filtered = new ArrayList<RPoint[]>();
// and put them into a new array
int i = 0;
for (Float k : pathsList.keySet())
if (k >= highPassCutoff)
println("Filtered kept path of area " + k);
println("Filtered discarded path of area " + k);
pointPaths = new RPoint[filtered.size()][];
for (i = 0; i < filtered.size(); i++)
pointPaths[i] = filtered.get(i);
return pointPaths;
public RPoint[][] sortPathsCentreFirst(RShape vec, int highPassCutoff)
// put the paths into a list
int noOfChildren = vec.countChildren();
List<RShape> pathsList = new ArrayList<RShape>(noOfChildren);
for (int i=0; i < noOfChildren; i++)
List<RShape> orderedPathsList = new ArrayList<RShape>(noOfChildren);
// make a tiny area in the centre of the shape,
// plan to increment the size of the area until it covers vec entirely
// (radius of area min = 0, max = distance from shape centre to any corner.)
float aspectRatio = vec.getHeight() / vec.getWidth();
int n = 0;
float w = 1.0;
float h = w * aspectRatio;
RPoint topLeft = vec.getTopLeft();
RPoint botRight = vec.getBottomRight();
PVector centre = new PVector(vec.getWidth()/2, vec.getHeight()/2);
float vecWidth = vec.getWidth();
while (w <= vecWidth)
h = w * aspectRatio;
//println(n++ + ". Rect w " + w + ", h " + h);
RShape field = RShape.createRectangle(centre.x-(w/2.0), centre.y-(h/2.0), w, h);
// add all the shapes that are entirely inside the circle to orderedPathsList
ListIterator<RShape> it = pathsList.listIterator();
int shapesAdded = 0;
while (it.hasNext())
RShape sh = it.next();
if (field.contains(sh.getCenter()))
// remove the shapes from pathsList (so it isn't found again)
// increase the size of the circle and try again
RPoint[][] pointPaths = new RPoint[orderedPathsList.size()][];// vec.getPointsInPaths();
for (int i = 0; i < orderedPathsList.size(); i++)
pointPaths[i] = orderedPathsList.get(i).getPointsInPaths()[0];
return pointPaths;
List<RPoint[]> removeShortPaths(List<RPoint[]> list, int cutoff)
if (cutoff > 0)
int numberOfPaths = list.size();
ListIterator<RPoint[]> it = list.listIterator();
while (it.hasNext())
while (it.hasNext ())
RPoint[] paths = it.next();
if (paths == null || cutoff >= paths.length)
@ -818,11 +917,11 @@ void sendMachineStoreMode()
if (!getOverwriteExistingStoreFile())
overwrite = ",A";
addToCommandQueue(CMD_MACHINE_MODE_STORE_COMMANDS + getStoreFilename()+overwrite+",END");
addToRealtimeCommandQueue(CMD_MACHINE_MODE_STORE_COMMANDS + getStoreFilename()+overwrite+",END");
void sendMachineLiveMode()
void sendMachineExecMode()
@ -848,4 +947,3 @@ void sendDrawRandomSprite(String spriteFilename)

View File

@ -105,6 +105,9 @@ public RShape webcam_traceImage(Map<Integer, PImage> seps)
// rotate image
// transform it so that top left is at 0,0.
RPoint topLeft = allShapes.getTopLeft();
allShapes.translate(-topLeft.x, -topLeft.y);
return allShapes;