import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import ActionDispatcher from '../maps-page/action-dispatcher'; import { ActionType } from '../maps-page/action-chooser'; import Editor from '@wisemapping/editor'; import { EditorRenderMode, PersistenceManager } from '@wisemapping/editor'; import { IntlProvider } from 'react-intl'; import AppI18n, { Locales } from '../../classes/app-i18n'; import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { hotkeysEnabled } from '../../redux/editorSlice'; import ReactGA from 'react-ga4'; import { fetchAccount, fetchMapById } from '../../redux/clientSlice'; import EditorOptionsBuilder from './EditorOptionsBuilder'; import { buildPersistenceManagerForEditor } from './PersistenceManagerUtils'; import { useTheme } from '@mui/material/styles'; import AccountMenu from '../maps-page/account-menu'; export type EditorPropsType = { isTryMode: boolean; }; const EditorPage = ({ isTryMode }: EditorPropsType): React.ReactElement => { const [activeDialog, setActiveDialog] = React.useState(null); const hotkey = useSelector(hotkeysEnabled); const userLocale = AppI18n.getUserLocale(); const theme = useTheme(); useEffect(() => { ReactGA.send({ hitType: 'pageview', page: window.location.pathname, title: `Map Editor` }); }, []); const findEditorMode = (isTryMode: boolean, mapId: number): EditorRenderMode | null => { let result: EditorRenderMode = null; if (isTryMode) { result = 'showcase'; } else if (global.mindmapLocked) { result = 'viewonly'; } else { const fetchResult = fetchMapById(mapId); if (!fetchResult.isLoading) { if (fetchResult.error) { throw new Error(`Map info could not be loaded: ${JSON.stringify(fetchResult.error)}`); } if (! { throw new Error( `Map info could not be loaded. Info not present: ${JSON.stringify(fetchResult)}`, ); } result = `edition-${}`; } } return result; }; // What is the role ? const mapId = EditorOptionsBuilder.loadMapId(); const mode = findEditorMode(isTryMode, mapId); // Account settings can be null and editor cannot be initilized multiple times. This creates problems // at the i18n resource loading. const isAccountLoaded = mode === 'showcase' || fetchAccount; const loadCompleted = mode && isAccountLoaded; let options, persistence: PersistenceManager; if (loadCompleted) { options =, mode, hotkey); persistence = buildPersistenceManagerForEditor(mode); } useEffect(() => { document.title = `${options.mapTitle} | WiseMapping `; }, [loadCompleted]); return loadCompleted ? ( } > } > } /> {activeDialog && ( setActiveDialog(null)} mapsId={[mapId]} fromEditor /> )} ) : ( <> ); }; export default EditorPage;