// the ControlFrame class extends PApplet, so we // are creating a new processing applet inside a // new frame with a controlP5 object loaded public class ControlFrame extends PApplet { int w, h; int abc = 100; public void setup() { size(w, h); frameRate(25); cp5 = new ControlP5(this); cp5.addSlider("abc").setRange(0, 255).setPosition(10,10); cp5.addSlider("def").plugTo(parent,"def").setRange(0, 255).setPosition(10,30); } public void draw() { background(abc); } private ControlFrame() { } public ControlFrame(Object theParent, int theWidth, int theHeight) { parent = theParent; w = theWidth; h = theHeight; } public ControlP5 control() { return cp5; } ControlP5 cp5; Object parent; }