mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 22:05:08 +01:00
Clean up code.
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ const Editor = ({
if (options.locked) {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ class Designer extends Events {
$assert(divElement, 'divElement must be defined');
// Set up i18n location ...
console.log(`Editor location: ${options.locale}`);
this._options = options;
@ -30,9 +30,6 @@ export function buildDesigner(options: DesignerOptions): Designer {
// Register load events ...
designer = new Designer(options, divContainer);
designer.addEvent('loadSuccess', () => {
console.log('Map loadded successfully');
// Configure default persistence manager ...
const persistence = options.persistenceManager;
@ -40,7 +37,7 @@ export function buildDesigner(options: DesignerOptions): Designer {
// Register toolbar event ...
if ($('#toolbar').length) {
if (options.mode === 'edition' || options.mode === 'showcase') {
const menu = new Menu(designer, 'toolbar');
// If a node has focus, focus can be move to another node using the keys.
@ -19,22 +19,24 @@ import { $defined } from '@wisemapping/core-js';
import Bundle from './lang/Bundle';
class Messages {
static init(locale) {
public static __bundle;
static init(locale: string) {
let userLocale = $defined(locale) ? locale : 'en';
let bundle = Bundle[locale];
let bundle = Bundle[userLocale];
if (bundle == null && locale.indexOf('_') !== -1) {
// Try to locate without the specialization ...
userLocale = locale.substring(0, locale.indexOf('_'));
bundle = Bundle[locale];
bundle = Bundle[userLocale];
global.locale = userLocale;
Messages.__bundle = bundle || {};
this.__bundle = bundle;
const $msg = function $msg(key) {
const $msg = function $msg(key: string) {
if (!Messages.__bundle) {
console.log('Trigger initialization');
const msg = Messages.__bundle[key];
@ -20,12 +20,14 @@ import ES from './es';
import EN from './en';
import DE from './de';
import FR from './fr';
import RU from './ru';
const Bundle = {
es: ES,
en: EN,
de: DE,
fr: FR,
ru: RU,
export default Bundle;
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
ZOOM_IN = 'Ansicht vergrößern',
ZOOM_OUT = 'Ansicht verkleinern',
TOPIC_SHAPE = 'Themen Gestaltung',
TOPIC_ADD = 'Thema hinzufügen',
TOPIC_DELETE = 'Thema löschen',
TOPIC_ICON = 'Symbol hinzufügen',
TOPIC_LINK = 'Verbindung hinzufügen',
TOPIC_COLOR = 'Themenfarbe',
TOPIC_BORDER_COLOR = 'Thema Randfarbe',
TOPIC_NOTE = 'Notiz hinzufügen',
FONT_FAMILY = 'Schrifttyp',
FONT_SIZE = 'Schriftgröße',
FONT_BOLD = 'Fette Schrift',
FONT_ITALIC = 'Kursive Schrift',
UNDO = 'Rückgängig machen',
REDO = 'Wiederholen',
INSERT = 'Einfügen',
SAVE = 'Sichern',
NOTE = 'Notiz',
ADD_TOPIC = 'Thema hinzufügen',
LOADING = 'Laden ...',
EXPORT = 'Exportieren',
PRINT = 'Drucken',
PUBLISH = 'Publizieren',
COLLABORATE = 'Mitbenutzen',
HISTORY = 'Historie',
DISCARD_CHANGES = 'Änderungen verwerfen',
FONT_COLOR = 'Textfarbe',
SAVING = 'Sichern ...',
SAVE_COMPLETE = 'Sichern abgeschlossen',
ZOOM_IN_ERROR = 'Zoom zu hoch.',
ZOOM_ERROR = 'Es kann nicht weiter vergrößert bzw. verkelinert werden.',
ONLY_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED = 'Thema konnte nicht angelegt werden. Bitte wählen Sie nur ein Thema aus.',
ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED = 'Thema konnte nicht angelegt werden. Es muss ein Thema ausgewählt werden.',
ONLY_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED_COLLAPSE = 'Kinderknoten können nicht eingefaltet werden. Es muss ein Thema ausgewäht werden.',
SAVE_COULD_NOT_BE_COMPLETED = 'Sichern wurde nicht abgeschlossen. Versuchen Sie es später nocheinmal.',
UNEXPECTED_ERROR_LOADING = 'E tut uns Leid, ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten.\nVersuchen Sie, den Editor neu zu laden. Falls das Problem erneut auftritt, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns unter support@wisemapping.com.',
MAIN_TOPIC = 'Hauptthema',
SUB_TOPIC = 'Unterthema',
ISOLATED_TOPIC = 'Isoliertes Thema',
CENTRAL_TOPIC = 'Zentrales Thema',
SHORTCUTS = 'Tastaturkürzel',
ENTITIES_COULD_NOT_BE_DELETED = 'Konnte das Thema oder die Beziehung nicht löschen. Es muss mindest ein Eintrag ausgewählt sein.',
AT_LEAST_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED = 'Es muss mindestens ein Thema ausgewählt sein.',
CLIPBOARD_IS_EMPTY = 'Es gibt nichts zu kopieren. Die Zwischenablage ist leer.',
CENTRAL_TOPIC_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED = 'Das zentrale Thema kann nicht gelöscht werden.',
RELATIONSHIP_COULD_NOT_BE_CREATED = 'Die Beziehung konnte nicht angelegt werden. Es muss erst ein Vater-Thema ausgewählt werden, um die Beziehung herzustellen.',
SELECTION_COPIED_TO_CLIPBOARD = 'Themen in der Zwischenablage',
WRITE_YOUR_TEXT_HERE = 'Schreiben Sie ihre Notiz hier ...',
REMOVE = 'Entfernen',
ACCEPT = 'Akzeptieren',
CANCEL = 'Abbrechen',
LINK = 'Verbindung',
OPEN_LINK = 'Öffne URL',
SESSION_EXPIRED = 'Ihre Sitzung ist abgelaufen, bitte melden Sie sich erneut an.',
URL_ERROR = 'URL nicht gültig',
ACTION = 'Aktion',
CREATE_SIBLING_TOPIC = 'Erzeuge ein Schwester Thema',
CREATE_CHILD_TOPIC = 'Eryeuge ein Unterthema',
DELETE_TOPIC = 'Lösche Thema',
EDIT_TOPIC_TEXT = 'Editiere Thematext',
JUST_START_TYPING = 'Einfach mit der Eingabe beginnen',
CANCEL_TEXT_CHANGES = 'Textänderungen abbrechen',
TOPIC_NAVIGATION = 'Themen Navigation',
ARROW_KEYS = 'Pfeiltasten',
SELECT_MULTIPLE_NODES = 'Wähle mehrfache Knoten aus',
UNDO_EDITION = 'Änderungen rückgängig machen',
REDO_EDITION = 'Änderung nochmal ausführen',
SELECT_ALL_TOPIC = 'Wähle alle Themen aus',
CHANGE_TEXT_BOLD = 'Ändere Text in fette Schrift',
SAVE_CHANGES = 'Änderungen sichern',
CHANGE_TEXT_ITALIC = 'Ändere Text in kursive Schrift',
DESELECT_ALL_TOPIC = 'Deselektiere alle Themen',
COLLAPSE_CHILDREN = 'Kindknoten zusammenklappen',
KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_MSG = 'Tastenkürzel helfen Zeit zu sparen und erlauben die Arbeit nur mit der Tatstatur, s.d. Sie niemals die Hand von der Tastatur nehmen müßen, um die Maus zu bedienen.',
COPY_AND_PASTE_TOPICS = 'Kopieren und Einsetzen von Themen',
MULTIPLE_LINES = 'Füge mehrer Textzeilen hinzu',
BACK_TO_MAP_LIST = 'Zurück zur Kartenliste',
KEYBOARD_SHOTCUTS = 'Tastaturkürzel',
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
ZOOM_IN = 'Zoom In',
ZOOM_OUT = 'Zoom Out',
TOPIC_SHAPE = 'Topic Shape',
TOPIC_ADD = 'Add Topic',
TOPIC_DELETE = 'Delete Topic',
TOPIC_ICON = 'Add Icon',
TOPIC_LINK = 'Add Link',
TOPIC_RELATIONSHIP = 'Relationship',
TOPIC_COLOR = 'Topic Color',
TOPIC_BORDER_COLOR = 'Topic Border Color',
TOPIC_NOTE = 'Add Note',
FONT_FAMILY = 'Font Type',
FONT_SIZE = 'Text Size',
FONT_BOLD = 'Text Bold',
FONT_ITALIC = 'Text Italic',
UNDO = 'Undo',
REDO = 'Redo',
INSERT = 'Insert',
SAVE = 'Save',
NOTE = 'Note',
ADD_TOPIC = 'Add Topic',
LOADING = 'Loading ...',
EXPORT = 'Export',
PRINT = 'Print',
PUBLISH = 'Publish',
HISTORY = 'History',
DISCARD_CHANGES = 'Discard Changes',
FONT_COLOR = 'Text Color',
SAVING = 'Saving ...',
SAVE_COMPLETE = 'Save Complete',
ZOOM_IN_ERROR = 'Zoom too high.',
ZOOM_ERROR = 'No more zoom can be applied.',
ONLY_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED = 'Could not create a topic. Only one topic must be selected.',
ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED = 'Could not create a topic. One topic must be selected.',
ONLY_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED_COLLAPSE = 'Children can not be collapsed. One topic must be selected.',
SAVE_COULD_NOT_BE_COMPLETED = 'Save could not be completed, please try again latter.',
UNEXPECTED_ERROR_LOADING = "We're sorry, an unexpected error has occurred.\nTry again reloading the editor.If the problem persists, contact us to support@wisemapping.com.",
MAIN_TOPIC = 'Main Topic',
SUB_TOPIC = 'Sub Topic',
ISOLATED_TOPIC = 'Isolated Topic',
CENTRAL_TOPIC = 'Central Topic',
SHORTCUTS = 'Keyboard Shortcuts',
ENTITIES_COULD_NOT_BE_DELETED = 'Could not delete topic or relation. At least one map entity must be selected.',
AT_LEAST_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED = 'At least one topic must be selected.',
CLIPBOARD_IS_EMPTY = 'Nothing to copy. Clipboard is empty.',
CENTRAL_TOPIC_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED = 'Central topic can not be deleted.',
RELATIONSHIP_COULD_NOT_BE_CREATED = 'Relationship could not be created. A parent relationship topic must be selected first.',
SELECTION_COPIED_TO_CLIPBOARD = 'Topics copied to the clipboard',
WRITE_YOUR_TEXT_HERE = 'Write your note here ...',
REMOVE = 'Remove',
ACCEPT = 'Accept',
CANCEL = 'Cancel',
LINK = 'Link',
SESSION_EXPIRED = 'Your session has expired, please log-in again.',
URL_ERROR = 'URL not valid',
ACTION = 'Action',
CREATE_SIBLING_TOPIC = 'Create Sibling Topic',
CREATE_CHILD_TOPIC = 'Create Child Topic',
DELETE_TOPIC = 'Delete Topic',
EDIT_TOPIC_TEXT = 'Edit Topic Text',
JUST_START_TYPING = 'Just start typing',
CANCEL_TEXT_CHANGES = 'Cancel Text Changes',
TOPIC_NAVIGATION = 'Topic Navigation',
ARROW_KEYS = 'Arrow Keys',
SELECT_MULTIPLE_NODES = 'Select Multiple Nodes',
UNDO_EDITION = 'Undo Edition',
REDO_EDITION = 'Redo Edition',
SELECT_ALL_TOPIC = 'Select All Topic',
CHANGE_TEXT_BOLD = 'Change Text Bold Type',
SAVE_CHANGES = 'Save Changes',
CHANGE_TEXT_ITALIC = 'Change Text Italic',
DESELECT_ALL_TOPIC = 'Deselect All Topic',
COLLAPSE_CHILDREN = 'Collapse Children',
KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_MSG = 'Keyboard shortcuts can help you save time by allowing you to never take your hands off the keyboard to use the mouse.',
COPY_AND_PASTE_TOPICS = 'Copy and Paste Topics',
MULTIPLE_LINES = 'Add multiple text lines',
BACK_TO_MAP_LIST = 'Back to Maps List',
KEYBOARD_SHOTCUTS = 'Keyboard Shorcuts',
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
ZOOM_IN = 'Acercar',
ZOOM_OUT = 'Alejar',
TOPIC_SHAPE = 'Forma del Tópico',
TOPIC_ADD = 'Agregar Tópico',
TOPIC_DELETE = 'Borrar Tópico',
TOPIC_ICON = 'Agregar Icono',
TOPIC_LINK = 'Agregar Enlace',
TOPIC_COLOR = 'Color Tópico',
TOPIC_BORDER_COLOR = 'Color del Borde',
TOPIC_NOTE = 'Agregar Nota',
FONT_FAMILY = 'Tipo de Fuente',
FONT_SIZE = 'Tamaño de Texto',
FONT_BOLD = 'Negrita',
FONT_ITALIC = 'Italica',
UNDO = 'Rehacer',
REDO = 'Deshacer',
INSERT = 'Insertar',
SAVE = 'Guardar',
NOTE = 'Nota',
ADD_TOPIC = 'Agregar Tópico',
LOADING = 'Cargando ...',
EXPORT = 'Exportar',
PRINT = 'Imprimir',
PUBLISH = 'Publicar',
COLLABORATE = 'Compartir',
HISTORY = 'Historial',
DISCARD_CHANGES = 'Descartar Cambios',
FONT_COLOR = 'Color de Texto',
SAVING = 'Grabando ...',
SAVE_COMPLETE = 'Grabado Completo',
ZOOM_IN_ERROR = 'El zoom es muy alto.',
ZOOM_ERROR = 'No es posible aplicar mas zoom.',
ONLY_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED = 'No ha sido posible crear un nuevo tópico. Sólo un tópico debe ser seleccionado.',
ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED = 'No ha sido posible crear un nuevo tópico. Al menos un tópico debe ser seleccionado.',
ONLY_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED_COLLAPSE = 'Tópicos hijos no pueden ser colapsados. Sólo un tópico debe ser seleccionado.',
SAVE_COULD_NOT_BE_COMPLETED = 'Grabación no pudo ser completada. Intentelo mas tarde.',
UNEXPECTED_ERROR_LOADING = 'Lo sentimos, un error inesperado ha ocurrido. Intentelo nuevamente recargando el editor. Si el problema persiste, contactenos a support@wisemapping.com.',
MAIN_TOPIC = 'Tópico Principal',
SUB_TOPIC = 'Tópico Secundario',
ISOLATED_TOPIC = 'Tópico Aislado',
CENTRAL_TOPIC = 'Tópico Central',
SHORTCUTS = 'Accesos directos',
ENTITIES_COULD_NOT_BE_DELETED = 'El tópico o la relación no pudo ser borrada. Debe selecionar al menos una.',
AT_LEAST_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED = 'Al menos un tópico debe ser seleccionado.',
CLIPBOARD_IS_EMPTY = 'Nada que copiar. Clipboard está vacio.',
CENTRAL_TOPIC_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED = 'El tópico central no puede ser borrado.',
RELATIONSHIP_COULD_NOT_BE_CREATED = 'La relación no pudo ser creada. Una relación padre debe ser seleccionada primero.',
SELECTION_COPIED_TO_CLIPBOARD = 'Tópicos copiados al clipboard',
WRITE_YOUR_TEXT_HERE = 'Escribe tu nota aquí ...',
REMOVE = 'Borrar',
ACCEPT = 'Aceptar',
CANCEL = 'Cancelar',
LINK = 'Enlace',
OPEN_LINK = 'Abrir Enlace',
SESSION_EXPIRED = 'Su session ha expirado. Por favor, ingrese nuevamente.',
URL_ERROR = 'URL no válida',
ACTION = 'Acción',
CREATE_SIBLING_TOPIC = 'Agregar Tópico Hermano',
CREATE_CHILD_TOPIC = 'Agregar Tópico Hijo',
DELETE_TOPIC = 'Borrar Tópico',
EDIT_TOPIC_TEXT = 'Editar Texto de Tópico',
JUST_START_TYPING = 'Comenza a escribir',
CANCEL_TEXT_CHANGES = 'Cancelar Edición de Texto',
TOPIC_NAVIGATION = 'Navegación Entre Tópicos',
ARROW_KEYS = 'Flechas Del Cursor',
SELECT_MULTIPLE_NODES = 'Selecciónar Multiples Tópicos',
UNDO_EDITION = 'Revertir Cambios',
REDO_EDITION = 'Rehacer Cambios',
SELECT_ALL_TOPIC = 'Seleccionar Todos los Tópicos',
CHANGE_TEXT_BOLD = 'Cambiar Texto a Negrita',
SAVE_CHANGES = 'Guardar los Cambios',
CHANGE_TEXT_ITALIC = 'Cambiar Texto a Italica',
DESELECT_ALL_TOPIC = 'Revertir Selección de Tópicos',
COLLAPSE_CHILDREN = 'Colapsar Hijos',
KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_MSG = 'Los accesos directos pueden ayudarte a salvar tiempo permitiéndote no sacar las manos del teclado para usar el mouse.',
COPY_AND_PASTE_TOPICS = 'Copier et coller les noeuds',
MULTIPLE_LINES = 'Ajouter plusieurs lignes de texte',
BACK_TO_MAP_LIST = 'Volver a la lista de mapas',
KEYBOARD_SHOTCUTS = 'Métodos abreviados de teclado',
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
ZOOM_IN = 'Agrandir affichage',
ZOOM_OUT = 'Réduire affichage',
TOPIC_SHAPE = 'Forme du noeud',
TOPIC_ADD = 'Ajouter un noeud',
TOPIC_DELETE = 'Supprimer le noeud',
TOPIC_ICON = 'Ajouter une icône',
TOPIC_LINK = 'Ajouter un lien',
TOPIC_RELATIONSHIP = 'Relation du noeud',
TOPIC_COLOR = 'Couleur du noeud',
TOPIC_BORDER_COLOR = 'Couleur de bordure du noeud',
TOPIC_NOTE = 'Ajouter une note',
FONT_FAMILY = 'Type de police',
FONT_SIZE = 'Taille de police',
FONT_BOLD = 'Caractères gras',
FONT_ITALIC = 'Caractères italiques',
UNDO = 'Annuler',
REDO = 'Refaire',
INSERT = 'Insérer',
SAVE = 'Enregistrer',
NOTE = 'Note',
ADD_TOPIC = 'Ajouter un noeud',
LOADING = 'Chargement ...',
EXPORT = 'Exporter',
PRINT = 'Imprimer',
PUBLISH = 'Publier',
COLLABORATE = 'Partager',
HISTORY = 'Historique',
DISCARD_CHANGES = 'Annuler les changements',
FONT_COLOR = 'Couleur de police',
SAVING = 'Enregistrement ...',
SAVE_COMPLETE = 'Enregistrement terminé',
ZOOM_IN_ERROR = 'Zoom trop grand.',
ZOOM_ERROR = 'Impossible de zoomer plus.',
ONLY_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED = 'Impossible de créer un noeud. Un seul noeud doit être sélectionné.',
ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED = 'Impossible de créer un noeud. Un noeud parent doit être sélectionné au préalable.',
ONLY_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED_COLLAPSE = 'Un noeud enfant ne peut pas être réduit. Un noeud doit être sélectionné.',
SAVE_COULD_NOT_BE_COMPLETED = 'Enregistrement impossible. Essayer ultérieurement.',
UNEXPECTED_ERROR_LOADING = "Nous sommes désolés, une erreur vient de survenir.\nEssayez de recharger l'éditeur. Si le problème persiste, contactez-nous \= support@wisemapping.com.",
MAIN_TOPIC = 'Noeud titre principal',
SUB_TOPIC = 'Noeud sous-titre',
ISOLATED_TOPIC = 'Noeud isolé',
CENTRAL_TOPIC = 'Noeud racine',
SHORTCUTS = 'Raccourcis clavier',
ENTITIES_COULD_NOT_BE_DELETED = "Impossible d'effacer un noeud ou une relation. Au moins un objet de la carte doit être sélectionné.",
AT_LEAST_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED = 'Au moins un objet de la carte doit être sélectionné.',
CLIPBOARD_IS_EMPTY = 'Rien à copier. Presse-papier vide.',
CENTRAL_TOPIC_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED = 'Le noeud racine ne peut pas être effacé.',
RELATIONSHIP_COULD_NOT_BE_CREATED = 'Impossible de créer relation. Un noeud parent doit être sélectionné au préalable.',
SELECTION_COPIED_TO_CLIPBOARD = 'Noeuds sélectionnés copiés dans le presse-papiers.',
WRITE_YOUR_TEXT_HERE = 'Écrivez votre texte ici ...',
REMOVE = 'Supprimer',
ACCEPT = 'Accepter',
CANCEL = 'Annuler',
LINK = 'Lien',
OPEN_LINK = 'Ouvrir le lien',
SESSION_EXPIRED = 'Votre session a expiré, veuillez vous reconnecter.',
URL_ERROR = 'URL non valide',
ACTION = 'Action',
CREATE_SIBLING_TOPIC = 'Créer noeud même niveau',
CREATE_CHILD_TOPIC = 'Créer noeud enfant',
DELETE_TOPIC = 'Détruire noeud ',
EDIT_TOPIC_TEXT = 'Editer texte du noeud',
JUST_START_TYPING = 'Commencer saisie',
CANCEL_TEXT_CHANGES = 'Annuler changement texte',
TOPIC_NAVIGATION = 'Navigation sur les noeuds',
ARROW_KEYS = 'Touches flèches',
SELECT_MULTIPLE_NODES = 'Selection multiple de noeuds',
UNDO_EDITION = 'Annuler édition',
REDO_EDITION = 'Refaire édition',
SELECT_ALL_TOPIC = 'Sélection tous noeuds',
CHANGE_TEXT_BOLD = 'Caractères en gras',
SAVE_CHANGES = 'Enregistrer changements',
CHANGE_TEXT_ITALIC = 'Caractères en italique',
DESELECT_ALL_TOPIC = 'Deselection tous noeuds',
COLLAPSE_CHILDREN = 'Fermer enfants',
KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_MSG = 'Les raccourcis clavier vous font gagner du temps, en vous permettant de garder les mains sur le clavier sans utiliser la souris.',
COPY_AND_PASTE_TOPICS = 'Copier et coller les noeuds',
MULTIPLE_LINES = 'Ajouter plusieurs lignes de texte',
BACK_TO_MAP_LIST = 'Retour à la liste des cartes',
KEYBOARD_SHOTCUTS = "Raccourcis clavier",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
const EN = {
ZOOM_IN: 'Zoom In',
ZOOM_OUT: 'Zoom Out',
TOPIC_SHAPE: 'Topic Shape',
TOPIC_ADD: 'Add Topic',
TOPIC_DELETE: 'Delete Topic',
TOPIC_ICON: 'Add Icon',
TOPIC_LINK: 'Add Link',
TOPIC_COLOR: 'Topic Color',
TOPIC_BORDER_COLOR: 'Topic Border Color',
TOPIC_NOTE: 'Add Note',
FONT_FAMILY: 'Font Type',
FONT_SIZE: 'Text Size',
FONT_BOLD: 'Text Bold',
FONT_ITALIC: 'Text Italic',
UNDO: 'Undo',
REDO: 'Redo',
INSERT: 'Insert',
SAVE: 'Save',
NOTE: 'Note',
ADD_TOPIC: 'Add Topic',
LOADING: 'Loading ...',
EXPORT: 'Export',
PRINT: 'Print',
PUBLISH: 'Publish',
HISTORY: 'History',
DISCARD_CHANGES: 'Discard Changes',
FONT_COLOR: 'Text Color',
SAVING: 'Saving ...',
SAVE_COMPLETE: 'Save Complete',
ZOOM_IN_ERROR: 'Zoom too high.',
ZOOM_ERROR: 'No more zoom can be applied.',
ONLY_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED: 'Could not create a topic. Only one topic must be selected.',
ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED: 'Could not create a topic. One topic must be selected.',
ONLY_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED_COLLAPSE: 'Children can not be collapsed. One topic must be selected.',
SAVE_COULD_NOT_BE_COMPLETED: 'Save could not be completed, please try again latter.',
UNEXPECTED_ERROR_LOADING: "We're sorry, an unexpected error has occurred.\nTry again reloading the editor.If the problem persists, contact us to support@wisemapping.com.",
MAIN_TOPIC: 'Main Topic',
SUB_TOPIC: 'Sub Topic',
ISOLATED_TOPIC: 'Isolated Topic',
CENTRAL_TOPIC: 'Central Topic',
SHORTCUTS: 'Keyboard Shortcuts',
ENTITIES_COULD_NOT_BE_DELETED: 'Could not delete topic or relation. At least one map entity must be selected.',
AT_LEAST_ONE_TOPIC_MUST_BE_SELECTED: 'At least one topic must be selected.',
CLIPBOARD_IS_EMPTY: 'Nothing to copy. Clipboard is empty.',
CENTRAL_TOPIC_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED: 'Central topic can not be deleted.',
RELATIONSHIP_COULD_NOT_BE_CREATED: 'Relationship could not be created. A parent relationship topic must be selected first.',
SELECTION_COPIED_TO_CLIPBOARD: 'Topics copied to the clipboard',
WRITE_YOUR_TEXT_HERE: 'Write your note here ...',
REMOVE: 'Remove',
ACCEPT: 'Accept',
CANCEL: 'Cancel',
LINK: 'Link',
SESSION_EXPIRED: 'Your session has expired, please log-in again.',
URL_ERROR: 'URL not valid',
ACTION: 'Action',
CREATE_SIBLING_TOPIC: 'Create Sibling Topic',
CREATE_CHILD_TOPIC: 'Create Child Topic',
DELETE_TOPIC: 'Delete Topic',
EDIT_TOPIC_TEXT: 'Edit Topic Text',
JUST_START_TYPING: 'Just start typing',
CANCEL_TEXT_CHANGES: 'Cancel Text Changes',
TOPIC_NAVIGATION: 'Topic Navigation',
ARROW_KEYS: 'Arrow Keys',
SELECT_MULTIPLE_NODES: 'Select Multiple Nodes',
UNDO_EDITION: 'Undo Edition',
REDO_EDITION: 'Redo Edition',
SELECT_ALL_TOPIC: 'Select All Topic',
CHANGE_TEXT_BOLD: 'Change Text Bold Type',
SAVE_CHANGES: 'Save Changes',
CHANGE_TEXT_ITALIC: 'Change Text Italic',
DESELECT_ALL_TOPIC: 'Deselect All Topic',
COLLAPSE_CHILDREN: 'Collapse Children',
KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_MSG: 'Keyboard shortcuts can help you save time by allowing you to never take your hands off the keyboard to use the mouse.',
COPY_AND_PASTE_TOPICS: 'Copy and Paste Topics',
MULTIPLE_LINES: 'Add multiple text lines',
BACK_TO_MAP_LIST: 'Back to Maps List',
KEYBOARD_SHOTCUTS: 'Keyboard Shorcuts',
export default EN;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user