Identifying new measures or investments that should be implemented.

Number of different innovations policy instruments existing in the region as a share of a total number representing a full typology of instruments

Understanding how to design the details of a particular measure and how to implement them.

Firm's turnover from (new to firm)

product innovation (as a pecentage of total turnover)

Increase in the probability to innovate linked to ICT use

(in product innovation, process innovation, organisational innovaton, marketing innovation)

Scientific articles by type of collaboration (per capita)

(international co-authoriship, domestic co-authoriship, single author)

Increase in a share of expenditures on technological

innovations in the total amount of regional firms’ expenditures, %

Increase in th number of firms with

international/national collaboration on innovation

Highly cited scientific articles (as a percentage of

highly cited scientific article in the whole Federation)

Patents filed by public research organisations

(as a percentafe of patent application filed under PCT)

Understanding the level of effort the region needs to take to compete on innovation and where to put this effort

This is what policy makers care about in the end




per 100 population aged 25-64

Amount of university and colleague

students per 10 thousands population

Share of employees with higher education in

the total amount of population at the working age



: the percentage of the workforce employed by foreign companies [%].

: exports as a share of total output in manufacturing and services [%].

Share of high-technology export in the total volume

of production of goods, works and services

Share of innovation production/serivces that goes for export,

by zones (EU, US, CIS, other countries






Share of Innovative companies collaborating

with research institutions on innovation

Number of joint projects conducted by the local comapnies

and local consulting/intermediary agencies


Share of expenditures on technological innovations

in the amount of sales

Investments in ICT by asset (IT equipment,

communication equipment, software)

Level of energy efficiency of the regional economy

(can be measured by sectors and for the whole region)


Number of new organizations per thousand working age population (WBI)

(as a percentage of all registered corporations)

Amount of domestically protected intellectual

property per 1 mln. population

Number of intellectual property exploited by regional

enterprises per 1 mln. population

Number of advanced ICT introduced in the budgetary organizations

(regional power, municipal bodies, social and educational organizations)

Number of management innovations introduced in the budgetary organizations

(regional power, municipal bodies, social and educational organizations)

Number of interactions between universities

and large companies by university size

Publications: Academic articles in international peer-reviewed

journals per 1,000 researchers [articles/1,000 researchers].

Number of measures offered by the unversity within a preset range (NCET2 survey)

Academic licenses: Number of licenses

per 1,000 researchers.[licenses/researcher]

Number of spin-offs with external private financing

as a share of the institution's R&D budget

Foreign contracts: Number of contracts with foreign industria

l companies at scientific and educational organizations

per 1,000 researchers [contracts/researchers]

Revenue raised from industry R&D as a fraction

of total institutional budget (up to a cap)

(design firms, IP consultants, etc.)

(e.g. accelerators, incubators)

Understanding which measures should be strengthened, dropped or improved, and how.



Gazelle tenant: Share of tenants with

annual revenue growth of more than 20%

for each of the past four years or since formation [%]

Globalization of tenants: Median share of tenant

revenues obtained from exports [%]

Perception (opinion poll) of business managers

regarding public support programmes

Perception of business managers in terms

of level of transparency of support measures in the region

Description by regional business managers of the way the

select and apply for regional and federal support schemes

JL: not sure how this would be measured

Average leverage of 1rub (there would be

several programs with different leverage)

Volume of attracted money per one ruble

of regional budget expenditures on innovation projects

Understanding what investments should be made in innovative projects.

Growth of the volume of production in the cluster companies

to the volume of state support for the cluster

FASIE projects: Number of projects supported

by the FASIE per 1,000 workers [awards/worker]