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t_user.use_id_c\n JOIN t_document ON t_comment.com_iddoc_c = t_document.doc_id_C\n WHERE\n t_document.doc_deletedate_d IS NULL AND\n t_comment.com_deletedate_d IS NULL AND\n t_user.use_username_c != 'guest'\n;", "refId": "A", "select": [ [ { "params": [ "value" ], "type": "column" } ] ], "timeColumn": "time", "where": [ { "name": "$__timeFilter", "params": [], "type": "macro" } ] } ], "timeFrom": null, "timeShift": null, "title": "Neueste Kommentare", "transform": "table", "type": "table-old" }, { "cacheTimeout": null, "columns": [], "datasource": "${DS_THINGS.FABLABCHEMNITZ.DE}", "description": "Für einen funktionierendes Mapping aus Metadaten-IDs und Dokumenten IDs sollte jedes Objekt eine eindeutige Integer-ID haben, damit die Inventaraufkleber funktionieren", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "custom": {} }, "overrides": [] }, "fontSize": "100%", "gridPos": { "h": 12, "w": 8, "x": 0, "y": 68 }, "id": 50, "links": [], "pageSize": 10, "showHeader": true, "sort": { "col": null, "desc": 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AS \"id\"\n FROM t_document AS D\n FULL JOIN t_document_metadata AS M ON M.dme_iddocument_c = D.doc_id_c\n FULL JOIN t_metadata AS N ON M.dme_idmetadata_c = N.met_id_c\n WHERE\n D.doc_deletedate_d IS NULL AND\n N.met_deletedate_d IS NULL AND\n (N.met_name_c = 'id' OR N.met_name_c IS NULL)\n GROUP BY \"id\"\n HAVING count(*) > 1)\n ) AS RES ON RES.doc_id_c = D.doc_id_c\nWHERE\n D.doc_deletedate_d IS NULL\n; ", "refId": "A", "select": [ [ { "params": [ "value" ], "type": "column" } ] ], "timeColumn": "time", "where": [ { "name": "$__timeFilter", "params": [], "type": "macro" } ] } ], "timeFrom": null, "timeShift": null, "title": "Duplicate IDs", "transform": "table", "type": "table-old" }, { "cacheTimeout": null, "columns": [], "datasource": "${DS_THINGS.FABLABCHEMNITZ.DE}", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "custom": {} }, "overrides": [] }, "fontSize": "100%", "gridPos": { "h": 12, "w": 16, "x": 8, "y": 68 }, "id": 52, "links": [], "pageSize": 10, "showHeader": true, "sort": { "col": 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D.doc_deletedate_d IS NULL AND \n N.met_deletedate_d IS NULL AND \n N.met_name_c = 'Eigentümer') AS RES2 ON RES2.doc_id_c = D.doc_id_c\n FULL JOIN (\n SELECT\n doc_id_c,\n dme_value_c::INT AS \"id\"\n FROM t_document AS D\n FULL JOIN t_document_metadata AS M ON M.dme_iddocument_c = D.doc_id_c\n FULL JOIN t_metadata AS N ON M.dme_idmetadata_c = N.met_id_c\n WHERE\n D.doc_deletedate_d IS NULL AND\n N.met_deletedate_d IS NULL AND\n N.met_name_c = 'id') AS RES ON RES.doc_id_c = D.doc_id_c \n WHERE\n D.doc_deletedate_d IS NULL\n ) AS RES\n ORDER BY \"id\" DESC\n;", "refId": "A", "select": [ [ { "params": [ "value" ], "type": "column" } ] ], "timeColumn": "time", "where": [ { "name": "$__timeFilter", "params": [], "type": "macro" } ] } ], "timeFrom": null, "timeShift": null, "title": "Gesamtliste (für Export)", "transform": "table", "type": "table-old" }, { "cacheTimeout": null, "columns": [], "datasource": "${DS_THINGS.FABLABCHEMNITZ.DE}", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "custom": {} }, 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FULL JOIN t_metadata AS N ON M.dme_idmetadata_c = N.met_id_c\n WHERE\n D.doc_deletedate_d IS NOT NULL AND\n N.met_deletedate_d IS NULL AND\n N.met_name_c = 'id') AS RES ON RES.doc_id_c = D.doc_id_c \nWHERE\n D.doc_deletedate_d IS NOT NULL\n\nEXCEPT\n \nSELECT\n D.doc_id_c AS \"Dokument ID\",\n D.doc_title_c AS \"Titel\",\n \"id\"\nFROM t_document AS D\nFULL JOIN (\n SELECT\n doc_id_c,\n dme_value_c::INT AS \"id\"\n FROM t_document AS D\n FULL JOIN t_document_metadata AS M ON M.dme_iddocument_c = D.doc_id_c\n FULL JOIN t_metadata AS N ON M.dme_idmetadata_c = N.met_id_c\n WHERE\n D.doc_deletedate_d IS NOT NULL AND\n N.met_deletedate_d IS NULL AND\n N.met_name_c = 'id') AS RES ON RES.doc_id_c = D.doc_id_c \nWHERE\n D.doc_deletedate_d IS NOT NULL AND\n \"id\" IS NULL\n;", "refId": "A", "select": [ [ { "params": [ "value" ], "type": "column" } ] ], "timeColumn": "time", "where": [ { "name": "$__timeFilter", "params": [], "type": "macro" } ] } ], "timeFrom": null, "timeShift": null, "title": 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\"Erscheinungsdatum\", \n \"Autoren/Herausgeber\" \nFROM t_document AS D \nFULL JOIN t_document_tag ON D.doc_id_c = t_document_tag.dot_iddocument_c\nFULL JOIN t_tag ON t_tag.tag_id_c = t_document_tag.dot_idtag_c \nFULL JOIN (\n SELECT \n doc_id_c, \n dme_value_c AS \"ISBN-13\" \n FROM t_document AS D \n FULL JOIN t_document_metadata AS M ON M.dme_iddocument_c = D.doc_id_c \n FULL JOIN t_metadata AS N ON M.dme_idmetadata_c = N.met_id_c \n WHERE \n D.doc_deletedate_d IS NULL AND \n N.met_deletedate_d IS NULL AND \n N.met_name_c = 'ISBN-13') AS RES1 ON RES1.doc_id_c = D.doc_id_c \nFULL JOIN (\n SELECT \n doc_id_c, dme_value_c AS \"Erscheinungsdatum\" \n FROM t_document AS D \n FULL JOIN t_document_metadata AS M ON M.dme_iddocument_c = D.doc_id_c \n FULL JOIN t_metadata AS N ON M.dme_idmetadata_c = N.met_id_c \n WHERE \n D.doc_deletedate_d IS NULL AND \n N.met_deletedate_d IS NULL AND \n N.met_name_c = 'Erscheinungsdatum') AS RES2 ON RES2.doc_id_c = D.doc_id_c \nFULL JOIN (\n SELECT \n doc_id_c, \n dme_value_c AS \"Autoren/Herausgeber\" \n FROM t_document AS D\n FULL JOIN t_document_metadata AS M ON M.dme_iddocument_c = D.doc_id_c\n FULL JOIN t_metadata AS N ON M.dme_idmetadata_c = N.met_id_c\n WHERE\n D.doc_deletedate_d IS NULL AND \n N.met_deletedate_d IS NULL AND \n N.met_name_c = 'Autoren/Herausgeber') AS RES3 ON RES3.doc_id_c = D.doc_id_c \nWHERE \n t_tag.tag_name_c in ('Literatur') AND \n t_tag.tag_deletedate_d IS NULL AND\n t_document_tag.dot_deletedate_d IS NULL AND \n D.doc_deletedate_d IS NULL\n;", "refId": "A", "select": [ [ { "params": [ "value" ], "type": "column" } ] ], "timeColumn": "time", "where": [ { "name": "$__timeFilter", "params": [], "type": "macro" } ] } ], "timeFrom": null, "timeShift": null, "title": "Literaturliste", "transform": "table", "type": "table-old" }, { "cacheTimeout": null, "columns": [], "datasource": "${DS_THINGS.FABLABCHEMNITZ.DE}", "description": "Unter Umständen hat ein Objekt mehrere Stromquellen. In diesem Fall kann das Objekt u.U. mehrfach in der Liste auftauchen!", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "custom": {} }, "overrides": [] }, "fontSize": "100%", "gridPos": { "h": 12, "w": 24, "x": 0, "y": 107 }, "id": 46, "links": [], "pageSize": 10, "showHeader": true, "sort": { "col": 0, "desc": true }, "styles": [ { "$$hashKey": "object:5448", "alias": "Nr", "align": "auto", "colorMode": null, "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "row_number", "thresholds": [], "type": "string", "unit": "short" }, { "$$hashKey": "object:5479", "alias": "Gerät/Maschine", "align": "auto", "colorMode": null, "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "titel", "thresholds": [], "type": "string", "unit": "short" }, { "$$hashKey": "object:5519", "alias": "Werkstattbereich", "align": "auto", "colorMode": null, "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "werkstattbereich", "thresholds": [], "type": "string", "unit": "short" }, { "$$hashKey": "object:5540", "alias": "Betriebsmittelart", "align": "auto", "colorMode": null, "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "betriebsmittelart", "thresholds": [], "type": "string", "unit": "short" }, { "$$hashKey": "object:5580", "alias": "Stromversorgung", "align": "auto", "colorMode": null, "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "strom", "thresholds": [], "type": "string", "unit": "short", "valueMaps": [ { "$$hashKey": "object:5662", "text": "230V Schuko 3-polig", "value": "230V_Schuko_3-polig" }, { "$$hashKey": "object:5664", "text": "230V 2-polig", "value": "230V_2-polig" }, { "$$hashKey": "object:5666", "text": "CEE Drehstrom", "value": "CEE_Drehstrom" }, { "$$hashKey": "object:231", "text": "in Teedy ergänzen", "value": "null" } ] }, { "$$hashKey": "object:5622", "alias": "Schutzklasse", "align": "auto", "colorMode": null, "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "schutzklasse", "thresholds": [], "type": "string", "unit": "short", "valueMaps": [ { "$$hashKey": "object:271", "text": "in Teedy zu ergänzen", "value": "null" } ] } ], "targets": [ { "format": "table", "group": [], "metricColumn": "none", "rawQuery": true, "rawSql": "/*Warnung. Diese SQL-Abfrage muss mit der Tag-Struktur synchron gehalten werden, da Verschachtelungen und Änderungen nicht automatisch erkannt werden*/\nSELECT \n ROW_NUMBER() OVER() AS \"Nr.\", \n * \nFROM (\n SELECT DISTINCT\n \"id\",\n t_document.doc_title_c AS Titel,\n WB.\"Werkstattbereich\" AS Werkstattbereich,\n BA.\"Betriebsmittelart\" AS Betriebsmittelart,\n AN.\"Strom\" AS Strom,\n SS.\"Schutzklasse\" AS Schutzklasse,\n \"Nennleistung (W)\"::FLOAT,\n \"Gewicht (kg)\"::FLOAT\n FROM t_document\n JOIN t_document_tag ON t_document.doc_id_c = t_document_tag.dot_iddocument_c\n JOIN t_tag ON t_tag.tag_id_c = t_document_tag.dot_idtag_c\n FULL JOIN (\n SELECT\n doc_id_c,\n dme_value_c AS \"Gewicht (kg)\"\n FROM t_document AS D\n FULL JOIN t_document_metadata AS M ON M.dme_iddocument_c = D.doc_id_c\n FULL JOIN t_metadata AS N ON M.dme_idmetadata_c = N.met_id_c\n WHERE\n D.doc_deletedate_d IS NULL AND\n N.met_deletedate_d IS NULL AND\n N.met_name_c = 'Gewicht (kg)') AS RES1 ON RES1.doc_id_c = t_document.doc_id_c\n FULL JOIN (\n SELECT\n doc_id_c,\n dme_value_c AS \"Nennleistung (W)\"\n FROM t_document AS D\n FULL JOIN t_document_metadata AS M ON M.dme_iddocument_c = D.doc_id_c\n FULL JOIN t_metadata AS N ON M.dme_idmetadata_c = N.met_id_c\n WHERE\n D.doc_deletedate_d IS NULL AND\n N.met_deletedate_d IS NULL AND\n N.met_name_c = 'Nennleistung (W)') AS RES2 ON RES2.doc_id_c = t_document.doc_id_c\n FULL JOIN (\n SELECT\n doc_id_c,\n dme_value_c AS \"id\"\n FROM t_document AS D\n FULL JOIN t_document_metadata AS M ON M.dme_iddocument_c = D.doc_id_c\n FULL JOIN t_metadata AS N ON M.dme_idmetadata_c = N.met_id_c\n WHERE\n D.doc_deletedate_d IS NULL AND\n N.met_deletedate_d IS NULL AND\n N.met_name_c = 'id') AS RES3 ON RES3.doc_id_c = t_document.doc_id_c \n FULL JOIN (\n SELECT\n t_document.doc_id_c,\n t_tag.tag_name_c as \"Strom\"\n FROM t_document\n JOIN t_document_tag ON t_document.doc_id_c = t_document_tag.dot_iddocument_c\n JOIN t_tag ON t_tag.tag_id_c = 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Filtere die unique tags daraus*/\nSELECT DISTINCT\n T.tag_name_c\nFROM TAGTREE AS T\nJOIN t_document_tag AS DT ON DT.dot_idtag_c = T.tag_id_c\nJOIN t_document AS D ON D.doc_id_c = DT.dot_iddocument_c\nWHERE\n DT.dot_deletedate_d IS NULL AND\n D.doc_deletedate_d IS NULL\n;", "refId": "A", "select": [ [ { "params": [ "value" ], "type": "column" } ] ], "timeColumn": "time", "where": [ { "name": "$__timeFilter", "params": [], "type": "macro" } ] } ], "timeFrom": null, "timeShift": null, "title": "Ungenutzte Tags", "type": "table" }, { "datasource": "${DS_THINGS.FABLABCHEMNITZ.DE}", "description": "Diese Ansicht sollte besser in ein Pivot überführt werden (Pro User/Gruppe eine Spalte statt Zeile) -> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15745042/efficiently-convert-rows-to-columns-in-sql-server", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "custom": { "align": null, "filterable": false }, "mappings": [], "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green", "value": null }, { "color": "red", 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