/*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Class and controllers on the "serial port" subwindow ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class SerialPortWindow extends ControlFrame { public SerialPortWindow() { super(parentPapplet, 150, 350); int xPos = 100; int yPos = 100; final Frame f = new Frame(CHANGE_SERIAL_PORT_WINDOW_NAME); f.add(this); this.init(); f.setTitle(CHANGE_SERIAL_PORT_WINDOW_NAME); f.setSize(super.w, super.h); f.setLocation(xPos, yPos); f.setResizable(false); f.setVisible(true); f.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { f.dispose(); } }); RadioButton r = cp5().addRadioButton("radio_serialPort") .setPosition(10, 10) .setSize(15,15) .setSpacingRow(5) .plugTo(parentPapplet, "radio_serialPort"); String[] ports = Serial.list(); for (int i = 0; i < ports.length; i++) { println("Adding " + ports[i]); r.addItem(ports[i], i); } int portNo = getSerialPortNumber(); if (portNo >= 0 && portNo < ports.length) r.activate(ports[portNo]); else r.activate("No serial connection"); } } void radio_serialPort(int newSerialPort) { println("In radio_serialPort"); if (newSerialPort == -2) { } else if (newSerialPort == -1) { println("Disconnecting serial port."); useSerialPortConnection = false; if (myPort != null) { myPort.stop(); myPort = null; } drawbotReady = false; drawbotConnected = false; serialPortNumber = newSerialPort; } else if (newSerialPort != getSerialPortNumber()) { println("About to connect to serial port in slot " + newSerialPort); // Print a list of the serial ports, for debugging purposes: if (newSerialPort < Serial.list().length) { try { drawbotReady = false; drawbotConnected = false; if (myPort != null) { myPort.stop(); myPort = null; } if (getSerialPortNumber() >= 0) println("closing " + Serial.list()[getSerialPortNumber()]); serialPortNumber = newSerialPort; String portName = Serial.list()[serialPortNumber]; myPort = new Serial(this, portName, getBaudRate()); //read bytes into a buffer until you get a linefeed (ASCII 10): myPort.bufferUntil('\n'); useSerialPortConnection = true; println("Successfully connected to port " + portName); } catch (Exception e) { println("Attempting to connect to serial port in slot " + getSerialPortNumber() + " caused an exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } else { println("No serial ports found."); useSerialPortConnection = false; } } else { println("no serial port change."); } }