mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 19:35:35 +01:00
Merged in web2d-coreJS-solutions (pull request #5)
Core-js, web2d and mindplot working baseline * fix .eslintignore remove Raphael dependency * Fix to avoid crashes in _plotPrediction whitout Raphael * Fix minplot basic code inspections * Fix last inspections errors * Inital refactor copying files * Clean up. * Fix web2d cyclic dependencies remove only-warn eslint plugin set import/no-extraneous-dependencies to warn (incorrectly complaining about root package) * Fix web2d Point references (no need to assign it to core) Fix web2d imports in mindplot and update Point refs * Merge 'feature/mindplot_tests' into web2d-coreJS-solutions * mindplot fixes and add viewmode.html playground setup playground config to run the map-render examples fix mindplot components export mootools Static was not working so refactored it fix some references to _peer fix messages __bundle undefined add web2d missing export: Image downgrade cypress to avoid SIGSEGV error Approved-by: Paulo Veiga
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# wisemapping-frontend
This monorepo uses lerna and contains all the packages that compose the wisemapping frontend.
This is a WIP migration from [legacy wisemapping](https://bitbucket.org/wisemapping/wisemapping-open-source/) into a modern web development project with multiple improvements.
`nvm use`
`yarn install`
`yarn bootstrap`
`yarn run build`
@ -16,61 +16,787 @@
(function(){this.MooTools={version:"1.4.5",build:"ab8ea8824dc3b24b6666867a2c4ed58ebb762cf0"};var o=this.typeOf=function(i){if(i==null){return"null";}if(i.$family!=null){return i.$family();
}if(i.nodeName){if(i.nodeType==1){return"element";}if(i.nodeType==3){return(/\S/).test(i.nodeValue)?"textnode":"whitespace";}}else{if(typeof i.length=="number"){if(i.callee){return"arguments";
}if("item" in i){return"collection";}}}return typeof i;};var j=this.instanceOf=function(t,i){if(t==null){return false;}var s=t.$constructor||t.constructor;
while(s){if(s===i){return true;}s=s.parent;}if(!t.hasOwnProperty){return false;}return t instanceof i;};var f=this.Function;var p=true;for(var k in {toString:1}){p=null;
}if(p){p=["hasOwnProperty","valueOf","isPrototypeOf","propertyIsEnumerable","toLocaleString","toString","constructor"];}f.prototype.overloadSetter=function(s){var i=this;
return function(u,t){if(u==null){return this;}if(s||typeof u!="string"){for(var v in u){i.call(this,v,u[v]);}if(p){for(var w=p.length;w--;){v=p[w];if(u.hasOwnProperty(v)){i.call(this,v,u[v]);
}}}}else{i.call(this,u,t);}return this;};};f.prototype.overloadGetter=function(s){var i=this;return function(u){var v,t;if(typeof u!="string"){v=u;}else{if(arguments.length>1){v=arguments;
}else{if(s){v=[u];}}}if(v){t={};for(var w=0;w<v.length;w++){t[v[w]]=i.call(this,v[w]);}}else{t=i.call(this,u);}return t;};};f.prototype.extend=function(i,s){this[i]=s;
}.overloadSetter();f.prototype.implement=function(i,s){this.prototype[i]=s;}.overloadSetter();var n=Array.prototype.slice;f.from=function(i){return(o(i)=="function")?i:function(){return i;
};};Array.from=function(i){if(i==null){return[];}return(a.isEnumerable(i)&&typeof i!="string")?(o(i)=="array")?i:n.call(i):[i];};Number.from=function(s){var i=parseFloat(s);
return isFinite(i)?i:null;};String.from=function(i){return i+"";};f.implement({hide:function(){this.$hidden=true;return this;},protect:function(){this.$protected=true;
return this;}});var a=this.Type=function(u,t){if(u){var s=u.toLowerCase();var i=function(v){return(o(v)==s);};a["is"+u]=i;if(t!=null){t.prototype.$family=(function(){return s;
}).hide();}}if(t==null){return null;}t.extend(this);t.$constructor=a;t.prototype.$constructor=t;return t;};var e=Object.prototype.toString;a.isEnumerable=function(i){return(i!=null&&typeof i.length=="number"&&e.call(i)!="[object Function]");
};var q={};var r=function(i){var s=o(i.prototype);return q[s]||(q[s]=[]);};var b=function(t,x){if(x&&x.$hidden){return;}var s=r(this);for(var u=0;u<s.length;
u++){var w=s[u];if(o(w)=="type"){b.call(w,t,x);}else{w.call(this,t,x);}}var v=this.prototype[t];if(v==null||!v.$protected){this.prototype[t]=x;}if(this[t]==null&&o(x)=="function"){m.call(this,t,function(i){return x.apply(i,n.call(arguments,1));
});}};var m=function(i,t){if(t&&t.$hidden){return;}var s=this[i];if(s==null||!s.$protected){this[i]=t;}};a.implement({implement:b.overloadSetter(),extend:m.overloadSetter(),alias:function(i,s){b.call(this,i,this.prototype[s]);
}.overloadSetter(),mirror:function(i){r(this).push(i);return this;}});new a("Type",a);var d=function(s,x,v){var u=(x!=Object),B=x.prototype;if(u){x=new a(s,x);
}for(var y=0,w=v.length;y<w;y++){var C=v[y],A=x[C],z=B[C];if(A){A.protect();}if(u&&z){x.implement(C,z.protect());}}if(u){var t=B.propertyIsEnumerable(v[0]);
x.forEachMethod=function(G){if(!t){for(var F=0,D=v.length;F<D;F++){G.call(B,B[v[F]],v[F]);}}for(var E in B){G.call(B,B[E],E);}};}return d;};d("String",String,["charAt","charCodeAt","concat","indexOf","lastIndexOf","match","quote","replace","search","slice","split","substr","substring","trim","toLowerCase","toUpperCase"])("Array",Array,["pop","push","reverse","shift","sort","splice","unshift","concat","join","slice","indexOf","lastIndexOf","filter","forEach","every","map","some","reduce","reduceRight"])("Number",Number,["toExponential","toFixed","toLocaleString","toPrecision"])("Function",f,["apply","call","bind"])("RegExp",RegExp,["exec","test"])("Object",Object,["create","defineProperty","defineProperties","keys","getPrototypeOf","getOwnPropertyDescriptor","getOwnPropertyNames","preventExtensions","isExtensible","seal","isSealed","freeze","isFrozen"])("Date",Date,["now"]);
Object.extend=m.overloadSetter();Date.extend("now",function(){return +(new Date);});new a("Boolean",Boolean);Number.prototype.$family=function(){return isFinite(this)?"number":"null";
}.hide();Number.extend("random",function(s,i){return Math.floor(Math.random()*(i-s+1)+s);});var g=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;Object.extend("forEach",function(i,t,u){for(var s in i){if(g.call(i,s)){t.call(u,i[s],s,i);
}}});Object.each=Object.forEach;Array.implement({forEach:function(u,v){for(var t=0,s=this.length;t<s;t++){if(t in this){u.call(v,this[t],t,this);}}},each:function(i,s){Array.forEach(this,i,s);
return this;}});var l=function(i){switch(o(i)){case"array":return i.clone();case"object":return Object.clone(i);default:return i;}};Array.implement("clone",function(){var s=this.length,t=new Array(s);
while(s--){t[s]=l(this[s]);}return t;});var h=function(s,i,t){switch(o(t)){case"object":if(o(s[i])=="object"){Object.merge(s[i],t);}else{s[i]=Object.clone(t);
}break;case"array":s[i]=t.clone();break;default:s[i]=t;}return s;};Object.extend({merge:function(z,u,t){if(o(u)=="string"){return h(z,u,t);}for(var y=1,s=arguments.length;
y<s;y++){var w=arguments[y];for(var x in w){h(z,x,w[x]);}}return z;},clone:function(i){var t={};for(var s in i){t[s]=l(i[s]);}return t;},append:function(w){for(var v=1,t=arguments.length;
v<t;v++){var s=arguments[v]||{};for(var u in s){w[u]=s[u];}}return w;}});["Object","WhiteSpace","TextNode","Collection","Arguments"].each(function(i){new a(i);
});var c=Date.now();String.extend("uniqueID",function(){return(c++).toString(36);});})();Array.implement({every:function(c,d){for(var b=0,a=this.length>>>0;
b<a;b++){if((b in this)&&!c.call(d,this[b],b,this)){return false;}}return true;},filter:function(d,f){var c=[];for(var e,b=0,a=this.length>>>0;b<a;b++){if(b in this){e=this[b];
if(d.call(f,e,b,this)){c.push(e);}}}return c;},indexOf:function(c,d){var b=this.length>>>0;for(var a=(d<0)?Math.max(0,b+d):d||0;a<b;a++){if(this[a]===c){return a;
}}return -1;},map:function(c,e){var d=this.length>>>0,b=Array(d);for(var a=0;a<d;a++){if(a in this){b[a]=c.call(e,this[a],a,this);}}return b;},some:function(c,d){for(var b=0,a=this.length>>>0;
b<a;b++){if((b in this)&&c.call(d,this[b],b,this)){return true;}}return false;},clean:function(){return this.filter(function(a){return a!=null;});},invoke:function(a){var b=Array.slice(arguments,1);
return this.map(function(c){return c[a].apply(c,b);});},associate:function(c){var d={},b=Math.min(this.length,c.length);for(var a=0;a<b;a++){d[c[a]]=this[a];
}return d;},link:function(c){var a={};for(var e=0,b=this.length;e<b;e++){for(var d in c){if(c[d](this[e])){a[d]=this[e];delete c[d];break;}}}return a;},contains:function(a,b){return this.indexOf(a,b)!=-1;
},append:function(a){this.push.apply(this,a);return this;},getLast:function(){return(this.length)?this[this.length-1]:null;},getRandom:function(){return(this.length)?this[Number.random(0,this.length-1)]:null;
},include:function(a){if(!this.contains(a)){this.push(a);}return this;},combine:function(c){for(var b=0,a=c.length;b<a;b++){this.include(c[b]);}return this;
},erase:function(b){for(var a=this.length;a--;){if(this[a]===b){this.splice(a,1);}}return this;},empty:function(){this.length=0;return this;},flatten:function(){var d=[];
for(var b=0,a=this.length;b<a;b++){var c=typeOf(this[b]);if(c=="null"){continue;}d=d.concat((c=="array"||c=="collection"||c=="arguments"||instanceOf(this[b],Array))?Array.flatten(this[b]):this[b]);
}return d;},pick:function(){for(var b=0,a=this.length;b<a;b++){if(this[b]!=null){return this[b];}}return null;},rgbToHex:function(d){if(this.length<3){return null;}if(this.length==4&&this[3]==0&&!d){return"transparent";
}var b=[];for(var a=0;a<3;a++){var c=(this[a]-0).toString(16);b.push((c.length==1)?"0"+c:c);}return(d)?b:"#"+b.join("");}});String.implement({test:function(a,b){return((typeOf(a)=="regexp")?a:new RegExp(""+a,b)).test(this);
},contains:function(a,b){return(b)?(b+this+b).indexOf(b+a+b)>-1:String(this).indexOf(a)>-1;},trim:function(){return String(this).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
},clean:function(){return String(this).replace(/\s+/g," ").trim();},camelCase:function(){return String(this).replace(/-\D/g,function(a){return a.charAt(1).toUpperCase();
});},hyphenate:function(){return String(this).replace(/[A-Z]/g,function(a){return("-"+a.charAt(0).toLowerCase());});},capitalize:function(){return String(this).replace(/\b[a-z]/g,function(a){return a.toUpperCase();
});},escapeRegExp:function(){return String(this).replace(/([-.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g,"\\$1");},rgbToHex:function(b){var a=String(this).match(/\d{1,3}/g);
return(a)?a.rgbToHex(b):null;},substitute:function(a,b){return String(this).replace(b||(/\\?\{([^{}]+)\}/g),function(d,c){if(d.charAt(0)=="\\"){return d.slice(1);
Function.implement({bind:function(e){var a=this,b=arguments.length>1?Array.slice(arguments,1):null,d=function(){};var c=function(){var g=e,h=arguments.length;if(this instanceof c){d.prototype=a.prototype;g=new d;}var f=(!b&&!h)?a.call(g):a.apply(g,b&&h?b.concat(Array.slice(arguments)):b||arguments);return g==e?f:g;};return c;},pass:function(b,c){var a=this;if(b!=null){b=Array.from(b);}return function(){return a.apply(c,b||arguments);};},delay:function(b,c,a){return setTimeout(this.pass((a==null?[]:a),c),b);},});
Number.alias("each","times");(function(b){var a={};b.each(function(c){if(!Number[c]){a[c]=function(){return Math[c].apply(null,[this].concat(Array.from(arguments)));
};}});Number.implement(a);})(["abs","acos","asin","atan","atan2","ceil","cos","exp","floor","log","max","min","pow","sin","sqrt","tan"]);(function(){var a=this.Class=new Type("Class",function(h){if(instanceOf(h,Function)){h={initialize:h};
}var g=function(){e(this);if(g.$prototyping){return this;}this.$caller=null;var i=(this.initialize)?this.initialize.apply(this,arguments):this;this.$caller=this.caller=null;
return i;}.extend(this).implement(h);g.$constructor=a;g.prototype.$constructor=g;g.prototype.parent=c;return g;});var c=function(){if(!this.$caller){throw new Error('The method "parent" cannot be called.');
}var g=this.$caller.$name,h=this.$caller.$owner.parent,i=(h)?h.prototype[g]:null;if(!i){throw new Error('The method "'+g+'" has no parent.');}return i.apply(this,arguments);
};var e=function(g){for(var h in g){var j=g[h];switch(typeOf(j)){case"object":var i=function(){};i.prototype=j;g[h]=e(new i);break;case"array":g[h]=j.clone();
break;}}return g;};var b=function(g,h,j){if(j.$origin){j=j.$origin;}var i=function(){if(j.$protected&&this.$caller==null){throw new Error('The method "'+h+'" cannot be called.');
}var l=this.caller,m=this.$caller;this.caller=m;this.$caller=i;var k=j.apply(this,arguments);this.$caller=m;this.caller=l;return k;}.extend({$owner:g,$origin:j,$name:h});
return i;};var f=function(h,i,g){if(a.Mutators.hasOwnProperty(h)){i=a.Mutators[h].call(this,i);if(i==null){return this;}}if(typeOf(i)=="function"){if(i.$hidden){return this;
}this.prototype[h]=(g)?i:b(this,h,i);}else{Object.merge(this.prototype,h,i);}return this;};var d=function(g){g.$prototyping=true;var h=new g;delete g.$prototyping;
return h;};a.implement("implement",f.overloadSetter());a.Mutators={Extends:function(g){this.parent=g;this.prototype=d(g);},Implements:function(g){Array.from(g).each(function(j){var h=new j;for(var i in h){f.call(this,i,h[i],true);}},this);}};})();
(function () {
this.MooTools = { version: '1.4.5', build: 'ab8ea8824dc3b24b6666867a2c4ed58ebb762cf0' };
var o = (this.typeOf = function (i) {
if (i == null) {
return 'null';
if (i.$family != null) {
return i.$family();
if (i.nodeName) {
if (i.nodeType == 1) {
return 'element';
if (i.nodeType == 3) {
return /\S/.test(i.nodeValue) ? 'textnode' : 'whitespace';
} else {
if (typeof i.length == 'number') {
if (i.callee) {
return 'arguments';
if ('item' in i) {
return 'collection';
return typeof i;
var j = (this.instanceOf = function (t, i) {
if (t == null) {
return false;
var s = t.$constructor || t.constructor;
while (s) {
if (s === i) {
return true;
s = s.parent;
if (!t.hasOwnProperty) {
return false;
return t instanceof i;
var f = this.Function;
var p = true;
for (var k in { toString: 1 }) {
p = null;
if (p) {
p = [
f.prototype.overloadSetter = function (s) {
var i = this;
return function (u, t) {
if (u == null) {
return this;
if (s || typeof u != 'string') {
for (var v in u) {
i.call(this, v, u[v]);
if (p) {
for (var w = p.length; w--; ) {
v = p[w];
if (u.hasOwnProperty(v)) {
i.call(this, v, u[v]);
} else {
i.call(this, u, t);
return this;
f.prototype.overloadGetter = function (s) {
var i = this;
return function (u) {
var v, t;
if (typeof u != 'string') {
v = u;
} else {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
v = arguments;
} else {
if (s) {
v = [u];
if (v) {
t = {};
for (var w = 0; w < v.length; w++) {
t[v[w]] = i.call(this, v[w]);
} else {
t = i.call(this, u);
return t;
f.prototype.extend = function (i, s) {
this[i] = s;
f.prototype.implement = function (i, s) {
this.prototype[i] = s;
var n = Array.prototype.slice;
f.from = function (i) {
return o(i) == 'function'
? i
: function () {
return i;
Array.from = function (i) {
if (i == null) {
return [];
return a.isEnumerable(i) && typeof i != 'string' ? (o(i) == 'array' ? i : n.call(i)) : [i];
Number.from = function (s) {
var i = parseFloat(s);
return isFinite(i) ? i : null;
String.from = function (i) {
return i + '';
hide: function () {
this.$hidden = true;
return this;
protect: function () {
this.$protected = true;
return this;
var a = (this.Type = function (u, t) {
if (u) {
var s = u.toLowerCase();
var i = function (v) {
return o(v) == s;
a['is' + u] = i;
if (t != null) {
t.prototype.$family = function () {
return s;
if (t == null) {
return null;
t.$constructor = a;
t.prototype.$constructor = t;
return t;
var e = Object.prototype.toString;
a.isEnumerable = function (i) {
return i != null && typeof i.length == 'number' && e.call(i) != '[object Function]';
var q = {};
var r = function (i) {
var s = o(i.prototype);
return q[s] || (q[s] = []);
var b = function (t, x) {
if (x && x.$hidden) {
var s = r(this);
for (var u = 0; u < s.length; u++) {
var w = s[u];
if (o(w) == 'type') {
b.call(w, t, x);
} else {
w.call(this, t, x);
var v = this.prototype[t];
if (v == null || !v.$protected) {
this.prototype[t] = x;
if (this[t] == null && o(x) == 'function') {
m.call(this, t, function (i) {
return x.apply(i, n.call(arguments, 1));
var m = function (i, t) {
if (t && t.$hidden) {
var s = this[i];
if (s == null || !s.$protected) {
this[i] = t;
implement: b.overloadSetter(),
extend: m.overloadSetter(),
alias: function (i, s) {
b.call(this, i, this.prototype[s]);
mirror: function (i) {
return this;
new a('Type', a);
var d = function (s, x, v) {
var u = x != Object,
B = x.prototype;
if (u) {
x = new a(s, x);
for (var y = 0, w = v.length; y < w; y++) {
var C = v[y],
A = x[C],
z = B[C];
if (A) {
if (u && z) {
x.implement(C, z.protect());
if (u) {
var t = B.propertyIsEnumerable(v[0]);
x.forEachMethod = function (G) {
if (!t) {
for (var F = 0, D = v.length; F < D; F++) {
G.call(B, B[v[F]], v[F]);
for (var E in B) {
G.call(B, B[E], E);
return d;
d('String', String, [
])('Array', Array, [
])('Number', Number, ['toExponential', 'toFixed', 'toLocaleString', 'toPrecision'])(
['apply', 'call', 'bind']
)('RegExp', RegExp, ['exec', 'test'])('Object', Object, [
])('Date', Date, ['now']);
Object.extend = m.overloadSetter();
Date.extend('now', function () {
return +new Date();
new a('Boolean', Boolean);
Number.prototype.$family = function () {
return isFinite(this) ? 'number' : 'null';
Number.extend('random', function (s, i) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (i - s + 1) + s);
var g = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
Object.extend('forEach', function (i, t, u) {
for (var s in i) {
if (g.call(i, s)) {
t.call(u, i[s], s, i);
Object.each = Object.forEach;
forEach: function (u, v) {
for (var t = 0, s = this.length; t < s; t++) {
if (t in this) {
u.call(v, this[t], t, this);
each: function (i, s) {
Array.forEach(this, i, s);
return this;
var l = function (i) {
switch (o(i)) {
case 'array':
return i.clone();
case 'object':
return Object.clone(i);
return i;
Array.implement('clone', function () {
var s = this.length,
t = new Array(s);
while (s--) {
t[s] = l(this[s]);
return t;
var h = function (s, i, t) {
switch (o(t)) {
case 'object':
if (o(s[i]) == 'object') {
Object.merge(s[i], t);
} else {
s[i] = Object.clone(t);
case 'array':
s[i] = t.clone();
s[i] = t;
return s;
merge: function (z, u, t) {
if (o(u) == 'string') {
return h(z, u, t);
for (var y = 1, s = arguments.length; y < s; y++) {
var w = arguments[y];
for (var x in w) {
h(z, x, w[x]);
return z;
clone: function (i) {
var t = {};
for (var s in i) {
t[s] = l(i[s]);
return t;
append: function (w) {
for (var v = 1, t = arguments.length; v < t; v++) {
var s = arguments[v] || {};
for (var u in s) {
w[u] = s[u];
return w;
['Object', 'WhiteSpace', 'TextNode', 'Collection', 'Arguments'].each(function (i) {
new a(i);
var c = Date.now();
String.extend('uniqueID', function () {
return (c++).toString(36);
every: function (c, d) {
for (var b = 0, a = this.length >>> 0; b < a; b++) {
if (b in this && !c.call(d, this[b], b, this)) {
return false;
return true;
filter: function (d, f) {
var c = [];
for (var e, b = 0, a = this.length >>> 0; b < a; b++) {
if (b in this) {
e = this[b];
if (d.call(f, e, b, this)) {
return c;
indexOf: function (c, d) {
var b = this.length >>> 0;
for (var a = d < 0 ? Math.max(0, b + d) : d || 0; a < b; a++) {
if (this[a] === c) {
return a;
return -1;
map: function (c, e) {
var d = this.length >>> 0,
b = Array(d);
for (var a = 0; a < d; a++) {
if (a in this) {
b[a] = c.call(e, this[a], a, this);
return b;
some: function (c, d) {
for (var b = 0, a = this.length >>> 0; b < a; b++) {
if (b in this && c.call(d, this[b], b, this)) {
return true;
return false;
clean: function () {
return this.filter(function (a) {
return a != null;
invoke: function (a) {
var b = Array.slice(arguments, 1);
return this.map(function (c) {
return c[a].apply(c, b);
associate: function (c) {
var d = {},
b = Math.min(this.length, c.length);
for (var a = 0; a < b; a++) {
d[c[a]] = this[a];
return d;
link: function (c) {
var a = {};
for (var e = 0, b = this.length; e < b; e++) {
for (var d in c) {
if (c[d](this[e])) {
a[d] = this[e];
delete c[d];
return a;
contains: function (a, b) {
return this.indexOf(a, b) != -1;
append: function (a) {
this.push.apply(this, a);
return this;
getLast: function () {
return this.length ? this[this.length - 1] : null;
getRandom: function () {
return this.length ? this[Number.random(0, this.length - 1)] : null;
include: function (a) {
if (!this.contains(a)) {
return this;
combine: function (c) {
for (var b = 0, a = c.length; b < a; b++) {
return this;
erase: function (b) {
for (var a = this.length; a--; ) {
if (this[a] === b) {
this.splice(a, 1);
return this;
empty: function () {
this.length = 0;
return this;
flatten: function () {
var d = [];
for (var b = 0, a = this.length; b < a; b++) {
var c = typeOf(this[b]);
if (c == 'null') {
d = d.concat(
c == 'array' || c == 'collection' || c == 'arguments' || instanceOf(this[b], Array)
? Array.flatten(this[b])
: this[b]
return d;
pick: function () {
for (var b = 0, a = this.length; b < a; b++) {
if (this[b] != null) {
return this[b];
return null;
rgbToHex: function (d) {
if (this.length < 3) {
return null;
if (this.length == 4 && this[3] == 0 && !d) {
return 'transparent';
var b = [];
for (var a = 0; a < 3; a++) {
var c = (this[a] - 0).toString(16);
b.push(c.length == 1 ? '0' + c : c);
return d ? b : '#' + b.join('');
test: function (a, b) {
return (typeOf(a) == 'regexp' ? a : new RegExp('' + a, b)).test(this);
contains: function (a, b) {
return b ? (b + this + b).indexOf(b + a + b) > -1 : String(this).indexOf(a) > -1;
trim: function () {
return String(this).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
clean: function () {
return String(this).replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
camelCase: function () {
return String(this).replace(/-\D/g, function (a) {
return a.charAt(1).toUpperCase();
hyphenate: function () {
return String(this).replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (a) {
return '-' + a.charAt(0).toLowerCase();
capitalize: function () {
return String(this).replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function (a) {
return a.toUpperCase();
escapeRegExp: function () {
return String(this).replace(/([-.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');
rgbToHex: function (b) {
var a = String(this).match(/\d{1,3}/g);
return a ? a.rgbToHex(b) : null;
substitute: function (a, b) {
return String(this).replace(b || /\\?\{([^{}]+)\}/g, function (d, c) {
if (d.charAt(0) == '\\') {
return d.slice(1);
return a[c] != null ? a[c] : '';
bind: function (e) {
var a = this,
b = arguments.length > 1 ? Array.slice(arguments, 1) : null,
d = function () {};
var c = function () {
var g = e,
h = arguments.length;
if (this instanceof c) {
d.prototype = a.prototype;
g = new d();
var f =
!b && !h
? a.call(g)
: a.apply(g, b && h ? b.concat(Array.slice(arguments)) : b || arguments);
return g == e ? f : g;
return c;
pass: function (b, c) {
var a = this;
if (b != null) {
b = Array.from(b);
return function () {
return a.apply(c, b || arguments);
delay: function (b, c, a) {
return setTimeout(this.pass(a == null ? [] : a, c), b);
Number.alias('each', 'times');
(function (b) {
var a = {};
b.each(function (c) {
if (!Number[c]) {
a[c] = function () {
return Math[c].apply(null, [this].concat(Array.from(arguments)));
(function () {
var a = (this.Class = new Type('Class', function (h) {
if (instanceOf(h, Function)) {
h = { initialize: h };
var g = function () {
if (g.$prototyping) {
return this;
this.$caller = null;
var i = this.initialize ? this.initialize.apply(this, arguments) : this;
this.$caller = this.caller = null;
return i;
g.$constructor = a;
g.prototype.$constructor = g;
g.prototype.parent = c;
return g;
var c = function () {
if (!this.$caller) {
throw new Error('The method "parent" cannot be called.');
var g = this.$caller.$name,
h = this.$caller.$owner.parent,
i = h ? h.prototype[g] : null;
if (!i) {
throw new Error('The method "' + g + '" has no parent.');
return i.apply(this, arguments);
var e = function (g) {
for (var h in g) {
var j = g[h];
switch (typeOf(j)) {
case 'object':
var i = function () {};
i.prototype = j;
g[h] = e(new i());
case 'array':
g[h] = j.clone();
return g;
var b = function (g, h, j) {
if (j.$origin) {
j = j.$origin;
var i = function () {
if (j.$protected && this.$caller == null) {
throw new Error('The method "' + h + '" cannot be called.');
var l = this.caller,
m = this.$caller;
this.caller = m;
this.$caller = i;
var k = j.apply(this, arguments);
this.$caller = m;
this.caller = l;
return k;
}.extend({ $owner: g, $origin: j, $name: h });
return i;
var f = function (h, i, g) {
if (a.Mutators.hasOwnProperty(h)) {
i = a.Mutators[h].call(this, i);
if (i == null) {
return this;
if (typeOf(i) == 'function') {
if (i.$hidden) {
return this;
this.prototype[h] = g ? i : b(this, h, i);
} else {
Object.merge(this.prototype, h, i);
return this;
var d = function (g) {
g.$prototyping = true;
var h = new g();
delete g.$prototyping;
return h;
a.implement('implement', f.overloadSetter());
a.Mutators = {
Extends: function (g) {
this.parent = g;
this.prototype = d(g);
Implements: function (g) {
Array.from(g).each(function (j) {
var h = new j();
for (var i in h) {
f.call(this, i, h[i], true);
}, this);
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
"build": "lerna run build",
"clean": "lerna clean && rm -rf node_modules",
"lint": "lerna run lint --stream",
"test": "lerna run test --stream"
"test": "lerna run test --stream",
"test:snapshots": "lerna run test:snapshots --stream"
"private": true,
"devDependencies": {
@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ To build up the package core-js and use in production, you have to use command `
To start using core-js it has to be required as a module and then intanciarce as a function
const coreJs = require('core-js');
import coreJs from 'core-js';
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
'use strict';
const coreJs = require('..');
import coreJs from '..';
describe('core-js', () => {
it('needs tests');
@ -13,5 +13,6 @@
"sourceType": "unambiguous"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"module": "commonjs",
"paths": {
"@libraries/*": ["../../libraries/*"]
"exclude": ["node_modules"]
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
module.exports = coreJs; // eslint-disable-line
function coreJs() {
global.core = require('./header'); // eslint-disable-line
require('./Functions'); // eslint-disable-line
require('./Utils'); // eslint-disable-line
global.Options = require('@wisemapping/mindplot/lib/components/Options');
global.BootstrapDialog = require('@wisemapping/mindplot/lib/components/libraries/bootstrap/BootstrapDialog');
return global.core; // eslint-disable-line no-undef
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
"name": "@wismapping/core-js",
"name": "@wisemapping/core-js",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "core-js",
"license": "ISC",
"main": "lib/core.js",
"main": "dist/core.js",
"directories": {
"lib": "lib",
"lib": "src",
"test": "__tests__"
"files": [
"publishConfig": {
"registry": "https://registry.yarnpkg.com"
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"scripts": {
"build": "webpack --config webpack.prod.js",
"dev": "webpack --mode development"
"dev": "webpack --mode development --config webpack.dev.js"
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/core": "^7.14.6",
@ -32,7 +32,5 @@
"webpack-cli": "^4.7.2",
"webpack-merge": "^5.8.0"
"dependencies": {
"@wisemapping/mindplot": "^0.0.1"
"dependencies": {}
@ -6,12 +6,11 @@
obj - object to inspect
global.$defined = function (obj) {
return (obj != undefined);
export const $defined = function (obj) {
return obj != undefined;
global.$assert = function (assert, message) {
export const $assert = function (assert, message) {
if (!$defined(assert) || !assert) {
@ -19,32 +18,33 @@ global.$assert = function (assert, message) {
Math.sign = function (value) {
return (value >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
export const sign = function (value) {
return value >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
function logStackTrace(exception) {
export function logStackTrace(exception) {
if (!$defined(exception)) {
try {
throw Error("Unexpected Exception");
throw Error('Unexpected Exception');
} catch (e) {
exception = e;
var result = "";
if (exception.stack) { //Firefox and Chrome...
var result = '';
if (exception.stack) {
//Firefox and Chrome...
result = exception.stack;
else if (window.opera && exception.message) { //Opera
} else if (window.opera && exception.message) {
result = exception.message;
} else { //IE and Safari
result = exception.sourceURL + ': ' + exception.line + "\n\n";
} else {
//IE and Safari
result = exception.sourceURL + ': ' + exception.line + '\n\n';
var currentFunction = arguments.callee.caller;
while (currentFunction) {
var fn = currentFunction.toString();
result = result + "\n" + fn;
result = result + '\n' + fn;
currentFunction = currentFunction.caller;
@ -16,9 +16,7 @@
* limitations under the License.
core.Utils = {};
core.Utils.innerXML = function (node) {
export const innerXML = function (node) {
// summary:
// Implementation of MS's innerXML function.
if ($defined(node.innerXML)) {
@ -36,7 +34,7 @@ core.Utils.innerXML = function (node) {
* Cross-browser implementation of creating an XML document object.
core.Utils.createDocument = function () {
export const createDocument = function () {
var doc = null;
if ($defined(window.ActiveXObject)) {
@ -54,4 +52,3 @@ core.Utils.createDocument = function () {
return doc;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import * as Functions from './Functions';
import * as Util from './Utils';
export const Function = Functions;
export const Utils = Util;
function coreJs() {
global.core = {
Math.sign = Function.sign;
global.$assert = Function.$assert;
global.$defined = Function.$defined;
return global.core;
export default coreJs;
@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
const path = require('path');
const { CleanWebpackPlugin } = require('clean-webpack-plugin');
const { CleanWebpackPlugin } = require('clean-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
entry: './lib/core.js',
entry: './src/core.js',
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
filename: 'core.js',
publicPath: '',
library: {
type: 'umd',
target: 'web',
module: {
@ -14,11 +17,18 @@ module.exports = {
use: 'babel-loader',
test: /.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
exclude: [
path.resolve(__dirname, '../../libraries/mootools-core-1.4.5'),
path.resolve(__dirname, '../../libraries/underscore-min'),
resolve: {
alias: {
'@libraries': path.resolve(__dirname, '../../libraries/'),
extensions: ['.js'],
plugins: [new CleanWebpackPlugin()],
@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
"dependencies": {
"@types/styled-components": "^5.1.4",
"@wismapping/core-js": "^0.0.1",
"@wisemapping/core-js": "^0.0.1",
"react": "^17.0.1",
"react-dom": "^17.0.1",
"styled-components": "^5.2.1"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
@ -4,10 +4,28 @@
"commonjs": true
"extends": [
"Class": "readonly",
"$": "readonly",
"$assert": "readonly",
"$defined": "readonly",
"$msg": "readonly",
"$notify": "readonly",
"_": "readonly"
"plugins": ["only-warn"],
"rules": {
"no-underscore-dangle": "off"
"no-underscore-dangle": "off",
"import/no-extraneous-dependencies": ["error", {"devDependencies": ["!cypress/**/*.js"]}]
"settings": {
"import/resolver": {
"webpack": {
"config": "./webpack.common.js"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@ -38,6 +38,6 @@ once this is done, it will open the explorer where you can see a menu with the t
To start using mindplot it has to be required as a module and then intanciarce as a function
const mindplot = require('@wisemapping/mindplot');
import mindplot from '@wisemapping/mindplot';
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
'use strict';
const mindplot = require('..');
import mindplot from '..';
describe('mindplot', () => {
it('needs tests');
it('needs tests');
@ -13,5 +13,6 @@
"sourceType": "unambiguous"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"video": false,
"videoUploadOnPasses": false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
const BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8081';
context('Playground', () => {
it('the playground layout page should match its snapshot', () => {
// TODO: check why this error is happening, and remove this handling
cy.on('uncaught:exception', (err) => {
expect(err.message).to.include('Prediction is incorrectly positioned');
return false;
it('the playground viewmode.html page should match its snapshot', () => {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
/// <reference types="cypress" />
// ***********************************************************
// This example plugins/index.js can be used to load plugins
// You can change the location of this file or turn off loading
// the plugins file with the 'pluginsFile' configuration option.
// You can read more here:
// https://on.cypress.io/plugins-guide
// ***********************************************************
// This function is called when a project is opened or re-opened (e.g. due to
// the project's config changing)
const { addMatchImageSnapshotPlugin } = require('cypress-image-snapshot/plugin');
* @type {Cypress.PluginConfig}
module.exports = (on, config) => {
// `on` is used to hook into various events Cypress emits
// `config` is the resolved Cypress config
addMatchImageSnapshotPlugin(on, config);
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 74 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 66 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
// ***********************************************
// This example commands.js shows you how to
// create various custom commands and overwrite
// existing commands.
// For more comprehensive examples of custom
// commands please read more here:
// https://on.cypress.io/custom-commands
// ***********************************************
// -- This is a parent command --
// Cypress.Commands.add('login', (email, password) => { ... })
// -- This is a child command --
// Cypress.Commands.add('drag', { prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, options) => { ... })
// -- This is a dual command --
// Cypress.Commands.add('dismiss', { prevSubject: 'optional'}, (subject, options) => { ... })
// -- This will overwrite an existing command --
// Cypress.Commands.overwrite('visit', (originalFn, url, options) => { ... })
import { addMatchImageSnapshotCommand } from 'cypress-image-snapshot/command';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// ***********************************************************
// This example support/index.js is processed and
// loaded automatically before your test files.
// This is a great place to put global configuration and
// behavior that modifies Cypress.
// You can change the location of this file or turn off
// automatically serving support files with the
// 'supportFile' configuration option.
// You can read more here:
// https://on.cypress.io/configuration
// ***********************************************************
// Import commands.js using ES2015 syntax:
import './commands';
// Alternatively you can use CommonJS syntax:
// require('./commands')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"module": "commonjs",
"paths": {
"@libraries/*": ["../../libraries/*"],
"@commands/*": ["./src/components/commands/*"],
"@layout/*": ["./src/components/layout/*"],
"@libs/*": ["./src/components/libraries/*"],
"@model/*": ["./src/components/model/*"],
"@persistence/*": ["./src/components/persistence/*"],
"@util/*": ["./src/components/util/*"],
"@widget/*": ["./src/components/widget/*"],
"@components/*": ["./src/components/*"]
"exclude": ["node_modules"]
@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
* Copyright [2015] [wisemapping]
* Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License").
* It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the
* "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the license at
* http://www.wisemapping.org/license
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const web2D = require('@wismapping/web2d');
const web2d = web2D();
const Icon = require('./Icon');
const IconGroup = new Class(/** @lends IconGroup */{
* @constructs
* @param topicId
* @param iconSize
* @throws will throw an error if topicId is null or undefined
* @throws will throw an error if iconSize is null or undefined
initialize(topicId, iconSize) {
$assert($defined(topicId), 'topicId can not be null');
$assert($defined(iconSize), 'iconSize can not be null');
this._icons = [];
this._group = new web2d.Group({
width: 0,
height: iconSize,
x: 0,
y: 0,
coordSizeWidth: 0,
coordSizeHeight: 100,
this._removeTip = new IconGroup.RemoveTip(this._group, topicId);
this.seIconSize(iconSize, iconSize);
/** */
setPosition(x, y) {
this._group.setPosition(x, y);
/** */
getPosition() {
return this._group.getPosition();
/** */
getNativeElement() {
return this._group;
/** */
getSize() {
return this._group.getSize();
/** */
seIconSize(width, height) {
this._iconSize = { width, height };
* @param icon the icon to be added to the icon group
* @param {Boolean} remove
* @throws will throw an error if icon is not defined
addIcon(icon, remove) {
$defined(icon, 'icon is not defined');
// Adjust group and position ...
this._positionIcon(icon, this._icons.length - 1);
const imageShape = icon.getImage();
// Register event for the group ..
if (remove) {
this._removeTip.decorate(this._topicId, icon);
_findIconFromModel(iconModel) {
let result = null;
_.each(this._icons, (icon) => {
const elModel = icon.getModel();
if (elModel.getId() == iconModel.getId()) {
result = icon;
}, this);
if (result == null) {
throw new Error(`Icon can no be found:${iconModel.getId()}, Icons:${this._icons}`);
return result;
/** */
removeIconByModel(featureModel) {
$assert(featureModel, 'featureModel can not be null');
const icon = this._findIconFromModel(featureModel);
_removeIcon(icon) {
$assert(icon, 'icon can not be null');
const me = this;
// Add all again ...
_.each(this._icons, (elem, i) => {
me._positionIcon(elem, i);
/** */
moveToFront() {
_registerListeners() {
this._group.addEvent('click', (event) => {
// Avoid node creation ...
this._group.addEvent('dblclick', (event) => {
_resize(iconsLength) {
this._group.setSize(iconsLength * this._iconSize.width, this._iconSize.height);
const iconSize = Icon.SIZE + (IconGroup.ICON_PADDING * 2);
this._group.setCoordSize(iconsLength * iconSize, iconSize);
_positionIcon(icon, order) {
const iconSize = Icon.SIZE + (IconGroup.ICON_PADDING * 2);
icon.getImage().setPosition(iconSize * order + IconGroup.ICON_PADDING, IconGroup.ICON_PADDING);
* @constant
* @type {Number}
* @default
IconGroup.ICON_PADDING = 5;
IconGroup.RemoveTip = new Class(/** @lends IconGroup.RemoveTip */{
* @classdesc inner class of IconGroup
* @constructs
* @param container
initialize(container) {
$assert(container, 'group can not be null');
this._fadeElem = container;
* @param topicId
* @param icon
* @throws will throw an error if icon is null or undefined
show(topicId, icon) {
$assert(icon, 'icon can not be null');
// Nothing to do ...
if (this._activeIcon != icon) {
// If there is an active icon, close it first ...
if (this._activeIcon) {
// Now, let move the position the icon...
const pos = icon.getPosition();
// Register events ...
const widget = this._buildWeb2d();
widget.addEvent('click', () => {
const me = this;
widget.addEvent('mouseover', () => {
me.show(topicId, icon);
widget.addEvent('mouseout', () => {
widget.setPosition(pos.x + 80, pos.y - 50);
// Setup current element ...
this._activeIcon = icon;
this._widget = widget;
} else {
/** */
hide() {
* @param delay
close(delay) {
// This is not ok, trying to close the same dialog twice ?
if (this._closeTimeoutId) {
const me = this;
if (this._activeIcon) {
const widget = this._widget;
const close = function () {
me._activeIcon = null;
me._widget = null;
me._closeTimeoutId = null;
if (!$defined(delay) || delay == 0) {
} else {
this._closeTimeoutId = close.delay(delay);
_buildWeb2d() {
const result = new web2d.Group({
width: 10,
height: 10,
x: 0,
y: 0,
coordSizeWidth: 10,
coordSizeHeight: 10,
const outerRect = new web2d.Rect(0, {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 10,
height: 10,
stroke: '0',
fillColor: 'black',
const innerRect = new web2d.Rect(0, {
x: 1,
y: 1,
width: 8,
height: 8,
stroke: '1 solid white',
fillColor: 'gray',
const line = new web2d.Line({ stroke: '1 solid white' });
line.setFrom(1, 1);
line.setTo(9, 9);
const line2 = new web2d.Line({ stroke: '1 solid white' });
line2.setFrom(1, 9);
line2.setTo(9, 1);
// Some events ...
result.addEvent('mouseover', () => {
result.addEvent('mouseout', () => {
result.setSize(50, 50);
return result;
* @param topicId
* @param icon
decorate(topicId, icon) {
const me = this;
if (!icon.__remove) {
icon.addEvent('mouseover', () => {
me.show(topicId, icon);
icon.addEvent('mouseout', () => {
icon.__remove = true;
export default IconGroup;
@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
* Copyright [2015] [wisemapping]
* Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License").
* It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the
* "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the license at
* http://www.wisemapping.org/license
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Core = require('@wismapping/core-js');
const core = Core();
const web2D = require('@wismapping/web2d');
const web2d = web2D();
const Topic = require('./Topic').default;
const { TopicShape } = require('./model/INodeModel');
const Shape = require('./util/Shape').default;
const MainTopic = new Class(/** @lends MainTopic */ {
Extends: Topic,
* @extends mindplot.Topic
* @constructs
* @param model
* @param options
initialize(model, options) {
this.parent(model, options);
INNER_RECT_ATTRIBUTES: { stroke: '0.5 solid #009900' },
_buildDragShape() {
const innerShape = this._buildShape(this.INNER_RECT_ATTRIBUTES, this.getShapeType());
const size = this.getSize();
innerShape.setSize(size.width, size.height);
innerShape.setPosition(0, 0);
const brColor = this.getBorderColor();
innerShape.setAttribute('strokeColor', brColor);
const bgColor = this.getBackgroundColor();
innerShape.setAttribute('fillColor', bgColor);
// Create group ...
const groupAttributes = {
width: 100,
height: 100,
coordSizeWidth: 100,
coordSizeHeight: 100,
const group = new web2d.Group(groupAttributes);
// Add Text ...
if (this.getShapeType() != TopicShape.IMAGE) {
const textShape = this._buildTextShape(true);
const text = this.getText();
return group;
/** */
updateTopicShape(targetTopic, workspace) {
// Change figure based on the connected topic ...
const model = this.getModel();
let shapeType = model.getShapeType();
if (!targetTopic.isCentralTopic()) {
if (!$defined(shapeType)) {
// Get the real shape type ...
shapeType = this.getShapeType();
this._setShapeType(shapeType, false);
/** */
disconnect(workspace) {
const size = this.getSize();
const model = this.getModel();
let shapeType = model.getShapeType();
if (!$defined(shapeType)) {
// Change figure ...
shapeType = this.getShapeType();
this._setShapeType(TopicShape.ROUNDED_RECT, false);
const innerShape = this.getInnerShape();
_updatePositionOnChangeSize(oldSize, newSize) {
const xOffset = Math.round((newSize.width - oldSize.width) / 2);
const pos = this.getPosition();
if ($defined(pos)) {
if (pos.x > 0) {
pos.x += xOffset;
} else {
pos.x -= xOffset;
/** */
workoutIncomingConnectionPoint(sourcePosition) {
return Shape.workoutIncomingConnectionPoint(this, sourcePosition);
/** */
workoutOutgoingConnectionPoint(targetPosition) {
$assert(targetPosition, 'targetPoint can not be null');
const pos = this.getPosition();
const isAtRight = Shape.isAtRight(targetPosition, pos);
const size = this.getSize();
let result;
if (this.getShapeType() == TopicShape.LINE) {
result = new core.Point();
const groupPosition = this._elem2d.getPosition();
const innerShareSize = this.getInnerShape().getSize();
if (innerShareSize) {
const magicCorrectionNumber = 0.3;
if (!isAtRight) {
result.x = groupPosition.x + innerShareSize.width - magicCorrectionNumber;
} else {
result.x = groupPosition.x + magicCorrectionNumber;
result.y = groupPosition.y + innerShareSize.height;
} else {
// Hack: When the size has not being defined. This is because the node has not being added.
// Try to do our best ...
if (!isAtRight) {
result.x = pos.x + size.width / 2;
} else {
result.x = pos.x - size.width / 2;
result.y = pos.y + size.height / 2;
} else {
result = Shape.calculateRectConnectionPoint(
return result;
export default MainTopic;
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
* Copyright [2015] [wisemapping]
* Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License").
* It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the
* "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the license at
* http://www.wisemapping.org/license
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Command = require('../Command').default;
const AddFeatureToTopicCommand = new Class(/** @lends AddFeatureToTopicCommand */{
Extends: Command,
* @classdesc This command class handles do/undo of adding features to topics, e.g. an
* icon or a note. For a reference of existing features, refer to {@link mindplot.TopicFeature}
* @constructs
* @param {String} topicId the id of the topic
* @param {String} featureType the id of the feature type to add, e.g. "icon"
* @param {Object} attributes the attribute(s) of the respective feature model
* @extends mindplot.Command
* @see mindplot.model.FeatureModel and subclasses
initialize(topicId, featureType, attributes) {
$assert($defined(topicId), 'topicId can not be null');
$assert(featureType, 'featureType can not be null');
$assert(attributes, 'attributes can not be null');
this._topicId = topicId;
this._featureType = featureType;
this._attributes = attributes;
this._featureModel = null;
* Overrides abstract parent method
execute(commandContext) {
const topic = commandContext.findTopics(this._topicId)[0];
// Feature must be created only one time.
if (!this._featureModel) {
const model = topic.getModel();
this._featureModel = model.createFeature(this._featureType, this._attributes);
* Overrides abstract parent method
* @see {@link mindplot.Command.undoExecute}
undoExecute(commandContext) {
const topic = commandContext.findTopics(this._topicId)[0];
export default AddFeatureToTopicCommand;
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
const addFeatureToTopicCommand = require('./AddFeatureToTopicCommand').default;
const addRelationshipCommand = require('./AddRelationshipCommand').default;
const addTopicCommand = require('./AddTopicCommand').default;
const changeFeatureToTopicCommand = require('./ChangeFeatureToTopicCommand').default;
const deleteCommand = require('./DeleteCommand').default;
const dragTopicCommand = require('./DragTopicCommand').default;
const genericFunctionCommand = require('./GenericFunctionCommand').default;
const moveControlPointCommand = require('./MoveControlPointCommand').default;
const removeFeatureFromTopicCommand = require('./RemoveFeatureFromTopicCommand').default;
export const Commands = {
AddFeatureToTopicCommand: addFeatureToTopicCommand,
AddRelationshipCommand: addRelationshipCommand,
AddTopicCommand: addTopicCommand,
ChangeFeatureToTopicCommand: changeFeatureToTopicCommand,
DeleteCommand: deleteCommand,
DragTopicCommand: dragTopicCommand,
GenericFunctionCommand: genericFunctionCommand,
MoveControlPointCommand: moveControlPointCommand,
RemoveFeatureFromTopicCommand: removeFeatureFromTopicCommand,
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
const actionDispatcher = require('./ActionDispatcher').default;
const actionIcon = require('./ActionIcon').default;
const centralTopic = require('./CentralTopic').default;
const command = require('./Command').default;
const connectionLine = require('./ConnectionLine').default;
const controlPoint = require('./ControlPoint').default;
const designer = require('./Designer').default;
const designerActionRunner = require('./DesignerActionRunner').default;
const designerKeyboard = require('./DesignerKeyboard').default;
const designerModal = require('./DesignerModel').default;
const designerUndoManager = require('./DesignerUndoManager').default;
const dragConnector = require('./DragConnector').default;
const dragManager = require('./DragManager').default;
const dragPivot = require('./DragPivot').default;
const dragTopic = require('./DragTopic').default;
const editorOptions = require('./EditorOptions').default;
const editorProperties = require('./EditorProperties').default;
const events = require('./Events').default;
const footer = require('./footer');
const header = require('./header');
const icon = require('./Icon').default;
const iconGroup = require('./IconGroup').default;
const imageIcon = require('./ImageIcon').default;
const keyboard = require('./Keyboard').default;
const linkIcon = require('./LinkIcon').default;
const localSorageManager = require('./LocalStorageManager').default;
const mainTopic = require('./MainTopic').default;
const messages = require('./Messages').default;
const multilineTextEditor = require('./MultilineTextEditor').default;
const nodeGraph = require('./NodeGraph').default;
const noteIcon = require('./NoteIcon').default;
const options = require('./Options').default;
const persistenceManager = require('./PersistenceManager').default;
const relationship = require('./Relationship').default;
const relationshipPivot = require('./RelationshipPivot').default;
const resetPersistenceManager = require('./RestPersistenceManager').default;
const screenManager = require('./ScreenManager').default;
const shrinkConnector = require('./ShrinkConnector').default;
const standaloneActionDispatcher = require('./StandaloneActionDispatcher').default;
const textEditor = require('./TextEditor').default;
const textEditorFactory = require('./TextEditorFactory').default;
const topic = require('./Topic').default;
const topicEventDispatcher = require('./TopicEventDispatcher').default;
const topicFeature = require('./TopicFeature').default;
const topicStyle = require('./TopicStyle').default;
const workspace = require('./Workspace').default;
export const Components = {
ActionDispatcher: actionDispatcher,
ActionIcon: actionIcon,
CentralTopic: centralTopic,
Command: command,
ConnectionLine: connectionLine,
ControlPoint: controlPoint,
Designer: designer,
DesignerActionRunner: designerActionRunner,
DesignerKeyboard: designerKeyboard,
DesignerModel: designerModal,
DesignerUndoManager: designerUndoManager,
DragConnector: dragConnector,
DragManager: dragManager,
DragPivot: dragPivot,
DragTopic: dragTopic,
EditorOptions: editorOptions,
EditorProperties: editorProperties,
Events: events,
Icon: icon,
IconGroup: iconGroup,
ImageIcon: imageIcon,
Keyboard: keyboard,
LinkIcon: linkIcon,
MainTopic: mainTopic,
Messages: messages,
MultilineTextEditor: multilineTextEditor,
NodeGraph: nodeGraph,
NoteIcon: noteIcon,
Options: options,
PersistenceManager: persistenceManager,
Relationship: relationship,
RelationshipPivot: relationshipPivot,
RestPersistenceManager: resetPersistenceManager,
ScreenManager: screenManager,
ShrinkConnector: shrinkConnector,
StandaloneActionDispatcher: standaloneActionDispatcher,
TextEditor: textEditor,
TextEditorFactory: textEditorFactory,
Topic: topic,
TopicEventDispatcher: topicEventDispatcher,
TopicFeature: topicFeature,
TopicStyle: topicStyle,
Workspace: workspace,
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
const abstractBasicSorter = require('./AbstractBasicSorter').default;
const balancedSorter = require('./BalancedSorter').default;
const changeEvent = require('./ChangeEvent').default;
const childrenSorterStrategy = require('./ChildrenSorterStrategy').default;
const eventBus = require('./EventBus').default;
const eventBusDispatcher = require('./EventBusDispatcher').default;
const gridSorter = require('./GridSorter').default;
const layoutManager = require('./LayoutManager').default;
const node = require('./Node').default;
const originalLayout = require('./OriginalLayout').default;
const rootedTreeSet = require('./RootedTreeSet').default;
const symmetricSorter = require('./SymmetricSorter').default;
export const Layout = {
AbstractBasicSorter: abstractBasicSorter,
BalancedSorter: balancedSorter,
ChangeEvent: changeEvent,
ChildrenSorterStrategy: childrenSorterStrategy,
EventBus: eventBus,
EventBusDispatcher: eventBusDispatcher,
GridSorter: gridSorter,
LayoutManager: layoutManager,
Node: node,
OriginalLayout: originalLayout,
RootedTreeSet: rootedTreeSet,
SymmetricSorter: symmetricSorter,
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
const featureModel = require('./FeatureModel').default;
const iconModel = require('./IconModel').default;
const iMindmap = require('./IMindmap').default;
const iNodeModel = require('./INodeModel').default;
const linkModel = require('./LinkModel').default;
const noteModel = require('./NoteModel').default;
const mindmap = require('./Mindmap').default;
const nodeModel = require('./NodeModel').default;
const relationshipModel = require('./RelationshipModel').default;
export const Model = {
FeatureModel: featureModel,
IconModel: iconModel,
IMindmap: iMindmap,
INodeModel: iNodeModel,
LinkModel: linkModel,
NoteModel: noteModel,
Mindmap: mindmap,
NodeModel: nodeModel,
RelationshipModel: relationshipModel,
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
const beta2PelaMigrator = require('./Beta2PelaMigrator').default;
const modelCodeName = require('./ModelCodeName').default;
const pela2TangoMigrator = require('./Pela2TangoMigrator').default;
const xmlSerializer_Beta = require('./XMLSerializer_Beta').default;
const xmlSerializer_Pela = require('./XMLSerializer_Pela').default;
const xmlSerializer_Tango = require('./XMLSerializer_Tango').default;
const xmlSerializerFactory = require('./XMLSerializerFactory').default;
export const Persistence = {
Beta2PelaMigrator: beta2PelaMigrator,
ModelCodeName: modelCodeName,
Pela2TangoMigrator: pela2TangoMigrator,
XMLSerializer_Beta: xmlSerializer_Beta,
XMLSerializer_Pela: xmlSerializer_Pela,
XMLSerializer_Tango: xmlSerializer_Tango,
XMLSerializerFactory: xmlSerializerFactory,
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
const fadeEffect = require('./FadeEffect').default;
const shape = require('./Shape').default;
export const Utils = {
FadeEffect: fadeEffect,
Shape: shape,
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
const colorPalettePanel = require('./ColorPalettePanel').default;
const floatingTip = require('./FloatingTip').default;
const fontFamilyPanel = require('./FontFamilyPanel').default;
const fontSizePanel = require('./FontSizePanel').default;
const iconPanel = require('./IconPanel').default;
const iMenu = require('./IMenu').default;
const keyboardShortcutTooltip = require('./KeyboardShortcutTooltip').default;
const linkEditor = require('./LinkEditor').default;
const linkIconTooltip = require('./LinkIconTooltip').default;
const listToolbarPanel = require('./ListToolbarPanel').default;
const menu = require('./Menu').default;
const modalDialogNotifier = require('./ModalDialogNotifier').default;
const noteEditor = require('./NoteEditor').default;
const toolbarItem = require('./ToolbarItem').default;
const toolbarNotifier = require('./ToolbarNotifier').default;
const toolbarPanelItem = require('./ToolbarPaneItem').default;
const topicShapePanel = require('./TopicShapePanel').default;
export const Widgets = {
ColorPalettePanel: colorPalettePanel,
FloatingTip: floatingTip,
FontFamilyPanel: fontFamilyPanel,
FontSizePanel: fontSizePanel,
IconPanel: iconPanel,
IMenu: iMenu,
KeyboardShortcutTooltip: keyboardShortcutTooltip,
LinkEditor: linkEditor,
LinkIconTooltip: linkIconTooltip,
ListToolbarPanel: listToolbarPanel,
Menu: menu,
ModalDialogNotifier: modalDialogNotifier,
NoteEditor: noteEditor,
ToolbarItem: toolbarItem,
ToolbarNotifier: toolbarNotifier,
ToolbarPaneItem: toolbarPanelItem,
TopicShapePanel: topicShapePanel,
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
module.exports = mindplot; //eslint-disable-line
function mindplot() {
// Jquery for mindplot and bootstrap
global.$ = require('jquery');
global.jQuery = require('jquery');
// Mootools for the classes of Mindplot
// Underscore handling common tasks
global._ = require('underscore');
// Core-js packages of Wisemapping
global.core = require('@wismapping/core-js');
define(['raphael'], (Raphael) => {
global.Raphael = Raphael;
// Bootsrap for styles
/* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * */
// Commands
const { Commands } = require('./components/commands');
// Layout
const { Layout } = require('./components/layout');
// Model
const { Model } = require('./components/model');
// Persistence
const { Persistence } = require('./components/persistence');
// Widgets
const { Widgets } = require('./components/widget');
// Components
const { Components } = require('./components');
return {
commands: Commands,
layout: Layout,
models: Model,
persistence: Persistence,
widget: Widgets,
component: Components,
@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
"name": "@wisemapping/mindplot",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "mindplot",
"homepage": "http://localhost:8080/react/packages/mindplot",
"homepage": "http://localhost:8081/react/packages/mindplot",
"license": "ISC",
"main": "lib/mindplot.js",
"main": "dist/main.js",
"directories": {
"lib": "lib",
"lib": "src",
"test": "__tests__"
"files": [
"publishConfig": {
"registry": "https://registry.yarnpkg.com"
@ -22,14 +22,18 @@
"scripts": {
"build": "webpack --config webpack.prod.js",
"dev": "webpack serve --config webpack.dev.js",
"playground": "webpack serve --config webpack.playground.js"
"lint": "eslint src",
"playground": "webpack serve --config webpack.playground.js",
"cy:run": "cypress run",
"cy:run:update": "cypress run --env updateSnapshots=true",
"test:snapshots": "start-server-and-test playground http-get://localhost:8081 cy:run",
"test:snapshots:update": "start-server-and-test playground http-get://localhost:8081 cy:run:update"
"dependencies": {
"@wismapping/core-js": "^0.0.1",
"@wismapping/web2d": "^0.0.1",
"@wisemapping/core-js": "^0.0.1",
"@wisemapping/web2d": "^0.0.1",
"jquery": "2.1.0",
"mootools": "1.4.5",
"raphael": "^2.3.0",
"underscore": "^1.13.1"
"devDependencies": {
@ -38,15 +42,20 @@
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.14.7",
"babel-loader": "^8.2.2",
"clean-webpack-plugin": "^4.0.0-alpha.0",
"copy-webpack-plugin": "^10.0.0",
"core-js": "^3.15.2",
"cypress": "^8.6.0",
"cypress-image-snapshot": "^4.0.1",
"eslint": "^5.16.0",
"eslint-config-airbnb-base": "^14.2.1",
"eslint-config-standard": "^16.0.3",
"eslint-loader": "^4.0.2",
"eslint-plugin-cypress": "^2.12.1",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.24.2",
"eslint-plugin-only-warn": "^1.0.3",
"html-webpack-plugin": "^5.3.2",
"nodemon": "^2.0.12",
"start-server-and-test": "^1.14.0",
"webpack": "^5.44.0",
"webpack-cli": "^4.7.2",
"webpack-dev-server": "^3.11.2",
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
* Copyright [2015] [wisemapping]
@ -15,7 +16,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Events = require('./Events').default;
import Events from './Events';
// noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
const ActionDispatcher = new Class({
@ -25,79 +26,79 @@ const ActionDispatcher = new Class({
addRelationship(model, mindmap) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
addTopics(models, parentTopicId) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
deleteEntities(topicsIds, relIds) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
dragTopic(topicId, position, order, parentTopic) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
moveTopic(topicId, position) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
moveControlPoint(ctrlPoint, point) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
changeFontFamilyToTopic(topicIds, fontFamily) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
changeFontStyleToTopic(topicsIds) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
changeFontColorToTopic(topicsIds, color) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
changeFontSizeToTopic(topicsIds, size) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
changeBackgroundColorToTopic(topicsIds, color) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
changeBorderColorToTopic(topicsIds, color) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
changeShapeTypeToTopic(topicsIds, shapeType) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
changeFontWeightToTopic(topicsIds) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
changeTextToTopic(topicsIds, text) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
shrinkBranch(topicsIds, collapse) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
addFeatureToTopic(topicId, type, attributes) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
changeFeatureToTopic(topicId, featureId, attributes) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
removeFeatureFromTopic(topicId, featureId) {
throw 'method must be implemented.';
throw new Error('method must be implemented.');
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Icon = require('./Icon').default;
import Icon from './Icon';
const ActionIcon = new Class({
Extends: Icon,
@ -15,11 +15,9 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Core = require('@wismapping/core-js');
const core = Core();
const Topic = require('./Topic').default;
const Shape = require('./util/Shape').default;
import web2d from '@wisemapping/web2d';
import Topic from './Topic';
import Shape from './util/Shape';
const CentralTopic = new Class(
/** @lends CentralTopic */ {
@ -37,7 +35,8 @@ const CentralTopic = new Class(
_registerEvents() {
// This disable the drag of the central topic. But solves the problem of deselecting the nodes when the screen is clicked.
// This disable the drag of the central topic.
// But solves the problem of deselecting the nodes when the screen is clicked.
this.addEvent('mousedown', (event) => {
@ -59,7 +58,7 @@ const CentralTopic = new Class(
_updatePositionOnChangeSize() {
// Center main topic ...
const zeroPoint = new core.Point(0, 0);
const zeroPoint = new web2d.Point(0, 0);
@ -15,16 +15,10 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Core = require('@wismapping/core-js');
import web2d from '@wisemapping/web2d';
const core = Core();
const web2D = require('@wismapping/web2d');
const web2d = web2D();
const INodeModel = require('./model/INodeModel').default;
const { TopicShape } = require('./model/INodeModel');
const Topic = require('./Topic').default;
import INodeModel, { TopicShape } from './model/INodeModel';
import TopicConfig from './TopicConfig';
const ConnectionLine = new Class({
initialize(sourceNode, targetNode, lineType) {
@ -58,7 +52,7 @@ const ConnectionLine = new Class({
const srcPos = sourceNode.workoutOutgoingConnectionPoint(targetNode.getPosition());
const destPos = targetNode.workoutIncomingConnectionPoint(sourceNode.getPosition());
const deltaX = (srcPos.x - destPos.x) / 3;
return [new core.Point(deltaX, 0), new core.Point(-deltaX, 0)];
return [new web2d.Point(deltaX, 0), new web2d.Point(-deltaX, 0)];
_createLine(lineType, defaultStyle) {
@ -106,8 +100,8 @@ const ConnectionLine = new Class({
const targetTopic = this._targetTopic;
const targetPosition = targetTopic.getPosition();
let sPos; let
let sPos;
let tPos;
sPos = sourceTopic.workoutOutgoingConnectionPoint(targetPosition);
tPos = targetTopic.workoutIncomingConnectionPoint(sourcePosition);
@ -126,10 +120,10 @@ const ConnectionLine = new Class({
_positionateConnector(targetTopic) {
const targetPosition = targetTopic.getPosition();
const offset = Topic.CONNECTOR_WIDTH / 2;
const offset = TopicConfig.CONNECTOR_WIDTH / 2;
const targetTopicSize = targetTopic.getSize();
let y; let
let y;
let x;
if (targetTopic.getShapeType() == TopicShape.LINE) {
y = targetTopicSize.height;
} else {
@ -143,7 +137,7 @@ const ConnectionLine = new Class({
x = targetTopicSize.width;
connector.setPosition(x, y);
} else {
x = -TopicConfig.CONNECTOR_WIDTH;
connector.setPosition(x, y);
@ -15,15 +15,10 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Core = require('@wismapping/core-js');
import web2d from '@wisemapping/web2d';
const core = Core();
const web2D = require('@wismapping/web2d');
const web2d = web2D();
const Shape = require('./util/Shape').default;
const ActionDispatcher = require('./ActionDispatcher').default;
import Shape from './util/Shape';
import ActionDispatcher from './ActionDispatcher';
const ControlPoint = new Class({
initialize() {
@ -46,29 +41,31 @@ const ControlPoint = new Class({
this._controlPointsController = [control1, control2];
this._controlLines = [new web2d.Line({ strokeColor: '#6589de', strokeWidth: 1, opacity: 0.3 }),
new web2d.Line({ strokeColor: '#6589de', strokeWidth: 1, opacity: 0.3 })];
this._controlLines = [
new web2d.Line({ strokeColor: '#6589de', strokeWidth: 1, opacity: 0.3 }),
new web2d.Line({ strokeColor: '#6589de', strokeWidth: 1, opacity: 0.3 }),
this._isBinded = false;
const me = this;
this._controlPointsController[0].addEvent('mousedown', (event) => {
(me._mouseDown)(event, ControlPoint.FROM, me);
me._mouseDown(event, ControlPoint.FROM, me);
this._controlPointsController[0].addEvent('click', (event) => {
this._controlPointsController[0].addEvent('dblclick', (event) => {
this._controlPointsController[1].addEvent('mousedown', (event) => {
(me._mouseDown)(event, ControlPoint.TO, me);
me._mouseDown(event, ControlPoint.TO, me);
this._controlPointsController[1].addEvent('click', (event) => {
this._controlPointsController[1].addEvent('dblclick', (event) => {
@ -93,29 +90,39 @@ const ControlPoint = new Class({
_createControlPoint() {
this._controls = this._line.getLine().getControlPoints();
let pos = this._line.getLine().getFrom();
this._controlPointsController[0].setPosition(this._controls[ControlPoint.FROM].x + pos.x, this._controls[ControlPoint.FROM].y + pos.y - 3);
this._controls[ControlPoint.FROM].x + pos.x,
this._controls[ControlPoint.FROM].y + pos.y - 3,
this._controlLines[0].setFrom(pos.x, pos.y);
this._controlLines[0].setTo(this._controls[ControlPoint.FROM].x + pos.x + 3, this._controls[ControlPoint.FROM].y + pos.y);
this._controls[ControlPoint.FROM].x + pos.x + 3,
this._controls[ControlPoint.FROM].y + pos.y,
pos = this._line.getLine().getTo();
this._controlLines[1].setFrom(pos.x, pos.y);
this._controlLines[1].setTo(this._controls[ControlPoint.TO].x + pos.x + 3, this._controls[ControlPoint.TO].y + pos.y);
this._controlPointsController[1].setPosition(this._controls[ControlPoint.TO].x + pos.x, this._controls[ControlPoint.TO].y + pos.y - 3);
this._controls[ControlPoint.TO].x + pos.x + 3,
this._controls[ControlPoint.TO].y + pos.y,
this._controls[ControlPoint.TO].x + pos.x,
this._controls[ControlPoint.TO].y + pos.y - 3,
_removeLine() {
_removeLine() {},
_mouseDown(event, point, me) {
if (!this._isBinded) {
this._isBinded = true;
this._mouseMoveFunction = function (event) {
(me._mouseMoveEvent)(event, point, me);
me._mouseMoveEvent(event, point, me);
this._workspace.getScreenManager().addEvent('mousemove', this._mouseMoveFunction);
this._mouseUpFunction = function (event) {
(me._mouseUp)(event, point, me);
me._mouseUp(event, point, me);
this._workspace.getScreenManager().addEvent('mouseup', this._mouseUpFunction);
@ -132,15 +139,15 @@ const ControlPoint = new Class({
if (point == 0) {
cords = Shape.calculateRelationShipPointCoordinates(this._line.getSourceTopic(), pos);
this._line.setFrom(cords.x, cords.y);
this._line.setSrcControlPoint(new core.Point(pos.x - cords.x, pos.y - cords.y));
this._line.setSrcControlPoint(new web2d.Point(pos.x - cords.x, pos.y - cords.y));
} else {
cords = Shape.calculateRelationShipPointCoordinates(this._line.getTargetTopic(), pos);
this._line.setTo(cords.x, cords.y);
this._line.setDestControlPoint(new core.Point(pos.x - cords.x, pos.y - cords.y));
this._line.setDestControlPoint(new web2d.Point(pos.x - cords.x, pos.y - cords.y));
this._controls[point].x = (pos.x - cords.x);
this._controls[point].y = (pos.y - cords.y);
this._controls[point].x = pos.x - cords.x;
this._controls[point].y = pos.y - cords.y;
this._controlPointsController[point].setPosition(pos.x - 5, pos.y - 3);
this._controlLines[point].setFrom(cords.x, cords.y);
this._controlLines[point].setTo(pos.x - 2, pos.y);
@ -15,34 +15,33 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Events = require('./Events').default;
const Messages = require('./Messages').default;
import Events from './Events';
import Messages from './Messages';
const { StandaloneActionDispatcher, CommandContext } = require('./StandaloneActionDispatcher');
const ActionDispatcher = require('./ActionDispatcher').default;
import { StandaloneActionDispatcher, CommandContext } from './StandaloneActionDispatcher';
import ActionDispatcher from './ActionDispatcher';
const DesignerModel = require('./DesignerModel').default;
const DesignerKeyboard = require('./DesignerKeyboard').default;
import DesignerModel from './DesignerModel';
import DesignerKeyboard from './DesignerKeyboard';
const ScreenManager = require('./ScreenManager').default;
const Workspace = require('./Workspace').default;
import ScreenManager from './ScreenManager';
import Workspace from './Workspace';
const DragConnector = require('./DragConnector').default;
const DragManager = require('./DragManager').default;
const RelationshipPivot = require('./RelationshipPivot').default;
const Relationship = require('./Relationship').default;
import DragConnector from './DragConnector';
import DragManager from './DragManager';
import RelationshipPivot from './RelationshipPivot';
import Relationship from './Relationship';
const TopicEventDispatcher = require('./TopicEventDispatcher').default;
const TopicFeature = require('./TopicFeature').default;
const { TopicEvent } = require('./TopicEventDispatcher');
import TopicEventDispatcher, { TopicEvent } from './TopicEventDispatcher';
import TopicFeature from './TopicFeature';
const NodeGraph = require('./NodeGraph').default;
import NodeGraphUtils from './NodeGraphUtils';
const EventBusDispatcher = require('./layout/EventBusDispatcher').default;
const LayoutManager = require('./layout/LayoutManager').default;
import EventBus from './layout/EventBus';
import EventBusDispatcher from './layout/EventBusDispatcher';
import LayoutManager from './layout/LayoutManager';
const INodeModel = require('./model/INodeModel').default;
const { TopicShape } = require('./model/INodeModel');
import INodeModel, { TopicShape } from './model/INodeModel';
const Designer = new Class(
/** @lends Designer */ {
@ -163,17 +162,14 @@ const Designer = new Class(
// Create nodes on double click...
(event) => {
if (workspace.isWorkspaceEventsEnabled()) {
const mousePos = screenManager.getWorkspaceMousePosition(event);
const centralTopic = me.getModel().getCentralTopic();
const model = me._createChildModel(centralTopic, mousePos);
this._actionDispatcher.addTopics([model], [centralTopic.getId()]);
screenManager.addEvent('dblclick', (event) => {
if (workspace.isWorkspaceEventsEnabled()) {
const mousePos = screenManager.getWorkspaceMousePosition(event);
const centralTopic = me.getModel().getCentralTopic();
const model = me._createChildModel(centralTopic, mousePos);
this._actionDispatcher.addTopics([model], [centralTopic.getId()]);
// Register mouse drag and drop event ...
function noopHandler(evt) {
@ -242,7 +238,7 @@ const Designer = new Class(
_buildNodeGraph(model, readOnly) {
// Create node graph ...
const topic = NodeGraph.create(model, { readOnly });
const topic = NodeGraphUtils.create(model, { readOnly });
const me = this;
// Add Topic events ...
@ -520,7 +516,7 @@ const Designer = new Class(
* @private
* @param {mindplot.Topic} topic the parent topic of the child to create the NodeModel for
* @param {core.Point} mousePos the mouse position
* @param {web2d.Point} mousePos the mouse position
* @return {mindplot.NodeModel} the node model for the new child
_createChildModel(topic, mousePos) {
@ -803,9 +799,9 @@ const Designer = new Class(
const targetTopic = dmodel.findTopicById(targetTopicId);
`targetTopic could not be found:${
}${dmodel.getTopics().map((e) => e.getId())}`,
`targetTopic could not be found:${targetTopicId}${dmodel
.map((e) => e.getId())}`,
// Build relationship line ....
@ -884,7 +880,8 @@ const Designer = new Class(
// If there are more than one node selected,
} if (topics.length == 1 && topics[0].isCentralTopic()) {
if (topics.length == 1 && topics[0].isCentralTopic()) {
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const DesignerUndoManager = require('./DesignerUndoManager').default;
const EventBus = require('./layout/EventBus').default;
import DesignerUndoManager from './DesignerUndoManager';
import EventBus from './layout/EventBus';
const DesignerActionRunner = new Class({
initialize(commandContext, notifier) {
@ -15,19 +15,10 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Keyboard = require('./Keyboard').default;
import Keyboard from './Keyboard';
const DesignerKeyboard = new Class({
Extends: Keyboard,
Static: {
register(designer) {
this._instance = new DesignerKeyboard(designer);
getInstance() {
return this._instance;
initialize(designer) {
$assert(designer, 'designer can not be null');
@ -430,4 +421,12 @@ DesignerKeyboard.specialKeys = {
224: 'meta',
DesignerKeyboard.register = function register(designer) {
this._instance = new DesignerKeyboard(designer);
DesignerKeyboard.getInstance = function getInstance() {
return this._instance;
export default DesignerKeyboard;
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Events = require('./Events').default;
import Events from './Events';
const DesignerModel = new Class(/** @lends DesignerModel */{
Implements: [Events],
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const DragTopic = require('./DragTopic').default;
import DragTopic from './DragTopic';
const DragManager = new Class({
initialize(workspace, eventDispatcher) {
@ -15,21 +15,16 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Core = require('@wismapping/core-js');
import web2d from '@wisemapping/web2d';
const core = Core();
const web2D = require('@wismapping/web2d');
const web2d = web2D();
const DragTopic = require('./DragTopic').default;
const Shape = require('./util/Shape').default;
const INodeModel = require('./model/INodeModel').default;
import DragTopicConfig from './DragTopicConfig';
import Shape from './util/Shape';
import INodeModel from './model/INodeModel';
const DragPivot = new Class({
initialize() {
this._position = new core.Point();
this._size = DragTopic.PIVOT_SIZE;
this._position = new web2d.Point();
this._size = DragTopicConfig.PIVOT_SIZE;
this._straightLine = this._buildStraightLine();
this._curvedLine = this._buildCurvedLine();
@ -86,8 +81,8 @@ const DragPivot = new Class({
line.setFrom(pivotPoint.x, pivotPoint.y);
// Update rect position
const cx = position.x - (parseInt(size.width) / 2);
const cy = position.y - (parseInt(size.height) / 2);
const cx = position.x - parseInt(size.width) / 2;
const cy = position.y - parseInt(size.height) / 2;
pivotRect.setPosition(cx, cy);
// Make line visible only when the position has been already changed.
@ -108,7 +103,11 @@ const DragPivot = new Class({
_buildRect() {
const size = this._size;
const rectAttributes = {
fillColor: '#CC0033', opacity: 0.4, width: size.width, height: size.height, strokeColor: '#FF9933',
fillColor: '#CC0033',
opacity: 0.4,
width: size.width,
height: size.height,
strokeColor: '#FF9933',
const rect = new web2d.Rect(0, rectAttributes);
@ -216,8 +215,8 @@ const DragPivot = new Class({
connectRect.setSize(width, height);
const targetPosition = targetTopic.getPosition();
const cx = Math.ceil(targetPosition.x - (width / 2));
const cy = Math.ceil(targetPosition.y - (height / 2));
const cx = Math.ceil(targetPosition.x - width / 2);
const cy = Math.ceil(targetPosition.y - height / 2);
connectRect.setPosition(cx, cy);
// Change elements position ...
@ -15,12 +15,10 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Core = require('@wismapping/core-js');
import web2d from '@wisemapping/web2d';
const core = Core();
const ActionDispatcher = require('./ActionDispatcher').default;
const DragPivot = require('./DragPivot').default;
import ActionDispatcher from './ActionDispatcher';
import DragPivot from './DragPivot';
const DragTopic = new Class({
initialize(dragShape, draggedNode, layoutManger) {
@ -32,7 +30,7 @@ const DragTopic = new Class({
this._order = null;
this._draggedNode = draggedNode;
this._layoutManager = layoutManger;
this._position = new core.Point();
this._position = new web2d.Point();
this._isInWorkspace = false;
this._isFreeLayoutEnabled = false;
@ -47,7 +45,12 @@ const DragTopic = new Class({
if (this.isFreeLayoutOn() && this.isConnected()) {
const { _layoutManager } = this;
const par = this.getConnectedToTopic();
position = _layoutManager.predict(par.getId(), this._draggedNode.getId(), position, true).position;
position = _layoutManager.predict(
this._position.setValue(position.x, position.y);
@ -56,13 +59,17 @@ const DragTopic = new Class({
const draggedNode = this._draggedNode;
const size = draggedNode.getSize();
const cx = position.x - (position.x > 0 ? 0 : size.width);
const cy = Math.ceil(position.y - (size.height / 2));
const cy = Math.ceil(position.y - size.height / 2);
this._elem2d.setPosition(cx, cy);
// In case is not free, pivot must be draw ...
if (this.isConnected() && !this.isFreeLayoutOn()) {
const parent = this.getConnectedToTopic();
const predict = this._layoutManager.predict(parent.getId(), this._draggedNode.getId(), this.getPosition());
const predict = this._layoutManager.predict(
if (this._order != predict.order) {
const dragPivot = this._getDragPivot();
const pivotPosition = predict.position;
@ -105,7 +112,11 @@ const DragTopic = new Class({
$assert(parent, 'Parent connection node can not be null.');
// Where it should be connected ?
const predict = designer._eventBussDispatcher._layoutManager.predict(parent.getId(), this._draggedNode.getId(), this.getPosition());
const predict = designer._eventBussDispatcher._layoutManager.predict(
// Connect pivot ...
const dragPivot = this._getDragPivot();
@ -197,11 +208,8 @@ const DragTopic = new Class({
// Disable free layout ...
return false;
DragTopic.PIVOT_SIZE = { width: 50, height: 6 };
DragTopic.init = function (workspace) {
$assert(workspace, 'workspace can not be null');
const pivot = DragTopic.__getDragPivot();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
export const PIVOT_SIZE = { width: 50, height: 6 };
export default {
@ -15,9 +15,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const web2D = require('@wismapping/web2d');
const web2d = web2D();
import web2d from '@wisemapping/web2d';
const Icon = new Class({
initialize(url) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
* Copyright [2015] [wisemapping]
* Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License").
* It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the
* "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the license at
* http://www.wisemapping.org/license
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import web2d from '@wisemapping/web2d';
import Icon from './Icon';
const IconGroup = new Class(
/** @lends IconGroup */ {
* @constructs
* @param topicId
* @param iconSize
* @throws will throw an error if topicId is null or undefined
* @throws will throw an error if iconSize is null or undefined
initialize(topicId, iconSize) {
$assert($defined(topicId), 'topicId can not be null');
$assert($defined(iconSize), 'iconSize can not be null');
this._icons = [];
this._group = new web2d.Group({
width: 0,
height: iconSize,
x: 0,
y: 0,
coordSizeWidth: 0,
coordSizeHeight: 100,
this._removeTip = new IconGroup.RemoveTip(this._group, topicId);
this.seIconSize(iconSize, iconSize);
/** */
setPosition(x, y) {
this._group.setPosition(x, y);
/** */
getPosition() {
return this._group.getPosition();
/** */
getNativeElement() {
return this._group;
/** */
getSize() {
return this._group.getSize();
/** */
seIconSize(width, height) {
this._iconSize = { width, height };
* @param icon the icon to be added to the icon group
* @param {Boolean} remove
* @throws will throw an error if icon is not defined
addIcon(icon, remove) {
$defined(icon, 'icon is not defined');
// Adjust group and position ...
this._positionIcon(icon, this._icons.length - 1);
const imageShape = icon.getImage();
// Register event for the group ..
if (remove) {
this._removeTip.decorate(this._topicId, icon);
_findIconFromModel(iconModel) {
let result = null;
(icon) => {
const elModel = icon.getModel();
if (elModel.getId() == iconModel.getId()) {
result = icon;
if (result == null) {
throw new Error(`Icon can no be found:${iconModel.getId()}, Icons:${this._icons}`);
return result;
/** */
removeIconByModel(featureModel) {
$assert(featureModel, 'featureModel can not be null');
const icon = this._findIconFromModel(featureModel);
_removeIcon(icon) {
$assert(icon, 'icon can not be null');
const me = this;
// Add all again ...
_.each(this._icons, (elem, i) => {
me._positionIcon(elem, i);
/** */
moveToFront() {
_registerListeners() {
this._group.addEvent('click', (event) => {
// Avoid node creation ...
this._group.addEvent('dblclick', (event) => {
_resize(iconsLength) {
this._group.setSize(iconsLength * this._iconSize.width, this._iconSize.height);
const iconSize = Icon.SIZE + IconGroup.ICON_PADDING * 2;
this._group.setCoordSize(iconsLength * iconSize, iconSize);
_positionIcon(icon, order) {
const iconSize = Icon.SIZE + IconGroup.ICON_PADDING * 2;
iconSize * order + IconGroup.ICON_PADDING,
* @constant
* @type {Number}
* @default
IconGroup.ICON_PADDING = 5;
IconGroup.RemoveTip = new Class(
/** @lends IconGroup.RemoveTip */ {
* @classdesc inner class of IconGroup
* @constructs
* @param container
initialize(container) {
$assert(container, 'group can not be null');
this._fadeElem = container;
* @param topicId
* @param icon
* @throws will throw an error if icon is null or undefined
show(topicId, icon) {
$assert(icon, 'icon can not be null');
// Nothing to do ...
if (this._activeIcon != icon) {
// If there is an active icon, close it first ...
if (this._activeIcon) {
// Now, let move the position the icon...
const pos = icon.getPosition();
// Register events ...
const widget = this._buildWeb2d();
widget.addEvent('click', () => {
const me = this;
widget.addEvent('mouseover', () => {
me.show(topicId, icon);
widget.addEvent('mouseout', () => {
widget.setPosition(pos.x + 80, pos.y - 50);
// Setup current element ...
this._activeIcon = icon;
this._widget = widget;
} else {
/** */
hide() {
* @param delay
close(delay) {
// This is not ok, trying to close the same dialog twice ?
if (this._closeTimeoutId) {
const me = this;
if (this._activeIcon) {
const widget = this._widget;
const close = function () {
me._activeIcon = null;
me._widget = null;
me._closeTimeoutId = null;
if (!$defined(delay) || delay == 0) {
} else {
this._closeTimeoutId = close.delay(delay);
_buildWeb2d() {
const result = new web2d.Group({
width: 10,
height: 10,
x: 0,
y: 0,
coordSizeWidth: 10,
coordSizeHeight: 10,
const outerRect = new web2d.Rect(0, {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 10,
height: 10,
stroke: '0',
fillColor: 'black',
const innerRect = new web2d.Rect(0, {
x: 1,
y: 1,
width: 8,
height: 8,
stroke: '1 solid white',
fillColor: 'gray',
const line = new web2d.Line({ stroke: '1 solid white' });
line.setFrom(1, 1);
line.setTo(9, 9);
const line2 = new web2d.Line({ stroke: '1 solid white' });
line2.setFrom(1, 9);
line2.setTo(9, 1);
// Some events ...
result.addEvent('mouseover', () => {
result.addEvent('mouseout', () => {
result.setSize(50, 50);
return result;
* @param topicId
* @param icon
decorate(topicId, icon) {
const me = this;
if (!icon.__remove) {
icon.addEvent('mouseover', () => {
me.show(topicId, icon);
icon.addEvent('mouseout', () => {
icon.__remove = true;
export default IconGroup;
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Icon = require('./Icon').default;
const ActionDispatcher = require('./ActionDispatcher').default;
import Icon from './Icon';
import ActionDispatcher from './ActionDispatcher';
const ImageIcon = new Class({
Extends: Icon,
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Icon = require('./Icon').default;
const LinkIconTooltip = require('./widget/LinkIconTooltip').default;
import Icon from './Icon';
import LinkIconTooltip from './widget/LinkIconTooltip';
const LinkIcon = new Class({
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ const LinkIcon = new Class({
$(this.getImage()._peer._native).mouseenter(() => {
$(this.getImage().peer._native).mouseenter(() => {
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const PersistenceManager = require('./PersistenceManager').default;
import PersistenceManager from './PersistenceManager';
const LocalStorageManager = new Class({
Extends: PersistenceManager,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
* Copyright [2015] [wisemapping]
* Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License").
* It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the
* "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the license at
* http://www.wisemapping.org/license
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import web2d from '@wisemapping/web2d';
import Topic from './Topic';
import { TopicShape } from './model/INodeModel';
import Shape from './util/Shape';
const MainTopic = new Class(
/** @lends MainTopic */ {
Extends: Topic,
* @extends mindplot.Topic
* @constructs
* @param model
* @param options
initialize(model, options) {
this.parent(model, options);
INNER_RECT_ATTRIBUTES: { stroke: '0.5 solid #009900' },
_buildDragShape() {
const innerShape = this._buildShape(this.INNER_RECT_ATTRIBUTES, this.getShapeType());
const size = this.getSize();
innerShape.setSize(size.width, size.height);
innerShape.setPosition(0, 0);
const brColor = this.getBorderColor();
innerShape.setAttribute('strokeColor', brColor);
const bgColor = this.getBackgroundColor();
innerShape.setAttribute('fillColor', bgColor);
// Create group ...
const groupAttributes = {
width: 100,
height: 100,
coordSizeWidth: 100,
coordSizeHeight: 100,
const group = new web2d.Group(groupAttributes);
// Add Text ...
if (this.getShapeType() !== TopicShape.IMAGE) {
const textShape = this._buildTextShape(true);
const text = this.getText();
return group;
/** */
updateTopicShape(targetTopic, workspace) {
// Change figure based on the connected topic ...
const model = this.getModel();
let shapeType = model.getShapeType();
if (!targetTopic.isCentralTopic()) {
if (!$defined(shapeType)) {
// Get the real shape type ...
shapeType = this.getShapeType();
this._setShapeType(shapeType, false);
/** */
disconnect(workspace) {
const size = this.getSize();
const model = this.getModel();
let shapeType = model.getShapeType();
if (!$defined(shapeType)) {
// Change figure ...
shapeType = this.getShapeType();
this._setShapeType(TopicShape.ROUNDED_RECT, false);
const innerShape = this.getInnerShape();
_updatePositionOnChangeSize(oldSize, newSize) {
const xOffset = Math.round((newSize.width - oldSize.width) / 2);
const pos = this.getPosition();
if ($defined(pos)) {
if (pos.x > 0) {
pos.x += xOffset;
} else {
pos.x -= xOffset;
/** */
workoutIncomingConnectionPoint(sourcePosition) {
return Shape.workoutIncomingConnectionPoint(this, sourcePosition);
/** */
workoutOutgoingConnectionPoint(targetPosition) {
$assert(targetPosition, 'targetPoint can not be null');
const pos = this.getPosition();
const isAtRight = Shape.isAtRight(targetPosition, pos);
const size = this.getSize();
let result;
if (this.getShapeType() === TopicShape.LINE) {
result = new web2d.Point();
const groupPosition = this._elem2d.getPosition();
const innerShareSize = this.getInnerShape().getSize();
if (innerShareSize) {
const magicCorrectionNumber = 0.3;
if (!isAtRight) {
result.x = groupPosition.x + innerShareSize.width - magicCorrectionNumber;
} else {
result.x = groupPosition.x + magicCorrectionNumber;
result.y = groupPosition.y + innerShareSize.height;
} else {
// Hack: When the size has not being defined. This is because the node has not being added.
// Try to do our best ...
if (!isAtRight) {
result.x = pos.x + size.width / 2;
} else {
result.x = pos.x - size.width / 2;
result.y = pos.y + size.height / 2;
} else {
result = Shape.calculateRectConnectionPoint(pos, size, isAtRight, true);
return result;
export default MainTopic;
@ -17,25 +17,24 @@
const Messages = new Class({
Static: {
init(locale) {
locale = $defined(locale) ? locale : 'en';
let bundle = Messages.BUNDLES[locale];
if (bundle == null && locale.indexOf('_') != -1) {
// Try to locate without the specialization ...
locale = locale.substring(0, locale.indexOf('_'));
bundle = Messages.BUNDLES[locale];
Messages.__bundle = bundle;
global.$msg = function (key) {
Messages.init = (locale) => {
locale = $defined(locale) ? locale : 'en';
let bundle = Messages.BUNDLES[locale];
if (bundle == null && locale.indexOf('_') !== -1) {
// Try to locate without the specialization ...
locale = locale.substring(0, locale.indexOf('_'));
bundle = Messages.BUNDLES[locale];
Messages.__bundle = bundle || {};
global.$msg = function $msg(key) {
if (!Messages.__bundle) {
const msg = Messages.__bundle[key];
return msg || key;
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Events = require('./Events').default;
const ActionDispatcher = require('./ActionDispatcher').default;
import Events from './Events';
import ActionDispatcher from './ActionDispatcher';
const MultilineTextEditor = new Class({
Extends: Events,
@ -15,9 +15,8 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Topic = require('./Topic').default;
const DragTopic = require('./DragTopic').default;
const INodeModel = require('./model/INodeModel').default;
import TopicConfig from './TopicConfig';
import DragTopic from './DragTopic';
const NodeGraph = new Class(
/** @lends NodeGraph */ {
@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ const NodeGraph = new Class(
/** @abstract */
setPosition(point, fireEvent) {
throw 'Unsupported operation';
throw new Error('Unsupported operation');
/** */
@ -110,8 +109,8 @@ const NodeGraph = new Class(
/** @param {Object<Number>} size */
setSize(size) {
this._size.width = parseInt(size.width);
this._size.height = parseInt(size.height);
this._size.width = parseInt(size.width, 10);
this._size.height = parseInt(size.height, 10);
@ -138,14 +137,14 @@ const NodeGraph = new Class(
/** */
setOnFocus(focus) {
if (this._onFocus != focus) {
if (this._onFocus !== focus) {
this._onFocus = focus;
const outerShape = this.getOuterShape();
if (focus) {
} else {
@ -187,36 +186,4 @@ const NodeGraph = new Class(
* creates a new topic from the given node model
* @memberof mindplot.Nodegraph
* @param {mindplot.model.NodeModel} nodeModel
* @param {Object} options
* @throws will throw an error if nodeModel is null or undefined
* @throws will throw an error if the nodeModel's type is null or undefined
* @throws will throw an error if the node type cannot be recognized as either central or main
* topic type
* @return {mindplot.CentralTopic|mindplot.MainTopic} the new topic
NodeGraph.create = function (nodeModel, options) {
const CentralTopic = require('./CentralTopic').default;
const MainTopic = require('./MainTopic').default;
$assert(nodeModel, 'Model can not be null');
const type = nodeModel.getType();
$assert(type, 'Node model type can not be null');
let result;
if (type == INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) {
result = new CentralTopic(nodeModel, options);
} else if (type == INodeModel.MAIN_TOPIC_TYPE) {
result = new MainTopic(nodeModel, options);
} else {
$assert(false, `unsupported node type:${type}`);
return result;
export default NodeGraph;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import CentralTopic from './CentralTopic';
import MainTopic from './MainTopic';
import INodeModel from './model/INodeModel';
* creates a new topic from the given node model
* @memberof mindplot.Nodegraph
* @param {mindplot.model.NodeModel} nodeModel
* @param {Object} options
* @throws will throw an error if nodeModel is null or undefined
* @throws will throw an error if the nodeModel's type is null or undefined
* @throws will throw an error if the node type cannot be recognized as either central or main
* topic type
* @return {mindplot.CentralTopic|mindplot.MainTopic} the new topic
export const create = (nodeModel, options) => {
$assert(nodeModel, 'Model can not be null');
const type = nodeModel.getType();
$assert(type, 'Node model type can not be null');
let result;
if (type === INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) {
result = new CentralTopic(nodeModel, options);
} else if (type === INodeModel.MAIN_TOPIC_TYPE) {
result = new MainTopic(nodeModel, options);
} else {
$assert(false, `unsupported node type:${type}`);
return result;
export default {
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Icon = require('./Icon').default;
const FloatingTip = require('./widget/FloatingTip').default;
import Icon from './Icon';
import FloatingTip from './widget/FloatingTip';
const NoteIcon = new Class({
Extends: Icon,
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const NoteIcon = new Class({
this._tip = new FloatingTip($(me.getImage()._peer._native), {
this._tip = new FloatingTip($(me.getImage().peer._native), {
title: $msg('NOTE'),
container: 'body',
// Content can also be a function of the target element!
@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ const NoteIcon = new Class({
_buildTooltipContent() {
if ($('body').find('#textPopoverNote').length == 1) {
var text = $('body').find('#textPopoverNote');
if ($('body').find('#textPopoverNote').length === 1) {
const text = $('body').find('#textPopoverNote');
} else {
const result = $('<div id="textPopoverNote"></div>').css({ padding: '5px' });
var text = $('<div></div>').text(this._linksModel.getText())
const text = $('<div></div>').text(this._linksModel.getText())
'white-space': 'pre-wrap',
'word-wrap': 'break-word',
@ -15,22 +15,12 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Core = require('@wismapping/core-js');
import Core from '@wisemapping/core-js';
import XMLSerializerFactory from './persistence/XMLSerializerFactory';
const core = Core();
const XMLSerializerFactory = require('./persistence/XMLSerializerFactory');
const PersistenceManager = new Class({
Static: {
loadFromDom(mapId, mapDom) {
$assert(mapId, 'mapId can not be null');
$assert(mapDom, 'mapDom can not be null');
const serializer = XMLSerializerFactory.getSerializerFromDocument(mapDom);
return serializer.loadFromDom(mapDom, mapId);
initialize() {},
save(mindmap, editorProperties, saveHistory, events, sync) {
@ -84,4 +74,12 @@ PersistenceManager.getInstance = function () {
return PersistenceManager._instance;
PersistenceManager.loadFromDom = function loadFromDom(mapId, mapDom) {
$assert(mapId, 'mapId can not be null');
$assert(mapDom, 'mapDom can not be null');
const serializer = XMLSerializerFactory.getSerializerFromDocument(mapDom);
return serializer.loadFromDom(mapDom, mapId);
export default PersistenceManager;
@ -15,29 +15,18 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Core = require('@wismapping/core-js');
import web2d from '@wisemapping/web2d';
const core = Core();
import ConnectionLine from './ConnectionLine';
import ControlPoint from './ControlPoint';
const web2D = require('@wismapping/web2d');
import INodeModel from './model/INodeModel';
const web2d = web2D();
const ConnectionLine = require('./ConnectionLine').default;
const ControlPoint = require('./ControlPoint').default;
const INodeModel = require('./model/INodeModel').default;
const Shape = require('./util/Shape').default;
import Shape from './util/Shape';
const Relationship = new Class({
Extends: ConnectionLine,
Static: {
getStrokeColor() {
return '#9b74e6';
type: 'Relationship',
initialize(sourceNode, targetNode, model) {
$assert(sourceNode, 'sourceNode can not be null');
$assert(targetNode, 'targetNode can not be null');
@ -98,29 +87,32 @@ const Relationship = new Class({
const targetTopic = this._targetTopic;
let targetPosition = targetTopic.getPosition();
if (targetTopic.getType() == INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) {
if (targetTopic.getType() === INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) {
targetPosition = Shape.workoutIncomingConnectionPoint(targetTopic, sourcePosition);
let sPos; let
let sPos;
let tPos;
const ctrlPoints = this._line2d.getControlPoints();
if (!this._line2d.isDestControlPointCustom() && !this._line2d.isSrcControlPointCustom()) {
const defaultPoints = Shape.calculateDefaultControlPoints(sourcePosition, targetPosition);
const defaultPoints = Shape.calculateDefaultControlPoints(
ctrlPoints[0].x = defaultPoints[0].x;
ctrlPoints[0].y = defaultPoints[0].y;
ctrlPoints[1].x = defaultPoints[1].x;
ctrlPoints[1].y = defaultPoints[1].y;
const spoint = new core.Point();
spoint.x = parseInt(ctrlPoints[0].x) + parseInt(sourcePosition.x);
spoint.y = parseInt(ctrlPoints[0].y) + parseInt(sourcePosition.y);
const spoint = new web2d.Point();
spoint.x = parseInt(ctrlPoints[0].x, 10) + parseInt(sourcePosition.x, 10);
spoint.y = parseInt(ctrlPoints[0].y, 10) + parseInt(sourcePosition.y, 10);
const tpoint = new core.Point();
tpoint.x = parseInt(ctrlPoints[1].x) + parseInt(targetPosition.x);
tpoint.y = parseInt(ctrlPoints[1].y) + parseInt(targetPosition.y);
const tpoint = new web2d.Point();
tpoint.x = parseInt(ctrlPoints[1].x, 10) + parseInt(targetPosition.x, 10);
tpoint.y = parseInt(ctrlPoints[1].y, 10) + parseInt(targetPosition.y, 10);
sPos = Shape.calculateRelationShipPointCoordinates(sourceTopic, spoint);
tPos = Shape.calculateRelationShipPointCoordinates(targetTopic, tpoint);
@ -155,7 +147,7 @@ const Relationship = new Class({
if (this._line2d.getType() == 'CurvedLine') {
if (this._line2d.getType() === 'CurvedLine') {
const controlPoints = this._line2d.getControlPoints();
if (this._endArrow) {
@ -211,7 +203,7 @@ const Relationship = new Class({
setOnFocus(focus) {
// Change focus shape
if (this.isOnFocus() != focus) {
if (this.isOnFocus() !== focus) {
if (focus) {
@ -240,7 +232,7 @@ const Relationship = new Class({
addEvent(type, listener) {
// Translate to web 2d events ...
if (type == 'onfocus') {
if (type === 'onfocus') {
type = 'mousedown';
@ -334,4 +326,10 @@ const Relationship = new Class({
Relationship.getStrokeColor = function getStrokeColor() {
return '#9b74e6';
Relationship.type = 'Relationship';
export default Relationship;
@ -15,14 +15,10 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Core = require('@wismapping/core-js');
import web2d from '@wisemapping/web2d';
const core = Core();
const web2D = require('@wismapping/web2d');
const web2d = web2D();
const INodeModel = require('./model/INodeModel').default;
const Shape = require('./util/Shape').default;
import INodeModel from './model/INodeModel';
import Shape from './util/Shape';
const RelationshipPivot = new Class({
initialize(workspace, designer) {
@ -134,14 +130,14 @@ const RelationshipPivot = new Class({
_calculateFromPosition(toPosition) {
// Calculate origin position ...
let sourcePosition = this._sourceTopic.getPosition();
if (this._sourceTopic.getType() == INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) {
if (this._sourceTopic.getType() === INodeModel.CENTRAL_TOPIC_TYPE) {
sourcePosition = Shape.workoutIncomingConnectionPoint(this._sourceTopic, toPosition);
const controlPoint = Shape.calculateDefaultControlPoints(sourcePosition, toPosition);
const spoint = new core.Point();
spoint.x = parseInt(controlPoint[0].x) + parseInt(sourcePosition.x);
spoint.y = parseInt(controlPoint[0].y) + parseInt(sourcePosition.y);
const spoint = new web2d.Point();
spoint.x = parseInt(controlPoint[0].x, 10) + parseInt(sourcePosition.x, 10);
spoint.y = parseInt(controlPoint[0].y, 10) + parseInt(sourcePosition.y, 10);
return Shape.calculateRelationShipPointCoordinates(this._sourceTopic, spoint);
@ -150,7 +146,7 @@ const RelationshipPivot = new Class({
const mindmap = this._designer.getMindmap();
// Avoid circular connections ...
if (targetTopic.getId() != sourceTopic.getId()) {
if (targetTopic.getId() !== sourceTopic.getId()) {
const relModel = mindmap.createRelationship(targetTopic.getId(), sourceTopic.getId());
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const PersistenceManager = require('./PersistenceManager').default;
import PersistenceManager from './PersistenceManager';
const RESTPersistenceManager = new Class({
Extends: PersistenceManager,
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ const RESTPersistenceManager = new Class({
let userMsg = { severity: 'SEVERE', message: $msg('SAVE_COULD_NOT_BE_COMPLETED') };
const contentType = xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type');
if (contentType != null && contentType.indexOf('application/json') != -1) {
if (contentType != null && contentType.indexOf('application/json') !== -1) {
let serverMsg = null;
try {
serverMsg = $.parseJSON(responseText);
@ -15,9 +15,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Core = require('@wismapping/core-js');
const core = Core();
import web2d from '@wisemapping/web2d';
const ScreenManager = new Class({
initialize(divElement) {
@ -43,12 +41,12 @@ const ScreenManager = new Class({
addEvent(event, listener) {
if (event == 'click') this._clickEvents.push(listener);
if (event === 'click') this._clickEvents.push(listener);
else this._divContainer.bind(event, listener);
removeEvent(event, listener) {
if (event == 'click') {
if (event === 'click') {
} else {
this._divContainer.unbind(event, listener);
@ -56,7 +54,7 @@ const ScreenManager = new Class({
fireEvent(type, event) {
if (type == 'click') {
if (type === 'click') {
_.each(this._clickEvents, (listener) => {
listener(type, event);
@ -96,10 +94,13 @@ const ScreenManager = new Class({
const groupSize = group.getSize();
const coordSize = group.getCoordSize();
const scale = { x: coordSize.width / parseInt(groupSize.width), y: coordSize.height / parseInt(groupSize.height) };
const scale = {
x: coordSize.width / parseInt(groupSize.width, 10),
y: coordSize.height / parseInt(groupSize.height, 10),
let x = (elementPosition.x - coordOrigin.x - (parseInt(imageSize.width) / 2)) / scale.x;
let y = (elementPosition.y - coordOrigin.y - (parseInt(imageSize.height) / 2)) / scale.y;
let x = (elementPosition.x - coordOrigin.x - parseInt(imageSize.width, 10) / 2) / scale.x;
let y = (elementPosition.y - coordOrigin.y - parseInt(imageSize.height, 10) / 2) / scale.y;
// Retrieve iconGroup Position
const groupPosition = iconGroup.getPosition();
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ const ScreenManager = new Class({
// Retrieve topic Position
const topic = iconGroup.getTopic();
const topicPosition = this._getElementPosition(topic);
topicPosition.x -= (parseInt(topic.getSize().width) / 2);
topicPosition.x -= parseInt(topic.getSize().width, 10) / 2;
// Remove decimal part..
return { x: x + topicPosition.x, y: y + topicPosition.y };
@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ const ScreenManager = new Class({
y += this._padding.y;
// Remove decimal part..
return new core.Point(x, y);
return new web2d.Point(x, y);
getContainer() {
@ -15,20 +15,18 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const web2D = require('@wismapping/web2d');
import web2d from '@wisemapping/web2d';
const web2d = web2D();
const Topic = require('./Topic').default;
const ActionDispatcher = require('./ActionDispatcher').default;
import TopicConfig from './TopicConfig';
import ActionDispatcher from './ActionDispatcher';
const ShirinkConnector = new Class({
initialize(topic) {
const ellipse = new web2D.Elipse(Topic.prototype.INNER_RECT_ATTRIBUTES);
const ellipse = new web2d.Elipse(TopicConfig.INNER_RECT_ATTRIBUTES);
this._ellipse = ellipse;
ellipse.setSize(Topic.CONNECTOR_WIDTH, Topic.CONNECTOR_WIDTH);
ellipse.setSize(TopicConfig.CONNECTOR_WIDTH, TopicConfig.CONNECTOR_WIDTH);
ellipse.addEvent('click', (event) => {
const model = topic.getModel();
const collapse = !model.areChildrenShrunken();
@ -50,11 +48,11 @@ const ShirinkConnector = new Class({
ellipse.addEvent('mouseover', (event) => {
ellipse.addEvent('mouseover', () => {
ellipse.setFill('rgb(153, 0, 255)');
const me = this;
ellipse.addEvent('mouseout', (event) => {
ellipse.addEvent('mouseout', () => {
const color = topic.getBackgroundColor();
@ -15,18 +15,18 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const ActionDispatcher = require('./ActionDispatcher').default;
const DesignerActionRunner = require('./DesignerActionRunner').default;
const AddTopicCommand = require('./commands/AddTopicCommand').default;
const AddRelationshipCommand = require('./commands/AddRelationshipCommand').default;
const AddFeatureToTopicCommand = require('./commands/AddFeatureToTopicCommand').default;
const DeleteCommand = require('./commands/DeleteCommand').default;
const RemoveFeatureFromTopicCommand = require('./commands/RemoveFeatureFromTopicCommand').default;
const DragTopicCommand = require('./commands/DragTopicCommand').default;
const GenericFunctionCommand = require('./commands/GenericFunctionCommand').default;
const MoveControlPointCommand = require('./commands/MoveControlPointCommand').default;
const ChangeFeatureToTopicCommand = require('./commands/ChangeFeatureToTopicCommand').default;
const NodeModel = require('./model/NodeModel').default;
import ActionDispatcher from './ActionDispatcher';
import DesignerActionRunner from './DesignerActionRunner';
import AddTopicCommand from './commands/AddTopicCommand';
import AddRelationshipCommand from './commands/AddRelationshipCommand';
import AddFeatureToTopicCommand from './commands/AddFeatureToTopicCommand';
import DeleteCommand from './commands/DeleteCommand';
import RemoveFeatureFromTopicCommand from './commands/RemoveFeatureFromTopicCommand';
import DragTopicCommand from './commands/DragTopicCommand';
import GenericFunctionCommand from './commands/GenericFunctionCommand';
import MoveControlPointCommand from './commands/MoveControlPointCommand';
import ChangeFeatureToTopicCommand from './commands/ChangeFeatureToTopicCommand';
import NodeModel from './model/NodeModel';
const StandaloneActionDispatcher = new Class(
/** @lends StandaloneActionDispatcher */ {
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ const StandaloneActionDispatcher = new Class(
changeFontStyleToTopic(topicsIds) {
const commandFunc = function (topic) {
const result = topic.getFontStyle();
const style = result == 'italic' ? 'normal' : 'italic';
const style = result === 'italic' ? 'normal' : 'italic';
topic.setFontStyle(style, true);
return result;
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ const StandaloneActionDispatcher = new Class(
const commandFunc = function (topic) {
const result = topic.getFontWeight();
const weight = result == 'bold' ? 'normal' : 'bold';
const weight = result === 'bold' ? 'normal' : 'bold';
topic.setFontWeight(weight, true);
@ -289,10 +289,10 @@ const CommandContext = new Class(
const designerTopics = this._designer.getModel().getTopics();
const result = designerTopics.filter((topic) => topicsIds.contains(topic.getId()));
if (result.length != topicsIds.length) {
if (result.length !== topicsIds.length) {
const ids = designerTopics.map((topic) => topic.getId());
result.length == topicsIds.length,
result.length === topicsIds.length,
`Could not find topic. Result:${
}, Filter Criteria:${
@ -12,11 +12,9 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const web2D = require('@wismapping/web2d');
import web2d from '@wisemapping/web2d';
const web2d = web2D();
const ActionDispatcher = require('./ActionDispatcher').default;
import ActionDispatcher from './ActionDispatcher';
// FIXME: Not used!
const TextEditor = new Class({
@ -42,12 +40,11 @@ const TextEditor = new Class({
const inputText = new Element('input',
type: 'text',
tabindex: '-1',
value: '',
const inputText = new Element('input', {
type: 'text',
tabindex: '-1',
value: '',
border: 'none',
background: 'transparent',
@ -82,8 +79,9 @@ const TextEditor = new Class({
spanElem.innerHTML = inputElem.value;
var size = inputElem.value.length + 1;
inputElem.size = size;
if (spanElem.offsetWidth > (parseInt(divElem.style.width) - 100)) {
if (spanElem.offsetWidth > parseInt(divElem.style.width, 10) - 100) {
divElem.style.width = `${spanElem.offsetWidth + 100}px`;
@ -104,11 +102,11 @@ const TextEditor = new Class({
isVisible() {
return $defined(this._containerElem) && this._containerElem.getStyle('display') == 'block';
return $defined(this._containerElem) && this._containerElem.getStyle('display') === 'block';
_updateModel() {
if (this._topic.getText() != this._getText()) {
if (this._topic.getText() !== this._getText()) {
const text = this._getText();
const topicId = this._topic.getId();
@ -196,7 +194,9 @@ const TextEditor = new Class({
_setText(text) {
const inputField = this._getTextareaElem();
inputField.size = text.length + 1;
this._containerElem.style.width = `${inputField.size * parseInt(inputField.style.fontSize) + 100}px`;
this._containerElem.style.width = `${
inputField.size * parseInt(inputField.style.fontSize, 10) + 100
const spanField = this._getSpanElem();
spanField.innerHTML = text;
inputField.value = text;
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ const TextEditor = new Class({
_setEditorSize(width, height) {
const textShape = this._topic.getTextShape();
const scale = web2d.utils.TransformUtil.workoutScale(textShape._peer);
const scale = web2d.utils.TransformUtil.workoutScale(textShape.peer);
this._size = { width: width * scale.width, height: height * scale.height };
this._containerElem.style.width = `${this._size.width * 2}px`;
this._containerElem.style.height = `${this._size.height}px`;
@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ const TextEditor = new Class({
_positionCursor(inputElem, selectText) {
// Select text if it's required ...
if (inputElem.createTextRange) // ie
if (inputElem.createTextRange) {
// ie
const range = inputElem.createTextRange();
const pos = inputElem.value.length;
if (!selectText) {
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const TextEditor = require('./TextEditor').default;
import TextEditor from './TextEditor';
const TextEditorFactory = {};
@ -15,23 +15,22 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const web2D = require('@wismapping/web2d');
import web2d from '@wisemapping/web2d';
const web2d = web2D();
const NodeGraph = require('./NodeGraph').default;
const { TopicShape } = require('./model/INodeModel');
const TopicStyle = require('./TopicStyle').default;
const TopicFeature = require('./TopicFeature').default;
const ConnectionLine = require('./ConnectionLine').default;
const IconGroup = require('./IconGroup').default;
const FadeEffect = require('./util/FadeEffect').default;
const EventBus = require('./layout/EventBus').default;
const ShirinkConnector = require('./ShrinkConnector').default;
const NoteEditor = require('./widget/NoteEditor').default;
const ActionDispatcher = require('./ActionDispatcher').default;
const LinkEditor = require('./widget/LinkEditor').default;
const TopicEventDispatcher = require('./TopicEventDispatcher').default;
const INodeModel = require('./model/INodeModel').default;
import NodeGraph from './NodeGraph';
import TopicConfig from './TopicConfig';
import TopicStyle from './TopicStyle';
import TopicFeature from './TopicFeature';
import ConnectionLine from './ConnectionLine';
import IconGroup from './IconGroup';
import FadeEffect from './util/FadeEffect';
import EventBus from './layout/EventBus';
import ShirinkConnector from './ShrinkConnector';
import NoteEditor from './widget/NoteEditor';
import ActionDispatcher from './ActionDispatcher';
import LinkEditor from './widget/LinkEditor';
import TopicEventDispatcher, { TopicEvent } from './TopicEventDispatcher';
import INodeModel, { TopicShape } from './model/INodeModel';
const Topic = new Class(
/** @lends Topic */ {
@ -151,7 +150,7 @@ const Topic = new Class(
if (!$defined(this._innerShape)) {
// Create inner box.
this._innerShape = this._buildShape(
@ -178,9 +177,9 @@ const Topic = new Class(
$assert(shapeType, 'shapeType can not be null');
let result;
if (shapeType == TopicShape.RECTANGLE) {
if (shapeType === TopicShape.RECTANGLE) {
result = new web2d.Rect(0, attributes);
} else if (shapeType == TopicShape.IMAGE) {
} else if (shapeType === TopicShape.IMAGE) {
const model = this.getModel();
const url = model.getImageUrl();
const size = model.getImageSize();
@ -194,11 +193,11 @@ const Topic = new Class(
result.setPosition = function () {};
} else if (shapeType == TopicShape.ELLIPSE) {
} else if (shapeType === TopicShape.ELLIPSE) {
result = new web2d.Rect(0.9, attributes);
} else if (shapeType == TopicShape.ROUNDED_RECT) {
} else if (shapeType === TopicShape.ROUNDED_RECT) {
result = new web2d.Rect(0.3, attributes);
} else if (shapeType == TopicShape.LINE) {
} else if (shapeType === TopicShape.LINE) {
result = new web2d.Line({ strokeColor: '#495879', strokeWidth: 1 });
result.setSize = function (width, height) {
this.size = { width, height };
@ -241,7 +240,10 @@ const Topic = new Class(
/** @return outer shape */
getOuterShape() {
if (!$defined(this._outerShape)) {
const rect = this._buildShape(Topic.OUTER_SHAPE_ATTRIBUTES, TopicShape.ROUNDED_RECT);
const rect = this._buildShape(
rect.setPosition(-2, -3);
this._outerShape = rect;
@ -293,7 +295,7 @@ const Topic = new Class(
const icon = TopicFeature.createIcon(this, featureModel, this.isReadOnly());
featureModel.getType() == TopicFeature.Icon.id && !this.isReadOnly(),
featureModel.getType() === TopicFeature.Icon.id && !this.isReadOnly(),
@ -316,7 +318,7 @@ const Topic = new Class(
const result = TopicFeature.createIcon(this, featureModel, this.isReadOnly());
featureModel.getType() == TopicFeature.Icon.id && !this.isReadOnly(),
featureModel.getType() === TopicFeature.Icon.id && !this.isReadOnly(),
@ -506,7 +508,7 @@ const Topic = new Class(
/** */
setText(text) {
// Avoid empty nodes ...
if (!text || $.trim(text).length == 0) {
if (!text || $.trim(text).length === 0) {
text = null;
@ -606,7 +608,7 @@ const Topic = new Class(
// Update figure size ...
const model = this.getModel();
if (model.getFeatures().length != 0) {
if (model.getFeatures().length !== 0) {
@ -1334,34 +1336,4 @@ const Topic = new Class(
* @constant
* @type {Number}
* @default
* @constant
* @type {Object<String, Number>}
* @default
fillColor: 'rgb(252,235,192)',
stroke: '1 dot rgb(241,163,39)',
x: 0,
y: 0,
* @constant
* @type {Object<String, Number>}
* @default
Topic.OUTER_SHAPE_ATTRIBUTES_FOCUS = { fillColor: 'rgb(244,184,45)', x: 0, y: 0 };
* @constant
* @type {Object<String>}
* @default
* */
Topic.INNER_RECT_ATTRIBUTES = { stroke: '2 solid' };
export default Topic;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
* @constant
* @type {Number}
* @default
export const CONNECTOR_WIDTH = 6;
* @constant
* @type {Object<String, Number>}
* @default
fillColor: 'rgb(252,235,192)',
stroke: '1 dot rgb(241,163,39)',
x: 0,
y: 0,
* @constant
* @type {Object<String, Number>}
* @default
export const OUTER_SHAPE_ATTRIBUTES_FOCUS = { fillColor: 'rgb(244,184,45)', x: 0, y: 0 };
* @constant
* @type {Object<String>}
* @default
* */
export const INNER_RECT_ATTRIBUTES = { stroke: '2 solid' };
export default {
@ -15,23 +15,17 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Events = require('./Events').default;
const MultilineTextEditor = require('./MultilineTextEditor').default;
const { TopicShape } = require('./model/INodeModel');
import Events from './Events';
import MultilineTextEditor from './MultilineTextEditor';
import { TopicShape } from './model/INodeModel';
const TopicEvent = {
EDIT: 'editnode',
CLICK: 'clicknode',
const TopicEventDispatcher = new Class({
Extends: Events,
Static: {
_instance: null,
configure(readOnly) {
this._instance = new TopicEventDispatcher(readOnly);
getInstance() {
return this._instance;
initialize(readOnly) {
this._readOnly = readOnly;
@ -61,9 +55,9 @@ const TopicEventDispatcher = new Class({
// Open the new editor ...
const model = topic.getModel();
if (
model.getShapeType() != TopicShape.IMAGE
model.getShapeType() !== TopicShape.IMAGE
&& !this._readOnly
&& eventType == TopicEvent.EDIT
&& eventType === TopicEvent.EDIT
) {
this._multilineEditor.show(topic, options ? options.text : null);
this._activeEditor = this._multilineEditor;
@ -77,10 +71,15 @@ const TopicEventDispatcher = new Class({
const TopicEvent = {
EDIT: 'editnode',
CLICK: 'clicknode',
TopicEventDispatcher._instance = null;
TopicEventDispatcher.configure = function configure(readOnly) {
this._instance = new TopicEventDispatcher(readOnly);
TopicEventDispatcher.getInstance = function getInstance() {
return this._instance;
export { TopicEvent };
export default TopicEvent;
export default TopicEventDispatcher;
@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
/** */
const IconModel = require('./model/IconModel').default;
const ImageIcon = require('./ImageIcon').default;
const LinkModel = require('./model/LinkModel').default;
const LinkIcon = require('./LinkIcon').default;
const NoteModel = require('./model/NoteModel').default;
const NoteIcon = require('./NoteIcon').default;
import IconModel from './model/IconModel';
import ImageIcon from './ImageIcon';
import LinkModel from './model/LinkModel';
import LinkIcon from './LinkIcon';
import NoteModel from './model/NoteModel';
import NoteIcon from './NoteIcon';
const TopicFeature = {
/** the icon object */
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ const TopicFeature = {
* @return {Boolean} returns true if the given id is contained in the metadata array
isSupported(id) {
return TopicFeature._featuresMetadataById.some((elem) => elem.id == id);
return TopicFeature._featuresMetadataById.some((elem) => elem.id === id);
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ const TopicFeature = {
$assert(type, 'type can not be null');
$assert(attributes, 'attributes can not be null');
const { model } = TopicFeature._featuresMetadataById.filter((elem) => elem.id == type)[0];
const { model } = TopicFeature._featuresMetadataById.filter((elem) => elem.id === type)[0];
return new model(attributes);
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ const TopicFeature = {
$assert(topic, 'topic can not be null');
$assert(model, 'model can not be null');
const { icon } = TopicFeature._featuresMetadataById.filter((elem) => elem.id == model.getType())[0];
const { icon } = TopicFeature._featuresMetadataById.filter((elem) => elem.id === model.getType())[0];
return new icon(topic, model, readOnly);
@ -15,57 +15,55 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const { TopicShape } = require('./model/INodeModel');
import { TopicShape } from './model/INodeModel';
const TopicStyle = new Class({
Static: {
_getStyles(topic) {
$assert(topic, 'topic can not be null');
const TopicStyle = new Class({});
let result;
if (topic.isCentralTopic()) {
result = TopicStyle.STYLES.CENTRAL_TOPIC;
TopicStyle._getStyles = function _getStyles(topic) {
$assert(topic, 'topic can not be null');
let result;
if (topic.isCentralTopic()) {
result = TopicStyle.STYLES.CENTRAL_TOPIC;
} else {
const targetTopic = topic.getOutgoingConnectedTopic();
if ($defined(targetTopic)) {
if (targetTopic.isCentralTopic()) {
result = TopicStyle.STYLES.MAIN_TOPIC;
} else {
const targetTopic = topic.getOutgoingConnectedTopic();
if ($defined(targetTopic)) {
if (targetTopic.isCentralTopic()) {
result = TopicStyle.STYLES.MAIN_TOPIC;
} else {
result = TopicStyle.STYLES.SUB_TOPIC;
} else {
result = TopicStyle.STYLES.ISOLATED_TOPIC;
result = TopicStyle.STYLES.SUB_TOPIC;
return result;
} else {
result = TopicStyle.STYLES.ISOLATED_TOPIC;
return result;
defaultText(topic) {
const { msgKey } = this._getStyles(topic);
return $msg(msgKey);
TopicStyle.defaultText = function defaultText(topic) {
const { msgKey } = this._getStyles(topic);
return $msg(msgKey);
defaultFontStyle(topic) {
return this._getStyles(topic).fontStyle;
TopicStyle.defaultFontStyle = function defaultFontStyle(topic) {
return this._getStyles(topic).fontStyle;
defaultBackgroundColor(topic) {
return this._getStyles(topic).backgroundColor;
TopicStyle.defaultBackgroundColor = function defaultBackgroundColor(topic) {
return this._getStyles(topic).backgroundColor;
defaultBorderColor(topic) {
return this._getStyles(topic).borderColor;
TopicStyle.defaultBorderColor = function defaultBorderColor(topic) {
return this._getStyles(topic).borderColor;
getInnerPadding(topic) {
return this._getStyles(topic).innerPadding;
TopicStyle.getInnerPadding = function getInnerPadding(topic) {
return this._getStyles(topic).innerPadding;
defaultShapeType(topic) {
return this._getStyles(topic).shapeType;
TopicStyle.defaultShapeType = function defaultShapeType(topic) {
return this._getStyles(topic).shapeType;
TopicStyle.STYLES = {
@ -15,9 +15,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const web2D = require('@wismapping/web2d');
const web2d = web2D();
import web2d from '@wisemapping/web2d';
const Workspace = new Class({
initialize(screenManager, zoom) {
@ -29,8 +27,8 @@ const Workspace = new Class({
this._screenManager = screenManager;
const divContainer = screenManager.getContainer();
this._screenWidth = parseInt(divContainer.css('width'));
this._screenHeight = parseInt(divContainer.css('height'));
this._screenWidth = parseInt(divContainer.css('width'), 10);
this._screenHeight = parseInt(divContainer.css('height'), 10);
// Initialize web2d workspace.
const workspace = this._createWorkspace();
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
* Copyright [2015] [wisemapping]
* Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License").
* It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the
* "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the license at
* http://www.wisemapping.org/license
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import Command from '../Command';
const AddFeatureToTopicCommand = new Class(
/** @lends AddFeatureToTopicCommand */ {
Extends: Command,
* @classdesc This command class handles do/undo of adding features to topics, e.g. an
* icon or a note. For a reference of existing features, refer to {@link mindplot.TopicFeature}
* @constructs
* @param {String} topicId the id of the topic
* @param {String} featureType the id of the feature type to add, e.g. "icon"
* @param {Object} attributes the attribute(s) of the respective feature model
* @extends mindplot.Command
* @see mindplot.model.FeatureModel and subclasses
initialize(topicId, featureType, attributes) {
$assert($defined(topicId), 'topicId can not be null');
$assert(featureType, 'featureType can not be null');
$assert(attributes, 'attributes can not be null');
this._topicId = topicId;
this._featureType = featureType;
this._attributes = attributes;
this._featureModel = null;
* Overrides abstract parent method
execute(commandContext) {
const topic = commandContext.findTopics(this._topicId)[0];
// Feature must be created only one time.
if (!this._featureModel) {
const model = topic.getModel();
this._featureModel = model.createFeature(this._featureType, this._attributes);
* Overrides abstract parent method
* @see {@link mindplot.Command.undoExecute}
undoExecute(commandContext) {
const topic = commandContext.findTopics(this._topicId)[0];
export default AddFeatureToTopicCommand;
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Command = require('../Command').default;
import Command from '../Command';
const AddRelationshipCommand = new Class(/** @lends AddRelationshipCommand */{
Extends: Command,
@ -15,20 +15,20 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Command = require('../Command').default;
import Command from '../Command';
const AddTopicCommand = new Class(
/** @lends AddTopicCommand */ {
Extends: Command,
* @classdesc This command class handles do/undo of adding one or multiple topics to
* the mindmap.
* @constructs
* @param {Array<mindplot.model.NodeModel>} models one or multiple models
* @param {Array<String>} parentTopicsId ids of the parent topics to add the children to, or null
* when attaching a dragged node or a node/branch from clipboard
* @extends mindplot.Command
* @classdesc This command class handles do/undo of adding one or multiple topics to
* the mindmap.
* @constructs
* @param {Array<mindplot.model.NodeModel>} models one or multiple models
* @param {Array<String>} parentTopicsId ids of the parent topics to add the children to, or null
* when attaching a dragged node or a node/branch from clipboard
* @extends mindplot.Command
initialize(models, parentTopicsId) {
$assert(models, 'models can not be null');
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Command = require('../Command').default;
import Command from '../Command';
const ChangeFeatureToTopicCommand = new Class(/** @lends ChangeFeatureToTopicCommand */{
Extends: Command,
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Command = require('../Command').default;
import Command from '../Command';
const DeleteCommand = new Class(/** @lends mindplot.commands.DeleteCommand */{
Extends: Command,
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Command = require('../Command').default;
import Command from '../Command';
const DragTopicCommand = new Class(/** @lends DragTopicCommand */{
Extends: Command,
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ const DragTopicCommand = new Class(/** @lends DragTopicCommand */{
const origPosition = topic.getPosition();
// Disconnect topic ..
if ($defined(origParentTopic) && origParentTopic != this._parentId) {
if ($defined(origParentTopic) && origParentTopic !== this._parentId) {
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ const DragTopicCommand = new Class(/** @lends DragTopicCommand */{
// Finally, connect topic ...
if (origParentTopic != this._parentId) {
if (origParentTopic !== this._parentId) {
if ($defined(this._parentId)) {
const parentTopic = commandContext.findTopics(this._parentId)[0];
commandContext.connect(topic, parentTopic);
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Command = require('../Command').default;
import Command from '../Command';
const GenericFunctionCommand = new Class(/** @lends GenericFunctionCommand */{
Extends: Command,
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ const GenericFunctionCommand = new Class(/** @lends GenericFunctionCommand */{
this.applied = false;
this._oldValues = [];
} else {
throw 'undo can not be applied.';
throw new Error('undo can not be applied.');
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Command = require('../Command').default;
import Command from '../Command';
const MoveControlPointCommand = new Class(
/** @lends MoveControlPointCommand */ {
@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ const MoveControlPointCommand = new Class(
this._wasCustom = this._line.getLine().isDestControlPointCustom();
this._endPoint = this._line.getLine().getTo().clone();
this._point = point;
@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ const MoveControlPointCommand = new Class(
* Overrides abstract parent method
execute(commandContext) {
execute() {
const model = this._line.getModel();
switch (this._point) {
case 0:
@ -73,6 +75,8 @@ const MoveControlPointCommand = new Class(
if (this._line.isOnFocus()) {
@ -85,7 +89,7 @@ const MoveControlPointCommand = new Class(
* Overrides abstract parent method
* @see {@link mindplot.Command.undoExecute}
undoExecute(commandContext) {
undoExecute() {
const line = this._line;
const model = line.getModel();
switch (this._point) {
@ -105,6 +109,8 @@ const MoveControlPointCommand = new Class(
if (this._line.isOnFocus()) {
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Command = require('../Command').default;
import Command from '../Command';
const RemoveFeatureFromTopicCommand = new Class(/** @lends RemoveFeatureFromTopicCommand */{
Extends: Command,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import addFeatureToTopicCommand from './AddFeatureToTopicCommand';
import addRelationshipCommand from './AddRelationshipCommand';
import addTopicCommand from './AddTopicCommand';
import changeFeatureToTopicCommand from './ChangeFeatureToTopicCommand';
import deleteCommand from './DeleteCommand';
import dragTopicCommand from './DragTopicCommand';
import genericFunctionCommand from './GenericFunctionCommand';
import moveControlPointCommand from './MoveControlPointCommand';
import removeFeatureFromTopicCommand from './RemoveFeatureFromTopicCommand';
export default {
AddFeatureToTopicCommand: addFeatureToTopicCommand,
AddRelationshipCommand: addRelationshipCommand,
AddTopicCommand: addTopicCommand,
ChangeFeatureToTopicCommand: changeFeatureToTopicCommand,
DeleteCommand: deleteCommand,
DragTopicCommand: dragTopicCommand,
GenericFunctionCommand: genericFunctionCommand,
MoveControlPointCommand: moveControlPointCommand,
RemoveFeatureFromTopicCommand: removeFeatureFromTopicCommand,
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