2022-02-15 12:44:29 -08:00
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2022-01-02 10:37:33 -08:00
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Ventura</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Other South</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "9" > QE Medicare</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "9" > Hawaii</tspan>
<ellipse width= "6" height= "6" rx= "3" ry= "3" cx= "3" cy= "3" stroke-width= "1px" fill= "rgb(224,229,239)" visibility= "hidden" stroke= "rgb(2,59,185)" style= "cursor: default;" />
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "9" > Corneal Tissue OPS</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Transplant Bank International</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Orange County Eye and Transplant Bank</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Northern California Transplant Bank</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > In 2010, 2,500 referrals forwarded to OneLegacy</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "18.700000000000003" > Doheny Eye and Tissue Transplant Bank</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > OneLegacy</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > In 2010, 11,828 referrals</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > San Diego Eye Bank</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > In 2010, 2,555 referrals</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > California Transplant Donor Network</tspan>
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<rect width= "139" height= "28" rx= "4.2" ry= "4.2" x= "-2" y= "-3" stroke-width= "1px" stroke= "rgb(241,163,39)" fill= "rgb(252,235,192)" stroke-opacity= "0" fill-opacity= "0" />
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > California Transplant Services</tspan>
<ellipse width= "6" height= "6" rx= "3" ry= "3" cx= "-3" cy= "22" stroke-width= "1px" fill= "rgb(224,229,239)" visibility= "visible" stroke= "rgb(2,59,185)" style= "cursor: default;" />
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > In 2010, 0 referrals</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Lifesharing</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > DCI Donor Services</tspan>
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<g preserveAspectRatio= "none" focusable= "true" width= "100" height= "100" transform= "translate(-519.50000,24.00000) scale(1.00000,1.00000)" visibility= "visible" >
<rect width= "171" height= "28" rx= "4.2" ry= "4.2" x= "-2" y= "-3" stroke-width= "1px" stroke= "rgb(241,163,39)" fill= "rgb(252,235,192)" stroke-opacity= "0" fill-opacity= "0" />
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Sierra Eye and Tissue Donor Services</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > In 2010, 2.023 referrals</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > SightLife</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "9" > Policy Bodies</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Advocacy</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > AAO</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > ASCRS</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > EBAA</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Military</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > United Network for Organ Sharing</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Kaiser Hospital System</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > University of California System</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > CMS</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Medicare Part A</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Medicare Part B</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "9" > CMS Data</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "9" > Northern California</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Oakland/Berkeley</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > San Mateo</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Other North</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > San Francisco</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Santa Clara</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Marin/Napa/Solano</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "9" > Tools</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Darthmouth Atlas of Health</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > HealthLandscape</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "9" > Ambulatory Payment Classification</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > CPT's which don't allow V2785</tspan>
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<rect width= "153" height= "28" rx= "4.2" ry= "4.2" x= "-2" y= "-3" stroke-width= "1px" stroke= "rgb(241,163,39)" fill= "rgb(252,235,192)" stroke-opacity= "0" fill-opacity= "0" />
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Ocular Reconstruction Transplant</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > 65780 (amniotic membrane tranplant</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > 65781 (limbal stem cell allograft)</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > 65782 (limbal conjunctiva autograft)</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Endothelial keratoplasty</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > 65756</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Epikeratoplasty</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > 65767</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Anterior lamellar keratoplasty</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > 65710</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Processing, preserving, and transporting corneal tissue</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > V2785</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Laser incision in recepient</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > 0290T</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Laser incision in donor</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > 0289T</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > Penetrating keratoplasty</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > 65730 (in other)</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > 65755 (in pseudoaphakia)</tspan>
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<tspan dy= "1em" x= "7" > 65750 (in aphakia)</tspan>
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