/** Polargraph controller Copyright Sandy Noble 2012. This file is part of Polargraph Controller. Polargraph Controller is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Polargraph Controller is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Polargraph Controller. If not, see . Requires the excellent ControlP5 GUI library available from http://www.sojamo.de/libraries/controlP5/. Requires the excellent Geomerative library available from http://www.ricardmarxer.com/geomerative/. This is an application for controlling a polargraph machine, communicating using ASCII command language over a serial link. sandy.noble@gmail.com http://www.polargraph.co.uk/ http://code.google.com/p/polargraph/ */ class DisplayMachine extends Machine { private Rectangle outline = null; private float scaling = 1.0; private Scaler scaler = null; private PVector offset = null; private float imageTransparency = 1.0; private Set extractedPixels = new HashSet(0); PImage scaledImage = null; private PVector currentPixel = null; public DisplayMachine(Machine m, PVector offset, float scaling) { // construct super(m.getWidth(), m.getHeight(), m.getMMPerRev(), m.getStepsPerRev()); super.machineSize = m.machineSize; super.page = m.page; super.imageFrame = m.imageFrame; super.pictureFrame = m.pictureFrame; super.imageBitmap = m.imageBitmap; super.imageFilename = m.imageFilename; super.stepsPerRev = m.stepsPerRev; super.mmPerRev = m.mmPerRev; super.mmPerStep = m.mmPerStep; super.stepsPerMM = m.stepsPerMM; super.maxLength = m.maxLength; super.gridSize = m.gridSize; this.offset = offset; this.scaling = scaling; this.scaler = new Scaler(scaling, 100.0); this.outline = null; } public Rectangle getOutline() { outline = new Rectangle(offset, new PVector(sc(super.getWidth()), sc(super.getHeight()))); return this.outline; } private Scaler getScaler() { if (scaler == null) this.scaler = new Scaler(getScaling(), getMMPerStep()); return scaler; } public void setScale(float scale) { this.scaling = scale; this.scaler = new Scaler(scale, getMMPerStep()); } public float getScaling() { return this.scaling; } public float sc(float val) { return getScaler().scale(val); } public void setOffset(PVector offset) { this.offset = offset; } public PVector getOffset() { return this.offset; } public void setImageTransparency(float trans) { this.imageTransparency = trans; } public int getImageTransparency() { float f = 255.0 * this.imageTransparency; f += 0.5; int result = (int) f; return result; } public PVector getCurrentPixel() { return this.currentPixel; } public void setCurrentPixel(PVector p) { this.currentPixel = p; } public void loadNewImageFromFilename(String filename) { super.loadImageFromFilename(filename); super.sizeImageFrameToImageAspectRatio(); this.setExtractedPixels(new HashSet(0)); } public final int DROP_SHADOW_DISTANCE = 4; public String getZoomText() { NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.UK); DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat)nf; df.applyPattern("###"); String zoom = df.format(scaling * 100) + "% zoom"; return zoom; } public String getDimensionsAsText(Rectangle r) { return getDimensionsAsText(r.getSize()); } public String getDimensionsAsText(PVector p) { String dim = inMM(p.x) + " x " + inMM(p.y) + "mm"; return dim; } public void drawForSetup() { // work out the scaling factor. noStroke(); // draw machine outline // drop shadow fill(80); rect(getOutline().getLeft()+DROP_SHADOW_DISTANCE, getOutline().getTop()+DROP_SHADOW_DISTANCE, getOutline().getWidth(), getOutline().getHeight()); fill(getMachineColour()); rect(getOutline().getLeft(), getOutline().getTop(), getOutline().getWidth(), getOutline().getHeight()); text("machine " + getDimensionsAsText(getSize()) + " " + getZoomText(), getOutline().getLeft(), getOutline().getTop()); if (displayingGuides) { // draw some guides stroke(getGuideColour()); strokeWeight(1); // centre line line(getOutline().getLeft()+(getOutline().getWidth()/2), getOutline().getTop(), getOutline().getLeft()+(getOutline().getWidth()/2), getOutline().getBottom()); // page top line line(getOutline().getLeft(), getOutline().getTop()+sc(getHomePoint().y), getOutline().getRight(), getOutline().getTop()+sc(getHomePoint().y)); } // draw page fill(getPageColour()); rect(getOutline().getLeft()+sc(getPage().getLeft()), getOutline().getTop()+sc(getPage().getTop()), sc(getPage().getWidth()), sc(getPage().getHeight())); text("page " + getDimensionsAsText(getPage()), getOutline().getLeft()+sc(getPage().getLeft()), getOutline().getTop()+sc(getPage().getTop())); fill(0); text("offset " + getDimensionsAsText(getPage().getPosition()), getOutline().getLeft()+sc(getPage().getLeft()), getOutline().getTop()+sc(getPage().getTop())+10); noFill(); // draw home point noFill(); strokeWeight(5); stroke(0, 128); PVector onScreen = scaleToScreen(inMM(getHomePoint())); ellipse(onScreen.x, onScreen.y, 15, 15); strokeWeight(2); stroke(255); ellipse(onScreen.x, onScreen.y, 15, 15); text("Home point", onScreen.x+ 15, onScreen.y-5); text(int(inMM(getHomePoint().x)+0.5) + ", " + int(inMM(getHomePoint().y)+0.5), onScreen.x+ 15, onScreen.y+15); if (displayingGuides && getOutline().surrounds(getMouseVector()) && currentMode != MODE_MOVE_IMAGE && mouseOverControls().isEmpty() ) { drawHangingStrings(); drawLineLengthTexts(); cursor(CROSS); } else { cursor(ARROW); } } public void drawLineLengthTexts() { PVector actual = inMM(asNativeCoords(inSteps(scaleToDisplayMachine(getMouseVector())))); PVector cart = scaleToDisplayMachine(getMouseVector()); NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.UK); DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat)nf; df.applyPattern("###.#"); text("Line 1: " + df.format(actual.x) + "mm", getDisplayMachine().getOutline().getLeft()+10, getDisplayMachine().getOutline().getTop()+18); text("Line 2: " + df.format(actual.y) + "mm", getDisplayMachine().getOutline().getLeft()+10, getDisplayMachine().getOutline().getTop()+28); text("X Position: " + df.format(cart.x) + "mm", getDisplayMachine().getOutline().getLeft()+10, getDisplayMachine().getOutline().getTop()+42); text("Y Position: " + df.format(cart.y) + "mm", getDisplayMachine().getOutline().getLeft()+10, getDisplayMachine().getOutline().getTop()+52); } public void draw() { // work out the scaling factor. noStroke(); // draw machine outline // fill(80); // rect(getOutline().getLeft()+DROP_SHADOW_DISTANCE, getOutline().getTop()+DROP_SHADOW_DISTANCE, getOutline().getWidth(), getOutline().getHeight()); fill(getMachineColour()); rect(getOutline().getLeft(), getOutline().getTop(), getOutline().getWidth(), getOutline().getHeight()); if (displayingGuides) { // draw some guides stroke(getGuideColour()); strokeWeight(1); // centre line line(getOutline().getLeft()+(getOutline().getWidth()/2), getOutline().getTop(), getOutline().getLeft()+(getOutline().getWidth()/2), getOutline().getBottom()); // page top line line(getOutline().getLeft(), getOutline().getTop()+sc(getHomePoint().y), getOutline().getRight(), getOutline().getTop()+sc(getHomePoint().y)); } // draw page fill(getPageColour()); rect(getOutline().getLeft()+sc(getPage().getLeft()), getOutline().getTop()+sc(getPage().getTop()), sc(getPage().getWidth()), sc(getPage().getHeight())); text("page " + getDimensionsAsText(getPage()), getOutline().getLeft()+sc(getPage().getLeft()), getOutline().getTop()+sc(getPage().getTop())-3); noFill(); // draw actual image if (displayingImage && imageIsReady()) { float ox = getOutline().getLeft()+sc(getImageFrame().getLeft()); float oy = getOutline().getTop()+sc(getImageFrame().getTop()); float w = sc(getImageFrame().getWidth()); float h = sc(getImageFrame().getHeight()); tint(255, getImageTransparency()); image(getImage(), ox, oy, w, h); noTint(); strokeWeight(1); stroke(150, 150, 150, 40); rect(ox, oy, w-1, h-1); fill(150, 150, 150, 40); text("image", ox, oy-3); noFill(); } stroke(getBackgroundColour(),150); strokeWeight(3); noFill(); rect(getOutline().getLeft()-2, getOutline().getTop()-2, getOutline().getWidth()+3, getOutline().getHeight()+3); stroke(getMachineColour(),150); strokeWeight(3); noFill(); rect(getOutline().getLeft()+sc(getPage().getLeft())-2, getOutline().getTop()+sc(getPage().getTop())-2, sc(getPage().getWidth())+4, sc(getPage().getHeight())+4); if (displayingSelectedCentres) { drawExtractedPixelCentres(); } if (displayingDensityPreview) { drawExtractedPixelDensities(); } if (displayingGuides) { drawPictureFrame(); } if (displayingVector && getVectorShape() != null) { displayVectorImage(); } if (displayingGuides && getOutline().surrounds(getMouseVector()) && currentMode != MODE_MOVE_IMAGE && mouseOverControls().isEmpty() ) { drawHangingStrings(); drawRows(); cursor(CROSS); } else { cursor(ARROW); } } public void drawForWebcam() { // work out the scaling factor. noStroke(); // draw machine outline // liveImage = webcam_buildLiveImage(); // draw actual image if (displayingImage && imageIsReady() && webcamShape != null) { processedLiveImage = webcam_processImageForTrace(getImage()); colourSeparations = webcam_buildSeps(processedLiveImage, sepKeyColour); webcamShape = webcam_traceImage(colourSeparations); } // if (drawingLiveVideo) // { // displayLiveVideo(); // } if (drawingWebcamShape && webcamShape != null) { displayWebcamShape(); } else { } } public void displayLiveVideo() { // draw actual image, maximum size if (processedLiveImage != null) { // origin - top left of the corner float ox = getPanel(PANEL_NAME_WEBCAM).getOutline().getRight()+7; float oy = getPanel(PANEL_NAME_GENERAL).getOutline().getTop(); // calculate size to display at. float aspectRatio = (rotateWebcamImage) ? 480.0/640.0 : 640.0/480.0; // rotated, remember float h = height - getPanel(PANEL_NAME_GENERAL).getOutline().getTop() -10; float w = h * (480.0/640.0); // println("height: " + h + ", width: " + w); // println("origin x: " + ox + ", y: " + oy); if (rotateWebcamImage) { float t = h; h = w; w = t; } //stroke(255); rect(ox,oy,w,h); tint(255, getImageTransparency()); if (rotateWebcamImage) { translate(ox, oy); rotate(radians(270)); image(processedLiveImage, -w, 0, w, h); image(liveImage, -w, (w-(w/4))+10, w/4, h/4); // stroke(0,255,0); // ellipse(0,0,80,40); // stroke(0,0,255); // ellipse(-w,0,80,40); rotate(radians(-270)); translate(-ox, -oy); } else { translate(ox, oy); image(processedLiveImage, 0, 0, h, w); image(liveImage, h-(h/4), w+10, h/4, w/4); translate(-ox, -oy); } noTint(); noFill(); } } public void displayWebcamShape() { strokeWeight(1); if (captureShape != null) { //displayWebcamShapeAtFullSize(webcamShape, false, color(150,150,150)); displayWebcamShapeAtFullSize(captureShape, true, color(0,0,0)); } else { displayWebcamShapeAtFullSize(webcamShape, false, color(255,255,255)); } } public void displayWebcamShapeAtFullSize(RShape vec, boolean illustrateSequence, Integer colour) { RG.ignoreStyles(); // work out scaling to make it full size on the screen float aspectRatio = vec.getWidth()/vec.getHeight(); // rotated, remember float h = height - getPanel(PANEL_NAME_GENERAL).getOutline().getTop() -10; float w = h * aspectRatio; float scaler = h / vec.getWidth(); if (rotateWebcamImage) scaler = h / vec.getHeight(); PVector position = new PVector(getPanel(PANEL_NAME_WEBCAM).getOutline().getRight()+7, getPanel(PANEL_NAME_GENERAL).getOutline().getTop()); noFill(); RPoint[][] pointPaths = vec.getPointsInPaths(); if (illustrateSequence) pointPaths = sortPathsCentreFirst(vec, pathLengthHighPassCutoff); if (pointPaths != null) { float incPerPath = 0.0; if (illustrateSequence) incPerPath = 255.0 / (float) pointPaths.length; for(int i = 0; i= pathLengthHighPassCutoff) // { if (pointPaths[i] != null) { if (illustrateSequence) stroke((int)col, (int)col, (int)col, 128); else stroke(colour); beginShape(); for (int j = 0; j= pixelExtractDarkThreshold)) { // scale em, danno. PVector scaledPos = scaleToScreen(cartesianPos); noStroke(); fill(cartesianPos.z); switch (getDensityPreviewStyle()) { case DENSITY_PREVIEW_ROUND: previewRoundPixel(scaledPos, pixelSize, pixelSize); break; case DENSITY_PREVIEW_DIAMOND: previewDiamondPixel(scaledPos, pixelSize, pixelSize, cartesianPos.z); break; default: previewRoundPixel(scaledPos, pixelSize, pixelSize); break; } } } } noFill(); } void previewDiamondPixel(PVector pos, float wide, float high, float brightness) { wide*=1.4; high*=1.4; // shall I try and draw a diamond here instead? OK! I'll do it! Ha! float halfWidth = wide / 2.0; float halfHeight = high / 2.0; fill(0,0,0, 255-brightness); quad(pos.x, pos.y-halfHeight, pos.x+halfWidth, pos.y, pos.x, pos.y+halfHeight, pos.x-halfWidth, pos.y); } void previewNativePixel(PVector pos, float wide, float high) { // shall I try and draw a diamond here instead? OK! I'll do it! Ha! float halfWidth = wide / 2.0; float halfHeight = high / 2.0; quad(pos.x, pos.y-halfHeight, pos.x+halfWidth, pos.y, pos.x, pos.y+halfHeight, pos.x-halfWidth, pos.y); } void previewRoundPixel(PVector pos, float wide, float high) { ellipse(pos.x, pos.y, wide*1.1, high*1.1); } color getPixelAtScreenCoords(PVector pos) { pos = scaleToDisplayMachine(pos); pos = inSteps(pos); float scalingFactor = getImage().width / getImageFrame().getWidth(); color col = super.getPixelAtMachineCoords(pos, scalingFactor); return col; } Set getExtractedPixels() { return this.extractedPixels; } void setExtractedPixels(Set p) { this.extractedPixels = p; } /* This will return a list of pixels that are included in the area in the parameter. All coordinates are for the screen. */ Set getPixelsPositionsFromArea(PVector p, PVector s, float rowSize) { extractPixelsFromArea(p, s, rowSize, 0.0); return getExtractedPixels(); } public void extractPixelsFromArea(PVector p, PVector s, float rowSize, float sampleSize) { // get the native positions from the superclass Set nativePositions = super.getPixelsPositionsFromArea(inSteps(p), inSteps(s), rowSize, sampleSize); // work out the cartesian positions Set cartesianPositions = new HashSet(nativePositions.size()); for (PVector nativePos : nativePositions) { // convert to cartesian PVector displayPos = super.asCartesianCoords(nativePos); displayPos = inMM(displayPos); displayPos.z = nativePos.z; cartesianPositions.add(displayPos); } setExtractedPixels(cartesianPositions); } public Set extractNativePixelsFromArea(PVector p, PVector s, float rowSize, float sampleSize) { // get the native positions from the superclass Set nativePositions = super.getPixelsPositionsFromArea(inSteps(p), inSteps(s), rowSize, sampleSize); return nativePositions; } protected PVector snapToGrid(PVector loose, float rowSize) { PVector snapped = inSteps(loose); snapped = super.snapToGrid(snapped, rowSize); snapped = inMM(snapped); return snapped; } public boolean pixelsCanBeExtracted() { if (super.getImage() == null) return false; else return true; } }